
At this call, Ju Shuo finally came to his senses.


Just at this moment, Jian arrived on a motorcycle.

He was fighting with Kallis earlier and couldn't free his hands at all, and the opponent was tightly entangled.

If he hadn't made a truce with the opponent in time, he might not have been able to get over now.

When he got here, the battle was over.

Seeing Tachibana Sakuya falling on the ground, Jian immediately canceled his transformation and ran over to help him up.


Just now, he received news from Hirose Shiori, saying that the undead creature's signal had disappeared.

Seeing Ju Shuo's embarrassed look, he could guess that Ju Shuo must have fought the undead again.

But...he was defeated again.

The top of a tall building.

"Let's go, there is no point in staying here. If he wants to overcome his fear, he will go to the agreed place to find me.

I think....he will definitely not miss this opportunity.

Lu Li was confident that Ju Shuo would definitely go to the original site of the BOARD Research Institute as he said.

Tachibana Sakuya, who has always been very unwilling to end his fighting career, will definitely come to find him.

"Are you so confident? What if he doesn't come to you?"

However, Isaka didn't think that Ju Shuo would definitely come to "Three Nine Seven" Lu Li.

After all, Lu Li has shown strength beyond ordinary people, and the other party must know that Lu Li is an undead creature.

The two sides are enemies, so it is ironic to accept help from one's own enemy.

Of course, Isaka also wants to do this.

It's just that his method may not be that simple. Instead, he directly suppresses it violently, and then allows the other party to recover directly and suppress the fear in his heart.

As long as you try not to feel afraid, the other party will be obedient.

Then, the three people left.

Tachibana Saku also confessed to Sayoko about being a Kamen Rider.

He had never told Sayoko about this until now, because he didn't want her to worry.

Sayoko has also learned about Kisakuya's current physical condition and wants to stay away from the city with him.

But just as he finished speaking, the hospital called.

Sayoko was in trouble again because she couldn't leave her patient alone.

Looking at the troubled Sayoko, Jushuo also said with a forced smile on his face.

"It's a call from the hospital. Pick it up quickly. Sayoko, you can't stop working as a doctor. There are still patients waiting for you.

You don't have to worry about me anymore, I will figure it out myself. "

Although he really wanted Sayoko to leave with him, he couldn't force the person he liked to lose his job.

He himself became unable to fight due to fear and was very cowardly.

If the person he likes loses his job because of this matter, he can't do it anyway.

Afterwards, Ju Shuo left alone.

At this time, there was only one voice echoing in his mind, which was what Lu Li said to him before.

Can you really believe what that undead creature says?

Can he really help himself overcome his fear and fight again?

Regarding Lu Li's matter, Tachibana Shuo did not reveal it to Kenzaki Kazuma.

He was worried that once he revealed it to Kenzaki Kazuma, the other party would stop him from finding Lu Li.

Even though he hadn't decided yet in his heart whether he should go to Lu Li or not, he didn't say he couldn't go.

If you can really overcome the fear in your heart and everything can get better, you can continue to fight and you can continue to live in this city.

Walking on the road, Ju Shuo was also very entangled. He didn't know what choice he should make.

To go...or not to go?

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

Ju Shuo also thought about it for a long time, but he finally chose to go.

At this time, he had arrived at the place where BOARD's research institute used to be. Now the place was desolate and had long been abandoned.

He didn't know why he came here, but when he came to his senses, he was already here.

In his heart, he still longed to overcome his fear, so he came here involuntarily.

Looking at the familiar buildings in front of me, everything I care about is still vivid in my mind.

I once entered here right after graduation and became a researcher.

Later, he became a suitable candidate for the number one knight system, and therefore became a Kamen Rider and began to fight the undead.

So much time has passed in the blink of an eye, and now I am about to lose the qualification to fight due to fear.

"I...have no way to continue fighting.

Looking down at his hands, Ju Shuo also had a flash of pain in his eyes.

He has a strong sense of justice in his heart, but the sense of justice cannot help him overcome the fear born in his heart.

