Even though he really wanted to defeat Lengere to prove himself, Kalis had no chance to get in touch with Lengere.

Callis was in a bad mood as he watched the enemy he wanted to defeat crumbling before his eyes, possibly falling at any time.

Immediately draw out two awakening cards, the Palm Split Hammerhead on Diamond 3, and the Hurricane Eagle on Diamond 6!



The two awakening cards suddenly turned into phantoms and merged into the body, and a tornado with extremely cutting power was wrapped around Kalis' right arm.

Jumping up, Kalis struck at Sister Tiger with a terrifying hand knife from top to bottom.


Sensing the approaching crisis, Sister Tiger certainly could not sit still and wait for death.

He quickly raised his hook and claws, preparing to confront Kallis' hand knife from the front.


The two forces collided.

The hand knife with strong cutting power failed to cut through Sister Tiger's hook. The little tornado was cutting the hook crazily, splashing sparks.


The energy reaches its peak and explodes instantly.

Sister Tiger was repulsed by this force on the spot and took several steps back before reluctantly stopping.

As for Callis, the situation is similar.

The effect of power is reciprocal. Sister Hu achieved the impact of this power, and Kallis himself was also impacted by this power.

After landing with the help of a backflip, he barely managed to stabilize his body, which offset the force.

Sister Tiger noticed the cut marks on the hook, which were the marks left by Kallis' hand knife just now.

Although it didn't hurt Sister Tiger, it made her pay attention to Kallis.

But her target at this time is not Kalis, but Lingle. As for Kalis, this guy seems to be here to cause trouble.

Rengel's condition was not good at the moment, and his evil will, which turned into an undead spider, could no longer suppress Kamijo Mutsuki's spirit.

The buckle closed automatically, and Lenger immediately exited the transformation state.

After Mutsuki Kamijo ended his transformation, he fell to the ground unconscious!

Looking at Kamijo Mutsuki who had lost his fighting ability, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

"Adou, who cannot be helped, is obviously very cowardly, but he is unwilling to give up the power he has gained. He deserves to be controlled."

Lu Li didn't sympathize with Kamijo Mutsuki at all. To be precise, this guy didn't deserve sympathy at all.

483 wanted to gain power because of his cowardice, but it was precisely because of this that he was controlled by the undead spider.

Obviously you can make yourself stronger and more determined through exercise, but you are always self-righteous and a complete fool.

Sister Tiger was about to continue fighting with Kallis when a voice suddenly echoed in her mind.

"Cheng Guang, that's about it. There's no need to waste time on him."

This was Lu Li's voice.

Sister Tiger, who originally had a strong desire to fight, immediately lost a lot of her desire to fight after hearing this voice.

He took a deep look at Callis, jumped up, and quickly left the scene.

Watching Sister Tiger leave, Callis knew that he could not catch up, so he did not continue to pursue her.

Turning to look at the unconscious Mutsuki Kamijo, a hint of reluctance flashed in Kallis's eyes.

I originally wanted to take this opportunity to seek revenge on the other party and prove my strength like this guy, but unexpectedly, I was stepped in by Sister Tiger.

Now that the other party has passed out, the battle can only be ended.

Of course he knew that Mutsuki Kamijo was controlled by Category Ac, but no matter what, he had to defeat him.

Here, the goat undead creature was already ready to escape. It quickly threw out the crescent dart in its hand, then quickly got into the nearby buildings and fled the scene.

Everyone who should go has gone, there is no way he can stay there and wait to die.

My arm was slightly injured and it will take some time to recover.

"That rascal!"

Jian wanted to pursue the undead goat, but Gren stopped him.

"Kensaki, don't chase that guy yet. Mutsuki has passed out. We don't know what the situation is now. We can't leave him here.

I'm worried that you won't be able to handle it if you chase it alone. After all, the opponent is a high-level undead creature, so we'd better be careful. "

Compared to Sword, who is always full of passion, Ge Lian is obviously much calmer.

While this calmness can even be a hindrance at times, it can sometimes be a good thing.

Hearing this, Arrow, who was about to catch up, could only stop and looked reluctantly at the place where the goat undead creature disappeared.

The battle was over, and Geren quickly released his transformation and ran to Mutsuki Kamijo.

In his heart, he felt quite guilty for bringing Mutsuki Kamijo into this matter, and wanted to help Mutsuki Kamijo control the power of Category Ac.

But that guy's power is too strong, and Kamijo Mutsuki is weak-willed and not firm at all, so he will be easily influenced by him.

Kenzaki Kazuma, who had released his transformation, walked towards Aikawa Hajime.

"Hajime, tell me, what is Joker?"

Hajime Aikawa, who had just gotten on his motorcycle, paused slightly after hearing the name.

