Ever since the knight system and Ace-type cards disappeared, he had never noticed that guy's existence again.

Even though he knew that the spider undead creature was still alive, but in a special state, Ming Sheng could not determine where the target was.

The sudden sound of wind made him hear the voice of the undead spider creature.

I didn't expect that guy to find an adapter so quickly and complete the transformation.

Shima Noboru already knew through rumors that the person who became the Kamen Rider controlled by the spider's evil will was a high school student.

Things... are in trouble!

Now Shima Noboru only knows that things have become very troublesome and difficult to solve.

The reason why he came back from Tibet early was because of an abnormality, but he didn't expect such a change to occur.

The evil will of the undead spider has now infected the high school student.

It is very difficult to rescue the other party from this.

"Chi chi chi chi!"

The bird in the bird cage just kept chirping and seemed very uneasy.

His eyes were staring deeply in one direction, and he didn't know what he was thinking at this moment.

Chengguang's eyes were fixed on Lenger, who was walking towards Kalis and the others, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

"Is that guy the last knight? And the strongest...Kamen Rider?"

Miyuki Yoshinaga, who was unaware of this matter, was quite puzzled. She didn't know who the strongest Kamen Rider was.

"Is it the strongest? Now that I understand it, there is no problem. After all, this is the knight system set by that guy Isaka based on a very high fusion coefficient.

It is indeed very powerful in the initial state, but it does not mean that he is the strongest Kamen Rider. It can even be said to be a bit useless. "

Lu Li didn't think that Liang Geer was the strongest Kamen Rider, he could only say that he was the strongest for the time being.

The knight system will gradually become stronger and stronger because it changes according to the user's emotional outburst.

Liang Geer has no mechanism in this regard at all. He will be stronger the moment he is strong at the beginning.

It is impossible to become stronger unless the user becomes stronger.

The advantage is that it does not create an image of fear in people's hearts, and it does not cause people to lose their fighting power due to fear like Tachibana Sakuya.

As soon as Lengel appeared on the scene, he immediately beat up Kallis and Jian.

The powerful burst of strength completely crushed the two of them, and the two sides were not opponents of the same level at all.

Of course, Kallis, who was knocked to the ground, could not just give up the fight.

The stronger the opponent, the more capable he is of stimulating his strength.

After standing up again, Kalis quickly drew out his awakening bow and immediately launched a counterattack against Lenger.

Although Kallis does have good combat power, it currently does not have enough heart-type cards sealed, so the combat power it unleashes is not as good as even one.


Seeing that Kallis actually took the initiative to fight back, Lian Geer picked up the awakening staff without saying a word and immediately launched a more powerful attack.

"Qiang! Qiang!"

Hitting Kalis one after another, Lenger has very rich combat experience.

Just because Rengeer at this moment is not really Kamijo Mutsuki, the real controller is the spider undead creature.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Mutsuki Kamijo, a high school student, to have such rich combat experience.

All of Kalis's attacks were blocked or dodged by Lengel.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to avoid Kallis' attack, Lenger whipped Kallis' chin with his awakening staff and suddenly knocked him away.

Kalis fell to the ground in embarrassment, rolled several times in a row, and was finally blocked by the flower bed.

"Is this the power of Kallis? It's really... too weak.

Leng Ge felt that he was now powerful and was overjoyed.

It is indeed the strongest knight system, and its current combat power has even surpassed that of the undead creature he once was.

Sure enough, all the previous plans were correct!

Facing the menacing Lenger, neither Kalis nor Sword were any match and were crushed crazily.

Under the control of the spider undead creature, Liang Geer can indeed be called the strongest knight at present, and his combat effectiveness is not inferior to that of the advanced undead creatures.

Without an outburst of rage, neither Kallis nor the sword were a match for him.

"So strong!"

There was a hint of solemnity in Yoshinaga Miyuki's eyes!

She was very sure that if she was targeted by this green knight again, her chances of winning would be very small.

No wonder he is called the strongest Kamen Rider, his strength is indeed shocking.

Looking at Lu Li unconsciously, Miyuki Yoshinaga was curious, could Lu Li be no match for this strongest knight?

"Chengguang, you two wait for me here while I go and test his power."

With that said, Lu Li walked over there.


Seeing Lu Li's back gradually heading over there, Miyuki Yoshinaga was stunned.

She was just thinking about who was stronger, Lu Li or the strongest knight, but she didn't expect that she would be able to see it right away.

"Tch! Do you want to do it too? Forget it, since you want to do it, let me let you do it."

Originally, Cheng Guang wanted to take action, but the strongest Kamen Rider was indeed qualified for her to take action.

But if Lu Li wanted to take action, Cheng Guang would naturally not fight Lu Li.

Of course, she knew very well that she would not be able to snatch it even if she wanted to.

