"Did she want to escape when I was away?"

The "she" mentioned here is, of course, the newly conquered Yoshinaga Miyuki.

When she heard this, Yoshinaga Miyuki's face suddenly changed, and she looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

Then she immediately lowered her head,

She was worried that her eyes would reveal her inner thoughts.

903 This man is too mysterious.

Not only did she not know what kind of undead creature he was, but he could even see through her thoughts.


Swallowing unconsciously, Yoshinaga Miyuki secretly glanced at Cheng Guang next to her.

At this time, she could only hope that Cheng Guang would not tell Lu Li that she wanted to escape.

But unfortunately, she completely underestimated Cheng Guang.

"Yes, she thought about escaping just now, and not only did he want to escape, he also wanted me to go with him. ”

Without hesitation, he sold out Yoshinaga Miyuki, Cheng Guang didn't even have the slightest intention of hiding it.

The pupils suddenly shrank, and Yoshinaga Miyuki hurriedly lowered her head, not daring to look at Lu Li at all.

She was worried that if she looked at Lu Li at this time, he would find out that she was guilty.

"Oh? Miyuki, is that so?"

Looking at Yoshinaga Miyuki with a smile, the huge sense of oppression emanating from Lu Li made her heart tremble.

"No...no! How could I want to run away? ! Absolutely not, I was just joking just now!

Cheng Guang! I definitely didn't want to run away just now, I was just joking with you!

At this time, Yoshinaga Miyuki had a very strong desire to survive.

Under the strong desire to survive, she had to choose to surrender, and there was no room for choice at all.

If she didn't find a way to satisfy Lu Li at this time, I'm afraid...she would be in trouble.

I had just seen Lu Li's power. Lu Li could use the power of the awakening card, which meant that Lu Li might be able to seal himself.

She didn't want to be sealed yet!

Once sealed, it means that everything is over.

All her previous efforts were in vain.

After finally reviving, she didn't want to be eliminated directly.

"Oh? Is this really just a joke? But I don't think Chengguang likes to joke, and she and I never joke."

He still looked calm and calm, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking at this moment.

Frightened, Yoshinaga Miyuki immediately knelt down and hugged Lu Li's thigh.

"Lu Li, I... I wanted to escape just now, but I'm not well yet, right?

Believe me! I will never have such a little thought again in the future, never!"

The horror of the man in front of her was beyond her imagination.

She must not hide anything in front of this man, otherwise once he sees through her, I'm afraid... it will be troublesome.

If an ordinary man saw her tearful look, he would probably feel distressed.

After all, who can remain indifferent to a beauty crying like this?

But he was not facing an ordinary man, but Lu Li.

The tears that Yoshinaga Miyuki shed at this time were just crocodile tears, which were extremely fake.

The reason for crying was probably not because of regret, but simply because of the power of fear of Lu Li in her heart.

His right hand gently rested on Yoshinaga Miyuki's head, gently stroking the black and smooth hair.

"You said... should I believe you?"

Feeling the big hand on her head, Yoshinaga Miyuki was terrified in her heart and nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes! You can believe me! I will never run away, please believe me!

I will do whatever you ask me to do in the future, and I will never dare to have any second thoughts!"

At this time, it is most important to find a way to keep yourself alive, and consider other things later.

Squatting down slightly, Lu Li whispered in Yoshinaga Miyuki's ear.

"Whether it is true or not, I can tell for myself. Let me see tonight whether you are really obedient."

These four words tonight made Yoshinaga Miyuki's pupils shrink suddenly.

She has been in human society for a long time. Even if she has never eaten pork, she has seen pigs run.

Lu Li's sudden words caught her off guard.

Isn't the other party also an undead creature?

Since it is an undead creature, does it still have that kind of demand? !

Although she was confused and surprised, Yoshinaga Miyuki knew that she had no right to refuse at all.

What she had to do was to gain Lu Li's trust and let him trust her.

Because of this incident, if she didn't do something, there would be no way to gain Lu Li's trust.

Thinking of this, Yoshinaga Miyuki bit her lips lightly, and she didn't even have the right to choose.

In the end, she could only nod aggrievedly.

"I understand.

The two spoke in a very low voice, and Cheng Guang, who was standing by, could not hear clearly, so he naturally did not know what they were talking about.

Then, Lu Li took the two away.

Today's battle was a bit disappointing, but... we can continue the battle in the evening.

Although Kamijiro Mutsuki had good physical strength, he still could not run faster than Kenzaki Kazuma, an adult.

Successfully caught Kamijiro Mutsuki, and Kenzaki Kazuma took him back to Shirai Farm!

Kamiijiro Mutsuki, who was sitting on the back seat of the motorcycle, was quite nervous at this time.

