Dragonfly Undead!

The guy who fled in embarrassment in the last battle was obviously the guy who took the initiative to lure him out, but in the end he chose to run away.

This time he actually came to provoke him again, and he couldn't let that guy go no matter what.

"I have something to go out for.

After saying that, he hurried out.

Kurihara Amane quickly followed out and asked nervously!

"Brother Shi! Where are you going?"

Since Aikawa Hajime suddenly left some time ago, Kurihara Amane was worried that he would leave without saying goodbye again.

"I have something to do, I'll be right back."

Then he drove the motorcycle and left quickly.

Seeing him hurriedly running out and riding away on his motorcycle, Kenzaki Kazuma was quite confused.

"Where did that guy go?"

But at this moment, the computer that Hirose Shiori always carried with him to monitor the signals of undead creatures suddenly sounded an alarm.

"It's the undead!"

Kenzaki Kazuma suddenly understood.

"In other words, he just left after sensing the undead creature."

"You should go quickly, that guy is on the street.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma naturally couldn't sit here anymore, so he rushed out of the coffee shop and chased after him on his motorcycle.

The motorcycle he drove was speeding along, following the dragonfly who led the way, and finally arrived at the building where the dragonfly undead creature lived.



After completing the transformation, the motorcycle under him also changed along with it, and he rode the motorcycle all the way up the stairs to the top floor.

When he reached the top, he saw the dragonfly undead creature

Regarding the dragonfly undead creature in front of him, Kallis had to deal with it no matter what he said that time.

Keeping this guy around is a disaster. If this guy wants to threaten him with Kurihara and his daughter again, and he happens to be away, wouldn't that be dangerous?

Therefore, before this happened, he decided to kill the crisis directly at the source and eliminate the dragonfly undead creatures.


The dragonfly undead creature jumped from above and pounced directly on Kallis.

Then a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

While the two were fighting, Kazuma Kenzaki finally arrived at the scene and quickly transformed and joined the battle.

The dragonfly undead creature itself is not very powerful in combat, but it has a relatively disgusting ability, that is, it can fly in the air.

To a certain extent, he has a certain advantage, but facing Kallis and Jian, the power this guy can exert is very limited.

Just as they were fighting, Mutsuki Kamijo, who was already controlled by the spirit of the undead spider, was also quickly rushing to his destination.

The spirit of the undead spider still exists, so it can sense the presence of the undead.

Today, he will fight for the first time since regaining his strength.

The strongest knight is about to appear!

The long-awaited power is finally available.

Not far away from Kallis and the Dragonfly Undead, Lu Li and the other three were quietly watching the battle.

That's right, three people.

In addition to Shiroko, there is now another Miyuki Yoshinaga.

He kept her for now because Lu Li thought she was a useful person.

Although he is only good at inspiring people and provoking relationships, this is also a pretty good ability.

Used properly, sometimes unexpected things can happen.

Compared with the scarred appearance last night, the scars on Yoshinaga Miyuki's face are no longer visible.

It's just that the deep wound on the left arm will take a while to be completely repaired.

The reason why he came here was because Lu Li inexplicably said he wanted to see the last Kamen Rider make his debut, so he came.

Cheng Guang didn't question Lu Li's decision at all.

Even though Miyuki Yoshinaga had doubts in her heart, she didn't dare to ask. She was afraid.

He was afraid that if he asked too many questions, he would make Lu Li unhappy, and he would be the one who would suffer.

Although she had never really seen Lu Li's power, just a look from Lu Li could make Miyuki Yoshinaga tremble inside, let alone fight.

Chengguang curled his lips when he saw that Kalis couldn't deal with the dragonfly undead creature for a while.

"That guy actually had such a hard time fighting an ordinary undead creature. It's really embarrassing."

In her opinion, even if Jokr is not fully awakened, he should not only have this little power.

Although the dragonfly undead creature has the ability to float, it is disgusting, but it is not difficult to deal with, at least in Cheng Guang's eyes.

Yoshinaga Miyuki saw Callis' appearance for the first time after she recovered, and she was suddenly shocked.

"That guy is...Calis! That legendary undead creature!

