There was anger in his eyes. The guy he was talking about here was naturally Lu Li.

At the beginning, he still vowed that he could easily kill the Kamen Rider.

But the result was unexpected. The slap in the face came too quickly, and was simply caught off guard.

Doesn't he want to lose face? !

“Ta! Ta! Ta!….

There was a crisp sound of high-heeled shoes hitting the ground.

Suddenly turning around, Yazawa was unhappy that someone was disturbing him.

But when he turned around, he found that it was this woman.

"It's you!"

The words were full of surprises, and he couldn't understand why the other party came to him at this time.

Wearing a white dress, a pair of cool women's sandals, and her long black hair hanging casually on her shoulders.

Yes, the person who came was none other than Miyuki Yoshinaga.

As for why Miyuki Yoshinaga suddenly appeared in this place, of course Lu Li could arrange it.

In order for Kazuma Kenzaki to become more powerful, the power of the Queen of Spades is indispensable.

Whether it is a further Jack.Form or a more powerful King.Form, all require his power.

As Lu Li's current follower, Miyuki Yoshinaga even though she didn't know what Lu Li had planned, she still followed Lu Li's instructions honestly.

"Hmph! What are you doing here now? You could obviously help me during the daytime battle. As long as you help, we can definitely get rid of these Kamen Riders!

But you chose to stand by and watch, just like 10,000 years ago! No matter when, I don't want to take action. "

The tone was quite unpleasant, and Yazawa could feel waves of pain coming from his shoulders.

Hearing this, Miyuki Yoshinaga's lips raised a slight smile.

"You saw it during the day. I can't disobey him. If he doesn't let me do it, then naturally I can't do it. And you want to cooperate, but he doesn't like your strength."

The latter sentence is unnecessary!

After hearing the second half of the sentence, Yazawa's face was filled with anger, and he was about to question Miyuki Yoshinaga, who was said to be weak!

Before he could speak, Yoshinaga Miyuki suddenly said again.

"Do you... want revenge? The Kamen Rider who attacked you during the day should make you hate him to the bone, right?"

This sentence directly spoke to Yazawa's heart. How could he not want revenge, but considering that there may be two or more Kamen Riders acting.

In this case, even if he wanted to take revenge, his chances were slim.

Unless... you can find someone to cooperate!

Thinking of this, Yazawa restrained the anger in his heart and asked.

"What do you want to say? Do you have a way to avenge me?"

Of course he wants revenge. As an advanced undead creature, he has his own pride in his heart.

He was actually injured by a mere Kamen Rider. How could he still hang out in the circle in the future?

He was eager to try, and he couldn't wait to hear how Yoshinaga Miyuki could help him.

"Beside the Kamen Rider who cleans you up, there are not only knights, but also ordinary people.

Use them as a threat to threaten your Kamen Rider to cancel his transformation. As long as he can't transform, what does it matter no matter how strong he is?

What do you think of this plan? Although it's a bit despicable, it should be in line with your style. "

..asking for flowers

With their arms folded, Miyuki Yoshinaga never mentioned what she was going to do during the whole process.

This is just to give Yazawa an idea, it depends on whether this guy is willing to go.

Even though he was called despicable, Yazawa was not unhappy at all.

In terms of despicability, there is probably a huge gap between myself and the woman in front of me.

Ten thousand years ago, this woman relied on her cunning to seal away many undead creatures.

"Okay! Your plan is good. I agree with it. Since they have someone they care about, it is naturally the best. I will definitely let that guy die by my hands willingly!


By the way, what about you? Aren't you ready to participate in this plan? "

Although he has made a plan, Yazawa is still worried about whether there will be any unexpected changes, and wants to drag Miyuki Yoshinaga into the water together.

Having already anticipated that such a situation would occur, Miyuki Yoshinaga shrugged slightly and said helplessly,

"I don't have time to do such boring things with you. I have to go back now. After all, he doesn't want me to be out for too long."

Before she finished speaking, Yoshinaga Miyuki turned around and left.

She had no interest in this matter at all, but was happy to see a fight happen.

It is almost Miyuki Yoshinaga's instinct to instigate this kind of thing.

It is very easy to arouse the target's emotions, causing the other party to fall into the trap you have set without knowing it.

Watching Yoshinaga Miyuki's retreating figure, Yazawa suddenly curled his lips in displeasure.

"Tch! What's the big deal? When I finish this matter, you will know how powerful I am!"

Now that he knows Kamen Rider's weakness, he doesn't mind taking advantage of this weakness to kill the opponent directly in order to avenge his own injury!


