"Shima... How come Mr. Shimajima is also an undead creature?!"

The main reason is that I didn't expect that there are undead creatures among the people living in my home. It would be strange not to be afraid.

The impression that all undead creatures gave him was that they were extremely vicious and murderous.

Now that someone suddenly appears in the house, even if the other person is Shima Noboru whom he has spent some time with, it is not surprising that Shirai Torataro would feel scared.

At this time, Hirose noticed that Kazuma Kenzaki and Kei Karasuma seemed to already know the identity of Yu Sheng, and there was a trace of doubt on their frightened faces.

"Director! Why aren't you surprised at all? Could it be...?!"

She had already guessed that maybe the director already knew Mr. Shima's identity, but he just never said it.

Weiwei takes the lead and Karasuma Kei tells them about Shima Noboru.

"Shima Noboru is indeed an undead creature, and it is also a very powerful advanced undead creature, type King.

At the beginning, I thought it was impossible. How could there be undead creatures willing to support humans?

After meeting Shima Noboru, I was convinced that there really was such a thing. When I was in the research institute.

After hearing the story, Shirai Torataro and Hirose Shiori, who were very afraid of Shima Noboru just now, now accepted Shima Noboru's identity.

Torataro Shirai, who was no longer nervous, asked out of curiosity.

"So that's it, Mr. Shima. The Extreme War is a battle between immortals of various races. For the sake of the reproduction of your own race, why didn't you participate?"

When this issue was suddenly mentioned, Shimasaki smiled calmly.

"This...maybe it's because I don't have any idea of ​​racial prosperity, and unlike other undead creatures, I don't have any sense of honor to shoulder the responsibility of racial prosperity.

After being resurrected in modern times, I feel that the current world is very beautiful and has no problems. There is no need to overthrow this world.

And I don't like fights and will avoid them if possible. "

"I see.

Nodding thoughtfully, Shirai Torataro no longer felt any fear at this time.

Under night, the suburbs are very quiet, but the lights in the city are still bright.

They had just brought Cheng Guang to show off a delicious meal, and the two of them were walking on the road at night.

In Cheng Guang's words, if you eat a lot, you should take a walk to digest your food.

Just as the two of them were walking on the road together, a figure not far away was following the two of them furtively.

The figure looked very cautious, following at a distance and not daring to get too close.

The other party seemed worried that he would be discovered if he got too close.

However, what this figure didn't know was that while he was following carefully, he had already been discovered by Lu Li.

For Lu Li, who has strong perception, the possibility of tracking him within a certain distance without being discovered is almost zero.

"Ah! It's so boring! Lu Li, how about you give me a fight? Just think of it as helping me to eat?"

Cheng Guang felt that she was a little too full, mainly because there were too many delicious things, and she had a lot of various kinds.

If it were Cheng Guang in the past, it would never have been possible for him to propose using fighting to help him digest food.

"Want to eat? There happens to be a guy who has been following us. If nothing else, it should be other undead creatures.

Since you want to eat, I'll leave it to you.

After saying that, Lu Li suddenly turned around and locked his eyes on the figure that had been following them in the distance.

That guy had been following him furtively for so long, and he really thought he hadn't been discovered by him.

"Huh? Is someone following us?"

Cheng Guang frowned unconsciously.

She obviously didn't expect that she would be followed, and she hadn't noticed yet.

This also means that the other party's following distance is relatively far, and the ability to hide the aura is good, so it is not discovered.

Following Lu Li's gaze, he saw that there was indeed a figure there.

The person who was hiding and following him from a distance obviously didn't expect that he would still be discovered even though he was following him from such a distance.

Now that it has been discovered, it is impossible to continue to follow it and turn around and run away immediately!

The fleeing figure looked like a woman.

"Since you want to eat, I'll leave it to you. That guy is also a high-level undead creature, so he should be able to meet your requirements."

Although I didn't see clearly who that person was, since I took the initiative to follow them, I wanted to see who the other person was.

There are only three female advanced undead creatures in total.

Except for the undead goat of the Queen of Spades, all the other Queens are female.

Cheng Guang is with him, and the remaining two are the orchid undead creature and the sea snake undead creature.

Who among these two could be the guy following them?

"Leave it to me, she...can't run away.

With a slight twist of his neck, Cheng Guang suddenly became interested.

She was also curious about who the guy following them was.

The night is her home court, and the other party cannot escape.


Exploding extremely fast speed, even if Cheng Guang disappears in place, she will catch up with the opponent as fast as possible.

Under the dark night.

A figure was running fast. He looked back, as if he was worried that someone would catch up.

Wearing a white dress with long hair draped over her shoulders, she looked like a very delicate human woman.

A flash of panic flashed across her delicate face, and now she just wanted to escape from here as soon as possible.

Yes, she was the advanced undead creature that was following Lu Li and Cheng Guang just now.

Miyuki Yoshinaga, or call her the orchid undead.

