“With your current strength, you can’t even hurt a hair on my head.

It’s not that I look down on you, it’s just the fact. "

With his arms folded in front of his chest, the wings spread out behind him held Lu Li in the sky.


Ge Lian was unwilling to give up, but he didn't expect that Lu Li would become more and more difficult to deal with.

There is no advantage at all on the ground, not to mention that he has no air combat capabilities.

The winner of this battle has been decided.

Leng Ge clenched his fist reluctantly, feeling very unhappy in his heart.

Why should one or two of them surpass me with a combat power of 2.3? It is obvious that I am the strongest knight.

But when he saw Lu Li floating in the sky, a deep feeling of powerlessness arose in his heart.

It's not that he's not strong enough, it's that his opponent is already far stronger than him.

There is a huge gap between the two sides that cannot be bridged.

“The time is almost up and the game is over.

As he spoke, Lu Li flicked his hand, a faint golden light emitted from his body, and in the next second three cards automatically flew into his hand.

These five cards are: Diamond 2 Bullet Armadillo, Diamond 4 Swift Woodpecker/Crow, and Diamond 6 Flame Firefly!

Three awakening cards enter the re-awakening gun in sequence.



Aiming the gun at the three people on the ground, Lu Li directly pulled the trigger.

The crimson energy gathered crazily at the muzzle and instantly condensed into a huge fireball.

"call out!!!"

The fireball was launched instantly and headed straight for the three people on the ground.

"Get out of the way!!"

Gelian sensed the approaching crisis for the first time, and immediately yelled and quickly ducked to the side.

But Lian Geer sensed the threat earlier and ran away as soon as possible.

The fireball plummeted down, frantically absorbing the energy floating in the air.

The next second, this huge fireball split into dozens of small fireballs in an instant, falling towards the ground like raindrops.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!...

Along with bursts of explosions, heat waves hit one after another, spreading crazily around.

The flames spread towards the surroundings, completely covering the three knights.

Kallis, who had just arrived on a motorcycle, witnessed the flames erupting with his own eyes.

"So strong!!"

Callis, who was extremely shocked, suddenly raised his head and saw the figure standing in the sky.

PS: Thank you

Aimo’s monthly pass! !

Chapter 445 Sister Tiger: My opponent was scared away!

The sealed wolf!

"It's that guy!"

Although he had never seen Lu Li in his current form, Kallis was completely familiar with the aura on Lu Li's body.

In the eyes of Kallis, there is only one person with this kind of aura.

That was Lu Li.

The motorcycle he drove arrived here, but he didn't expect that the fighting would be so fierce.

This burst of fighting power is really a bit outrageous.

For the first time, Kalis found that he had no desire to fight.

To be precise, it wasn't that he didn't have the desire to fight, but that he didn't have the desire to fight against Lu Li.

With his current strength, he knew that he couldn't deal with Lu Li at all.

Fluke or not, he knew he had no chance of winning.

Sister Tiger and the undead wolf were also attracted by the explosion here.

When the two of them saw the terrifying heat wave, they both gasped.

The wolf undead creature thought that it had become powerful enough, but now it realized that even with its black fangs, it might not be able to cause such horrific destruction.

The most important thing is to cause such horrific destructive power at once.

He couldn't help but secretly worry about whether Lu Li would turn against himself now that he had dealt with the three knights.

Just being a tiger sister has already pushed him to this level.

If there is another Lu Li, it will probably be even more difficult.

Thinking of this, the wolf undead creature instantly had some concerns in its mind.


The most important thing now is to escape quickly!

If he faced Lu Li, he had no chance of winning, and the battle was meaningless.

There is no need to fight an unwinnable battle. Although escaping is not honorable, at least it can ensure that you are alive.

Already having the answer in his heart, the undead wolf suddenly turned the accelerator.

The jet-black fangs accelerated instantly and took him away from the battlefield.

It was completely unexpected that the wolf undead creature would be so unruly and chose to run away at this moment. It was already too late for Sister Tiger to pursue her.

Even though Sister Tiger runs very fast, it is difficult to catch up with the completely transformed jet-black fangs.

Seeing the wolf undead escape, Sister Tiger suddenly felt furious.

"Damn it! The spineless guy actually chose to run away at this time!"

29 I thought the other party was an upright warrior, but unexpectedly he turned out to be a despicable guy.

Lu Li also noticed the escaping wolf undead creature, but he did not pursue it.

