Kenzaki Kazuma and others have been waiting here for a long time.


Hirose Shiori was naturally very excited when he kept seeing Karasuma Kei.

This director is a person she respects very much in her heart. Now that the other person is safe, of course she is very happy.

When Karasuma Keizheng smiled and was about to say hello, he saw an extremely familiar person.

"Shima Noboru?!"

He didn't expect that Shima Noboru would appear here at all.

Didn't the other party always hide in hiding, trying to stay away from this extreme battle?

Now it suddenly returns, why is this?

"Karasuma, long time no see. It seems like you haven't been doing well during this time."

Jiu Sheng stepped forward and gave Karasuma Kei a brief hug.

The two are old friends, so they are naturally happy to meet again.

Although he had chosen to believe Shima Noboru before, Kenzaki Kazuma, seeing this scene, finally completely believed that Shima Noboru was on the side of mankind.

Not all undead are created equal.

Among the undead creatures, there are also undead creatures who are willing to stand on the side of humans, unwilling to harm humans, and unwilling to fight other undead creatures.

At this time, a figure appeared in Kenzaki Kazuma's mind and murmured.

"Perhaps...that guy is also a trustworthy person.

The person he is talking about here is naturally Hajime Aikawa, who has now successfully returned to the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

In any case, that guy has a heart that wants to protect Kurihara and his daughter. Maybe he is also a good undead creature?

Shaking his head, Kenzaki Kazuma stopped thinking about this problem. Now he at least felt that Aikawa Hajime was somewhat different from other undead creatures.

"Wow! Is this the latest knight system?! What an awesome look!"

Suddenly, a burst of exclamation from Torataro Shirai came from next to him.

Chapter 412 Wolf Spider takes action! Lu Li is being followed, the new Queen!

I saw Torataro Shirai holding the latest knight buckle and category Ace card in his hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

Hirose Shiori couldn't help but put his eyes on Karasuma Kei and said doubtfully.

"This belt is...

With a wry smile, Karasuma Kai nodded.

"Yes, this was created when I was under the mental control of Isaka. It's really embarrassing to say that."

Shima Noboru, who was standing next to Karasuma Kei, changed his expression slightly when he saw the Ace card.

He has extremely keen perceptions.

He noticed right away that this card contained an evil will.

Even though the guy was hiding very deeply, Shima Noboru could still feel it.

I didn't expect that this guy would still have such evil will after being sealed.

"This card... it's better to be careful. It contains evil will. It's best not to use this belt."

Shima Noboru's words made everyone startled, and they quickly focused their attention on Shirai Torataro.

To be precise, it is the knight system and category Ace card in his hand.

"Huh? Evil will?"

Torataro Shirai looked down at the card in his hand and found that the spider on it moved slightly.

The card emits a faint purple light.

His eyes widened slightly, Shirai Torataro suddenly felt in a trance, as if there was a special force affecting him.

At this time, a big hand pressed on his shoulder and pulled him back.

"Don't look too long. If you are not strong-willed, you will easily be influenced by this guy."

As he spoke, Shima Noboru took the Ace card over.


Nodding slowly, Shirai Torataro didn't realize that he had been affected at all.

Even Shima Noboru was completely unaware that the spirit of the undead spider had affected Torataro Shirai.

It can only be said that the undead spider creature behaved very cryptically, giving him no chance to notice it at all.

Everyone went to have dinner together, and Jushuo also left with Sayoko.

Although the villa at Shirai Farm is not small, the rooms are limited and cannot accommodate so many people.

As night falls, everyone begins to rest.

A great advantage of being on this farm far away from the hustle and bustle of the city is that it will be very quiet after night falls and there will not be too much noise.

Shirai Torataro, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

There was no focus in his eyes, and he looked as if he was in a sleepwalking state.

I saw him standing up and putting on his shoes very naturally, and then walked out of the room.

He walked quietly to the hall, then quietly took away the Knight 487 system and awakening card placed in the hall, and left the villa.

At this time, Shirai Torataro was indeed in a state of sleepwalking. His spirit was not completely controlled by the undead spider, but he was possessed by the spirit of the undead spider.

Divine influence.

Under the guidance of the other party, he did this series of things.

And he himself had no idea what was happening.

In the room where Shima Noboru is.

Shima Noboru, who had his eyes closed, suddenly felt something, opened his eyes suddenly, and quickly woke up Karasuma Kei, who had slept with him at night.

