Shirai Torataro suddenly looked surprised.

Recalling that I almost wanted to transform before, but was stopped.

My heart was suddenly filled with joy. Fortunately, I was successfully stopped by Shima Noboru, otherwise I would be the one being controlled now.

"how so?!"

Jushuo also thought that it would be fine if the knight system was taken away, but now it seems that it is completely different from what he thought.

"Now I can feel that that guy's spirit is currently in a dormant state, and Mutsuki will not be affected by that guy for the time being.

However, after that guy recovers, Mutsuki may still be affected by his evil will. "

Shima Noboru can't directly drive away the opponent's evil will, he doesn't have such ability yet.

Although he can arouse the power of the voice, this can only awaken the emotions in the other party's heart, but cannot eliminate the will of the undead spider.

After hearing everyone's conversation, Kamijo Mutsuki probably understood what was going on.

No wonder I couldn't remember what happened before. I was afraid that during the previous battle, I had been controlled by the spider undead creature.

With his head slightly lowered, Kamijo Mutsuki didn't know what to do.

The power he gained was real, but he was controlled by another spiritual will.

For dragging a high school student into this whirlpool, Ju Shuo felt quite guilty in his heart and wanted to find a solution to this problem.

"Mr. Shima, is there any way to help him now?"

Facing this question also raised by Tachibana Shuo, Shima Noboru nodded after pondering for a while.

"It's not impossible, the only way is to enhance Mutsuki's own strength and make his mental power stronger.

As long as he has a firm will, he can be immune to the influence of evil will.

There is no way to release the control of the evil will, so you can only find a way to resist the evil will of the spider undead creature.

Nodding thoughtfully, Ju Shuo already understood what to do.

"I see, I understand. Then I will train Mutsuki and make him a qualified Kamen Rider."

A high school student shouldn't be involved in this, but now that it has happened, we must find a way to solve this trouble.

When Mutsuki Kamijo heard that Tachibana Sakuya was actually willing to teach him to become a qualified Kamen Rider, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He really wanted to become a Kamen Rider. He finally had the power to change his destiny. How could he give up?

Chapter 418 Sister Tiger: Am I attracted to this man? The Four Horsemen reunite!

Because of this incident, Kamijo Mutsuki officially became Tachibana Sakuya’s apprentice and junior.

Although they thought of fighting the evil will of the spider undead creatures in this way, is it really that easy?

After all, this is a man whose two parents can barely carry Kamijo Mutsuki!

The dark night enveloped the earth, and the stars were dotted in the dark night sky.

At this time, in a luxurious room of a very luxurious hotel.

There were only two people in the room, one was Lu Li of course, and the other was Yoshinaga Miyuki who was about to receive punishment.

After what happened during the day, Miyuki Yoshinaga's inner thoughts of escaping have become much less intense.

But that's not enough to completely give up on escaping.

As an advanced undead creature, she was unwilling to lose her freedom completely.

At this time, Miyuki Yoshinaga was feeling very confused because she had already guessed what was going to happen next.


Even as a high-level undead creature, he felt very nervous when facing this kind of thing.

To be precise, as an undead creature, I should have never considered this aspect.

Looking at Lu Li nervously, Yoshinaga Miyuki had no idea what to do and was very nervous.

Lu Li couldn't help but smile when he saw how nervous she was and how she didn't have the calmness and calmness of an advanced undead creature at all.

"You look nervous."


He said so, but his body was very honest, and he actually took a step back when he spoke.

Although it was only a small step, it was enough to show her fear.

"Don't worry, there's no need to be so nervous, you'll get used to it soon.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Li walked over and pushed Miyuki Yoshinaga onto the luxurious bed.

Buzz! !

The whole brain went blank, and Yoshinaga Miyuki had no idea what to do now.

Soon, her clothes were torn to pieces.

Strange sounds echoed in the room.

Cheng Guang, who was in another room, could not hear the sound coming from the other room, but she could probably understand what happened.


It’s not surprising that the tiger tribe would do the same thing when reproducing their offspring.

But after becoming an undead creature, Cheng Guang has always put the prosperity of his race as the most important thing, and has not considered any other things at all.

I don't know why, but Cheng Guang, who knew what happened in the room next to him, felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

She didn't know why she had such a strange feeling suddenly, but she just felt unhappy.

Suddenly, a strange idea came to my mind.

If the people in the next room were him and Lu Li, would he

Faced with such a strange idea that suddenly appeared, Jiang Chengguang himself was inexplicably startled.

How could I have such inexplicable thoughts!

Could it be have fallen in love with that man? !

Unconsciously frowning, Cheng Guang lay directly on the big bed next to him, looking at the lights on the ceiling, and fell into thinking for a while.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

Early in the morning, when Lu Li opened his eyes, he saw Miyuki Yoshinaga lying in his arms.

