At this time, Gren and Isaka had no idea that they had become the target of the bet.

The battle below had already begun.

Gren, who was not yet shrouded in fear, could indeed fight well.

But no matter what, the peacock undead creatures were always high-level undead creatures with extremely strong combat power.

I don’t know what Gren was thinking, but he chose to fight the peacock undead creatures with bare hands.

He was obviously best at fighting in medium and long distances, but he had a heart for close combat.

There is no doubt that Gren was beaten badly.

As the battle progressed, the peacock undead creature took out a black long sword, which was his exclusive weapon.

“Tachibana, do you think you can fight me without fear? Don’t dream!”

“Clang clang clang!”


He quickly swung the long sword in his hand and chopped it accurately on Gren, splashing a lot of sparks.


After being chopped to the ground on the spot, Gren felt that he could not use the power in his body.

It's not that he doesn't want to fight, it's probably that the power to suppress fear is disappearing.

In the transformed state, Lu Li's power to suppress fear will be gradually consumed.

After this period of fighting, the power of fear in Ge Lian's body has been almost gone.

Just now, fighting with the spider undead creature, it has almost been consumed.

Now fighting with the peacock undead creature, although the image of self-destruction has not yet been generated in the heart, the body is very honest.

Once the body is threatened by death, it can't help but weaken its strength.

"Why can't I use my strength?"

Reluctantly standing up, Ge Lian quickly pulled out the awakening device, trying to regain a little advantage through his own battle.

Seeing that he still didn't admit defeat, the peacock undead creature sneered.

"I told you before that the power to suppress fear is only temporary. As you fight, this power will continue to weaken.

Although you may not have experienced fear again, your body is very honest.

Well, let's stop this battle. It's time to end it."

Before he finished speaking, the peacock undead creature put away the long sword in his hand, and the feathers on his shoulders emitted a faint blue light.

These feathers were affected by the power of the peacock undead creature, separated from his body, and turned into blue darts, which were fired in unison.

"Swish, swish, swish!!

"Bang, bang! !"

Glen only had time to fire two shots and barely blocked two feathers, but more feathers had already fallen on him.


Knocked to the ground on the spot, Glen even exited the transformation state directly under this terrifying attack.

The category Ace card that he had put up before also fell on the sand beside him.

Tachibana Sakuya, who was placed on the ground, looked painful.

Obviously, the pain in his body made him clearly realize the current situation.

I... lost


With a slight cold snort, the peacock undead creature turned back into Isaka's appearance and walked over slowly.

Holding the Ace card that fell on the ground in his hand, Isaka did not mean to get rid of Tachibana Sakuya.

At least in his opinion, Tachibana Sakuya was at least a target that could be used.

If he created the strongest knight himself and added a Gelen to his side, it would be like adding wings to a tiger.

He had reason to believe that if Tachibana Sakuya wanted to regain the power to fight, he had to stand on his side.

Even if Lu Li helped Tachibana Sakuya suppress his fear, he could do the same thing.

Looking down at Tachibana Sakuya from a high position, Isaka said indifferently.

"You can't beat me. If you want strength, you can come back to me at any time. I will wait for you."

After that, Isaka left directly.

Compared with Tachibana Sakuya, the more important thing now is to take back the card of category Ac and find the most suitable adapter as soon as possible.

Watching Isaka go further and further away, Tachibana Saku was also very unwilling in his heart.

He wanted to catch up again, but the pain in his body prevented him from doing so.

Moreover, because the power to suppress fear had disappeared, he felt that he was afraid and afraid to fight.

At this moment, Kenzaki Kazuma, who had just solved another battle on the other side, rushed to the scene.

Just as he was flying over here, he received the news that Tachibana senior was fighting the undead creatures.

But he didn't expect that the battle was over as soon as he arrived here, and Tachibana Saku also looked like he was in pain.

"Tachibana senior!"

He quickly took off his helmet and hurried over to help Tachibana Saku up.

After watching this battle, Chengguang immediately raised his neck proudly and hugged his hands in front of his chest.

"I was right, right? It is impossible for him to seal the undead creatures of the higher level with his strength."

Although he said so on the mouth, he was secretly glad in his heart.

Fortunately, Ju Shuo did not succeed in killing the Fengyun Peacock Undead Creature, otherwise he would not be able to go and agree to Lu Li's conditions.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li smiled.

"It's just the beginning now. I believe he will be able to seal Isaka later. Let's wait and see."

