Before he finished speaking, Lu Li casually swiped the golden awakening card in his hand across the awakening device.

Leangle, who was controlled by Category Ac, keenly noticed that the golden awakening card in Lu Li's hand just now had a plum blossom pattern on it.

At the same time, there was also an A symbol on it.

"What is that..?! How is it possible?!"

The spider undead creature's heart suddenly shook.

He was very sure that this awakening card was exactly the same as his own awakening card.

It's just that the pattern on it was not purple, but gold, and the whole card was gold.

But how could there be two awakening cards of his own? !



A stream of energy attached to Lu Li, and a green spider was vaguely seen appearing behind Lu Li.

It was not a real spider, but a phantom of a spider.

The green spider opened its forelimbs and instantly hugged Lu Li.

A brilliant golden glow suddenly lit up, and a knight with green and gold stripes appeared in front of everyone.

Kamen Rider Leangle (Leangle). Full fusion form!

Compared with the Lianger controlled by the spider undead creature at this time, the Lianger transformed by Lu Li is somewhat different.

First of all, Lu Li used the awakening device, and secondly, the Lianger transformed by Lu Li had a different pattern on his body.

Compared with Lianger, Lu Li's aura was obviously more terrifying, making it difficult to breathe.

When Cheng Guang saw Lianger for the first time, she felt a little familiar, but she just couldn't remember where she had seen him.

Now when she suddenly saw Lu Li's transformed Lianger, she suddenly remembered the night when she first met Lu Li.

Chapter 41r? ? Defeated in the first show! Defeated and collapsed

When the battle took place that time, Lu Li used the emperor form of Lianger, which naturally looked very different from the current one.

But some shapes and some aspects are still very similar.

"I see."

Cheng Guang, who understood this, nodded thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?"

Yoshinaga Miyuki next to her didn't understand what Cheng Guang meant at all, and was completely confused.

She was shocked.

However, she was not shocked by Lu Li's transformation, but by the fact that the same awakening device as Calis appeared on Lu Li's waist.

Although the color looked slightly different, there was no doubt that it was the same awakening device.

"Could it be... Lu Li is also a Joker?!"

Suddenly getting this answer, Yoshinaga Miyuki's heart suddenly became terrified.

One Jokr was already difficult to deal with, and now there is another one, and it is even more powerful. How to fight this extreme battle?

More importantly, in the previous extreme battle, only one Joker appeared. Now suddenly another more powerful Joker appeared. What's going on?

I can't figure it out!

With countless doubts in her heart, Yoshinaga Miyuki looked at Cheng Guang on the side, with a very complicated look.

"You... aren't you worried that Lu Li is another Jokert?

If that's the case, I'm afraid he will attack us sooner or later!"

At this time, Yoshinaga Miyuki's first thought was naturally to protect herself.

With her strength, she couldn't resist Lu Li, and even escaping was impossible, so she wanted to persuade Cheng Guang to let him go with her.

After leaving, the worst that could happen is that they would go their separate ways. It's always safer to drag someone down with you.

What's more, Cheng Guang and Lu Li have been together for a while, and the other party must know Lu Li better than herself.

Turning his head slightly, he glanced at Yoshinaga Miyuki coldly, and Cheng Guang's cold and beautiful face still looked very calm.

"Although Lu Li is very similar to Joker, I can be sure that he is definitely not Joker.

Otherwise, he would have had the opportunity to kill me directly, including you, of course, but he didn't do that.

Although I don't know what the reason is, if he is Jokr, do you think you can survive until now?"

As soon as these words came out, Yoshinaga Miyuki fell silent.

Thinking calmly, he suddenly found that it seemed to be true as Cheng Guang said.

If Lu Li was really Jokr, he would never let any undead creature go.

With his powerful strength, there was no need to keep the two of them by his side.

Maybe... Lu Li is not the real Jokerl?

Thinking of this, the fear in my heart faded a lot.

Yoshinaga Miyuki didn't say anything more, and returned to the battlefield.

Looking back and forth in shock, Jian didn't know what to say at this time.

"How could this happen?! Two?!"

