When he chooses to believe in someone, he will believe in him unconditionally.

Since Kenzaki Kazuma had other things to do, Shirai Kotaro did not leave with him, but took the initiative to stay.

He was still a little worried, and staying here to watch for a while would make him feel a little more at ease.

The centipede undead creature that was released before attacked people in a forest.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a sudden noise.

I saw a strangely dressed man with sunglasses, jumping and walking towards the alley.

The centipede undead creature noticed it at the first time, and the other party was also an undead creature.

Since it is an undead creature, then...kill the other party.

Leaping up, the centipede undead creature punched down from top to bottom.

However, this punch that was sure to hit was easily caught by the other party.

The action was very relaxed, and it didn't look like an opponent of the same level at all.

"It's useless. You can't beat me with your level."


He suddenly opened his mouth and a ball of blue light bullets shot out from his mouth.

The centipede undead creature, whose wrist was tightly grasped by him, had no chance to dodge and was directly hit by this blue light bullet.


Accompanied by the screams of the centipede undead creature, it was instantly blown away by a terrifying energy.

It hit a stone violently and fell to the ground in a very embarrassing way.

Due to the violent collision, his shoulder was directly injured, and green blood splashed all over the ground.

Walking slowly, the man in sunglasses looked relaxed.

"Do you know who you are looking for trouble? I don't have the time to play with you here.

I have to go find... Kamen Rider.

Before he finished speaking, the man in sunglasses turned and left leisurely, as if he was not worried that the centipede undead creature would suddenly attack him.

With a trace of fear in his eyes, the centipede undead creature once again felt the suppression of level.

The gap in strength between high-level undead creatures and low-level undead creatures is too big!

As for sneak attacks, he can be very sure that his sneak attacks... will definitely fail!

Watching the other party leave, the centipede undead creature could only leave in embarrassment.

It is too difficult for ordinary undead creatures to defeat high-level undead creatures, and he currently does not have such power.

The previous one-on-four battle finally made Lu Li feel a little relieved.

Although the power of the four knights is not yet It's strong enough, but it can barely allow him to use some of his power, which is already very good.

Wait for them to grow up and let them seal more undead creatures, and their combat power will gradually become stronger.

Lu Li is looking forward to fighting with Kenzaki Kazuma and others in their emperor form.

I believe that when they reach the emperor form, their power will be stronger than at this stage, which will be more interesting.

Lu Li is recalling the battle just now, while Cheng Guang is thinking about what kind of power Lu Li used just now.

Is that power also the power of Kamen Rider?

If so, this power is too terrifying!

Although Cheng Guang knows that there is a knight system, she has also seen the power of the knight system in the hands of Kenzaki Kazuma and others.

But compared with the knight power that Lu Li possesses, it is simply a world of difference.

"Lu Li, what exactly is the power you used just now? It is definitely not the power of undead creatures, and you don't even need a card. "

In Chengguang's eyes, Lu Li revealed an incomparable sense of mystery, which made people want to explore it carefully.

Not only Chengguang, but Yoshinaga Miyuki also had a strong curiosity in her eyes at this time. The power Lu Li used just now was completely beyond her cognition.

Such a powerful force is simply exciting.

Yoshinaga Miyuki was even more curious about whether she could obtain this powerful force?

If she could obtain this power, then in this extreme battle, she would not have to rely solely on instigating others to fight.

Thinking of this, Yoshinaga Miyuki's mind suddenly became active.

As for how to obtain this powerful power, Yoshinaga Miyuki is still unclear, but the key must be Lu Li.

There is no doubt about this!

Lu Li told the two people the origin of this power directly.

"The power I used just now is different from the power possessed by this world.

After winning the first extreme battle, I was expelled from this world by the sealing stone slab and accidentally went to another world.

In that world, I obtained this power.

? ? ?

When they heard this answer, Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki were stunned.

They both looked at Lu Li, with strong doubts and shock in their eyes.

Although Cheng Guang knew that Lu Li was the winner of the first extreme battle, for some reason, the Creator started the second extreme battle.

But what she didn't know was that the Creator actually expelled Lu Li from this world.

And Lu Li happened to go to another world and gained the power of that world.

After getting some hidden information, Cheng Guang quickly recovered from the shock.

She had already accepted the first extreme battle and the second extreme battle before, and now that she learned that Lu Li had gone to another world, it was not unacceptable.

What's more, the power Lu Li used just now is indeed not a power that belongs to this world. Cheng Guang doesn't think Lu Li is making fun of him.

Compared to Chengguang who quickly recovered from the shock, Yoshinaga Miyuki was in shock for a long time.

