"Who is this undead creature? Why do undead creatures appear that have never appeared before?

And...what is this power? Why is he so powerful that he can defeat the four of them on his own? "

There was strong shock in Hirose Yoshito's tone.

He really couldn't understand why an undead creature that had never appeared before suddenly appeared.

And why is the knight system used by the opponent completely different from the knight system created by Ace.

What power is that?


At this moment, Hirose Yoshito had only these two words in his mind.

Moreover, he also retained some images of Lu Li's previous battles, but not many, but he could confirm that Lu Li had a power similar to Jokr's.

But now a Joker has appeared. Logically speaking, it is impossible for another Joker to appear.

How could such an unpredictable variable occur?

Regarding this issue, Hirose Yoshito still can’t figure it out.

According to the awakening cards that humans have received, it is very certain that there are only fifty-three undead creatures in total.

At the same time, there is only one Joker in this place!

Logically speaking, there cannot be a second one.

But Lu Li's appearance completely disrupted the currently known information.

Hirose Yoshito is still unable to analyze who Lu Li...is.

"Land from..

Staring closely at the pure white king on the screen, Hirose Yoshito's eyes revealed a dangerous look.

Regarding Lu Li, who suddenly appeared as an uncertain factor, all he could think about was to kill him first.

Considering that Lu Li's appearance might hinder his plans, he didn't want his subsequent plans to be hindered.

As for how to deal with Lu Li, he already had a plan.

That is to use the experimental body he created to eliminate Lu Li.

The test subjects have very special powers, and there is no need to worry about being sealed. They have undead abilities that are very close to undead creatures.

Using the power of the experimental body to deal with Lu Li was almost a sure thing in Yoshito Hirose's opinion.

Even if the opponent has strong combat power, as long as the opponent cannot kill the test subject, then everything is not a problem

But what he didn't know was that the power Lu Li possessed far exceeded his estimate.

Although the test subjects have the same immortality as undead creatures and can be easily revived, there is an upper limit after all.

The artificial test subjects are very powerful, but they are only limited to Kamen Riders.

He stood up and walked outside a huge experimental instrument, opening something similar to a viewing window on it.

A terrifying monster stood quietly inside.

And this terrifying monster is his so-called experimental subject.

In order to be able to study the secret of the immortality of undead creatures, experimental bodies were created using corresponding cell processing technology.

At first, I felt that Hirose Yoshito had no intention of using experimental subjects.

At present, this thing is not completely perfect, and it is hard to say whether there will be some unknown problems after use.

But Lu Li must be dealt with in a shorter time and this hidden threat must be eradicated.

In order to achieve this goal, the test body can only be released in advance.

He placed a photo on the window. The figure on the photo was none other than Lu Li.

"Your goal is to eradicate him. He is Lu Li, an unknown undead creature.

His existence will hinder our future plans, do you understand? "

At this time, the test subject standing quietly among the huge instruments made a sound similar to mechanization.

"Understood, target, Lu Li!"

On the other side, Yazawa finally found his target.

Kamen Rider.

Yazawa is the man in sunglasses who instantly killed the centipede undead creature before.

After learning about Kamen Rider, Yazawa immediately focused on Kamen Rider.

What he wants is to enjoy the ultimate battle, not fight these Kamen Riders.

Since these Kamen Riders are blocking his path, eradicate them all.

The first Kamen Rider to target was Kazuma Kenzaki.

Inside Shirai Farm.

At this time, everyone was gathered together, with a person sitting in the middle.

The person surrounded in the middle was none other than Kamijo Mutsuki.

Under everyone's gaze, Kamijo Mutsuki's cowardly character made him dare not look at everyone and lowered his head.

The whole person seemed to be exuding a sense of malaise.

It's a headache for such a cowardly person to become a Kamen Rider.

But there is no way, Category Ac has chosen him, even if the knight system is forcibly taken away from him, it will eventually return to him.

Relying on strong methods to snatch the knight system is completely ineffective, and on the contrary, it is counterproductive.

"Mutsuki, after my previous observation, you were deeply invaded by that guy's evil will.

As long as your will is relaxed or not firm, that guy will take the opportunity to take over your body.

Especially when you transform, he will unknowingly take over your body and fight with your body to achieve his goals. "

Shima Noboru spoke about this matter calmly. This matter was very complicated and difficult to handle.