He glanced at Kazuma Kenzaki unconsciously, then without saying a word, he put on his helmet and drove away on the motorcycle.

He didn't know how to explain Jokeri's identity.

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100 VIP points, monthly tickets and urging tickets from Lone Eagle!

Chapter 426: The threat brought by Jokert, the anomaly targeted by the backstage!

This involves a very serious matter, which is also very distressing to him now.

"Hey! Hajime!"

Kenzaki Kazuma didn't expect that he couldn't even get a reply, and the other party actually drove away directly on the motorcycle.

Too much!

But Kenzaki Kazuma also keenly noticed that Jokeri's identity must be very special.

There must be something in the middle.

As for what the specific situation is, I can't figure it out at present.

Maybe I can ask Mr. Shima. As an undead creature, the other party must know something about Joker.

Here, Sister Tiger, who had just finished the battle, has returned to Lu Li.

Changing back to human form, Chengguang shook the hand that had just clashed with Calis.

Although he was not injured, the impact of the collision just now was still very strong, and Chengguang's arm was a little numb.

"Why did you suddenly call me back? I can still continue to fight. Jokr dared to hinder my fight. I will never let him go next time."

He was still a little unwilling to let Aikawa Hajime run away. Cheng Guang wanted to fight again as soon as possible.

Seeing her eager to try, Lu Li shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"Next time, I'll let you fight to your heart's content next time. I felt the presence of another guy.

But unlike the undead creatures, that guy should not be an undead creature."

Hearing this, Cheng Guang frowned immediately, and a puzzled look flashed in his eyes.

"Not an undead creature? What could it be?"

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li hadn't seen that guy yet, so naturally he didn't know what it was.

Although it was still unclear what that thing was, Lu Li knew what monsters existed in this world.

In addition to undead creatures, another type is the test subject!

Monsters created by undead cells and human genes, but completely obey the orders of the creator.

The next is the fusion of undead creatures!

Fuse two undead creatures together to form a new undead creature with the characteristics of two undead creatures.

Lu Li is not sure whether it is a man-made test subject or a fused undead creature.

But it is certain that the other party is very likely to have targeted him.

As for whether it is the hidden king Lu Boshi or Hirose Yoshito, it is not clear for the time being.

Why did they target him?

I am afraid that it is because the power he has shown has exceeded their understanding.

At the same time, his power is different from the power of the current fifty-three undead creatures.

He should have regarded himself as a variable in this extreme battle and wanted to clear himself in advance.

Of course, even if it was arranged by Hirose Yoshito, he was probably supported by the king Lu Boshi behind the scenes.

Yoshinaga Miyuki has been staying beside Lu Li, but she didn't feel anything unusual at all, and wondered.

"Is there? Why don't I feel anything?"

As a high-level undead creature, the perception is naturally not weak, but she didn't notice it at all. Does this thing really exist?

"We will know soon. Let's go and see when he will make a move.

Lu Li only noticed it for a short while just now, which proves that the other party has not been paying attention to him all the time.

It is still unclear when he will attack him.

Seeing that Lu Li has left, Cheng Guang did not ask any more questions and hurriedly followed.

As for Yoshinaga Miyuki, although she still has many doubts in her heart, she also knows that now is not the time to ask these questions.

Moreover, she is now very clear about her position, and she does not need to ask questions that she should not ask.

The villa in Shirai Farm.

Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Saku also helped Kamijiro Mutsuki to the sofa beside him and put him down.

This guy is still in a coma and will not wake up for a while.

Shima Noboru looked at Kamijiro Mutsuki who was in a coma, and a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

In theory, after being trained by Tachibana Saku After that, Mutsuki Kamijiro should not be so easily affected.

But based on the current situation, Mutsuki Kamijiro's current situation is still not optimistic.

Unable to suppress the evil will of the spider undead creature, and unable to strengthen his own will.

If this continues, he will probably be completely controlled by the spider undead creature sooner or later.

Relying solely on training, I am afraid there is no way to help Mutsuki Kamijiro.

Although it has been considered before that this may happen, when things really come to this, Shima Noboru is also in a dilemma.

Sure enough... it seems that only that method can be used!

Having made a decision in his heart, Shima Noboru knows very well what consequences will be brought about after he makes this decision.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma suddenly came over and asked with a curious look on his face.

"Mr. Shima, I want to ask a question, that is, what exactly is Jokr.? "

When he heard Sister Tiger say this name during the battle, Kenzaki Kazuma was always curious about what Jokr was.

It was not only Kenzaki Kazuma who wanted to know the answer to this question, but also Tachibana Sakuya.

Hirose Shiori heard the name Jokeri for the first time and was also curious about what it was.

Hearing this, Ming Sheng was slightly stunned for a moment, and then explained.

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