She really couldn't understand that what Lu Li just said was so unreasonable.

It even made her feel like she was exposed to some unknown secrets.

What the first extreme battle, what other worlds, these are all things she has never heard of.

Incredibly magical!

"What...what does this mean?! Who is the winner of the first extreme battle? Is Lu Li a human undead creature?

impossible! Human undead creatures are just ordinary undead creatures, how could they have such powerful power! "

Obviously, because Miyuki Yoshinaga joined relatively late, she did not know that the extreme battle she participated in before was the second extreme battle.

Regarding the question raised by Yoshinaga Miyuki, Chengguang was not in a hurry to explain, but looked at Lu Li.

He seemed to be asking Lu Li whether he should tell Miyuki Yoshinaga about this matter.

Anyway, this isn't some hidden secret. Lu Li nodded slightly.

Later, Shiromitsu told Miyuki Yoshinaga that they were participating in the second extreme battle.

After hearing this story, Miyuki Yoshinaga's first reaction was that it was fake.

This must be a made-up story!

But then I thought about it and thought it was impossible. What was the point of making up such a story? Cheating her won't do anything.

As soon as my mind turned around, I quickly realized that this might not be a story, but the truth.

The extreme battle she participated in was the second extreme battle, not the first extreme battle.

Lu Li was the winner of the first extreme battle, but was expelled from this world by the Creator. The specific reason is currently unknown.

At the beginning, Miyuki Yoshinaga just thought which category Kig Lu Li would be.

Unexpectedly, things turned out to be completely different from what she thought.

Lu Li is not a king at all, but the winner of the first extreme battle.

And he has also traveled to other worlds and gained powerful power.

No wonder Lu Li is so powerful, and his growth in other worlds cannot be underestimated.

Yoshinaga Miyuki even speculated that the reason why Lu Li returned to this world and participated in the current extreme battle was to pay tribute to the sealing stone, that is, to the sealing stone.

The Creator's Revenge.

This possibility cannot be ruled out!

The thought in her mind immediately frightened Miyuki Yoshinaga, it was simply crazy.

The power of the Creator is unfathomable. He can easily control all undead creatures and seal them away with ease.

But now, there is a man who wants to challenge the Creator without knowing the heights of heaven and earth.

Simply crazy!

Why did I follow such a crazy guy inexplicably?

However, if he can really defeat the sealing stone and deal with the Creator, it might be a good thing.

After barely recovering from the shock, Miyuki Yoshinaga looked at Lu Li with a strange look.

The powerful and mysterious man was also the winner of the first extreme battle. It seemed that he didn't have to worry at all when working with Lu Li.

"Since you won the first extreme battle, you must be a very powerful undead creature. Then, what kind of undead creature are you?"

Now that I understand why Lu Li is so powerful, Miyuki Yoshinaga feels quite uneasy in her heart and wants to bring the relationship closer between the two.

With a mysterious smile, Lu Li did not answer the question raised by Miyuki Yoshinaga.

According to the first level of identity, Lu Li is indeed a human undead creature, which is true.

Chapter 423 Hirose’s attention! Meet the third place category Queenl!

It's just that he also recreated Kallis and Joker from the Ace of Hearts!

Lu Li, who has the status of a triple undead creature, had a qualitative change in his aura as an undead creature.

His aura seems to be very close to the advanced undead creatures, but in fact it is very different from the advanced undead creatures.

“Let’s wait to answer this question later.

Lu Li did not answer Miyuki Yoshinaga immediately. His secret would be interesting if he revealed it bit by bit.

Seeing that Lu Li did not answer the question directly, and it was not even an answer, Yoshinaga Miyuki felt a little regretful.

What she learned today has completely subverted her imagination.

It was even beyond her understanding.

That's outrageous!

Even though she didn't want to believe this in her heart, she knew very well that there was no need for Lu Li to deceive herself with such a thing~.

Miyuki Yoshinaga, who is good at provoking others with words, has some experience in distinguishing between truth and lies.

Although these words may sound outrageous, they are indeed true.

Because of this, Yoshinaga Miyuki became very curious about Lu Li's identity.

What is the identity of this man?

At this time, in a mysterious laboratory somewhere.

The video of Lu Li's previous battle with the four Kamen Riders was being played on the computer.

There was a middle-aged man sitting in front of the computer, looking indifferent.

He is Hirose Yoshito!

He is also Hirose Shiori's father.

However, he is not the real Hirose Yoshito, but a modified test subject with all of Hirose Yoshito's memories.

But at present, he himself does not know this.

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