Hearing this, Tachibana Saku immediately frowned and refused righteously.

"No! You are not able to master your power yet, I can't let you go."

Seeing that the other party rejected him without hesitation, Kamijou Mutsuki, who was full of expectations in his heart, suddenly looked disappointed.

Although he had just started training, he also wanted to fight.

"Mr. Tachibana, take me with you! I believe I can help you, I am also... Kamen Rider!"

"No! What if you...

Just when Tachibana Saku was about to refuse again, Shima Noboru, who had been standing next to him, suddenly said!

"Tachibana, take him with you, let him get in touch with the battle early, maybe it will be good for suppressing that guy's power. "

He couldn't determine the extent of the spider undead creature's power for the time being.

Because so far, he had not personally felt the power of the spider undead creature.

That guy. Maybe he has already hidden himself.

According to Kenzaki Kazuma's previous description, it can be known that Kamijiro Mutsuki, who was controlled by the spider undead creature, was defeated by that man.

Perhaps it is because of this that the evil will of the spider undead creature has temporarily hidden.

In order to let this guy show his power again, and then evaluate his evil will, Kanosho can determine how to deal with him.

Seeing that Kanosho actually took the initiative to speak for Kamijiro Mutsuki, Tachibana Saku also felt very strange.

Just when he was about to ask, Shima Noboru just gave him a look.

"I know, Mutsuki, then you come together."

"Yes! "

When he learned that he could go together, Kamijiro Mutsuki immediately showed an excited expression.

He was looking forward to the battle!

Last time, he knew nothing about his battle and had no idea what he had experienced.

But he believed that he could definitely control the power of Lengel!

.....Please give me flowers........

Then, the two of them drove the motorcycle to the destination at a high speed.

Watching the backs of the two people leaving, Shima Noboru's eyes were slightly deep.

"Will that guy... show up this time? ”

He couldn’t be completely sure that the evil will of the spider undead creature would appear.

But once a battle occurs, the probability of the evil will of the spider undead creature appearing will definitely be much higher.

Looking at the wild boar undead creature in the distance, it was rampant everywhere, killing people and being very manic.

The wild boar undead creature was released by Lian Geer before, and there was also another undead creature released, that is, the centipede undead creature.

The two were blown away by Lu Li before, but they were not sealed, but escaped.

But the two are not together now.

Kenzaki Kazuma arrived at the scene first, and fought with the wild boar undead creature after the transformation was completed.

Immediately afterwards, Tachibana Sakuya and Kamijiro Mutsuki also arrived at the scene at the first time.

Tachibana Sakuya also remembered what Shima Noboru said just now, so he looked at Kamijiro Mutsuki beside him.

"Mutsuki, go, remember to be firm in your beliefs, and don't be affected by that guy's will!

Originally, Kamijiro Mutsuki thought that he would at most help at the side, but he didn't expect that he would let himself fight directly.

Looking at the undead creature not far away, Kamijiro Mutsuki was actually a little excited.


Took out the buckle and card from the bag.



The purple light curtain automatically passed through Kamijiro Mutsuki's body.

After the transformation was completed, Leangle rushed over quickly and punched the wild boar undead creature on the head.

The powerful force directly knocked the wild boar undead creature away on the spot.

The sword, who was originally fighting, saw Leangle suddenly rushing out, and his heart tightened, and he looked at him very vigilantly.

He was not sure whether Leangle was Kamijiro Mutsuki or the will of Category Ace.

Slowly pulled out the awakening stick and switched it to combat form.

"My name is Leangle! I am the strongest Kamen Rider!"

Before the voice fell, Leangle instantly launched a fierce attack on the sword.


Even though the sword was already prepared, it was still caught off guard.

"Sure enough! "

Watching this scene happen, Ju Shuo also understood instantly that at this time, Lian Geer was controlled by the evil will of Category Ac.

Just finished training, although he had a little concentration, it was not enough to resist Category Ac..

At the same time, not far away, Lu Li and the other two were observing the battle.

"That guy, it seems that he is controlled by Category Ace again, it's really sad."

Slightly shaking his head, Cheng Guang's eyes flashed with disdain.

In her opinion, Shang Cheng Mu Yue was indeed a waste, and he couldn't resist the will of Category Ace.

"That can't be said. Category Ac has its own special features. Spider just makes reasonable use of his users.

