The ivy with its right hand barely resisted Sister Tiger's hook, and the two collided, sending out bursts of sparks.

The powerful force made the orchid undead creature unable to stop retreating.

【So strong! 】

A flash of horror flashed in the eyes of the orchid undead creature.

Even though I had already guessed that the opponent would be very strong, I didn't expect that he would be completely suppressed as soon as they made contact.

Although they are both Queens, there is still a big gap in strength between the two!

As soon as they made contact, the orchid undead creature already understood it in its heart.

If he really wanted to continue the fight, there was no way he could be the opponent of the undead tiger creature in front of him.

Originally I just wanted to follow the two of them to see if I could get any useful information from them, but I didn't expect that I ended up putting myself in a dangerous situation.



His heart suddenly sank, and the orchid undead creature knew that he had offended someone he shouldn't have offended this time.

What she's best at is instigating others to fight. When it's her turn to fight, her idea is to hide as long as she can.

Sister Hu just wanted to kill herself at this time. Since the other party has already arrived, why not have a good fight.


Without any intention of holding back, Sister Tiger launched a ferocious attack.

The extremely fast attack is simply not something that the orchid undead creature can resist.

The battle hadn't even lasted a minute, and the orchid undead were already at a complete disadvantage.


The sharp hook claws quickly scratched the arm of the orchid undead creature, and a stream of green blood suddenly spurted out.


The severe pain caused the orchid undead creature to scream in agony.

She fell to the ground in embarrassment, already thinking of retreating.

It's not that she doesn't want to persuade the other person with her words, it may be that the guy in front of her doesn't make sense at all.

To be precise, the other party didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and just attacked him blindly.

Just when the two were fighting fiercely, Lu Li walked out from the side and quietly watched the fight between the two.

Lu Li didn't notice who the guy was who escaped just now, but he didn't expect it to be an orchid undead creature.

Among the advanced undead creatures, the orchid undead creature should be considered the weakest in combat effectiveness.

However, this guy's ability to escape is top-notch.

Every time he couldn't win, he immediately turned around and released a large number of orchid petals, and then took advantage of this opportunity to slip away.

Even the goat undead creatures of the Queen of Spades and the sea serpent undead creatures of the Queen of Diamonds are slightly stronger in combat power than her.

But when it comes to talking, this woman is quite eloquent.

When he was in the play, he once provoked battles with various undead creatures, and also used various undead creatures to test Kamen Rider.

For example, the undead eagle creature of the Jack of Spades was used by her to test Kallis.

Then there was the undead goat from the Queen of Spades, which she used to test the sword, and then discarded without hesitation.

All I can say is that this woman is very thoughtful and good at planning.

Except for the strength, everything else is good.

If faced with other undead creatures, the orchid undead creature can also use its sharp tongue to communicate with the other party and end the battle.

But it's a pity that she is facing Sister Tiger now. Once she enters the battle, Sister Tiger doesn't have much interest in things other than battle.

Unlike Orchid Undead, who likes to play tricks behind the scenes, the possibility of Sister Tiger cooperating with her is completely zero.


The sharp claws slashed hard at the chest of the orchid undead creature.


With sparks flying out and a scream, the orchid undead creature was knocked away.

His body hit the ground heavily and rolled to Lu Li.

Compared to the embarrassed orchid undead creature, Sister Tiger was obviously very comfortable in this battle.

The two sides reached a conclusion, and Sister Tiger almost won.

The embarrassed orchid undead creature reluctantly stood up from the ground. When it noticed Lu Li behind him, the orchid undead creature's heart suddenly moved.

Although she couldn't convince Sister Hu, a fierce undead creature, it didn't mean that she couldn't convince Lu Li.

"I really didn't come here to cause trouble for you. Please tell her quickly and stop fighting. I am willing to cooperate with you!"

These words were naturally said to Lu Li by the orchid undead creature.

Even if there are no knights here, if you are seriously injured here, it will not be easy to recover.

And now that she has been injured, she still needs a certain amount of time to recuperate before she can fully recover.

Before that, what she wanted most now was to end this battle.

The only hope now is Lu Li. As this guy's partner, she should listen to Lu Li.

Even if they don't know what kind of advanced undead creature Lu Li is, now the orchid undead creatures can only turn to Lu Li for help first.

After all, there is no one else here, even if I want to ask others for help, I can't.

"Cooperation? Do you think I need to cooperate with you?"

The orchid undead creature is just eloquent and good at provoking other undead creatures, but it doesn't seem to be of much use if you keep it around.

What's more, cooperation is based on equal strength between both parties.