She only discovered Cheng Guang and Lu Li accidentally, and she could tell at a glance that these two people were very special.

From such a distance, she couldn't be sure whether the other party was an advanced undead creature, but she had a vague intuition that these two people must be.

Just when she was about to follow him to see if she could learn anything, she didn't expect to be discovered by the other party.

He was obviously so far away, so he should not have entered the other party's perception range. Why was he discovered?

Although she couldn't figure this out, she knew that she couldn't stay here any longer, otherwise... she would definitely be killed.

So she chose to run away without hesitation, not daring to go any further.

As a high-level undead creature, generally speaking, it is impossible to escape like this.

But she knew very well that her strength was not strong among the advanced undead creatures.

If he was really stopped by the other party, I'm afraid he would be doomed.

What I am even better at is my mind. As long as I find a way to avoid it, I can't fight the opponent head-on.

Unfortunately, her running speed was very average. Facing the city light that was her home field at night, there was no way she could escape.


Suddenly, a figure jumped out from the side and blocked her way.

Miyuki Yoshinaga, who originally thought she should have escaped, stopped quickly when she saw Cheng Guang, who was wearing a leather jacket and looking dashing.

She didn't expect that she would be caught up so quickly.

"Since you have the guts to follow us, there is no reason to escape, right?"

Staring straight at Yoshinaga Miyuki, Shiromitsu was not worried that the other person could slip out of his hands.

Seeing that her way of escape was blocked, Yoshinaga Miyuki suddenly felt nervous and shook her head quickly.

"I didn't follow you on purpose, I just saw that you were a little curious. I really didn't do anything well!"

Chapter 413: Both are Queens. The gap is really big! Do you want to accept it?

Yoshinaga Miyuki felt a strong threat from the woman in front of her.

Advanced undead creatures!

Moreover, the strong fighting spirit exuded by the other party made her understand that the woman in front of her was not simple.

As they are both high-level undead creatures, it may be a difficult battle.

"No matter what your purpose is, since you choose to follow us, you must be prepared to be discovered by us.

Not ready to transform yet? I won't be polite in this case.

Before he finished speaking, Cheng Guang released a faint yellow shimmer and transformed directly into the form of an undead tiger in the next second.

The sharp claws shone coldly under the streetlight, giving people a chilling feeling.

She thought she could avoid a fight through talking, but Miyuki Yoshinaga didn't expect that the other party would start fighting with her.

Compared to fighting, she is better at using words to provoke fights between other undead creatures.

However, it was obvious that there was no target for her to instigate.

Sister Tiger was approaching step by step, while Miyuki Yoshinaga kept retreating with an embarrassed look on her face.

Seeing that the other party kept retreating, Sister Hu's eyes narrowed and she said doubtfully.

"What? Don't you want to fight me?"

In the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, the two of them did not fight, and they did not even see each other.

Because of this, Sister Hu has no idea what kind of mentality Yoshinaga Miyuki is now!

"I don't think there is a need to fight between us. Just like you and the guy just now, you can cooperate with each other. I think we can also cooperate with each other, right?

As far as the current situation is concerned, even if we fight each other, we will not be sealed.

But if we cooperate, we can easily destroy humanity! "

Miyuki Yoshinaga tried her best to avoid meaningless fighting and wanted to comfort Sister Tiger with words.

Especially after feeling the pressure coming from Sister Tiger, she felt that this battle should be avoided.

I'm afraid she won't be able to defeat her opponent with her fighting ability. If she is seriously injured, she may be in trouble next time.

What's more, she knew that the man next to Sister Tiger was also a high-level undead creature.

If you are entangled with the other party here, once caught by the other party, you will not be able to leave even if you want to.

"Cooperation? Ha! Do you think we are cooperating?"

Sister Hu smiled helplessly. She never thought that she and Lu Li were in a cooperative relationship.

To be precise, she knew very well that her fighting power was nothing compared to Lu Li's.

Maybe he was already very powerful among undead creatures, but compared with Lu Li, the winner of the first extreme battle, he was still far behind.

The reason why she stayed with Lu Li was because she completely lost to Lu Li in the battle.

At the same time, what Sister Hu wants to do more is to explore the secrets of Lu Li.

For example, what happened during the first extreme battle, or other types of awakening cards that Lu Li possessed.

"Not cooperation?"

Miyuki Yoshinaga thought that she was thinking in the right direction, but she didn't expect that Lu Li and Sister Hu were not in a cooperative relationship at all.

"Stop talking nonsense. I have no interest in cooperating with you, and I don't need to cooperate with others."

As soon as the voice fell, Sister Tiger rushed forward.

The sharp claws attacked Yoshinaga Miyuki without hesitation.

Seeing that there was no way to convince Sister Tiger, Yoshinaga Miyuki was forced to transform.

Countless orchid petals flew out, and Yoshinaga Miyuki had turned into an orchid undead creature.


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