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Chapter 425: Calis is Joker? ! The strong Tiger Sister

If Tiger Sister is rashly allowed to join this battle, it would be troublesome if she got into danger.

But her worries were completely unnecessary, as Lu Li's power was far beyond her imagination.

Tiger Sister's fighting power was even stronger than that of the goat undead creature. With the current Lian Geer, it was almost impossible for Tiger Sister to be her opponent.

A strong breath suddenly rushed out, causing Calis and Lian Geer to stop their attack rhythm at the same time.

The two looked at Tiger Sister who had just arrived vigilantly.

Here, the goat undead creature was fighting with the sword and also felt this breath.

When he noticed Tiger Sister, his heart was startled.

He was not unfamiliar with the breath emanating from the other party.

Isn't this guy the woman who kicked his foot before?

Unexpectedly, this woman actually joined this battle!

Good opportunity!

Maybe with the addition of this woman, these Kamen Riders can be successfully dealt with.

However, Sister Tiger didn't even look at the goat undead creature, her eyes were completely focused on one person.

Lian Geer!

The strongest knight controlled by Category Ace is Sister Tiger's target this time:

Although the other guy's combat power is not bad, it is still slightly inferior to Lian Geer controlled by Category Ac.

Since we want to fight, we must naturally choose the strongest opponent!

Lian Geer kicked Kalis in the chest and knocked him back instantly, and then looked at Sister Tiger again.

"Category Queen!"

With a faint purple light in his eyes, Category Ace obviously recognized Sister Tiger's identity.

If you can seal the Category Queen of the same color as yourself, you will definitely become more powerful.

The target suddenly shifted to Sister Tiger, and Lian Geer walked towards Sister Tiger step by step.

Sister Tiger, who has a strong combat power, is naturally not afraid of Lian Geer, and sneered slightly.

"Little devil controlled by the category Ace, let me see how strong you are."


Sister Tiger instantly burst into super-fast movement speed.

When Lian Geer was completely unable to react, the sharp hook and instantly cut through his chest.


Sparks burst out from his chest.

Lian Geer obviously did not expect that Sister Tiger's movement speed could reach such a fast speed.

His body staggered two steps, but Lian Geer did not fall down immediately, but supported his body with the awakening stick.

"As expected of the category Queen, this combat power is indeed very strong!"

After Lian Geer stabilized his body, he dared not be careless anymore and immediately played up his spirits.

He didn't want to capsize here.

"There are stronger ones that you haven't seen! Hey!"

Sister Tiger rushed forward again, and her powerful fist hit Lian Geer fiercely.

Lian Geer was already prepared and quickly resisted.

The fist hit the awakening stick fiercely, and the terrifying force still made Lian Geer retreat two steps.

This is not the end. Sister Tiger quickly raised her right leg. There was a sharp blade on her right leg.

The blade flashed with cold light, and it slid across his arm before Lian Geer could resist.


Feeling the pain in his arm, Lian Geer noticed Sister Tiger who raised her leg, and his face was quite solemn.

[The fighting power of this guy in front of him is... very unusual! ]

At this time, Calis, who was kicked away before, rushed up again from somewhere.

"Don't... ignore me!"

The movement of his hand was not dull at all, and the awakening bow slashed on Lian Geer's back.

The body staggered forward, but Lian Geer had a strong defense and did not fall down directly.

Seeing Calis actually coming to snatch her prey, Sister Tiger was immediately unhappy and immediately scolded.

"Don't get in the way! Joker!

The word Jokeri finally appeared.

Even Lian Geer, who was about to fight back, was very sensitive to the word Jokeri!

"Joker? He is Joker? ! "

There was a hint of surprise in his words.

The spider undead creature had never really seen Jokr, but had only heard of such an existence.

The most special undead creature among the fifty-three undead creatures was finally able to transform into the power of other undead creatures.

When he thought that Kalis seemed to use a card every time he transformed, Lian Geer finally reacted.

"So you are Joker!"

Almost all undead creatures knew the name of Jokr. That guy was a cruel and cold killer.

As long as the other undead creatures won the Extreme War, they could lead their own tribe to prosper on this earth.

But if the winner was Jokr, it meant that everything in this world would be destroyed.

The fifty-two undead creatures were enemies of each other, but they all had a common enemy, that was Jokr!