He really couldn't figure out why there was another Lian Geer.

Compared to Jian who was extremely shocked, Calis needed to be much calmer.

Recalling the previous battle in the test field, Lu Li just turned into Calis and fought with himself.

This man has too many secrets, and Calis doesn't understand what happened.

There are too many problems in this extreme battle.

Lian Geer vigilantly grasped the awakening stick, looking at Lu Li who looked very similar to him, he didn't dare to be careless.

The awakening stick appeared in Lu Li's hand out of thin air, and it was almost the same weapon as Lian Geer, and there was almost no big difference.

"who are you?"

Putting on a fighting stance, Lenger's eyes were full of vigilance.

"You don't need to know who I am, just let me see the strength of your... strongest knight."

Lu Li gently hooked his fingers, as if he didn't take the other person seriously at all.

Lengere was originally here to test his own strength, but he didn't know why the guy in front of him had his own awakening card, and it was also golden.

But now if I don't fight, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave.

The other party was obviously here for me, and it was impossible for him to leave.


Leng Ge burst out at extremely fast speed and rushed towards Lu Li, slamming out the awakening staff in his hand.

He planned to hold on to the advantage first and give Lu Li something to show off.

"too slow!"

This speed, which should have been very fast in the eyes of Jian and Kallis, was completely useless to Lu Li, and could even be said to be very slow.


The awakening sticks collided together, making a dull sound.

Leng Ge thought that he would definitely succeed in the sneak attack, but he didn't expect that his sneak attack would be seen through so easily and blocked easily.

I was extremely shocked!

He thought that Lu Li should be at most similar to Kallis and the others, even though his form looked similar to his own, he would be the strongest knight.

Unexpectedly, he was easily manipulated by the other party.

He immediately reacted and wanted to retreat, but Lu Li did not stop him.

"What? Is this the power of the strongest Kamen Rider? But in my opinion, your power... doesn't seem to be that great."

Leng Ge had just landed, but suddenly found that Lu Li had appeared in front of him.


He didn't even see the other party's movements clearly before he suddenly appeared in front of him.

He casually punched Lenger in the chest, and the terrifying force instantly knocked him away.


Only a scream was heard, and Lenger's body kept rolling in the air and slammed to the ground.

Unsuccessful start!

It was obviously supposed to be his first show, but he didn't expect to meet such a terrifying guy.

The intense pain coming from the chest can naturally be felt by the spider undead.

Although this body is not his own, his spirit is now attached to this body after all.

"Impossible! I should be the strongest knight!"

Before he finished speaking, Lenger immediately pulled out two awakening cards.

The biting cobra of the 5 of clubs and the blizzard of the 6 of clubs!



The other awakening card suddenly turned into a phantom and integrated into the body.

Lu Li slammed his feet on the ground, jumped into the air, and fell directly towards the ground from above.


Extremely cold air was released from the toes and rushed straight towards Lu Li.


The terrifying air-conditioning immediately froze Lu Li into ice.

The next second, Lenger suddenly used his feet to release powerful force to clamp the frozen ice.


Terrifying power was poured into the ice, and it exploded instantly, sending countless ice fragments flying all over the sky.


After Liang Ge landed, he felt happy.

He did see Lu Li being frozen by his own air-conditioning just now.

Since the opponent has been frozen by his own air conditioning, he naturally cannot escape the subsequent secondary attack.

Jian and Kallis also saw this scene and were suddenly surprised.

Could it be that that extremely powerful guy was really destroyed by this new knight?

If this is true, it can be regarded as solving a big trouble, at least that's what Jian thinks.

But Kallis didn't think so in his heart. He had seen Lu Li's power before.

Although Leng Ge's fighting power shown just now was pretty good and indeed stronger than his current self, but compared with that guy, it was not impressive at all.

The possibility of hurting the opponent with the special attack just now is extremely slim.

Looking at the ice mist that filled the sky from the explosion, Kalis firmly believed that Lu Li could never be killed so easily.

Lenger clenched his fists tightly and sneered in his heart as he saw the ice mist filling the sky.

【snort! The guy who dared to underestimate himself finally paid the price! 】

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