"By the way, you should have tested my data during the battle just now, right?

How about it? Will my data be useful for your new knight system? "

Lu Li didn't know how outrageous his data was, so he just asked casually.

Just because he knew that Isaka, a very cautious guy, would not let go of an opportunity to collect his own data.

When this matter was mentioned, Isaka's face darkened involuntarily.

It was true that he wanted to collect Lu Li's data.

But the data measured by the instrument was too terrifying, completely beyond his cognition.

The fusion coefficient displayed by Lu Li was even far greater than that of Jian and Kallis, and it was not only higher by a factor of one and a half, but almost ten times higher.

He simply couldn't imagine such a thing.

"Your data doesn't fit. I don't need your data."

Even though he said that, he was still very envious of Lu Li's power. Unfortunately, this power did not belong to him at all.

Recalling that Lu Li also transformed into Kallis, it was just that there was a certain difference from the other Kallis.

Isaka, who had never figured out the reason for this incident, finally asked her doubts.

"Who...are you? Why do you look almost the same as Kallis after you transform, but not exactly the same.

Your identity is really a mystery. As a partner, can’t you tell me? "

Isaka wanted to know more and more at this time, how many secrets did Lu Li hide? What kind of identity is it?

What role does Lu Li play in this new extreme battle?

It would be a great thing for him if he could figure all of this out.

But he seemed to have completely overlooked one point. Lu Li seemed to have no reason to tell him his secret.

"You don't need to know now, just do your own thing. I'm waiting for the strongest knight system."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li turned around and disappeared from Isaka's sight.

Seeing Lu Li disappear, Isaka's face stiffened and his eyes darkened.

He didn't like Lu Li's current attitude very much. He felt as if he was not being taken seriously at all.

If it weren't for the fact that he knew that his current fighting ability was not as good as Lu Li's, he would have been able to compete with both.

Take two deep breaths to calm down the anger in your heart.

Anyway, the plan is still going according to what he thought, everything is normal.

We can already start preparing the layout. There is also the last category Ace. As long as it can be sealed and captured, the strongest knight can be created.

"Lu Li! Even though you have great strength, it doesn't mean that I have no chance of winning!

As long as I can create the strongest knight, even you...I will definitely be able to defeat you! "

Clenching his fists tightly, Isaka was already thinking about what happened next.

He knew very well that if he wanted to win the final battle, he had to defeat Lu Li and even other advanced undead creatures.

It may be difficult to achieve it by relying on his own strength, so the only thing that can be relied on now is the new knight system under research.

We must speed up the progress!

Kenzaki Kazuma and others also returned to the farm.

He is obviously in good health, but due to his own fear, his body has corresponding strange symptoms. Ju Shuo is also eager to know his current situation.

"Ahem! Where is the director? How is my health?"

Seeing him in such pain, Karasuma Kei felt very heavy.

It can be said that this was caused by him. How could he not feel remorse in his heart?

"It's okay. I've said it before. Your condition is caused by a psychological barrier caused by potential fear, which reduces your fusion coefficient with Category Ac and others, and creates a new image in your heart.

became a devastating influence.

As long as you can eradicate your fear, you will definitely be able to stand up again! "

As the developer of the knight system, Karasuma Kei is sure that the knight system he created is fine.

Ju Shuo, whose face was covered in cold sweat, also felt very complicated.

"How long do we have to wait? What do we need to do to completely eradicate the fear? Director!"

The excited Ju Shuo also sat up suddenly, but the discomfort in his body made him suddenly fall down again.

Faced with this problem, even Karasuma Kei, the producer of the knight system, does not know how to answer it.

Shaking his head slightly, Karasuma Kai spoke earnestly.

"Honestly, I don't know what to do. It's impossible for me to remove things from people's hearts by external force. Only you can find a way."

Chapter 393 The ultimate battle! Want to overcome your fear? Then come to me"

No one in the room laughed at Tachibana Sakuya.

They can all understand how much courage it takes to fight terrifying monsters.

After placing Ju Shuo also, everyone returned to the living room.

Kazuma Kenzaki really wanted to know what was going on and what the BOARD Research Institute was researching.

"Director, can you tell us the truth about everything?"

Hearing this, Karasuma Kai nodded.

"The beginning of all this is the basic history of mankind studied by BOARD."

Shirai Torataro, who was very honored to hear the truth about this matter, couldn't wait to say.

"The theory of fair human evolution cannot be summed up in one word. It probably has a more ancient history, and this is what it refers to~"

Seeing him interrupting the director, Kenzaki Kazuma quickly pulled Shirai Torataro away.