There was a hint of surprise in his tone, he didn't expect to be able to see the legendary 3.6 undead creature.

However, Cheng Guang looked at her as if she were an idiot.

"He's not the real Kalis. Do you think... he's like us?"


A look of embarrassment suddenly flashed across his face.

Yoshinaga Miyuki didn't pay too much attention to Callis' situation, but only judged it based on his appearance.

You can't fight, you can't talk, you can't talk.

Miyuki Yoshinaga fell silent immediately, not wanting to continue to argue with Shiroguang about this issue.

"That guy is Joker, he just hasn't fully awakened yet."


When she heard the name Jokeri, Miyuki Yoshinaga was shocked.

Of course she also knows what Jokr represents, that is the guy that no other undead creature wants to encounter.

To be precise, they absolutely don't want Joker? Win the ultimate battle.

Once Joker wins, the entire world will enter a countdown, and what awaits the world will be destruction.

It can be said that Joker: is the enemy of all undead creatures!

Immediately reacting, Miyuki Yoshinaga finally understood why Shiromitsu said that the other party was not the real Kalis.

She knew that among all the undead creatures, there was one most special undead creature that could seal the opponent's power in a card and then use it for her own use, just like

The current knight is the same.

And that so-called special undead creature is Joker!

At this moment, Kallis, who had been brooding over the fact that the dragonfly undead creature kidnapped Kurihara and her daughter to threaten him, beat the dragonfly undead creature and immediately

Unleashed his nirvana.

The body rotated at high speed and turned into a dark top, passing directly through the dragonfly undead creature that was about to escape in mid-air.


Accompanied by the screams of the dragonfly undead creature, it fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner.

Chapter 415 The strongest is born! Two category Aces?

But this is not the end.

Kallis rushed forward again, slashing at the dragonfly undead creature that had no power to fight back, each blow being the most brutal.

He seemed to be venting the anger in his heart.

“Qiang! Qiang!

Sparks flew, and the dragonfly undead creature could no longer stand still.

Finally, he lay on the ground in a daze, seemingly unable to even move.

It looked like the injury was too serious and he had temporarily lost his fighting ability.

Seeing his violent appearance and the appearance of the sword he had dropped during the fight in the restaurant, Jian immediately shouted loudly.


Kalis finally stopped when he heard the sound.

He randomly pulled out a blank card and sealed the dragonfly undead creature.

A very violent fight, like a wounded beast.

It looks very ferocious and prefers people to eat.

Too dangerous!

Jian thought he could fight side by side with Kallis before, but now he realized that he couldn't fight side by side with him at all.

Mad beasts are very dangerous and can hurt people if they are not careful.

This is completely contrary to what Jian is currently doing, and of course he will not cooperate with Kallis.

While the two were talking, Lu Li suddenly felt a strange will gradually approaching.

Of course, this feeling is not the same as that of an undead creature, but a spiritual perception.

Unless the mental power is strong enough, it is difficult to detect.

Whether it was Shiromitsu or Yoshinaga Miyuki, neither of them had strong mental power and naturally they didn't notice it.


After speaking these two words, Lu Li looked in another direction.

There was nothing at the end of that direction, not even a person.

There is a monster here, and the people around have already fled. Of course, they cannot stay here and wait to die.

"Coming? You mean the spider guy.

Cheng Guang squinted her eyes slightly, feeling a little curious about the spider coming in the form of a knight!

The conversation between the two was like a riddle, and Miyuki Yoshinaga was confused.

However, she can probably guess what happened. I'm afraid... the last Kamen Rider is coming.

At this moment, a dark cloud suddenly passed through the clear sky.

Dark clouds blocked the sun in the sky, and the whole city seemed to have become a lot darker.

At this moment, a Kamen Rider wearing green and gold armor appeared in the three people's field of vision.

The steady body and firm steps give people a feeling of strong strength.

There is a plum blossom pattern on the chest and purple eye armor, exuding a hint of evil.

Kamen Rider Leangle!

At the same time, Shima Noboru, who was raising canaries at Shirai Farm, suddenly stood up.

There was originally a smile on his face, but now it was gone and he looked very serious.

"This is..?!"

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