I have to say that it is indeed an undead creature, and its combat power is really extraordinary.

After fighting until very late, Miyuki Yoshinaga finally couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

I believe that after an in-depth exchange, even if Miyuki Yoshinaga had some thoughts in her heart, she would not dare to express them.

Reaching out and gently stroking the smooth back, Lu Li fell into thought.

As if aware of Lu Li's movements, Miyuki Yoshinaga, who was sleeping soundly, slowly woke up.

When she recalled what happened yesterday, her face changed slightly.

I actually passed out without any precautions!

Fortunately, nothing happened.

She never thought that she would lose so completely.

It doesn't matter if she can't compare in terms of combat power, but in this aspect, she was also killed and lost her armor, so she was no match at all.

Standing up straight, her bumpy figure exposed to the air, Yoshinaga Miyuki stared at Lu Li closely.

"Now that we are like this, you should trust that I won't betray you in the future, right?"

Hearing this, Lu Li came back to his senses, saw Miyuki Yoshinaga with a serious look on his face, and smiled slightly.

"Trust is not so easy to give to someone. Next, I will judge based on your behavior whether you are worthy of trust or not.

As for now, you've managed to gain a little trust, but only a little.

As he spoke, Lu Li stretched out his little finger to make a little gesture.

When Miyuki Yoshinaga learned about this situation, she suddenly felt angry and felt aggrieved at the same time.

Both of them were already like this, but they didn't expect that they only gained a little trust.

Really just a little bit!

It is really difficult to gain the trust of this guy in front of you!

However, Yoshinaga Miyuki also figured something out.

Her strength can only be ranked behind among the advanced undead creatures, and it will be very troublesome if she is targeted by other advanced undead creatures.

But if you have the protection of the man in front of you, there will definitely not be any high-level undead creatures coming to trouble you. Even if there are, you don't have to face them alone.

Thinking about it, he didn't seem to suffer much, at least he was temporarily sheltered.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that committing oneself to the man in front of me is not something unacceptable:

What's more, there is another higher-level undead creature beside this man, whose combat effectiveness is also stronger than his own.

With the three of them together, no advanced undead creature would be able to take advantage of them.

The same is true even if the opponent is a powerful type King.

But what Yoshinaga Miyuki didn't know was that the man in front of her was probably even more terrifying than Category Kig.

But the specific identity is still unclear.

"Okay! Just watch my performance next, I will definitely make you trust me!"

Clenching her pink fist, Yoshinaga Miyuki believed that she would be able to gain Lu Li's trust.

"Then I'll... wait and see."

After that, Lu Li directly pulled Yoshinaga Miyuki over and started a new day of morning exercises!

It wasn't until almost noon that Cheng Guang got a little impatient waiting in the room, and then he came to see Lu Li.

It’s not like Chengguang is coming, I’m afraid the battle will last longer.

Since being accepted as a disciple by Tachibana Sakuya yesterday, Kamijo Mutsuki has rushed to train as soon as school time comes.

Today happened to be rest time, and he had a whole day to practice with Ju Shuo.

How to make yourself stronger, how to make your will stronger, and how to improve your concentration.

These are the lessons he needs to practice, and Ju Shuo will give them to him one by one.

Although Shima Noboru had no way to eliminate the evil will of the spider undead, he could observe from the sidelines whether Kamijo Mutsuki was affected by the spider undead.

Once there is, he will find a way to temporarily suppress the spirit of the spider undead creature and prevent this guy from controlling Mutsuki Kamijo.

The training process is naturally very boring.

Especially for a high school student, it can be said to be very uncomfortable

But there is no way. If he doesn't want to be controlled by the spider undead, he must undergo these trainings.

During training, Kamijo Mutsuki concentrated as much as possible to increase his concentration.

But what he didn't know was that such concentration training was not enough to resist the mental invasion of the undead spiders.

From the beginning, the spider undead were never completely sealed away.

Mutsuki Kamijo has a cowardly personality, and it is impossible to completely turn him into a strong person in a short period of time.

While training, Hirose Suga suddenly called Tachibana Sakuya.

This call was to inform Jushuo that undead creatures had appeared.

Since Sayoko didn't die this time, Tachibana Saku naturally didn't give up on becoming Gren.

Now, because of what happened to Kamijou Mutsuki, he had to guide him well so that he wouldn't be controlled by the evil will of the spider undead creature.

Kamijou Mutsuki, who was eager to gain power in his heart, immediately stopped Tachibana Sakuya who was about to leave when he learned that the undead creature appeared.

"Mr. Tachibana, please take me with you!

There was a strong desire in his eyes, and he also wanted to fight.

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