Coming to Mutsuki Kamijiro, looking at the knight buckle that fell on the ground, Tachibana Saku hesitated for a moment, but made a decision immediately.

This is a rare opportunity. As long as he can get the category Ac card, he will have a chance to lift the seal of the spider undead creature.

But considering that he and Kenzaki Kazuma have temporarily lost their combat effectiveness, Tachibana Saku has not done so for the time being.

If the spider undead creature is released at this time, they will not be able to play any power in their current state, and they may not be able to deal with it at all.

Things can only be put on hold for the time being.

The two put Mutsuki Kamijiro on the motorcycle and rode the motorcycle back to the direction of Shirai Farm.

Although the two of them don’t have the power to deal with the spider undead creature now, there is someone on the farm who can deal with it.

Shima Noboru!

Even if Shima Noboru doesn’t like fighting, he will definitely not sit idly by.

He has always wanted to help Mutsuki Kamijiro, and even wants to sacrifice himself.

Now there are other methods, why not give it a try.

Even if the category Ace is stronger, it should not be a match for Shima Noboru, who is the category King.

An open-air swimming pool.

Under the sunshade, a person lies on a lounge chair.

This person is the earth.

The elephant undead creature.

He witnessed the terrifying power that Lu Li burst out before, and immediately realized that this was a very difficult opponent.

And it is not clear how much power the opponent has. He does not want to fight Lu Li for the time being.

To be precise, he does not even want to fight any undead creatures now.

One is that there is no way to seal the opponent.

Another is that he works hard to fight other undead creatures.

Isn't this a waste of time?

It is better to conserve energy and wait for the other undead creatures to finish fighting each other.

After all the undead creatures have finished fighting, he will go to finish it.

Use the least fighting to directly achieve your goal, a perfect strategy

At this time, a woman in a black backless dress entered this area and slowly walked towards this side.

She has medium-length hair and looks quite charming.

Dadi, who covered his face with a hat, didn't know who the other person was, but he could feel the breath of the undead creature emanating from the other person.

He had no intention of fighting other undead creatures, but if the other party came to him and insisted on fighting, he would naturally not be afraid.

"You are really leisurely. You occupied this area and then hid here. This is not like your style.

There was a hint of sarcasm in the woman's words, and she seemed to look down on Dadi's behavior.

Cheng Antan, who is also a sea snake undead creature of the Queen category.

Hearing this, Dadi slowly took off the hat covering his face and stood up.

Putting the hat on his head casually, Dadi looked at Cheng Antan with a calm face.

"I don't like fighting. If you want to fight, why don't you find someone else?" ”

"I'm not here to fight you. "

Cheng An Tan shook his head slightly, folding his arms across his chest.

She didn't intend to come here to fight with this guy. She knew that the other party was very strong.

If she rashly fought with this guy, she would be the only one who would suffer.

The reason why she came to him was completely because of another thing.

It was because Cheng An Tan found the most special one among the fifty-three undead creatures.


Since Jokert appeared, as the trump card of the entire extreme war, he must be eliminated first.

Otherwise, it will pose a huge threat to other undead creatures.

Among these undead creatures, naturally, she herself is also included. .

But relying on her own strength is not enough to deal with Joker.

Or, she didn't dare to deal with Jokr alone, after all, the opponent's strength is indeed daunting.

She needs a stronger ally to join her. The chances of winning when two high-level undead creatures besiege Jokr are still very high.

There was a flash of surprise in his eyes. Dadi thought that the other party was here to fight with him, but he didn't expect that it was not.

Since the other party found him, it is definitely impossible for him to just come to see him. Dadi is more curious about what the other party's purpose is.

"Since you are not here to fight me, what is your purpose?"

"I came to you for cooperation! "

Spitting out two words decisively, Cheng Antan came here for the purpose of seeking cooperation.

Cooperating with Dadi, the possibility of killing Joker will be greatly increased.

Two high-level undead creatures will work together to deal with Jokr. Even if they can't seal each other, it will be enough to make the other party lose a layer of skin.

With a sneer on his face, Dadi shook his head gently.

To put it nicely, it's cooperation, and to put it bluntly, it's. Use"

Although he didn't know the purpose of the other party looking for him to cooperate, he was not the kind of character who liked to be used by others.

He didn't reject Cheng Antan at the first time, but wanted to know the purpose of the other party's cooperation.

"Tell me first, what do you want to cooperate for?"

