Just as he was thinking this, a voice suddenly came from behind him, making his body suddenly stiffen.

"That's it? Can you be called the strongest knight?

Turning around suddenly, Leng Ge suddenly realized that Lu Li had appeared behind him at some point.

There was no warning at all, and I didn't even see how he acted.

"how come?!"

Liang Geer was shocked.

He really couldn't understand how Lu Li did it.

Wasn't he frozen by himself?

Jian and Kallis were also attracted by the sound. When they looked over, they happened to see Lu Li standing in another place.

"Why is he on the other side?"

A big question mark popped up on his head, and Jian was now filled with doubts.

He even thought for a moment that his eyes were blurry. Lu Li was never frozen into ice from the beginning.

But when I think about it, I think it’s impossible. You must have a goal to be frozen into ice.

Kallis didn't say anything, but he felt extremely heavy in his heart.

How the other party moved to another place, he didn't know.

But the only thing he could be sure of was that Lu Li was definitely at the place where he was frozen into ice at the beginning.

Unable to help clenching his fists, Kalis felt that the gap between himself and Lu Li seemed to be getting wider and wider.

When the other party fought with him before, he didn't even use his full strength. He was a terrifying guy.

Cheng Guang, who was watching the battle in the distance, felt a little nervous for some reason when he saw the ice mist exploding all over the sky.

But when she saw Lu Li appear again, her nervousness disappeared without a trace.

Cheng Guang can naturally feel his changes in mentality.

Why did you have such a change in mentality? Could it be...that I have a crush on this man?

This idea came to his mind inexplicably, and Cheng Guang was a little unsure for a while.

She admired powerful people, and Lu Li happened to meet all her requirements, so it was not surprising that such an idea would come to mind.

Compared to Chengguang, who was still a little worried about Lu Li just now, Miyuki Yoshinaga had a look of regret in her eyes.

If Lu Li had been dealt with like this just now, it would mean that she could regain her freedom and no longer have to follow Lu Li.

Unfortunately, such an idea is just a thought and cannot be realized at all.

Although there is some regret in her heart, Miyuki Yoshinaga cannot show it on her face. If she is discovered, she may not be able to reap the benefits.

The so-called strongest knight is really useless in her opinion.

He couldn't beat Lu Li at all, and didn't even touch one of his edges. He was the strongest knight.

Moreover, Yoshinaga Miyuki obviously noticed something just now.

That was Lu Li, who was originally frozen into ice, but suddenly appeared behind Liang Geer.

It wasn't by moving at high speed, like suddenly appearing.

Yoshinaga Miyuki only knows one undead creature that can do this.

Scarab Undead!

Being able to control time naturally makes it easy to avoid such attacks.

But the scarab undead creature itself is not a high-level undead creature. The powerful aura exuded by Lu Li has completely exceeded the standards of ordinary undead creatures. How could it be possible?

Are they ordinary undead creatures?

She can't understand!


Taking a step back unconsciously, Lenger felt that the guy in front of him who looked similar to himself was full of mystery.

I couldn't understand how he hid behind me at all. It felt like he disappeared and appeared out of thin air.

".Jiu you. How could you do that?"

I thought this would be my opening show, shocking everyone, but I didn't expect that I would encounter such a powerful enemy as soon as I arrived.

"Why did I appear behind you? Right? But it's a pity that I can't tell you. After all... this is my secret.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li suddenly rushed towards Liang Geer, so fast that there was only an afterimage.

Such rapid speed did not give Lenger any time to react, and he punched him in the face.


The strong force made Lian Ge stumble violently, but fortunately he used the awakening staff to support his body, so that he would not fall.

However, before Liang Geer could stand still, a fist as big as a sandbag suddenly appeared in front of him and slammed into his abdomen.


Leng Geer, who couldn't resist it at all, was knocked to the ground by the punch, and he lay on the ground as if he had sunk to the ground.

He was beaten to such an embarrassing state as soon as he appeared on the stage. Even Geer knew that relying on his own will, he could not hold on for too long.

In any case, this body is still Kamijo Mutsuki's for now.

Although he took control of his body, he couldn't last long.

As time goes on, his control over this body will gradually weaken, and he will need to rest for a period of time to recover.

He stepped on Lenger's back and pressed him to the ground, unable to get up.

"Since he is the strongest knight, how can he look so embarrassed?

