Kenzaki Kazuma has now guessed that Aikawa Hajime should be an undead creature, so he will not let him go.

Without saying a word, the two of them completed the transformation together.

"Transform!" x2



The two who completed the transformation together suddenly broke out into a fierce battle.

The sky gradually darkened.

The darkness of the night makes people think of danger first.

On the other side of the city, Tachibana Sakuya was shopping for clothes with Sayoko at this time.

He knew that he could not continue to fight now.

Since there was no way to continue fighting, it would be better to be an ordinary person and live an ordinary life.

What happened during the day made him realize that he had been knocked down by fear.

If he wanted to overcome and eradicate the fear in his heart, he couldn't do it by himself.

If he could do it, he would have done it long ago.

Perhaps, he was only suitable to be an ordinary person.

Just as he was slowly trying on clothes, bursts of terrified screams suddenly came from outside.


"Help! Run!"

"A monster has appeared!!"

When he heard the screams of terror and cries for help outside, Tachibana Saku unconsciously took out the Knight Buckle from his pocket.

This seemed to have become his instinct.

But when he just took out the Knight Buckle, he was stunned.

Looking at himself in the dressing mirror, he didn't know if he could overcome his fear.

Just give up like this?

He was full of reluctance in his heart. He had been a Kamen Rider for so long, was he going to give up now?

Holding the Knight Buckle tightly, Tachibana Saku's eyes were full of strong reluctance.

Although he wanted to give up, when he really wanted to give up, he was unwilling in his heart.

Choosing to give up at this time was tantamount to admitting that he was a coward and had no way to overcome his own fear.

Seeing that he was motionless, Sayoko hurriedly went up to grab him

"Tachibana! Go! The monster is coming!"

But no matter how she pulled Tachibana Saku, the other party remained indifferent.

Watching the monster attacking people, Tachibana Sakuya's sense of justice made him unable to escape.

But the fear in his heart made him hesitate whether he could continue to fight, and whether he would die if he lost the battle.

The sense of justice and fear in his heart were very contradictory.

Watching the zebra undead creature approaching the mother and daughter step by step, especially the daughter, who was still a child.

In the end, he decided to try again.

Throwing away Sayoko, Tachibana Sakuya put on the knight buckle.


Tachibana Sakuya, who transformed into Gren again, rushed straight towards the zebra undead creature.

On the high-rise building next to him, Lu Li quietly looked down at everything happening below.

Next to him, Isaka and his researchers were also observing Gren together.

The special telescope carries a fusion coefficient measuring instrument, which can measure Gren's fusion coefficient even at this distance.

"The fusion coefficient is decreasing! 500,48...

The researcher reported everything to Isaka.

"No need to look, he has no way to overcome the fear in his heart. "

Lu Li's voice suddenly came from the side.

Hearing this, Isaka nodded slightly.

"It seems to be the same as before. In this state, he will self-destruct sooner or later unless he gives up fighting.

I have a good idea. As long as I can control him, I will have a guy to help me deal with chores.

And before the new knight system is made, I can use it a little bit to provide combat data and help me contain other knights. "

It must be said that Isaka is indeed a guy who understands people's hearts very well.

It is easier to grasp the weakness of a target and control the other party.

"Since we are partners, let me handle this matter, otherwise you will feel that I have done nothing. ”

Eliminating fear is a very simple thing for Lu Li.

Lu Li, who has the power of fear memory, can not only make the target fall into fear, but also get rid of fear. It can even be said to be very simple.

When he learned that Lu Li was going to deal with this matter, a hint of doubt flashed in Isaka's eyes under the sunglasses.

Although the two reached a cooperation, Lu Li did almost nothing during this period.

0 Ask for flowers...

The only time he did anything was during the last battle, when he conducted data measurement and asked other knights to provide some good combat data.

In addition, Lu Li has not made any contribution to his experiment.

Considering that Lu Li is stronger than himself, Isaka dared not say a word even if he knew that Lu Li did not do anything.

Strength is the hard truth. The opponent is stronger than himself, and he can't afford to offend him.

"Are you going to take action? In this case, let you do it, and let me see your so-called means of eliminating fear. "

Isaka didn't know what means Lu Li would have to eliminate fear, but since the other party had already proposed it, he also wanted to see it.

The result of the following battle was almost undoubted. Geren's fusion coefficient kept decreasing, resulting in lower and lower combat effectiveness.

