"Burning. Divide!"

He leaped up suddenly and did a front flip in the air.

During the flip, a faint glow appeared on his body, and he instantly transformed into two Gren.

The flame-like light bloomed on his legs, with a very terrifying explosive power.

The spider undead creature had stood up at this time, and "panicked" at the two Gren, spitting spider silk at one of them.

Sure enough, the Gren hit by the spitted spider silk was just an illusion.

When the illusion disappeared, Gren's legs burning with flames instantly hit the shoulders of the spider undead creature.


The terrifying power exploded in the body of the spider undead creature.


After a burst of explosions, the buckle on the waist of the spider undead creature finally opened in the flames.

The plan succeeded!

The spider undead creature felt the pain in his body. Although it was very uncomfortable, he knew that his plan was successful.

In his heart, he was more happy and excited!

It won't be long before he will be resurrected in another form and move to the backstage!

PS: Thanks to

13871. for the monthly ticket!

Thanks to 1

Feiyue Cangxing for the monthly ticket!

Thanks to 1

Kuriyama Mirai-chan for the monthly ticket!

Chapter 406: Proof and betrayal, a bet with Tiger Sister!

After landing smoothly, Gren looked back at the spider undead creature that was almost unable to move, and his heart was calm.

He...finally defeated the category Ace!

He finally proved his powerful strength, he was stronger than Kenzaki Ichima!

Gren clenched his fist tightly, and his mood was excited at this time.

He finally...finally figured this guy out, proved his strength!

He took out a blank seal card and threw it directly into the chest of the spider undead creature.

Because the buckle on the belt was already open, the spider undead creature was gradually sealed by the seal power and absorbed into the card.

Although he seemed very unwilling, he was actually very happy in his heart.

The seal was only temporary, but the spider undead creature thought his plan was very successful, and no one knew that he was sealed on purpose.

After the card successfully sealed the spider undead creature, it automatically returned to Gren's hand.

Without Gren noticing, the sealed green spider moved slightly, and the three eyes in the middle emitted a faint purple glow.

At this moment, Gren was completely immersed in the joy of sealing the spider undead creature.

He fully proved his powerful strength and proved that he must be stronger than Kenzaki Kazuma.

It was precisely because of his eagerness that he did not notice the abnormality of the spider undead creature.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Tachibana, you did a very good job."

When he heard this familiar voice, Gren turned around suddenly.

When he looked at Isaka, who came out wearing sunglasses and looked pretentious, he immediately understood what the other party wanted to do.

It was nothing more than wanting to take the category Ac that had just been sealed from his hands..

However, Gren also had his own ideas.

The reason why he chose to cooperate with Isaka and act according to his orders was entirely because he needed to be able to overcome his fear.

Although he attacked Kenzaki Kazuma when he and Kenzaki Kazuma were fighting for Category Ac before, he did it on purpose.

One of them was to prove that his power had become stronger and he was no longer afraid of fear.

Another was to gain Isaka's trust.

He knew very well that Isaka would find ways to seal Category Ace, so it would be better to seal it by himself.

In that case, he could choose not to give this card to Isaka.

That's right, Gren didn't want to obey Isaka completely from the beginning, and he always acted on his own will.

Now that he has successfully sealed Category Ace, it is naturally impossible for him to give the card in his hand to the other party.

"Tachibana, it's over, give me the card now.

Isaka thought that things were always under his control, and he never thought that Tachibana Saku might betray him.

Seeing the card in his hand, Gren recalled the collapse he felt when facing fear.

"In this way, a new knight can be created, right? ”

Isaka was a little confused, and for a moment he couldn't understand what Green's attitude was now.

"That's right, with this card, a new knight system can be created, the strongest knight system."

"Then... the person who becomes the new knight will also be forced to face a tragic fate."

When he heard Green's words, Isaka finally realized that something was wrong and frowned.

"What are you talking about? Give me the card!"

The tone couldn't help but become a little heavier, as if he was ordering Green.

Recalling what the other party said during this period of time when he was with Sayoko, Green became more determined in his thoughts.

Seeing that Green had not moved for a long time, Isaka was a little impatient.

