The three of them were talking at the same time, not giving Shima Noboru a chance to speak.

After the three of them calmed down, Shima Noboru explained.

"Yes, Karasuma and I know each other. To be precise, I am friends with him. I know all about the Knight System."

He then turned his gaze to Kenzaki Kazuma.

"Kenzaki Kazuma, I know you. As Kamen Rider Sword, you have been fighting against undead creatures."

With the photos as evidence, and the other party knowing about Kamen Rider, the three of them naturally would not doubt Shima Noboru's identity.

PS: Thank you

一NO's monthly ticket!

My dears, hand over your money, 0(*~一~*)0!

Chapter 396 Another freeloader! The first meeting with Tiger Sister

What they didn't know was that the middle-aged man in front of them, who looked very friendly, was actually an undead creature.

And it's not just an ordinary high-level undead creature, but a Kig!

As one of the top undead creatures, it is very powerful.

However, Shima Noboru has no intention of exposing himself at present. After all, his identity is relatively sensitive, and it is not easy to gain trust.

He spent a lot of time to gain the trust of Karasuma Kei.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am Shima Noboru. You can just call me Mr. Shima.

I will live here for the next period of time.

"Ah? !"

When he first heard the news, Shirai Torataro was stunned on the spot.

What the hell?

Isn't he the owner of this place?

Why does this man in front of him want to move in without discussing it with him.

This... treats me, the owner of the farm, as air?

Shirai Torataro was about to say that he would consider it.

But before he could speak, Kenzaki Kazuma actually agreed for him.

"Of course no problem! Since Mr. Shima wants to stay, then stay. "

Good fellow!

This is totally not treating me as an outsider!

As the real owner, Shirai Toratarou, he suddenly felt aggrieved.

How come he, the owner, has no say at all?

Of course, he was just thinking so.

Since Kenzaki Kazuma has already agreed, he can't refuse. Isn't this a slap in the face?

It must be very nice to slap Kenzaki Kazuma in the face, but what if this guy doesn't play with me anymore?

When he thought about the Kamen Rider theme he wanted to write, Shirai Toratarou had no choice but to give up and just treat it as another tenant.

Although it's another freeloader!

"Mr. Ming,

How did you know the director? It seems like you two are very familiar with each other. "

The fire of gossip suddenly burned in Kenzaki Kazuma's heart, and he was very curious about how Shima Noboru and Karasuma Kei knew each other.

During the chat, everyone also learned some things about Shima Noboru.

Of course, it did not include the fact that he was an undead creature.

After all, in the impression of Kenzaki Kazuma and the other two, undead creatures were all murderous monsters.

If they said that the undead creatures stood on the side of humans, they would never believe the truth of this matter from the bottom of their hearts.

As they talked, they talked about another thing, that is, the problem about Tachibana Sakuya.

A trace of worry flashed in his eyes, and Kenzaki Kazuma said with some concern.

"Mr. Shima, the thing is what I just said, Tachibana senior seemed to have recovered suddenly and lost his fear.

Before he lost his fear, he experienced a battle, but we don't know who the target of the battle was.

After that, he disappeared for a while and had no contact with us at all. I feel that something must have happened here.

For some reason, he lost his fear.

Hearing this, Shima Noboru nodded slightly, he already knew about this matter.

"To eliminate the fear in a person's heart, in addition to relying on himself, he can also rely on external forces.

The reason why Tachibana was able to recover was probably due to some other means.

This matter should be related to the higher undead creatures. I'm afraid... the other party wants to use him."

Through the wind, he already knew about this matter.

And he also knew that this matter was not only related to the higher undead creatures, but also to the anomaly.

Everyone was shocked and asked impatiently.

"Use?! What should we do? Is there any way to help Tachibana senior?"

As a companion who fought together, Kenzaki Kazuma naturally couldn't watch Tachibana Saku getting deeper and deeper in this matter.

Although he didn't know how to eliminate fear through external forces, he was sure that this method of not relying on himself must have disadvantages.

Although Shima Noboru knew a lot of things, he couldn't stop them all.

"I'm not 100% sure about this question. It depends on Tachibana himself.

Now he has regained the strength to fight. It's hard to ask him to give up at this time."

Hirose Shiori said in disbelief.