Come on, the battle between us is not over yet? "

There was no need for Lu Li to explain that there was no way Leng Ge would give up resistance.

His body suddenly exerted force, and his hind legs kicked directly towards Lu Li, hoping to force him back.

But obviously, he still underestimated Lu Li too much.

Faced with the fierce kick, Lu Li grabbed his ankle without even a glance.


When his ankle was grabbed, Lian Geer secretly said "Oops" in his heart

The next second, Lian Geer felt a very terrifying force coming, and instantly threw him 360 degrees.


His back hit the ground violently, and the intense pain made Lian Geer couldn't help but make a sound.


At this moment, Lian Geer suddenly felt a discomfort in his body.

Umejo Mutsuki, who was originally controlled by the will of the spider undead creature, woke up at this time, which meant that he was about to undo his transformation.

Lu Li had also noticed that Lian Geer's current state was a little wrong, and another mental force was counteracting his mental force.

Lu Li looked at Lian Geer lying on the ground motionless, and had a guess in his heart.

Even if the spider undead creature has an evil will, it does not mean that he can erase the spirit of Umejo Mutsuki.

He is an outsider, a possession, and he still has to be dominated by the spirit of Umejo Mutsuki himself.

At most, he could only give guidance and let the other party do things according to his own ideas, but he could not completely control the other party.

At least not for now.

After this state lasted for a few seconds, Lian Geer's body trembled a few times and then automatically lifted the transformation.

Shang Cheng Mu Yue lay on the ground, a flash of pain flashed across his face, followed by confusion.

He had no idea where he was now and why he was lying here again.

What happened? How should he go back now?

Just when Shang Cheng Mu Yue was about to stand up, he saw Lu Li in front of him.

Kamen Rider? !

He was not unfamiliar with Kamen Rider and knew a little bit.

He was no longer an ordinary person, but a Kamen Rider.

"Is it gone so soon? It seems that this guy's mental strength is not very strong."

Lu Li shook his head slightly. He thought that the will of the spider undead creature could last longer, but he didn't expect it to give up so soon.

The battle was over, and Lu Li also exited the transformation state.

Looking at the fallen Lian Geer Knight System, he turned away from Chen in disappointment.

Originally, he was thinking about "communicating" with Lian Geer, but he didn't expect this guy to be so unable to resist a beating

Chapter 417 Queen with a strong desire to survive! What do undead creatures need?

But the spider undead creature knew that he had indeed fought with all his strength.

Unexpectedly, he was not an opponent at all.

The spider's consciousness was completely silent, and he no longer continued to control Shang Cheng Mu Yue.

Shang Cheng Mu Yue looked like an ordinary high school student, and even gave people the first impression that he was a little cowardly.

After witnessing Lu Li's departure, Shang Cheng Mu Yue, who had just regained consciousness, had a deep confusion in his eyes at this moment.

He didn't know anything about what happened.

He didn't understand why he was lying on the ground, nor why the man in front of him was a Kamen Rider.

Did something happen during the time when he lost consciousness?

He hurriedly checked and found that his knight buckle and card were all left aside.

He quickly picked it up and put it in his bag. Kamijiro Mutsuki didn't care about that and was ready to leave.

He noticed that there were other Kamen Riders here. It would be troublesome if they stopped him.

Since he had already seen it, how could Ken let him go easily?

"Hey! Stop!!"

After canceling the transformation, Kenzaki Ichima hurriedly chased after him, trying to catch Kamijiro Mutsuki.

He wanted to know why the lost knight buckle and category Ace appeared in the hands of this high school student.

There must be some situation here, but he didn't know it yet.

If he could stop Kamijiro Mutsuki, he would have the opportunity to get this information from him.

What's more, Kamijiro Mutsuki obviously couldn't control this power.

It would be very dangerous to let him continue to use this power.

That evil will will definitely control him again, and Kenzaki Ichima can't watch this happen.

Noticing someone chasing him from behind, Kamijiro Mutsuki was frightened and ran away in a hurry.

Everyone had left, leaving only Calis. There was no point for him to stay here.

He took out the 2 of Hearts card and switched back to human form, then turned away with a cold face.

He secretly told himself that he must defeat that guy next time, and he must not be beaten so badly like this time.

Of course, Lu Li was also his target.

Although the person he was fighting was not Lu Li, he had already regarded Lu Li as his target.

A target that must be defeated!

When Lu Li returned to Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki, Lu Li smiled faintly and said

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