"Hurry up and give it to me!"

However, Green once decisively rejected him.

"I refuse! I have no obligation to obey your orders!"

He would never give this card to Isaka, and he didn't want anyone else to have the same tragic fate.

"What did you say? !"

There was a hint of surprise and anger in his tone. Isaka didn't expect that Sakuya Tachibana, who had completely experienced him before, would suddenly betray him at this time.

The Ace card that can be obtained immediately is not willing to be handed over to me.

With his brows furrowed, Isaka suddenly burst into anger. He suddenly raised his right hand and released fire after fire."

Galen easily dodged the flames and put the category Ace card in his hand.

"Don't underestimate me! I am different now than I was in the past.‖!"

Now he no longer has any fear and does not think that he will lose to Isaka.

Hearing this, Isaka showed a sneer on his face.

"Ha! Really? Although your fear was suppressed by Lu Li, it doesn't mean that you overcame it yourself.

And this power is not permanent. As your battle progresses, this power will become weaker and weaker. When this power is exhausted,

You will be filled with fear again.

If you fight me in your current state, do you really have a chance of winning? Can you defeat me before this power disappears?

It's not that Isaka underestimated Green, but that he simply didn't think that the opponent could defeat him.

He believed that even if there was no fear in his heart, Gelian would not be his opponent.

Higher undead are always higher undead, and humans are always humans.

The next second, Isaka's body emitted a faint colored shimmer and transformed directly into a peacock undead creature.

A powerful aura emerged instantly, making Green feel a lot of pressure.

The battle between the two is about to break out!

On the distant hills

Cheng Guang didn't understand why.

"Shouldn't that Kamen Rider follow the orders of that guy Isaka? So he suddenly rebelled?"

"Do you think it's weird? Jushuo is still a human being, and people will be influenced by emotions. You have lived in the human world for a long time, and it will be the same in the future.

Jushuo also has other emotional ties in his heart, so he can't always be a tool willingly.

Isaka always treats him as a tool, so I don't find it strange that this happens.

Lu Li knew this would be the case early on. Even if he intervened and there was a certain butterfly effect, he believed that Ju Shuo would always betray Isaka.

Emotions are basically the most complicated thing. One second you may have one thought, but the next second you may have another thought.

"Emotional bond?"

Although Chengguang knew this word, he didn't have much understanding.

As the ancestor of the Tiger Clan, her emotional bond is her responsibility to the Tiger Clan to make her race the master of the earth.

Other than that, she doesn't have many other emotional ties.

As Lu Li said, only after living in the human world for a long time will emotional bonds gradually be born, from simple to complex.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly asked.

"Which one of them do you think will win?"

After thinking for a moment, Cheng Guang glanced back and forth between the Peacock Undead creature and Ge Lian.

"It should be that guy Isaka."

Cheng Guang is quite confident in fighting against advanced undead creatures.

"How about we make a bet, of course not on this battle, but on whether Green can seal Isaka in the end.

Since you think higher undead creatures are stronger, then I bet that Green will be able to seal Isaka in the end. "

Once he heard that Lu Li wanted to bet with him, Cheng Guang immediately became interested.

Even if he couldn't beat Lu Li, it would be good to beat Lu Li in betting.

"No problem, just as you just said, what is our bet?"

"If I win the bet, I want you to do something for me. If I lose, how about I promise to do something for you?"

Lu Li did not directly dig a hole for himself.

Since his arrival has changed a lot, Sayoko is still alive and well, can Tachibana Saku explode with strength, defeat Isaka and defeat the opponent?

The seal is still unclear.

It's okay to make a small bet.

Nodding, Cheng Guang agreed without hesitation.

"Okay! Just follow what you said, and don't default on your debt after losing!"

She thought this was a great opportunity.

If she could win this bet, she would know many secrets about Lu Li.

There were too many unknowns about the man in front of her, and she wanted to understand them.

Lu Li felt quite surprised that he agreed to it so easily and smiled calmly.


Although he was not sure whether Green would successfully seal Isaka due to his arrival, he didn't mind taking a gamble.

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