"Damn it! Who is that guy? Did he really help me get rid of the fear in my heart? Or is he just lying to me?"

His heart was full of questions, but Ju Shuo didn't have time to think about these questions slowly now.

The zebra undead creature rushed towards him again, and if he didn't transform and fight, he would really be doomed.

Now that he couldn't care less, Ju Shuo immediately took out the knight's belt buckle and the Diamond A awakening card.



The blue light curtain ejected from the knight's belt buckle bounced away the charging zebra undead creature.

Looking at the blue light screen in front of him, Ju Shuo also clenched his fists.


He roared violently and rushed towards the blue light screen.

After passing through the light curtain, he successfully completed the transformation and became Gren again:

Arriving in front of the zebra undead creature, Ju Shuo also punched out with all his strength, as if he was venting the grievances he had felt in his heart for this period of time.

In the past, every time he fought, his fusion coefficient would continue to decrease due to his inner fear, and he was finally forced to cancel his transformation.

Sometimes he even needs his juniors to save him, which is simply a huge insult to him.

Punch after punch was thrown out, and Ju Shuo could feel the power emerging from his body.

Before this, when he transformed to fight, he couldn't see the opponent's actions clearly, and sometimes it was even blurry.

But now he could see it clearly, and he didn't feel the same way before at all.

"I can see it! And I can see it very clearly!"

His words were full of surprise, and Ge Lian immediately pulled out the awakening device hanging on his waist.

After firing a series of shots at the zebra undead creature, he could feel that his body was very excited now.

No fear!

He no longer felt any fear, and his combat effectiveness was steadily improving.

"Have I really...recovered?!"

There was a deep sense of disbelief in his tone.

Green had originally planned to give up his career as a Kamen Rider, but unexpectedly, things turned around.

Lu Li, who was standing not far away, quietly looked at Ge Lian, whose combat effectiveness had been fully restored.

With his fear cut off on time, Gelian was able to fight successfully.

And compared to before, his combat effectiveness now is even stronger.

"The fusion coefficient is 716EH and is still rising!"

The researchers who had been following Isaka also expressed strong shock in their voices when they saw the changes that had taken place in Ge Lian.

Isaka was also surprised when he saw that Gren's combat power had been fully restored and was even stronger than before.

He couldn't understand how Lu Li did this and how he helped Ju Shuo get rid of the fear in his heart.

"Tangerine, believe it now, I said I can cure the fear in your heart and let your body recover."

Although Lu Li stood far away, his voice could still echo in Ge Lian's mind.

Although he has fully recovered, Ge Lian still has no idea why Lu Li did what he did.

The other party is an advanced undead creature. Why does he want to cure himself, a human being, and what is the purpose?

"Why?! Why do you want to cure me? What is your purpose?!"

He kept standing and responded loudly.

"You don't need to know now, just enjoy yourself and be able to join the battlefield."

There is almost no doubt about this battle. With the fusion coefficient increased, it is impossible for Gelian to lose to the zebra undead.

You already know the outcome of this battle even if you don't watch it.

Seeing Lu Li getting ready to leave, Isaka asked curiously.

"Are you just leaving? Are you not interested in your test subjects?"

“I am still very confident in my abilities, and since I have said that I have successfully treated his fear, that must be it.

But...it was only a short-term cure, after all, he was still useful.

Lu Li only temporarily isolated Ge Lian's fear. Waiting did not mean that Ge Lian could completely ignore his fear during the battle.

Probably it can only support a few battles. After a few battles, Jushuo will still become the same as before.

Afterwards, Lu Li disappeared directly.

The researcher asked immediately after Lu Li disappeared!

"Mr. Isaka, what should we do now?"

Hearing this, a mysterious smile appeared on Isaka's face, overlooking the battle below.

"There is no need for Ge Lian for the time being, let him enjoy this battle by himself."

The two of them then left together, leaving only the zebra undead that Gren was still fighting.

Ge Lian, who had successfully restored his combat effectiveness, seemed to be venting his inner dissatisfaction and attacking with all his strength.

The zebra undead creature was beaten back and forth. He quickly turned around and kicked the zebra undead creature hard in the chest, knocking it down to the ground.