"How could this happen? The other party is an undead creature!"

She really couldn't believe that the former righteous Tachibana Sakuya would choose to cooperate with the undead creature.

This completely overturned her imagination.

Shirai Kotaro, who didn't have a deep relationship with Tachibana Sakuya, nodded thoughtfully.

"Actually... it's understandable. He can't fight because of the fear in his heart.

And because of the increase in the knight system, his body is getting worse and worse. Mr. Tachibana must be very eager to fight again.

It's not impossible to accept the help of undead creatures. He doesn't want to lose the power to fight like this." "

Kenzaki Kazuma and Hirose Shiori were silent. This is the fact.

Even if they don't want to believe it in their hearts, they also know how much of a blow the impact of fear has brought to Tachibana Saku.

It's a torment to be able to see the image of oneself being destroyed from time to time.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Ming Sheng didn't continue to speak.

"Okay, Kotaro, show me the room I live in first. After all, I'm going to live here for a while. "

"Okay! Mr. Shima, come with me, upstairs. "

Fortunately, Shirai Kotaro's house is big enough, so one more person won't make a difference.

In this way, Shima Noboru successfully moved into Shirai Farm to live.

After simply tidying up the room, Shima Noboru stood by the window and quietly looked at the night view outside.

"Next, it is very likely that we will come into contact with the anomaly. Who will he be?

With a deep gaze, Shima Noboru was looking forward to meeting the anomaly he felt.

On the brightly lit street.

Lu Li strolled leisurely. Due to the relatively backwardness, there were naturally fewer entertainments in this world.

Suddenly, Lu Li felt a faint breath

It was very subtle and not strong.

But it was this faint breath that made Lu Li certain that the other party must be an undead creature, and a high-level undead creature.

Only high-level undead creatures would choose to intentionally hide their breath.

If it were a low-level undead creature, at this distance, Lu Li would never have such a faint feeling.

His eyes involuntarily looked towards the park next to him, where the undead creature that Lu Li sensed was.


Unexpectedly, he found another high-level undead creature. Although he didn't know who the target was, it didn't prevent Lu Li from meeting the other party.

Turning around, Lu Li walked into the park shrouded in the night.

The lights in the park were dim, and it seemed very quiet, but it was full of a faint threat.

As he went deeper into the park, Lu Li could feel that the breath was gradually getting stronger, which meant that he was gradually approaching the high-level undead creature.

At this time, on a bench deep in the park.

A woman leaning back on the chair suddenly opened her eyes and looked in the direction of Lu Li.

With such a close distance, she had already noticed Lu Li's presence.

Slowly stood up, wearing a leopard print short-sleeved shirt, a yellow sleeveless leather jacket on the outside, and a pair of brown leather pants underneath.

A long black hair, with a strand of hair on the right side that was light yellow, and a very cold look, like a tiger.

With her muscles tensed, she was ready for the battle.

She didn't know who the target was this time, but she was eager to try.

Not long after, a figure appeared in her sight.

The breath she felt was emitted from the other party.

A very strong opponent

Lu Li, who had just arrived here, finally saw the woman not far away.

When he saw this woman, Lu Li already knew who she was.

Chengguang, or the undead tiger!

That's right, the woman in front of him was Sister Tiger.

Among the four types of Queen, Sister Tiger can be said to be the most powerful one.

Not only does she have a super fast movement speed, but she also has a very terrifying fighting ability.

Lu Li didn't expect that she would be the one he met this time. He felt very surprised.

He thought it would be some other undead creature, but it seems that he was wrong.

He noticed that Sister Tiger's eyes were tense all over, staring at him very vigilantly, as if she was ready to fight him at any time.

Even the sealing stone slab, the recreated Sister Tiger, still led the same as before.

She attaches great importance to the Extreme War and believes that it is an extremely sacred war that cannot be tarnished by anyone.

The two looked at each other from a distance. Compared with the tense Tiger Sister, Lu Li looked very calm.

"Don't be so nervous. I came here just to meet you. I don't want to fight you now."

Hearing that Lu Li didn't come for a fight, Tiger Sister raised her eyebrows.

What does this mean?

She only knew that in the Extreme War, when the undead creatures met each other, a fight would definitely break out.

But Lu Li didn't show any intention of fighting at all.

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