The bet between the two is not limited to this battle. There will definitely be more battles later.

The main reason is that Isaka has not created the strongest knight system yet, nor has he found the most suitable adapter.

Isaka had no intention of getting rid of Tachibana Sakuya, but he just thought that the other party must still have some use value, and he must squeeze out Tachibana Sakuya completely.

Seeing Lu Li turn around and leave, Cheng Guang had no intention of staying here anymore and turned around to follow him.

Ju Shuo was also robbed of the category Ace. He was very unwilling but had no choice but to do so.

This time, he once again experienced Isaka's powerful and terrifying fighting power, which made him feel his body trembling.

His opponent is too terrifying. Unless he can completely overcome the fear in his heart, he will be able to defeat the opponent.

But now because of his betrayal, it may be even more difficult to gain the power to overcome fear again.

Will that man be willing to help him overcome his fear?

He only knew that Lu Li and Isaka were in a cooperative relationship. Now that he had betrayed Isaka, would the other party be willing to help him?

He doesn't know yet about this issue.

But he doesn't want to give up!

If Isaka is really allowed to create the strongest knight system, and also allows one person to complete the transformation, I'm afraid... his future fate will be very tragic.

He was already miserable enough, and he didn't want another person like him to appear.

bear this tragic fate.

Watching Tachibana Sakuya's back gradually driving away on his motorcycle, Kenzaki Kazuma didn't know what to say.

He didn't resent Ju Shuo for also attacking him in the previous battle. No matter what, Ju Shuo was always his senior.

PS: thanks

One kzkkzm monthly ticket! ! Benevolence

Chapter 407 Experiment, the self-righteous Isaka, the smart category Ace

The reason why I chose to cooperate with the undead creatures was because I wanted to overcome the fear in my heart and fight again.

Maybe what he did was a little too much, but it wasn't something he couldn't understand.

He just hopes that Ju Shuo can recover as soon as possible and become the senior he was before.

In another research institute in Isaka.

Isaka was extremely happy after successfully getting the category Ace card.

The strongest knight system has been successfully developed, and now the cards are in your hands.

The only thing missing is an adapter.

When he returned to the institute, a new batch of adapters just happened to be sent back.

The latest batch of adapters sent back are undergoing testing. As for what they are testing, of course they are testing their adaptation values ​​to the Cavaliers system.

Only when the adaptation value reaches a certain level can it be possible to complete the transformation.

"Come on! My strongest Kamen Rider is about to be completed, no one can stop me!"

There was a hint of excitement in his words, and Isaka couldn't wait to see the strongest Kamen Rider.

At this time, Karasuma Kei walked in from the outside, his expression showed nothing unusual, but at this moment he was completely controlled by Isaka.

As human beings, except for the special people who can transform into Kamen Riders, there are almost no people who can resist Isaka.

Although Karasuma Kei resisted very fiercely before, he still could not escape Isaka's control and successfully became his puppet.

And under Isaka's control, he also helped him develop the strongest knight system.

"How are the latest batch of adapters? Are there any adapters with higher values?"

Now he couldn't wait to find the most suitable adapter. His plan was just about to come to an end, so he was naturally very anxious.

Hearing this, Karasuma Kai nodded.

"Among this batch of four configurations, there is a young man with extremely high values. Maybe... he can succeed."

When speaking, Karasuma Kei could not see anything unusual.

He is completely no different from a normal person, and does not look like he is being manipulated at all.

This is the strength of Isaka.

People controlled by his thoughts will completely become his puppets and will retain their own consciousness.

"Really? That's great. Come and test it out. I can't wait to see the power of category ACe cards."


Then, the two of them walked towards a hidden laboratory.

In order to find the most suitable adapter, Isaka also took great pains.

Arrange your men to find those people who are possessed by the little golden spiders at night.

But in order not to arouse human vigilance, he did not kill those people who had reported the index, rather than erasing their memories and releasing them back.

After all, large-scale disappearance of people is likely to cause 917 turmoil in human society, and then there will be a lot of trouble.

Although Isaka is confident that he is very powerful, humans also have very powerful weapons, and he cannot guarantee that he will not be immune to attacks by weapons of mass destruction.


It's better to be cautious.

When Isaka followed Karasuma Kei to the laboratory, he found that there were two other people here.

Yes, the other two people who appeared here were Lu Li and Cheng Guang.

Seeing these two people suddenly appearing in his laboratory, Isaka suddenly felt something bad.

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