When one of the two parties is much stronger and the other is much weaker, there is no way to cooperate.

You know, even Sister Hu can't be considered to be in a cooperative state with Lu Li.

The reason why she followed Lu Li was because she was defeated by Lu Li at the beginning.

And Sister Hu also wanted to dig out Lu Li's secrets, so she chose to follow Lu Li.

In the final analysis, this cannot be considered as cooperation, but should be considered as following.

Seeing that Lu Li rejected her without hesitation, the orchid undead creature suddenly became anxious.

Why didn't this person play by the rules?

With a high-level undead creature like me to cooperate, wouldn't the power be even stronger?

Although her combat power is a little worse, it is at least much stronger than ordinary undead creatures.

How can she feel embarrassed when she looks down on her combat power?

But now the problem is that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Even if the orchid undead creature is very uncomfortable in her heart, she can't refute Lu Li at this time.

"Yes, yes, yes! How can I cooperate with you? I was wrong! Please tell her to stop, and I am willing to follow you!

If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me, I will do my best to complete it for you!

The orchid undead creature has no tricks at this time.

Although she has the ability to escape, it takes time to launch it, but Sister Tiger can't give her time to launch it.

The dark night is Sister Tiger's home court. Only in this state can she exert a stronger strength than during the day.

The speed of action is like a ghost, and the orchid undead creature can't catch up even if he rides a horse.

Choosing to actively submit to Lu Li at this time is not something that is incomprehensible.

Please give flowers.

Although Lu Li did not make a move, his relaxed look and indifferent attitude already show that the other party is very strong.

I'm afraid...than the tiger undead creature who fought with him Stronger than the orchid undead!

Who is this guy?

Full of doubts, the orchid undead creature could not think of who Lu Li would be.

Of course, she was not completely without any guesses.

The first guess was naturally the category Kig, after all, those four guys were very powerful.

No matter who it was, they could easily crush her.

Seeing that Lu Li did not speak, Sister Tiger naturally continued to attack.

Looking at the orchid undead creature who was in a difficult battle, Lu Li did not give him an answer, but was thinking about a question.

Would it be useful to accept the orchid undead creature?

This guy is only good at talking, and it seems to be good to let this guy go to stir up trouble among other undead creatures.

The completely suppressed orchid undead creature could no longer bear it, and was beaten to the ground by Sister Tiger again.

"Well! It feels good! Sure enough, you need to exercise a little after eating to digest the food.

In the battle just now, Sister Tiger was not just warming up, but very serious.

No matter what, the opponents are all high-level undead creatures. Even if their fighting power is not as good as theirs, they must be treated with caution.

Step by step, Tiger Sister continued to move forward, and it seemed that she did not intend to stop there.

"Stand up! The fight between us is not over yet.

Looking at Tiger Sister who was constantly approaching her, the orchid undead creature supported her body with her hands and kept slowly retreating.

Her eyes looked at Lu Li on the side, with a hint of pleading in her eyes.

"Help me! I will definitely be useful to you!"

She quickly crawled over and hugged Lu Li's thighs tightly with her hands.

Lu Li, who was hugged by his thighs, did not change his face, but he also stopped Tiger Sister.

"Chengguang, don't rush to fight."

Tiger Sister, who originally wanted to continue fighting, immediately stopped her hand after hearing Lu Li's words.

Looking at Lu Li with a puzzled look, Tiger Sister obviously did not understand Lu Li's idea.

"You want to take her in? "

Pointing at the orchid undead creature that looked extremely embarrassed with her claws, Sister Tiger really didn't know why Lu Li would accept this woman.

What's the point of accepting her if she is so weak?

Just a vase?

Noticing that Sister Tiger finally stopped, the orchid undead creature suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and patted her chest with lingering fear.

She was really worried that Lu Li would ignore her, and then the tiger undead creature in front of her might not let her go.

Sister Tiger didn't worry about the possibility of the orchid undead creature escaping at all.

It was simply a foolish dream to want to escape from the man in front of her.

Then Sister Tiger changed again. Back to human form.

Seeing that Tiger Sister had indeed shown no intention to fight, the Orchid Undead finally felt relieved and took the initiative to cancel the transformation.

Yoshinaga Miyuki, who had transformed back to human form, did look very embarrassed.

Her clothes were already torn, and green blood was still flowing from the injured parts.

The makeup on her face was also a little smudged, and Yoshinaga Miyuki was indeed in a mess.

She barely stood up from the ground, and Yoshinaga Miyuki did not dare to make any unusual movements.

There was a hint of curiosity in her eyes when she looked at Lu Li. She was curious about why Cheng Guang listened to Lu Li so much.

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