At the beginning, Subject D was able to repair itself a little bit, but as time went on, the repair ability became worse and worse.

Until now, the repair ability has been completely lost, and every time Subject D was injured, it was directly reflected on it.

Sister Hu looked at Subject D, whose movement speed was getting slower and slower, and couldn't help but sneered.

"It's an interesting skill that can quickly repair itself. It's a bit like an undead creature, but unfortunately... it's not."

Before she finished speaking, Sister Hu jumped.

The terrifying jumping power made him jump to a very high position at once, raised the terrifying claw in his hand, and chopped down from top to bottom.


The extremely sharp claw instantly penetrated the body of Subject D.


A large amount of yellow liquid sprayed out of his body, and Subject D fell down weakly.


The flames of the explosion instantly engulfed Subject D. This time, it had no chance of recovery.

The battle is over!

"Pah, pah, pah!"

Lu Li did not hesitate to applaud, and Sister Hu did seem to have become a little stronger than before.

Although it is not too much, it is not easy for undead creatures to become stronger, after all, they are all created by the Creator.

It is equivalent to that their abilities are basically fixed, and because of this, there is not much possibility of becoming stronger.

Yoshinaga Miyuki shuddered when she saw this.

Recalling the previous time, she and Tiger Sister had a fight.

Fortunately, Tiger Sister chose to stop in the end, otherwise she would be finished.

The thought of her body being torn apart is very terrifying.

Changing back to human form, Cheng Guang gently twisted her neck. The previous battle did not make her use her full strength, but this time it was different.

In order to kill the test subject D, she burst out all her fighting power and fought with all her strength.

Returning to Lu Li, Cheng Guang clenched his fists slightly.

"Although that guy is not an undead creature, he has a stronger recovery ability than undead creatures. If he has not reached the limit, I am afraid I may not be able to deal with it."

As a party involved in the battle that just happened, Cheng Guang naturally has the most say.

Test subject D does not have a strong fighting power, mainly because of its strong recovery ability, otherwise Cheng Guang may not be able to cope with it.

"Isn't this strong enough?"

Muttering softly, Yoshinaga Miyuki felt that if she met test subject D, it would be hard to say who would win or lose.

After all, her fighting power is indeed much lower, and she does not have Cheng Guang's sharp claws.

At most, she can use the enemies bound by the side to make them unable to move, but she cannot kill them.

"It seems that I have been targeted by some guys. Things are becoming more and more interesting. Let's see what tricks he will come up with next?"

Lu Li knew that he was targeted and did not get angry at all. Instead, he was looking forward to the development of the next thing.

PS: Thank you

13851. for the monthly ticket! .

Chapter 428 Target, the fifth Acel Tiger Sister: Come to my room if you can

Hirose Yoshito and the king Lu Hiroshi, a small boss and a big boss, how much fun can they bring to him?

Lu Li can probably imagine why he was suddenly targeted.

At present, Kenzaki Kazuma has not even obtained the awakening fusion machine, so naturally there is no Jack.Form.

That special fusion method naturally did not appear in front of Hirose Yoshito.

You should know that the reason why Hirose Yoshito targeted Kenzaki Kazuma was to make him fuse the undead creatures and become the new Jok-r.

So as to conduct research and find the real secret of immortality!

When Kenzaki Kazuma has not yet fused the undead creatures, his target is naturally impossible to be placed on Kenzaki Kazuma.

And the ambitious Tianwang Lu Boshi believes that the best way to win this extreme battle is to eliminate all threats and obstacles.

Lu Li, who has another knight system, has shown a very powerful force, and he himself seems to be a high-level undead creature.

In this case, Tianwang Lu Boshi has to take Lu Li's problem seriously.

He doesn't want everything he has worked hard to plan to end up as a wedding dress for others.

All those who hinder him from becoming the ruler of this world are his enemies, and they will all be eliminated by him.

This time, it was only the extremely strong recovery test subject D. Lu Li believed that Hirose Yoshito might have seen his power now.

Then in order to deal with him, the other party would most likely use the cells of the Kig category to create a stronger test subject to deal with him.

However, will this work?

No use!

From the beginning to the end, Lu Li did not take Hirose Yoshito and Tenno Road seriously.

Their existence was just to make this extreme battle more interesting.

