"Jokr? Kenzaki, do you know how your knight system came about?"

"Knight system?"

The three of them were very confused. Obviously, they had not considered this issue. They only knew that the knight system was created by the director.

But they have no idea how to make it specifically.

Although Ju Shuo was the first user of the knight system, he also didn't know the specifics of it.

"In the Extreme Battle, there were not only fifty-two undead creatures, but fifty-three that should really exist!

And the last undead creature is the Joker!

Jokr is an undead creature that is completely different from other non-living creatures. He does not represent any race, nor is he responsible for the rise and fall of any race.

He only represents himself, possessing undead creatures that can seal the abilities of other undead creatures, and can use the power of the sealed undead creatures.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jokr is a cold-blooded and cruel killer who hunts undead creatures.

Having said this, Shima Noboru stopped, wanting to see how Kenzaki Kazuma and the others would react.

The Joker is Hajime Aikawa, and Kazuma Kenzaki just got the news.

But he couldn't connect Hajime Aikawa with the ruthless, cold-blooded killer.

Although that guy was a bit cold-blooded and not human himself, he did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, nor did he even harm other humans.

Is this guy really a cold-blooded killer?

Hirose Shiori didn't know yet that Jokr was Hajime Aikawa, and Kazuma Kenzaki didn't have time to tell him after he came back.

"Mr. Ming, does this have anything to do with the creation of the knight system?"

Nodding slightly, Shima stood up and walked to the window, looking at the farm outside.

"It can be said that there is an inevitable connection between the two. Your knight system is all based on the power possessed by Jokr.

Jokr can use the power of other undead creatures, and Karasuma used this to develop the current knight system.

After hearing this, everyone realized what was going on. The power used by their knight system came from Jokr.

Suddenly, Hirose Shiori recalled Aikawa Hajime's human form, and suddenly had a suspicion in his mind.

"Mr. Shima, according to what you said, Jokr can transform into any undead creature as long as there is a corresponding card, right?"

"You are right. As long as there is a corresponding undead creature card, J0kr can use the power of the card to transform into the corresponding undead creature."

Shima Noboru's definite answer confirmed Hirose Shiori's thoughts.

His eyes widened slightly, Hirose Shizaki said with a solemn expression.

"That is to say, is Hajime Aikawa in Joker's current human form?!"

Even Kazuma Kenzaki, who reacted relatively slowly, already understood what Hirose Shiori meant by his words.

"Humans... undead creatures! That is... the ancestors of humans!

The tone was quite difficult, but this was the answer Kenzaki Kazuma came to automatically.

Unexpectedly, recalling the previous time, Kalis would use a card to switch back to human form after each battle.

In other words, what was sealed in that card was the human undead creature.

The current Hajime Aikawa is not a Joker? Hidden beneath Hajime Aikawa and Kallis, there is another true appearance that belongs to Joker.

The room suddenly fell silent.

A very heavy topic, the ancestor of mankind has been sealed.

Unless the seal can be unlocked, the final survivors of this extreme battle cannot be human undead.

But now there is another problem, that is, once the human undead card is taken away, Aikawa Hajime will no longer be able to maintain his current appearance.

Thinking of this, Kenzaki Kazuma didn't know what choice he should make for a while.

Having to deal with Kenzaki Kazuma who was struggling, Tachibana Saku also thought of another problem at this time.

According to what Shimabu said just now, J0kr does not represent any race, only himself. He is not fighting for the prosperity of the race, but simply hunting other races.

His undead.

If Jokr is allowed to win this extreme battle and become the last undead creature left, what will happen then?

The answer to this question made Ju Shuo particularly concerned at this time.

What he is worried about is that if undead creatures like J0kr, which does not represent any prosperity, win, it will eventually lead to the destruction of mankind, and nothing can be done to let this happen.

Thinking of this, Ju Shuo immediately asked.

"Mr. Shima, do you know what will happen once Jokr becomes the last survivor of the Extreme Battle?"

Hearing this, Shima Noboru suddenly fell silent.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became solemn, and Kenzaki Kazuma had a bad feeling.

Then I heard Shima Noboru give the answer.

“The Extreme War is a battle for the rise and fall of various races, and it does not mean that Jokr of any race will win the Extreme War.

This world... will be destroyed! "

The tone was quite solemn, and Jiu Sheng did not want to see such a thing happen.

In his opinion, the world is already very good now, and there is no need to be destroyed like this.

But it was precisely because of human greed and desire to study the secrets of the undead that the Extreme War started again.

It's just that the sealing slate is currently sealed, but no problem has occurred. However, Shima Noboru has a feeling that someone is manipulating all this behind the scenes.

But who exactly this person is, he still doesn't know.

"World destruction?!"

Kenzaki Kazuma fell into a state of trance, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He did not expect that once Jokr won the final victory in this extreme battle, the situation would become so serious.

Tachibana Sakuya and Hirose Shiori also fell into silence.

This answer really had a big impact on them.