His eyes suddenly became gloomy, and what he had to do now was to find out who the Kamen Rider's friends were.

Not long after, Miyuki Yoshinaga returned to her luxurious hotel room.

Lu Li smiled when he saw her coming in from outside.

"How's it going? Did you find the guy?"

Nodding slightly, Yoshinaga Miyuki showed a confident smile on her face.

“Of course, not only did I find him, but I also told him how to defeat Kamen Rider.

If he still can't defeat Kamen Rider, then he can only blame himself for being stupid. "

Miyuki Yoshinaga is still very confident in her ability to instigate.

He is good at grasping the weaknesses of others, and then using words to provoke and mobilize the other person's emotions so that the other person can use them for his own advantage.

Everything was according to Lu Li's idea, and there was nothing wrong with it.

He has already sent the Queen of Spades directly to Kenzaki Kazuma's hands. It depends on whether the other party can grasp it.

"With the Queen of Spades, the only thing left behind is the category Jack and the category King.

Tapping his fingers lightly on the table, Lu Li was not worried about his enemy's behavior at all.

Even if Kenzaki Kazuma succeeds in transforming into a guard form or an emperor form, at best it will only be a goal to allow Lu Li to be a little more serious, not too much.

What a difficult opponent to deal with.

The battle between two imperial swords must be very interesting.

Cheng Guang crossed his legs and leaned back on the sofa, a look of doubt flashing across his face.

"What's the point of helping him like this?"

This question is also what Miyuki Yoshinaga wants to ask.

Regarding the two people's doubts, Lu Li just smiled indifferently.

"That's because he has extraordinary strength, and I need him to be the strongest before he fights me."

Even though Cheng Guang is keen on fighting, he will not do anything to help his enemies become stronger.

The stronger the enemy becomes, the greater the obstacle will be to oneself, without any benefit at all.

Of course, to be able to do such a thing, the premise is that you must have super strength.

There is no need to worry that the other party will surpass him when he becomes stronger. This is something Chengguang does not possess.

"Speaking of Category Kig, I'm really curious about where that guy is now.

In the first extreme battle, it was the final battle between me and him.

That guy is a good opponent, and I'm really looking forward to fighting him again. "

Lu Li really wanted to see Spade Kig, who was once again created by the sealing stone.

Has the opponent's combat effectiveness increased or weakened compared to the first extreme battle?

Upon hearing that Lu Li wanted to fight Category Kig, Yoshinaga Miyuki's eyes suddenly became very strange.

That was a powerful opponent that neither King nor Miyuki Yoshinaga dared to face.

It was getting late, so Lu Li glanced at Miyuki Yoshinaga.

Under Lu Li's watchful eye, she went straight to the bathroom to wash up.

Then, Lu Li looked at Cheng Guang again and asked with a smile,

"What, do you want to come together?"

Cheng Guang didn't know that the invitation Lu Li sent out at this time was not serious at all.

He rolled his eyes helplessly, got up and walked out of the room.

"Come to my room if you can, but she can't!"

After leaving these words, Cheng Guang left directly.

This time, it was Lu Li's turn to show a strange expression.

The 42nd insidious plan! Lu Li: Are you serious?

If it were Cheng Guang from before, he would definitely have glared at him fiercely and would definitely not have said these words.

But now, she actually said these words to herself.

Is it a joke? Still serious?

For a moment, Lu Li couldn't even guess what Cheng Guang meant now.

Cheng Guang returned to her room and closed the door with a bang. She actually leaned against the door with a nervous look on her face.

She didn't know why she actually said those words just now.

Is this... still myself? !

Looking down at his hands, Cheng Guang felt very strange at the moment.

The words she just said were what she had been holding back for a long time.

But she had never said it before, but just now she blurted it out suddenly, without giving her any time to react.

He grabbed his long straight black hair hard, and a look of distress flashed across Cheng Guang's delicate face.

"What am I...what are you talking about?!"

After reacting, she felt that she must be crazy to say these words.

I am participating in an extreme battle!

How could you have such an inexplicable idea? !

After calming down, Cheng Guang rinsed himself with cold water to calm down as much as possible.

Lying on the bed, Cheng Guang didn't feel sleepy at all.

After waiting for a long time, Lu Li never entered the room, which made Cheng Guang feel a little angry.

"That guy... I've made it so obvious! There's no movement?!"

Cheng Guang, who usually didn't care much about these charms, suddenly began to wonder if he was not attractive?

Otherwise, why was Lu Li indifferent?

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