"Karasuma! Get up quickly, there's something wrong!"

"What's wrong?"

Karasuma Kei, who had just slept for a short time, looked at Shima Noboru with a puzzled look on his face after walking, not quite understanding what happened.

"I just felt that guy's will!"

"That rascal.."

"Category Ace!"

When he heard the category Ace, Karasuma Kei's face suddenly changed.

He had noticed that the category Ac should also have evil wills, but he didn't expect this guy to take action so quickly.

"Oh no!"

Karasuka Kei hurried out of the room and came to the living room. The loud noise he made naturally woke up the others.

Kenzaki Kazuma and Hirose Shiori also came to the living room. When they saw Karasuma Kei, their faces were full of confusion.

"Director, what's wrong?"

"The Knight System and the card are gone!"


The two were shocked and hurriedly searched in the house, but found nothing at all.

At this time, Kanoko, who came down from upstairs, suddenly said.


Hearing this, Hirose Shiori immediately ran to the window and opened the curtains to see if there was any movement outside.

As a result, he saw Shirai Kotaro walking outside aimlessly with the Knight System and the card.

"It's Kotaro!"

Kenzaki Kazuma hurriedly ran outside, and everyone followed him.

At this time, Shirai Kotaro, who came to the open space of the farm, had already inserted the card in his hand into the card tray next to him.


Just when Shirai Kotaro was about to transform, a voice suddenly pulled him back from this detached state.

When he saw that he was in the farm, he was at a loss. He turned around and saw everyone running towards him.

He felt that there seemed to be something in his hand. When he saw that what he was holding was the Knight System, he was immediately panicked.

He quickly threw away the Knight System in his hand, but by chance, he just opened the Knight System.

A purple light curtain appeared in front of him, and it was (bbbh) constantly approaching Shirai Kotaro.

Seeing this situation, Shima Noboru naturally couldn't sit idly by. He already knew that this was a conspiracy of the spider undead creature.

Without time to think so much, he immediately switched to the undead form and jumped in front of Shirai Kotaro.


When Shima Noboru might have become an undead creature, Hirose Shiori was shocked.

Although Karasuma Kei's return proved that there was nothing wrong with Shima Noboru's identity, he did not take the initiative to say it.

Therefore, the only people who knew that Shima Noboru was an undead creature were Karasuma Kei and Kenzaki Kazuma.

Seeing the wolf spider undead creature standing in front of him, Shirai Kotaro was directly shocked and sat down on his butt.

Looking at the back in front of him with a horrified face, he did not expect that there was an undead creature living in his home.

The wolf spider undead creature obviously had no time to care about so much now, raised the claw of his right hand, and slammed it on the purple light curtain.


A powerful force burst out.

But the wolf spider undead creature is worthy of the category Kig. In terms of combat power alone, it is still stronger than the spider undead creature of category Ace.

The purple light curtain shattered and disintegrated into countless energy fragments.

After doing all this, the wolf spider undead creature automatically changed back to Shima Noboru's appearance.

When he saw that the knight system that should have been on the ground just now was gone, he immediately understood.

Shirai Kotaro might not be the target of that guy at all. The reason why he controlled him was just to leave here, not to transform.

It must be said that the spider undead creature's mind is not ordinary deep. In order to be able to leave here, it can be said that it tried every possible way.

Even Shima Noboru was deceived by the spider undead creature.

Seeing that there was nothing on the ground, and the knight system and cards had disappeared without a trace, Shima Noboru's face couldn't help but become serious.

Kenzaki Kazuma, who ran over quickly, asked with concern.

"Mr. Shima! Are you okay?"

Hearing this, Shima Noboru shook his head slightly.

"I'm fine, but that thing is gone. This guy has been thinking about it since early morning, and he left in this way.

It seems that... I still underestimated his will, and I should pay more attention to it."

Mainly, when he saw the Ace card of the category, Shima Noboru didn't notice anything wrong.

Now that he reacted, he realized that everything was just pretended by the spider undead creatures to confuse him.

I think the spider undead creatures should have recognized his identity and hid in advance.

Compared to Karasuma Kei and Kenzaki Kazuma, who were not surprised to see Naruto transformed into a wolf spider undead creature, both Hirose Shiori and Shirai Kotaro were shocked.

Shirai Kotaro, who was slumped on the ground, swallowed hard and pointed at Shima Noboru and said in horror.

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