"Cooperation is not only for myself, but also for you, because we all have a common enemy!"

Cheng Antan believed that Dadi had no reason to reject him.

"Common enemy?"

Raising his eyebrows slightly, Dadi's eyes flashed with doubt.

He didn't quite understand who the so-called common enemy was in Cheng Antan's mouth.

Noticing the doubts in Dadi's eyes, Cheng Antan smiled slightly and explained,

"Joker, I think... you should be familiar with this name."


When he heard this name, Dadi's expression suddenly changed.

Although he has never really met Joker, he also knows what kind of existence Joker3 is.

An extremely dangerous guy!

In the extreme battle, the final trump card

Hunter of all undead!

"Do you know where that guy is?"

The words were quite surprising, Dadi still didn't quite believe Cheng Antan.

"Of course, I already know where that guy is, how about it? Are you interested in joining forces with me now?"

Having already told such crucial information, Cheng Antan didn't believe that Dadi was still indifferent.

An enemy of all undead creatures, and working together to eradicate it is naturally the best result.

I had great confidence that I could convince Dadi to cooperate with him and eradicate Joker together.

However, Dadi chuckled and sat back on the chair.

"Hehehehe! Forget it, I'm not interested at the moment."

He would not rashly attack an enemy he knew nothing about.

Although he had heard of Joker, he had no idea about the strength of this enemy.

When facing an enemy whose strength is unknown, one must be cautious enough and must not be careless.

For Dadi, who always knows the enemy's ability and strength before fighting, although Jokr is an enemy, he is an unknown enemy.

Before everything becomes clear, he doesn't want to conflict with the other party yet.


I have shown enough sincerity to personally invite Dadi to cooperate with me to eliminate Jokr, the common enemy.

But this guy didn't care at all, and didn't even give himself any face.

This made Cheng Antan very unhappy.

"It's very simple for you and me to work together and take down Jokr. If we let that guy continue to grow, I'm afraid no one will end well by then.

If you don't cooperate with me now, you will regret it sooner or later! "

Waving his hands casually, Dadi lay back on the chair and covered his face with his hat.

That look of being indifferent to the world made Cheng Antan feel very bad.

It was not a good idea to see the other party, and Cheng Antan was not interested in continuing to make himself uncomfortable here.

"Hmph! I didn't expect you to be such a timid person. Forget it, just continue to hide here. Sooner or later you will regret it!"

After leaving these harsh words, Cheng Antan turned and left.

Although she failed to cooperate with Dadi, which made Cheng Antan feel very uncomfortable, she did not give up the idea of ​​dealing with Jokr because of this.

No matter what, Joker must be eradicated in this extreme battle!

Since this guy is unwilling to cooperate, she is going to find other collaborators first.

After Cheng Antan left, Dadi picked up the hat covering his face and murmured,

"Jokerl? I don't know how strong he is, but I'm really looking forward to it.

Just keep fighting, the harder you fight, the better.

The one who wins in the end will be me! "

As this extreme battle progresses, more and more undead creatures are sealed,

As the leader of this extreme battle, Tianwang Lu Hiroshi also knew that the final moment was approaching.

We came to a laboratory. In this room, there were a large number of experimental instruments.

In the middle of these experimental instruments, there is a twisted stone slab with a very magical material.

This is the sealing slate!

The sealing slate was discovered by Bord during the development process. After learning that the sealing slate was the master of everything, Hiroshi Tenwang moved this thing to the laboratory.

There are a large number of experimental instruments around, completely to isolate the sealing stone from the outside world.

The sealing tablet is like a computer. If it senses a battle between undead creatures, it will appear.

But Tianwang Lu Boshi wants to control the sealing stone and ensure that he becomes the final winner, so he cannot let the sealing stone leave.

Moreover, the three-headed hell dog awakening card he has created now.

Although the fifty-three awakening cards were created independently of the sealing slate, whether they were approved by the sealing slate is another matter.

All he has to do is defeat all the other undead creatures and seal them away, until he is the only one left.

By that time it has become a foregone conclusion, then he will definitely be recognized by the sealing stone.

Arriving in front of the sealing stone, Heavenly King Lu Boshi put his hand on the sealing stone, but he could not hear any will coming from the sealing stone.

Only undead creatures created by the sealed stone slab can hear other sounds.

"‖This extreme battle that takes place in modern times is about to end. This time I will become the winner of the extreme battle and become the master of the entire earth!"

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