Things on the spiritual level are definitely not as easy to deal with as those on the real level.

The more you try to stop Category Ace, the more likely it is that Kamijou Mutsuki will have a mental breakdown.

You must find a way to let him overcome the power of Category Ac by himself, and find a way to strengthen his beliefs and goals.

Only in this way can you have a chance to suppress Category Ace and avoid very serious consequences.

"I'm very sorry.

Knowing that he had done something wrong, Kamijiro Mutsuki really didn't know what to say except for the Daokuan.

Looking at the Lengel buckle and the category Ace card on the table, he felt a strong sense of unwillingness.

Why did so many people come to criticize him after he obtained the power of the strongest knight?

As a Kamen Rider, is the path he took necessarily wrong?

Since obtaining the power of Lengel, he has been in better condition than ever before.

His physical fitness has improved, and his basketball skills seem to have improved.

There's nothing wrong with this condition!

In his opinion, the reason why he can't fully control the power of this knight system is definitely because he is too young and has no experience.

I feel that I am experienced and can definitely fully control Lengel.

Of course, this can only be thought of in his heart. He showed it in front of so many people, otherwise he might be criticized again.

Tachibana Saku also looked at Shima Noboru with a serious face and asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Shima, is there any way to completely eliminate this threat? "

Anyway, Category Ac was sealed by him, and he also contributed to the creation of the Knight System.

He has made an indelible contribution to the current situation.

Even if it was the sin he committed before, he now wants to make up for it and pull back Kamijiro Mutsuki who is gradually stepping into the abyss of darkness.

Hearing this, Shima Noboru sighed slightly.

"No, if we want to completely eliminate this problem, it is not possible at present. "

Although he said so verbally, Shima Noboru had other ideas in his mind.

He had another plan to implement. If it succeeded, he could successfully help Kamijiro Mutsuki control this power.

But if it failed, then things would probably end here.

This method is somewhat risky, but it is he who takes the risk, not others.

So he didn't want to tell others about this for the time being.

The situation is to fight with Kamijiro Mutsuki, find a way to awaken his will, and then use the sealed power to let him fight against the will of the spider undead creature.

Once successful, Kamijiro Mutsuki will be able to recover successfully.

But there is one thing that cannot be 100% certain, that is, Shima Noboru does not know whether he can fight against the spider undead creature after being sealed. Evil will.

Once he loses to the other party in the confrontation, there will be no way out.

Knowing that there is no way to solve this problem, everyone showed a disappointed expression.

Because at this moment, Kamijou Mutsuki is completely an unstable factor, and it is almost impossible to expect him to fight.

Kamijou Mutsuki was also very disappointed, lowering his head, and was very unwilling in his heart.

Am I really not qualified to become a Kamen Rider?

I finally waited for an opportunity to control power, but I didn't expect it to be out of my control.

Noticing his emotional changes, Tachibana Saku also patted his shoulder.

.... Ask for flowers........

"Mutsuki, don't worry, I will continue to train you so that you have a strong enough will to resist Category Ace!

I know that it is impossible to make you give up becoming a Kamen Rider, and Category Ace has already set its sights on you.

But because of this, I hope you can train harder, make yourself strong enough, and make your consciousness firm enough.

Only in this way can you resist that guy's will and not become his puppet.

Hearing this, Kamijou Mutsuki nodded doubtfully.

Compared with Tachibana Sakuya and the others, the relationship between Category Ac and him is actually closer.

At this moment, the alarm of the computer suddenly sounded.

"It's an undead creature!"

Hirose Shiori hurried over and sat in front of the computer to determine the location of the target.

"Found it, about 30 kilometers in the southeast direction!"

"I know! I'll go there right away!"

Kenzaki Kazuma ran out quickly and drove the motorcycle to the destination.

Tachibana Sakuya and Kamijiro Mutsuki also rushed out at the first time.

"Mutsuki, you will watch how to fight from the side later. This is also a part of training."


Standing by the window and watching the gradually receding back, Shima Noboru fell into silence for a while.

He was thinking about what to do next.

On the street, there were waves of terrified screams.

"Run! It's a monster!!"

"Save me, who will save me! Ah!!"

"Child! Where is my child?!"

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