At the same time, Cheng Guang had another plan in mind, which was to observe Lu Li's battles more, perhaps she could find more secrets about Lu Li from it.

Yoshinaga Miyuki hesitated for a moment, and finally asked the doubts in her heart.

"Can he defeat the strongest knight?"


When she heard this question, Cheng Guang couldn't help but sneered.

"Your question is so questionable. Do you think that guy controlled by category Ac can really defeat Lu Li?

Don't dream, the powerful power Lu Li possesses is not what you can imagine."

For some reason, Cheng Guang was actually a little proud in her heart, after all, she knew some secrets about Lu Li.

She also knew that Lu Li was not an ordinary high-level undead creature, but came from the first extreme battle.

Compared with Yoshinaga Miyuki who just joined and knew nothing, Cheng Guang felt that she was more trusted by Lu Li.

Hearing this, Yoshinaga Miyuki was shocked.

Is Lu Li so powerful?

If so, then wouldn't I have no chance to escape in the future?

That's right, Yoshinaga Miyuki still wanted to leave and escape from Lu Li's control.

High-level undead creatures have their own pride, and naturally don't want to be thugs under others' hands

But she knew very well that her strength was not as good as Lu Li and Cheng Guang, so she had to think of other ways to give herself a chance to leave.

But if Lu Li's strength was so strong that it was beyond her imagination, it would be stupid to have the idea of ​​escaping.

Suppressing the throbbing in her heart, Yoshinaga Miyuki was still ready to see how this battle would develop.

Facing the powerful Lian Geer, Jian and Kalis really couldn't win, and the two were about to use the awakening card.

But Lian Geer noticed their actions at the first time and quickly drew an awakening card to swipe the awakening stick.

And this card was the long-range tapir of the 10 of clubs!


Two purple rays of light shot out from the awakening card and immediately hit the awakening cards in the hands of Calis and Jian.

The awakening cards in their hands seemed to be affected by some kind of power, and they were directly out of the control of the two and flew upwards.

The seal was lifted in the next second.

The wild boar undead creatures and centipede undead creatures were released one after another, knocking the two down and quickly fleeing the scene.


Jian was very surprised when he saw the undead creatures being released.

I didn't expect that there would be a card with such power!

Just when Jian and Calis were about to catch up, they saw a familiar figure appear not far away.


A terrifying energy burst out, and the wild boar undead creatures and centipede undead creatures that had just escaped were blown back by this terrifying energy.

The two fell to the ground in embarrassment and couldn't stand up for a long time.

"It's him!"

When they saw Lu Li, Jian and Calis naturally recognized Lu Li at the first time.

Especially Calis, whose right hand, which had not yet fully recovered, still felt a little pain.

He naturally remembered Lu Li very well.

"Why did this guy suddenly come? What does he want to do?"

Jian did not dare to be careless at this time, as he had already regarded Lu Li as a high-level undead creature.

Moreover, the other party and Isaka had a cooperative relationship before. Although Isaka was sealed, Lu Li had not been able to find any trace.

From Shima Sheng, Jian had already learned that the other party's purpose of coming back was because of Lu Li.

Of course, Jian naturally did not understand what Shima Sheng said about the anomaly.

But anyway, it can be known that Lu Li is a very dangerous guy.

Lian Geer also focused his eyes on Lu Li at this time, with a hint of doubt and vigilance in his eyes.

The spider undead creature had never had direct contact with Lu Li, so naturally he did not know who Lu Li was.

Even when Isaka was conducting experiments before, the spider undead creature used his spirit to reject the transformation of Kamijou Mutsuki, but he was very careful and did not dare to expose too much.

Therefore, he did not notice Lu Li.

Regarding this mysterious person who suddenly appeared, Lian Geer was not sure who the other party was, but he could feel that the other party should also be an undead creature.

Walking towards this side, Lu Li suddenly said.

"You finally came out, category Ac...

"What? ! Category Ace? !"

Jian was suddenly shocked and turned back to look at Lian Geer in disbelief.

Suddenly recalled what Karasuma Kei said before leaving.

Although the spider undead creature has been sealed, it still has evil will.

When Jian thought that Shirai Kotaro had been controlled by that card before, he immediately understood.

The knight in front of him may not be used by the transformer, but by the category Ace!

"Did you see it? But... so what? Now I am... the strongest knight!"

Slightly clenching his fists, Lian Geer was full of confidence.

Just now, he was able to suppress Jian and Calis alone, which proved that his current strength is indeed very strong, worthy of the strongest knight.

With a faint smile on his face, he casually pulled out an awakening card, and at the same time, an awakening device appeared on his waist.

"Since you are the strongest knight, do you mind fighting with me? I have been waiting for you for a long time."

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