He is a cowardly person, which is why Spider chose him, because he is easy to control.

In theory, the spider undead creature released many golden spiders, and there should be no shortage of those with similar adaptability, but why did he choose Shang Cheng Mu Yue.

The biggest reason is probably because this kid is cowardly in character and is relatively easier to control.

As long as he is easy to control, it's enough.

Anyway, it was the will of the spider undead creature that finally exerted the power of Lian Geer, and it had nothing to do with who it was.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly paused.

For no other reason, because he felt that Calis was also rushing over here.

There is no doubt that Calis also felt the existence of the undead creature, so he rushed over without stopping.

Now it is interesting, all four knights are gathered.

Among the four Kamen Riders, the strongest combat power is probably Ju Shuo, who has overcome his fear, not counting Lian Geer controlled by the spider.

After overcoming his fear, Ju Shuo can even defeat the peacock undead creature, which is a high-level undead creature.

If it were Calis and Jian, no matter who faced the peacock undead creature alone, it would be difficult.

Of course, Ju Shuo was able to deal with the peacock undead creature at that time, because of a part of his anger:

When Lian Geer and Jian were fighting, Ju Shuo certainly could not sit and wait for death, and immediately prepared to go up to stop the two from fighting.

But the wild boar undead creature suddenly blocked his way, leaving him no chance to pass.



After completing the transformation, Gren took the lead in attacking the wild boar undead creature.

This guy is too troublesome, and he must be dealt with before he can help Jian.

"Is that guy here too?"

Lu Li thought that it would be fine if all four Kamen Riders were present, but he didn't expect that there was another person who came.

Turning his eyes to the other side, Lu Li saw Shima Noboru wearing a headscarf on his head.

"Who is that person?"

It was the first time that Yoshinaga Miyuki saw Shima Noboru, but she was sure that the other party was a high-level undead creature.

"Category King, I didn't expect that guy to come too.

But when he saw Shima Noboru, Cheng Guang thought of the last battle.

Chapter 419 The debut of the memory of the other world! One against four!

In the last battle, she could be said to be completely crushed by the opponent.

Category Kig, each of them has very powerful power, and their strength far exceeds that of other high-level undead creatures.

The gap between high-level undead creatures and category Kig is like the gap between ordinary undead creatures and high-level undead creatures.

"Category King? !"

The voice rose several degrees.

Yoshinaga Miyuki had never expected that she would meet Category Kig in such a situation.

Even if she faced other high-level undead creatures, Yoshinaga Miyuki had no chance of winning, let alone Category Kig.

Once a fight really happened, she was even very sure that she would lose.

At the same time, Yoshinaga Miyuki could not help but focus her eyes on Lu Li, with a hint of strong curiosity in her eyes.

Who is stronger between Lu Li and Category King?

This question is what Yoshinaga Miyuki can't figure out at the moment:

"Lu Li, who is stronger between you and Category King? "

Heh! This woman, started to instigate a fight again.

Lu Li glanced at her lightly, and the deep eyes made Yoshinaga Miyuki lower her head in panic.

Suddenly reacted, it was not the time for him to be alone now.

Why is she still instigating, and instigating Lu Li.

If this guy is annoyed, he may not show mercy to his men.

Even if a further relationship has occurred, Yoshinaga Miyuki does not think that Lu Li can be restrained by relying on this relationship.

"Do you want to know who is stronger between me and him? Since you are so curious about my strength, I will let you see it. "

Since the four Kamen Riders have been gathered, and there is also a category Kig next to it, Lu Li can just relax.

Of course, whether the Jiu Sheng will take action is another matter, after all, this guy is very resistant to fighting.

In the previous battle, Lu Li almost didn't use any strength, there was no way, the opponent was too "six-five-three" weak.

"You want to go? Can you handle it? Do you need my help? "

Chengguang couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Will Lu Li suffer a loss if he has to deal with so many opponents alone?

When he said this, Chengguang suddenly realized why he asked this question?

Could it be that... it was really as he thought before, that he fell in love with this man?!

He shook his head vigorously and threw away all the messy thoughts in his mind.

The words have been said, and Chengguang will naturally not take them back.

"No, their strength is not enough to threaten me, Chengguang, you still keep an eye on her.

Although she has verbally promised me that she will not run away easily, but... I don't trust her very much. "

Lu Li did not avoid Yoshinaga Miyuki at all, and said it very bluntly.

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