The spider undead creatures have been planning for a long time for the current situation, so how could they give up voluntarily?

Lu Li was quite curious about how things would develop next.

The current Cheng Guang was very different from the previous persistent Cheng Guang.

She was no longer so obsessed with an absolutely fair fight, and now that the seal slab had not appeared, there would be no

result even if the creatures did not fight.

A war without victory was completely meaningless.

"Okay, let's go, what happens next has nothing to do with us."

Lu Li twisted his neck slightly and turned to walk forward.

Seeing this, Yoshinaga Miyuki did not hesitate at all and hurried to follow.

Although she also wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of the three Kamen Riders, since Lu Li had already said that these three guys would have other uses.

This matter could only be left unresolved.

After a two-second pause, Cheng Guang immediately turned around and followed, missing the opportunity to kill the Kamen Rider.

However, she did not regret it.

A mere human, even if she has the power to fight against the undead, she doesn't think she will lose to them.

On the other side"

The wolf undead, who was driving the black fangs to escape, was running fast, and behind him was Calis, who was driving a motorcycle.

After being away from the battlefield just now, the wolf undead did not feel Lu Li's terrifying aura, and his nervous mood calmed down.

Turning his head slightly, he noticed Calis who was chasing him closely behind him.

"Humph! You dare to take the initiative to catch up, do you really think that my current strength is not enough to kill you?"

Although the wolf undead had some damage after the previous battle, the black fangs gave him a certain amount of recovery.

There is no problem in supporting another battle.

A sharp sound rang out, and the wolf undead had just turned the front of the car and faced Calis head-on.

With a sudden brake, Calis stopped the car.

"You've been chasing me for so long. It seems that I can't leave unless I kill you."

The wolf undead creature slowly walked down from the pitch-black fangs and twisted his neck gently.

Seeing that the other party actually took the initiative to leave the pitch-black fangs, Calis also jumped off the motorcycle.

Without saying a word, he took out the awakening bow and rushed forward at the first time.


There is no need for too much dialogue between the two, just fight!

Then, a very fierce battle broke out between the two.

Calis has not sealed the higher undead creatures at present, and the power he has is relatively limited.

But fortunately, the wolf undead creature did not take any advantage in the battle with Tiger Sister just now, and even suffered a little injury.

For a while, the two fought back and forth, evenly matched.

If it was Calis without human hearts, the wolf undead creature would probably lose this battle very badly.

Calis without human hearts, the combat power he exerted can even be comparable to that of category Kig.

Before going to the coffee shop, Calis and the giraffe saw-shovel undead creature of the Kig category had fought on the snowy mountain. Both sides were evenly matched and neither could do anything to the other.

At that time, Calis had sealed the human undead creature, but he had not come into contact with human society, so he had not won the hearts of the people.

The combat power he exerted was naturally much greater.

The human heart bound JokerE's power, making his power not so strong.

But it gave him enough reason and he was no longer a fighting beast.

This is why among so many awakening cards, only the awakening card of the two of hearts has a chain on it.

After a fierce battle, the wolf undead creature had new injuries on its body before the old wounds were healed, and its combat power declined again.

He didn't want to die here, so he planned to escape again.

However, Calis had obviously noticed his plan and directly released a light arrow with the awakening bow to destroy the precious black fangs.


Amidst the explosion, the pitch-black fangs were instantly engulfed by the flames that shot up into the sky.

The wolf undead creature that was close to the pitch-black fangs was blown back by the terrifying impact of the explosion and fell to the ground in embarrassment.


The wolf undead creature was furious when he saw that the pitch-black fangs that he had worked so hard to plan for so long were blown up in an instant.

The pitch-black fangs that he had planned for so long were destroyed after running for so long. How could he accept this?

Suddenly turning around, the wolf undead creature's dark green eyes stared at Calis tightly, filled with anger and murderous intent.

"How dare you, this guy. ! ! I will never let you go! Hey!!"

He jumped up and flew directly to Calis.

He would never let Calis, who destroyed the pitch-black fangs, go.

That was a treasure that could make him stronger, and it was destroyed by this guy himself.

Seeing that the wolf undead creature had no intention of escaping and was ready to fight to the death with him, Calis had no intention of escaping at all.

This was the result he wanted!


The wolf 657 claws and the bow arm collided with each other, and the sparks that splashed out illuminated the two of them.

The wolf undead creature, in anger, burst out with terrifying power, pushing Calis back continuously.