Moreover, although Lu Li already had the awakening cards of all the undead creatures, there was still a card that Lu Li did not have in this world.

The three-headed dog of hell!

The fifth category Ace card!

This card must be made by Tenno Lu Boshi.

It must be said that Tenno Lu Boshi did study the awakening cards very thoroughly, and he actually made the 54th awakening card with the power of humans.

Lu Li was very curious about what form he would take after using the Hellhound transformation.

At Shirai Farm.

Kamijiro Mutsuki had already woken up.

He had no memory of the battle, and didn't even know what happened.

He had transformed into a Kamen Rider, but he didn't know anything. This was a big blow to him.

At this time, he couldn't help but have another idea in his mind.

Shouldn't he fight against the will of Category Ace?

If he followed the will of Category Ace, he might not lose his will in the battle, and he could also master the power of Category Ace.

During this period, Category Ace had been infiltrating and eroding Kamijiro Mutsuki's heart unconsciously.

Because he was cowardly and his will was not firm, Kamijiro Mutsuki didn't even notice this problem.

Not everyone can notice the change in mentality, but there is a person who is sensitive and obviously noticed the change in Kamijiro Mutsuki.

This person is naturally Shima Noboru.

When he noticed the change in Kamijiro Mutsuki, he became more determined in his thoughts.

[It has to be as soon as possible, otherwise his heart will be completely eroded sooner or later, and it will be too late by then. ]

Shima Noboru has made a decision, he wants to save the boy in front of him.

Seeing him wake up, Tachibana Saku also walked over and patted his shoulder gently.

"Mutsuki, since you are awake, go back and rest quickly, so as not to worry your family."

Hearing this, Kamijou Mutsuki came back to his senses and nodded woodenly

On the way home, Kamijou Mutsuki has been thinking about what he should do next.

At this time, a voice suddenly echoed in his heart.

"Listen to my will! Follow my will! Only in this way can you completely master the power of Lianger."

And Kamijou Mutsuki, who was thinking about this problem, gradually became free in this call.


For a cowardly high school student, it is a torture to finally have a chance to become stronger, but he has no way to control this power.

Under this weak situation, his mind is extremely easy to be bewitched.

Just like at this moment, Kamijou Mutsuki's heart has changed silently.

He has been gradually approaching the will of the spider undead creature, and the whole person suddenly looks a lot more evil.

Such a change...No one knows.

Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

In the room on the first floor:

Thinking back to the terrifying power that Lu Li had exploded before, Aikawa Hajime couldn't help feeling I feel that I am too weak now.

I... must become stronger!

Standing in front of the mirror, looking at the figure in the mirror, the word Jokr came to mind.

Suddenly, he saw that the person in the mirror had changed into another appearance.

Although it was only a flash, the hideous face made him very uncomfortable.

He took two steps back unconsciously, and Aikawa Hajime was suddenly startled.

A layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He didn't want to change back to his previous appearance.

He was very satisfied with his current life and didn't want to go back to the life that only knew killing.

"No! Absolutely... can't change back!"

He didn't know what was wrong with him, why he suddenly thought of his previous self.

He had planned to continue to maintain his modern life and wanted to abandon his original life.

But the identity of an undead creature always reminded him that he... was not a human!

At this time, a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Brother Hajime! "

Suddenly turning his head, Aikawa Hajime saw Kurihara Tianyin standing at the door.

A smile suddenly appeared on his indifferent face, and he hurried over.

"Tianyin, what's the matter?"

"I'm here to call you upstairs to eat. It's time to eat. Hurry up."

After saying that, Tianyin took Aikawa Hajime's hand and walked upstairs.

Feeling the warmth in his hand, Aikawa Hajime really wanted to keep living like this.

He... wanted to protect this family!

But to protect them, he had to become stronger!

Lu Li, I will definitely defeat you!

Having determined his thoughts, Aikawa Hajime no longer hesitated.


At night, in a dark alley.

Yazawa covered his injured arm and kicked over the trash can next to him unwillingly!

"Bang! ! "

He had a chance to kill a Kamen Rider during the day, but was blocked by other knights in the end.

He ended up getting hurt now, how could he not be angry.

"Damn it! If that guy had helped me at that time, if he had just helped me hold one of them back, I could have killed a Kamen Rider!"

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