Only by eliminating Jokr would the world not be destroyed.

The voice of Tiger Sister was naturally heard by the goat undead creatures and the sword:

After learning that Calis was actually Joker, the goat undead creatures immediately became alert.

"So that guy is Joker, not Calis at all!"

Sword and Green felt very puzzled when they noticed the changes in the goat undead creatures.

Joker: What is it, they have no idea.

They have not even heard of Jokert, let alone what Jokeri means.

"What is Joker?"

He couldn't help but look at Calis, and Sword was full of curiosity. Why did the other party's identity as Joker change the attitude of the three goat undead creatures?

There must be a reason for this, but the specific reason is still unclear.

"Hey, hey, hey! I didn't expect it to be this dangerous guy. This guy actually appeared.

Are you humans sure you want to continue fighting with me? Shouldn't you give priority to eliminating that guy?"

The goat undead creature spoke with a hint of teasing.

He had already learned before that the Kamen Rider in front of him and Calis seemed to have a good relationship.

It would be very interesting if they could fight each other.

Hearing this, Jian was immediately confused, not understanding why the goat undead creature would say that.

"What do you mean by that? Why should we destroy him?"

"Haha! It seems that you don't know who he is, and what he means."

The goat undead creature didn't explain so much, there was no need.

And now he was fighting, he didn't have the heart to slowly explain these situations to his enemy.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the goat undead creature talking and distracting him, Ge Lian immediately swiped the bullet of Block 2.


The enhanced light bullet was quickly fired, continuously hitting the side of the goat undead creature.


Even if the higher undead creatures have stronger defense, they will feel pain when facing the enhanced power shooting.

The body staggered, and the goat undead creature immediately stabilized his body. Just when he was about to counterattack, Jian had already caught up with his pace.


A sword slashed his arm fiercely, instantly stopping the action that the goat undead creature was about to take.

"Damn it!"

Feeling the pain on his arm, the goat undead creature sensed green blood flowing down.

I... was injured!

Even though he didn't want to admit this fact, he was indeed injured.

He was very proud, but he was actually injured by the Kamen Rider, which made the goat undead creature furious.

He was too careless. He didn't expect that the other party would suddenly attack him while he was distracted by talking, causing him to be injured.

The goat undead creature looked at Jian and Gelen, who sandwiched him on the left and right, and had already begun to retreat.

He could still deal with one Kamen Rider, but if there were two, he might be a little embarrassed to fight.

How could these Kamen Riders grow so fast that they were almost comparable to himself as a high-level undead creature.

Holding the crescent dart in his hand tightly, the goat undead creature was looking for a suitable opportunity to escape.

As for what he said before, wanting to show his strength and then talk about cooperation with Lu Li, he had completely forgotten it at this time.

The most important thing is to ensure your own safety first. As for other issues, you can consider them later.

Compared with the goat undead creature that is preparing to retreat, Tiger Sister is fighting vigorously.

For Lian Geer, the Kamen Rider controlled by Category Ac, Tiger Sister used all her strength to teach him a lesson.

Although Lian Geer's combat power has been exerted to the extreme under the control of Category Ac, he still cannot match Tiger Sister.

As a relatively powerful group of high-level undead creatures, Tiger Sister's combat power is naturally extraordinary.

"Clang!! State

The ferocious claws opened the awakening stick, and Sister Tiger hit Lianger's jaw with a fierce punch.

The terrifying force made it impossible for Lianger to stabilize his body, and his body kept retreating.

Even though they were both Queens of the same category, Sister Tiger's strength was far greater than that of the goat undead creature.

In addition, Sister Tiger had an extraordinary speed of movement, so it was easy for her to seize opportunities on the battlefield and severely injure the enemy.

Although Lianger had a good movement speed, it was not enough to face Sister Tiger.

Sister Tiger, who had defeated Lianger, would naturally not miss such a good opportunity.

She rushed forward at a faster speed, and while Lianger had not reacted, she hugged his head and hit him hard with a knee.

The powerful knee hit Lianger's head on the spot, making Lianger dizzy and shaking.

It was not that the Ace of the category did not want to fight back, but that he had not found an opportunity.

It was completely a one-sided beating!

Callis was looking for an opportunity to enter the field, but every time he wanted to intervene, he was repelled by Sister Tiger.

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