.,no! Joker must not win this extreme battle! "

Ju Shuo's eyes suddenly became firm. He could never just watch the world go to destruction.

No matter what the outcome of this extreme battle will be, Jokr must not be allowed to win, otherwise... the world will be completely over.

Suddenly, Kenzaki Kazuma had a bad premonition.

"Senior Tachibana, don't you mean...

"Seal the Joker!

There was no need for Kenzaki Kazuma to say it, Tachibana Shuo had already said it.

Unlike Kazuma Kenzaki, Tachibana Saku and Hajime Aikawa have no interaction with each other, they have just met each other.

But Kazuma Kenzaki was different. He could see that Kazuma Kenzaki had special expectations for Hajime Aikawa, thinking that he, like Mr. Shima, was willing to stand on the side of mankind.


But the problem now is that no matter whether the other party harms humans or not, if the other party is allowed to survive, the entire world will be destroyed.

Sealing Jokr in advance can prevent the entire world from being destroyed. This is Tachibana Sakuya's current thinking.

When he heard that Tachibana Saku was also preparing to directly seal Aikawa Hajime, Kenzaki Kazuma stood up immediately.

"No! Senior Tachibana, you saw that guy, he has never harmed humans, and he even wanted to protect Tianyin and the others.

In my eyes, he has never been a cruel and cold-blooded killer, and I believe he will not destroy the human world.

Seeing Kenzaki Kazuma being so persistent, Tachibana Shuo also frowned immediately.

In his opinion, Kenzaki Kazuma was completely emotional.

This is related to the future of mankind. How can such a decision be made so hastily?

"Kensaki! Do you know what you are talking about?! You are a Kamen Rider, isn't it your duty to protect people?

What if I let Joker? If you win this extreme battle, everything will be over!

When the whole world is destroyed and mankind has no future, is this what you want to see? ! "

His tone couldn't help but become a little more serious. As a senior, Tachibana Saku also has a calm mind and reason, but he is not as passionate and fearless as Kazuma Kenzaki.

"No! I won't (Zhao Zhao) let mankind be destroyed! Likewise, I won't let him be sealed!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Kenzaki Kazuma's eyes were very firm, not wavering at all.

Naturally, Shima Noboru heard clearly the conversation between the two.

Seeing that the two of them were tense over this matter, he quickly came between them and patted them on the shoulders.

"Both of you, please don't be so excited. What I just said is just a result.

The ultimate battle is to determine the final winner, but now humans are the masters of this earth, there is no need to change

As I said, the world will only be destroyed when only Jokr is left. As long as there are other undead creatures, this will not happen.

Moreover, I can feel that Jokr has changed, changed under the influence of the human undead in Hearts 2. "

After Shima Noboru's persuasion, the two calmed down.

At least judging from the current situation, there are still some undead creatures, and Joker will not destroy the world for the time being.

Although Ju Shuo also has the idea of ​​directly sealing Jokr, he still can't say whether he can defeat the opponent, let alone seal him.

The problem is temporarily solved, Ju Shuo is not ready to seal Jokr without stopping, at least there is still time.

As long as there is time, there may be room for change.

"Mr. Shima, I feel like there is no problem with this. As long as you are here, Aikawa Hajime will not completely turn into Jokr, no problem!"

At this moment, Kenzaki Kazuma was thinking that he was so naive.

Shima Noboru had been trying to avoid fighting as much as possible before, but since his return, he has actually entered this battle situation, which means he can't help himself.

Even if he wanted to avoid this battle about the rise and fall of the race as much as possible, he did not directly take action against him.

It might be okay to stay in hiding, but he happened to return to the battlefield of this extreme battle from there, so he couldn't escape.

It was already determined that when he came back, he would also join this battle,

Chapter 427 You were sealed by me, the experimental body is coming!

at dusk.

Lu Li had noticed an aura that was different from that of undead creatures before, but the aura quickly disappeared and did not stay for long.

Now the guy is hiding again, and there is no movement at all.

Even Lu Li couldn't find where the other party was for a while.

After such a long time, Yoshinaga Miyuki still hasn't seen the guy mentioned by Lu Li. Yoshinaga Miyuki can't help but mutter to herself.

Could it be that Lu Li is lying to them?

But on second thought, it seems unlikely.

Lu Li doesn't need to lie to them about this kind of thing, because it's meaningless.

But who could it be?

Compared to Yoshinaga Miyuki who has some ideas in her mind, Cheng Guang has never doubted what Lu Li said.

She has been observing the surroundings very carefully to see if there is any possibility of an enemy.

Once the enemy appears, she will subdue the opponent in the first place.

After a short time with Lu Li and Cheng Guang, Yoshinaga Miyuki also learned a lot of information that she didn't know before.

First of all, about the Extreme War, the Extreme War they launched 10,000 years ago was the second Extreme War, not the real first Extreme War.

The first Extreme War ended before they were born.

And Lu Li is the winner of the first Extreme War.

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