The zebra undead creature that fell to the ground in embarrassment did not give up. It stood up again and ran towards this side quickly. However, during the run, it suddenly split into two.

Turned into two.


Ge Lian quickly drew an awakening card from the awakener.

Block 2, Bullet Armadillo!


The awakening card turns into a ghost and merges into the awakening device.

First, he fired a light bullet at one of the zebra undead creatures, while the other zebra undead creature was still approaching him.

Green naturally thought that the other one was the real body, and immediately shot at the other one continuously.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the zebra undead creature that was shot just now fled the scene at a high speed.

The zebra undead creature that was shot continuously disappeared directly. This one was the clone!

Through this battle, Green finally confirmed one thing at this time, that his body had indeed recovered.

He didn't know how he recovered, but now he would no longer be affected by the fear in his heart.

At the airport.

A man holding a bird/cage in his hand walked out of the airport, and there was a canary in the bird/cage.

He rose!

He had returned to this place of fighting.

At first, he thought about staying away from disputes and avoiding fighting with other undead creatures as much as possible.

Because of his keenness, he had already noticed that this extreme battle was not a regular extreme battle at all.

Even if all the undead creatures were defeated, the sealing slab would not come in the end.

Moreover, he hated fighting, and it would be best if he could avoid fighting.

But an anomaly appeared in this extreme war started by humans.

The existence of this anomaly may bring many uncertain changes, and the opponent is very dangerous.

Even Shima Noboru felt an inexplicable sense of oppression when he felt the existence of this anomaly.

He didn't know why such an anomaly appeared in the extreme war.

Since he came back alone and didn't notify anyone, naturally no one came to pick him up.

As for why he didn't notify Karasuma Kei, it was because he knew that Karasuma Kei was doing something important now.

When he stepped on this land again, Shima Noboru was completely unsure about what direction things would develop in the future.

The development of the next thing may exceed expectations and move in an uncertain direction.

Before that, he still wanted to contact the anomaly first.

After taking down the luggage he carried with him, Shima Noboru took a taxi and went straight to the farm where Kenzaki Kazuma now lived.

Following that Kamen Rider, perhaps we can get in touch with the anomaly as soon as possible.

053 Night falls.

Under the pitch-black night, there is a faint murderous intent.

A very ugly spider monster is standing on the top of a tree.

Its body is made of green and purple, and it has claws like amputations on its head.

Its left hand has very sharp green claws, and its biggest feature is that it seems to have three eye-shaped decorations on its chest, which looks a little scary.

Due to the obstruction of the night and the dense trees, no one can see the specific face of the monster.

Spider Undead!

This is the only unsealed Category Ace at present!

Similarly, he is also the target that Isaka is looking for.

In order to create the strongest knight system, you must have a Category Ace.

It depends on the fusion of humans and Category Aces to exert the combat power of the strongest knight system.

The claw-like limbs on the head of the spider undead slowly opened, and the next second, a large number of small spiders flew everywhere.

He was looking for a suitable match, a match that could meet his requirements.

Shirai Farm.

Kenzaki Kazuma, who had just returned here, saw a completely unfamiliar back as soon as he opened the door.


He was sure that he should not have seen the other party, and there should be no one else here.

At this time, Shirai Kotaro and Hirose Shiori poked their heads out from the side.

"Kenzaki, come here quickly!"

Although he didn't know what it was, he didn't think too much.

After that, he successfully saw the true face of this man and found that he didn't know him.

"Is this... your friend?"

Hearing this, Shirai Kotaro and Hirose Shiori shook their heads in unison, and it was obvious that they didn't know Shima Noboru either.

At the beginning, Shirai Kotaro and Hirose Shiori thought it might be someone Kenzaki Kazuma knew, but they didn't expect that he didn't know him either.

As the owner here, Shirai Kotaro took the initiative to stand up and ask.

"Um.....sir, who are you?"

Ming Sheng, who was teasing Naqueer, stood up with a faint smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm Shima Sheng. Maybe you don't know me, but you must know him."

While speaking, Shima Sheng took out a photo from his clothes.

When they saw the photo, the three were very surprised.

"Hey! Isn't this Director Karasuma?!"

"You know the director?!"

"Is this true?"

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