At this time, a sudden voice came from behind.

"You are indeed here."

Turning around suddenly, Ju Shuo also saw Lu Li appearing behind him, and his heart suddenly became very nervous.

Just because the opponent is not a human being, but an undead creature, this alone is enough to make him wary.

Putting his hands in his pockets, Lu Li nodded.

"Ju, since you are here, it proves that you have already made a plan, right?"

Hearing this, Ju Shuo's face suddenly changed.

How could he accept the help of undead creatures? He shook his head without hesitation.

"How is it possible?! I know you are a high-level undead creature, otherwise you can't have such a powerful force!

How could I accept the help of undead creatures?!"

Although he said so, Ju Shuo also came here, which is the best proof.

The heart will not lie.

He said no, but he had already accepted it in his heart.

It's just that he was very unwilling and unwilling to accept such a result.

"You're already here, are you sure you want to reject me? If you miss it, there won't be a next time. I think you should think it over.

Should you live your whole life as a coward, or overcome the fear in your heart and continue to fight.

Lu Li didn't care about Ju Shuo's hypocrisy.

Sometimes it's just a show of strength, as the saying goes, a dead duck's mouth is still hard.

Opening his mouth, Ju Shuo wanted to refute Lu Li, but he did come here, there is no doubt about that.

Doesn't this mean that he has accepted it in his heart?

It's completely impossible to refute, Ju Shuo also knew that from the moment he came here, he had already admitted it.

"Shut up, shut up! It's useless to say these things, I want to defeat you!"

After saying that, Ju Shuo also took out the knight's buckle and inserted the Ace of Diamonds awakening card.



"Ah! ! "

Roaring through the blue light curtain, Ju Shuo transformed into Ge Lian again.

He wanted to force himself to overcome the fear in his heart by fighting the undead creatures.

However, such behavior is stupid.

He didn't even think about why he was afraid. At this time, he still chose to fight forcibly, which would not have any results.

Ge Lian did not take out the awakening device on his waist, but raised his fist and smashed it towards Lu Li.

It's not that he doesn't use the awakening device, but since the image of destruction appeared in his heart, he always felt that he couldn't see the enemy's figure clearly when he entered the battle.

If he fired rashly, he might reveal more flaws.

If it was in an open area, it would be fine. If it was in a crowded place, it might even hurt innocent people.

After punching down, Ge Lian saw that Lu Li didn't even move at all.


Just after the birth of the heart, he soon understood why.

[Caught it?]

Yes, Lu Li's left hand pinched Ge Lian's fist.

"How could it be? ! "

Looking at his fist being tightly grasped by the other party, Ge Lian's eyes revealed disbelief.

Can an undead creature that maintains a human form actually have such a strong fighting power?!

He couldn't understand.

Although high-level undead creatures can exert a certain amount of power in human form, they should not be able to do so to this extent.

"Ju, why can't you admit what you think in your heart? You are eager to recover, and you really hope to continue to be a Kamen Rider.

As long as you accept my help, you can overcome your fear, why refuse?

Is it just because of the humble self-esteem in your heart? That's why you don't want to accept my help. "

"Shut up! ! "

Glen was furious.

He punched Lu Li's side face with his other fist, as if he wanted to break the deadlock in this way.

However, before his fist touched Lu Li, a hand had already pressed against his chest.

Then an extremely powerful force blew him away.

"Ah! ! "

Glen flew out more than ten meters and fell to the ground in a mess.

When he looked up and saw Lu Li who was unharmed, he was filled with resentment.

From the beginning of the battle until now, although he maintained his transformed form, his fusion coefficient has been decreasing.

Even when Lu Li maintained his human form to fight him, the fear in his heart kept deepening.

With his hands trembling slightly, Gelen knew very well what was happening to his body now.

Can't win!

In fact, his heart had already told him the answer, but he just didn't want to accept it.

With a slight move of his right hand, under Lu Li's extremely terrifying telekinesis, Gelen was bound by a terrifying force and dragged to Lu Li's front.

"Ah! ! Let go! ! "

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