Although the wolf undead creature burst out with stronger power at this time, because he had almost lost his mind, he only knew how to fight recklessly and did not notice it at all.

Callis is guiding intentionally.

A wise wolf and a crazy wolf, one versus one, the latter is naturally easier to deal with.

Although his combat power may be more terrifying, he doesn't have those cunning thoughts.

After fighting off the wolf undead, Kallis took the opportunity to take out three Awakening cards.

The 4 of hearts is a floating dragonfly, the 5 of hearts is a diamond digging into a conch, and the 6 of hearts is a hurricane eagle!




The phantoms of the three cards merged into his body. Wrapped in a black whirlwind, Kalis' body slowly rose into the air, and then he quickly flew toward Lang Bu from above.

The dead creature fell.

Transformed into a black top, it has terrifying piercing power.



The undead wolf creature, which had fallen into a frenzy, rushed directly towards the terrifying black top without any dodge.

The ending was naturally no surprise, as the black top instantly penetrated the undead wolf's body.

It was also at this moment that the undead wolf creature suddenly regained its sanity.

But now it was too late, he could feel a terrifying energy erupting in his body.

Kalis squatted on the ground, not looking at the undead wolf creature behind him at all.

Now that the special move has hit, the outcome is already determined.

The body suddenly exploded after falling to the ground. The undead wolf creature lay helplessly on the ground. The golden belt buckle at its waist opened automatically, revealing the symbol inside.

Jack of hearts!

Turning around slowly, Kallis threw out the blank card in his hand, successfully sealing the wolf undead creature.

Recalling that Kenzaki Kazuma had helped him learn more about the Ace of Hearts card before, and he was also willing to trust himself.

Kallis was not worried about Kenzaki Kazuma's situation at this time, and drove his motorcycle back immediately.

When he rushed back here, he found that Kenzaki Kazuma and the other two people who had been lying down before were still in a coma.

Slowly arriving at the pit where Kenzaki Kazuma was, Aikawa Hajime noticed that the opponent's body was covered with scars.

Without saying anything, he jumped into the pit and lifted Kenzaki Kazuma up.

In the process of moving, Kenzaki Kazuma's eyelids moved slightly, and then he opened his eyes.

When he saw Hajime Aikawa next to him, his face suddenly became happy.


I couldn't help but feel a little happy, but I didn't expect that the other party saved me.

However, what he didn't know was that Hajime Aikawa just pulled him out of the pit.

Noticing that Kenzaki Kazuma was awake, Aikawa Hajime helped him aside and sat down.

As for Tachibana Sakuya and Kamijo Mutsuki, Aikawa Hajime didn't even look at them.

"Since you're awake, I'll leave first."

Chapter 446: Cooperation comes to your door! The ambition of Tianwang Road, Dadi: the harder the fight, the better

Afterwards, Aikawa Hajime drove the motorcycle away very decisively.

Kenzaki Kazuma, who originally had a smile on his face, suddenly became stiff.

"This guy."

With a helpless smile, Kenzaki Kazuma also knew what kind of character Aikawa Hajime was.

It was already very difficult for the other party to rescue him. There was no way he could be expected to save Tachibana-senpai and Mutsuki.

Although his body looked scarred, Kenzaki Kazuma could at least still move.

Dragging his tired body to Tachibana Sakuya's side, in his current state, it was impossible to stand up to Tachibana Sakuya.

I had no choice but to push Jushuo twice with a little force.

Ju Shuo, who had woken up faintly, also opened his eyes. His mind instantly recalled what had just happened, and he sat up suddenly.

The severe pain that came from his body made him grin suddenly.


Taking a breath of cold air, Ju Shuo also saw the mess around him and had no idea what happened after he was unconscious.

"Senior Tachibana, how are you? Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere?"

Hearing this, Jushuo also came back to his senses and looked at Kazuma Kenzaki beside him.

A smile appeared on his face and he replied.

“I’m okay, it’s not a serious problem, it’s just scratches.

By the way, where did that guy go? And what about the two undead creatures just now? "

The guy he was talking about was, of course, Lu Li.

Shaking his head helplessly, Kenzaki Kazuma had just woken up and didn't know anything at all.

"I just woke up. Hajime rescued me. I don't know the specific situation."

Suddenly, Tachibana Saku also thought of Kamijo Mutsuki and quickly looked around.

Soon, he found Kamijo Mutsuki, who was also in a coma.

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