Facing the zebra undead creature, Geren was beaten back step by step, and finally had to be beaten to cancel the transformation.

For some reason, Jian did not arrive in time this time, and the zebra undead creature was approaching Ju Sakuya step by step.

Looking at the zebra undead creature getting closer and closer to him, Ju Sakuya's eyes were full of fear.

His body was trembling, he was afraid of death, he was afraid that he would die after losing the battle:

Sayako saw this situation, but she didn't know what to do at all, except to be anxious.

Facing the dangerous undead creature, what can she, a weak woman, do?

Noticing that Jian did not come at this time, Lu Li could only intervene in advance to prevent Ju Sakuya from being really killed.

Leaping down from the high building, Lu Li landed accurately between the zebra undead creature and Ju Sakuya.

Seeing Lu Li intervene, Isaka just watched quietly.


He was very curious about what kind of means Lu Li had to help Ju Sakuya break through the fear in his heart.

Even he could not do this by his own ability, and he had to use a special drug to assist.

But long-term use of this drug will produce a kind of dependence. If the target is Ju Shuoye, he will certainly use it without hesitation.

Anyway, whether the target is dependent or not has nothing to do with him.

All he needs is the final result.

Lu Li fell to the ground as lightly as a feather, and did not fall from a high place and smash the ground.

Looking at the eyes of the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Ju Shuoye's frightened eyes flashed with a hint of doubt.

Although he had fought with Lu Li before, he did not know that the person he was fighting was Lu Li.

A guy suddenly appeared in front of him to block him, and the zebra undead creature immediately raised the horseshoe curved blade in his hand and smashed it down without hesitation.

But when the zebra undead creature was halfway through the action, a terrifying force instantly blew it away.


The powerful force made the zebra undead creature smash the stone pillar beside it and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The zebra undead creature did not understand who the person in front of him was, but the opponent's powerful force was obviously not an opponent it could deal with.

After barely getting up, he took two steps back with difficulty, then turned around and ran away quickly.

When he saw the zebra undead creature leave, Ju Shuo's body, which was full of fear and tension, suddenly relaxed.

He didn't know who the person in front of him was, but the terrifying power he possessed was completely beyond his imagination.

It was impossible for humans to have such powerful power. He could only think of undead creatures.

When he was in the research institute before, he had seen Isaka and knew that powerful undead creatures should be able to transform into human form.

The man who appeared in front of him should also be a powerful undead creature.

Since the other party is an undead creature, he should be in a hostile relationship. Why did he save himself?

What is the purpose?

Ju Shuo also felt an inexplicable pain in his body due to fear due to the increase brought by the knight system.

This pain made him feel inexplicably uncomfortable, and even felt a sense of difficulty breathing.

"You. Why did you save me?!"

The man in front of him must have a purpose in saving him. He wanted to know why the other party saved him.

Turning slightly to the side, Lu Li said calmly.

"Ju, do you want to overcome the fear in your heart? I can help you, I can help you overcome the fear in your heart.

If you still want to continue fighting, if you are unwilling to be a coward, then come to me, go to the original place of BOARD Research Institute."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Li did not wait for Ju Shuo to reply, and disappeared in the moment he turned around.

Sayako hurriedly ran over from the side and helped Ju Shuo up from the ground.

"Ju! How are you? Are you okay?!"

With an anxious look on her face, it can be seen that she cares about Ju Shuo very much.

Looking blankly at the place where Lu Li disappeared just now, he was sure that there was indeed someone there just now, but he disappeared in front of his eyes.

He didn't know what means the other party used to disappear, but he was sure that normal people didn't have such means.

What Lu Li said just now was still echoing in his mind.

Could it be that...the other party can really help him overcome his fear? ! Beg

Chapter 394 Ju: I don't need it!

The body is very honest

Since the other party is not human, maybe the other party really has the means to help him overcome his fear.

This idea that was born in his heart kept taking root and sprouting.

Tachibana Saku naturally wanted to recover his body and fight as a Kamen Rider again.

The torture of fear made him miserable. Every time he fought, no matter what undead creature he faced, he would be beaten to a pulp.

If it weren't for the other party saving him this time, he would probably have become a dead soul under the knife of the zebra undead creature.

Seeing that Tachibana Saku didn't answer her, Sayoko was very worried and shouted nervously.

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