A mere wolf undead creature, where could it go even if it ran?

At most, it's just a matter of living a little longer.

Kalis, who noticed that the wolf undead creature had escaped, of course would not let him go just like that, and immediately chased after him quickly on his motorcycle.

Kallis passed through the blazing flames and chased after him. Lu Li did not stop him.

The wings behind him gradually closed, and Lu Li landed smoothly on the ground.

After a brief period of calm, the blazing flames had almost faded away a lot.

It can be seen very clearly that the entire road is devastated and turned into a mess.

The three Kamen Riders had already released their transformations, and were lying on the ground unconscious one by one.

After releasing the transformation, Lu Li turned and left without even looking at them.

These three people were just unconscious and not dead. Lu Li was not worried about their safety at all.

What's more, Lu Li had already held back when he launched the attack, otherwise the three of them wouldn't even be able to withstand the attack.

Cheng Guang, who had returned to his human form, came to Lu Li and said rather dissatisfied.

"You just scared away my target. That guy ran away pretty fast."

Lu Li shrugged helplessly.

"I didn't even plan to do anything to that guy. Who knew that guy would run away without being scared? So what can I do?"

Lu Li was also very surprised when he accidentally used too much force and scared away the undead wolf creature.

The wolf undead creature is also a very cunning guy. After seeing Lu Li's terrifying power, it is natural for him to be afraid.

At this time, Miyuki Yoshinaga walked over from the side and told Lu Li about the earth she had just seen.

"There was a powerful guy who was observing your battle just now. That guy was very powerful, even... more terrifying than Cheng Guang's combat power.

Although I didn't take action, I'm afraid I was observing your abilities.

Hearing this, a figure instantly appeared in Lu Li's mind.

Elephant undead!

It does have very powerful combat power. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the strongest advanced undead creature other than Kng:

The sudden appearance of these guys is probably just to understand the abilities of themselves and others in advance, so that they can deal with them in a targeted manner when they encounter them again in the future.

Although the elephant undead creature looks stupid, it is actually very careful and careful in doing things.

When he is not completely sure of the target's strength and ability, he generally will not take action rashly.

Once he wants to take action, he is prepared to kill with one blow.

In the play, the reason why the elephant undead creature is sealed by the sword is not only because of the swiftness of the guard form, but also because of the explosion of the sword.

There is already a sword of enlightenment in his heart, and the combat power burst out in the guard form has surpassed that of an elephant undead creature.

This is what caused the elephant undead to be sealed.

If it hadn't been for the outbreak and the first battle, the sword might not have been able to deal with the elephant undead.

"Don't worry about that guy. If he doesn't come to provoke us, there's no need to worry about him."

Since the elephant undead creature was observing just now, he should have noticed that Lu Li's terrifying power is not something he can deal with at the moment.

That guy has brains and won't do stupid things, let alone take the initiative to cause trouble for Lu Li.

At this time, Chengguang turned to look at the three of them, Kamijo Mutsuki, who was in a coma.

"What to do with these three guys? Do we want to deal with them now?

In Chengguang's view, these three Kamen Riders are always an obstacle.

If we take advantage of this opportunity and kill these three people directly, we can also reduce some unnecessary troubles.

His gaze suddenly became dangerous. Although Cheng Guang was keen on a fair fight, he had no good impressions of these Kamen Riders who disrupted the battle.

Now that she had the chance to get rid of him, she wouldn't mind doing it, but it still depended on what Lu Li meant.

Shaking his head slightly, Lu Li would not let these three guys be killed like this.

"No, the three of them are not much of a threat, and keeping them has other uses.

Only with their presence can other undead creatures be sealed. At least they are qualified thugs, right? "

The primary reason for keeping them was that Kazuma Kenzaki and Sakuya Tachibana had the opportunity to evolve into emperor forms.

Lu Li was still looking forward to fighting their emperor forms, so of course he couldn't just kill them.

Next up is Kamijo Mutsuki. Without Shiromitsu and Shima Noboru, what will this guy develop into next?

Will it be completely swallowed up by Category Ace, or will it suppress Category Ace?

This also made him quite curious.

Compared to the latter, Lu Li was more inclined to the former.

How could it be possible for Kamijo Mutsuki, a useless piece of trash, to suppress the will of Category Ac with his own will.

Unless the guy in Category Ac has a flaw in his mind and voluntarily gives up the fight for control of his body in this game.

This possibility is extremely slim, and can even be said to be impossible.

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