He finally got the power that would allow him to change, and he was absolutely unwilling to hand it over?

No matter who the opponent is, you must protect the knight buckle and awakening card in your hand.

After having this thing, I seem to have become stronger, and I am not as afraid of things as before.

This is the power brought to him by the knight system, and he can't help but become addicted to it.

Although he didn't quite understand why he suddenly appeared in that place, Kamijo Mutsuki didn't think about it that much. Maybe he forgot.

Even though he had some suspicion in his heart, he was unwilling to give up this hard-won power.

When rushing back to Shirai Farm, Kenzaki Kazuma specially notified Tachibana Shuo to come too.

Let’s discuss countermeasures together.

Not long after, I finally returned to the villa.

There is another motorcycle parked outside, and this motorcycle naturally belongs to Ju Shuo.

"Come on, come in with me, everyone has been waiting for a while."

In order to prevent Mutsuki Kamijo from escaping, Kazuma Kenzaki directly grabbed his arm and pulled him in.

"I know! Don't use so much force, it hurts!"

The two entered the villa, and everyone focused their attention on them.

Inside the house were Shima Noboru, Tachibana Sakuya, Hirose Shiori and Shirai Torataro.

As for Karasuma Kai, he should have gone to Tibet by now. (bebc)

The starting point of human history was in that place. He wanted to go back and study it more deeply to enhance the power of the knight system.

When he first saw Kamijo Mutsuki, Shirai Torataro was very surprised.

"Eh?! Is he the latest Kamen Rider? He looks too young, like a high school student."

I thought it would be someone who looked similar to Kenzaki Kazuma and the others, but now he turned out to be a young man.

"It's not like I'm a high school student. I'm a high school student. Hello, I'm Mutsuki Kamijo."

Kamijo Mutsuki, who has a relatively cowardly personality, had a rare moment of strength.

Being watched by so many people, Kamijo Mutsuki felt very nervous at the moment and couldn't help but tighten his pockets.

After all, what was in his pocket was the Knight System, and he didn't want it to be taken away.

From the moment he came in, Shima Noboru's eyes never left Kamijo Mutsuki.

Obviously, Shima Noboru has figured out what kind of state Mutsuki Kamijo is currently in.

Hirose Shiori turned his attention to Shima Noboru and asked curiously.

"Mr. Shima, what do you think?"

They all already know the identity of Shima Noboru, and they also know that Shima Noboru has a very keen perception and should be able to know some things that they don't know.

Hearing this, Shimsho nodded solemnly.

"Yes, his body does contain the spirit of Category Ac, which is the so-called evil will.

If this situation cannot be resolved, it is likely to become more and more troublesome, and may even affect subsequent battles. "

Mutsuki Kamijo didn't know the man wearing a turban in front of him, but he always felt that the man wearing a turban spoke very convincingly.

Ju Shuo, who was sitting beside him, also had a serious face.

He knew that part of the reason why things would develop to this point was because of him.

If it hadn't been for him sealing the undead spider, Isaka probably wouldn't have been able to create the strongest knight system, and things wouldn't be what they are now.

Ju Shuo also understood the cause and effect of all this very clearly in his heart.

Because of his own problems, he felt very guilty in his heart for allowing such a young high school student to be dominated by the evil will of an undead spider.

Self-blame is self-blame, and what you should be thinking about now is how to handle this matter.

Thinking of this, Tachibana Saku also walked over and put his hands on Kamijo Mutsuki's shoulders.

"Mutsuki, I hope you can hand over the contents of your pocket. That power is too dangerous for you. You have no idea what you are facing now.

I've heard Kenzaki say in the previous battle that you can't control its power just by relying on it.

Although this power is very powerful, if you continue to use it, you will be dominated by this power sooner or later, which is very dangerous!

Throw away that power now, throw away that power, be a normal high school student, and live your life. "

These words were very pertinent, and Ju Shuo really didn't want anyone to be involved in the whirlpool again.

Lowering his head, Kamijo Mutsuki's eyes flickered, his face was calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking for a while.

He didn't know what choice he should make at this time. Should he continue to fight?

Or return to normal life?

I used to be very cowardly and was often bullied by others.

Now that I have finally become stronger, do I have to give up this opportunity like this?

If I don't get this opportunity, will I have another opportunity?

Before he could answer, Shima Noboru shook his head and said.

"It's useless, he has been targeted by Category Ac. Even if you take away the Knight System, that guy will find a way to come back to him.

This approach treats the symptoms but not the root cause and is meaningless.

The Kamijo Mutsuki in front of him has been eroded by the evil will of the spider undead creature. To put it bluntly, he is targeting him.

"Ah?! Is it so troublesome?!"

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