"Shut up and step aside."

They are obviously the owners of this house, but Kazuma Kenzaki and Hirose Shiori are just two free tenants who don't pay the rent, but they are so cruel to their owners.

It's only right that he owes himself, but it seems like he owes them instead.

But Torataro Shirai didn't say anything, he just went to sit next to him obediently.

Karasuma Kei then continued to tell.

"That's right. The reason why we can exist is because 10,000 years ago, a battle was carried out by fifty-three undead creatures, including humans, to determine the fate of this planet.

Ruler, the result of a survival elimination battle called the Extreme Battle. "

It was also at this time that Kenzaki Kazuma and the others finally came into contact with the truth of the matter.

"Extreme battle?"

"In the last extreme battle, the ancestors of mankind won that battle, and this planet became a planet ruled by humans."

After that, Karasuma Kei told everything, and everything was basically clear.

Hirose finally found out that the person who unlocked the seal of the undead was his father Hirose Yoshito.

He is the person who caused the current series of situations.

Although she had already had such a guess in her mind before, when she really knew the result, it was still a big blow to her.

Later, while chatting, Shirai Torataro's unintentional words made Kenzaki Kazuma suddenly become wary.

"One thing seems strange, that is, when the undead signal was detected before, there should have been four undead around Kenzaki!"

"What did you say?!"

His eyes widened slightly, Kenzaki Kazuma looked at Shirai Torataro in disbelief.


Frowning, he saw only one undead creature at that time!

Karasuma, who was standing by the window, interjected.

"I think the leader of the organization named Isaka is probably one of the undead creatures.

Another thing is that when I was caught, I saw a young man with Isaka. He gave me a very different feeling. I am afraid he is also an undead creature. "

"young people?"

Lu Li's appearance suddenly appeared in Kenzaki Kazuma's mind.

Judging from the previous situation, there is probably only one person who can be called a young man by Isaka.

Torataro Shirai frowned while drinking milk.

“But even if that’s the case, there should be one more.

Since Lu Li may be an undead creature, why is it possible that the other Hajime Aikawa is also an undead creature?

Recalling that the undead creatures had done things that were harmful to humans before, Kenzaki Kazuma couldn't sit still.

He knew that Hajime Aikawa lived in the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

If that guy is an undead creature, doesn't this mean that Kurihara Haruka and her daughter may be in danger at any time?

When he thought of this situation, Kenzaki Kazuma couldn't sit still anymore.

"I have to go out for something!"

After saying that, he hurriedly prepared to go out.

Having seen the dangers of undead creatures, Kenzaki Kazuma does not believe that undead creatures can avoid harming humans.

Anyway, as far as the current situation is concerned, he doesn't think undead creatures can coexist peacefully with humans, that is for the time being.

at the same time.

Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

Aikawa Hajime had already figured it out at this moment. If he continued to stay here, I am afraid that other undead creatures would find the mother and daughter.

This time the bomb was considered lucky and he managed to clear it away.

But if I save another minute or half a minute, the entire coffee shop and the Kurihara mother and daughter may be in danger.

By then, even the mother and daughter may not be spared.

He didn't know what would happen to him then, but he felt that if something like that really happened, he would probably go completely crazy.

He couldn't just watch the mother and daughter get hurt because of his own affairs. Maybe this place really wasn't suitable for him.

Leaving a note, Aikawa Hajime secretly left from below.

He turned to look at the coffee shop on the second floor above. He had spent more than half a year here, and he felt a little reluctant to leave suddenly.

I don’t know when I started to show such emotions.

But his departure can make the mother and daughter safe.

that's enough!

After riding on the motorcycle and putting on his helmet, Aikawa Hajime left without any hesitation.

And not long after he left, when Kurihara Amane went to look for him, he did not find him, but only saw a note left on the table.

When she saw this note, Kurihara Amane immediately became anxious and quickly ran to the coffee shop on the second floor to hand it to her mother.

Although Kurihara Haruka knew that the matter of someone setting off a bomb this time might have something to do with Aikawa Hajime, she did not ask too much.

As for blame, there is no such thing.

In more than half a year, they had already turned Aikawa Hajime into a family member.

Since they are family members, some things naturally do not require too much explanation.

But now that person left suddenly, Kurihara Haruka didn't know what to do for a while.

Aikawa Hajime, who was driving away on his motorcycle, bumped into Kenzaki Kazuma, who was rushing towards the coffee shop.

They both stopped their cars at the same time.

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