The voice was extremely heroic, and Tianwang Lu Boshi seemed to have determined that his plan would succeed.

Although this extreme battle only started by chance, he already had other plans after starting this extreme battle.

He is leading everything behind the scenes!

If it were before, Tian Wang Lu Hiroshi only had the fifty-fourth card he made, there would be absolutely no way he would feel nervous.

The power of this card combines the advantages of all undead creatures. No matter whether he faces any undead creature, he will not lose.

But it was different now. An unexpected existence appeared in this extreme battle, which put Tianwang Lu Hiroshi under great pressure.

Land from!

Through the feedback from previous test subjects, Tianwang Lu Boshi was very sure that Lu Li could never be an ordinary undead creature.

There must be something wrong here.

Why is there a second set of awakening cards? And it's still in Lu Li's hands?

There are currently too many problems that cannot be explained.

Tianwang Lu Hiroshi wanted to know all this through the sealing stone, but he didn't get any useful information.

Although he had a strong trump card, it was not enough to give him enough confidence to deal with Lu Li.

Trying to avoid enemies with Lu Li as much as possible is just the current strategy.

If you really want to become the ruler of the earth, you may still have to fight Lu Li in the future.

Especially considering that there are other advanced undead creatures around Lu Li, in order to end this extreme battle, it is inevitable to seal those advanced undead creatures.

When the two sides confront each other, it is still unclear who will win and who will lose.

The sealing stone slab standing in front of you must know why Lu Li has a second set of awakening cards.

Unfortunately, Tianwang Lu Boshi has never been able to find out the answer to this question.

Here at Shirai Farm.

After putting Kamijo Mutsuki in place, Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Sakuya also underwent simple injury treatment.

Seeing the scarred appearance of the two of them, Hirose Shiori could imagine that there must have been a very fierce battle.

If there hadn't been a fierce battle, I'm afraid it wouldn't have been like this.

"Hiss!! It hurts, it hurts! Be gentle! Be gentle!"

Taking a sharp breath, Kenzaki Kazuma grinned in pain.

When dealing with injuries, you will inevitably touch the wound. It would be strange if it doesn't hurt.

Seeing him making such a fuss, Hirose rolled his eyes helplessly.

"What's there to scream about? Why didn't I see you screaming in pain when you came back? You actually knew it hurt, and I don't know what the hell you did?!"

When they saw the injuries on Kazuma Kenzaki and Sakuya Tachibana, Hirose Shiori and Torataro Shirai were shocked.

Good guy!

Looking at it like this, you know that it has gone through a big war, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Torataro Shirai was helping Tachibana Saku to deal with his injuries, and his hand movements were much lighter. Moreover, Tachibana Saku is also a senior with rich combat experience, so injuries have become a common occurrence.


Even if it hurts a little, it won't make Zero cry out.

This is Shima Noboru who has almost recovered. After seeing their condition, he has already guessed what is going on.

"Looking like this, you guys must have met Lu Li, otherwise the fight wouldn't be like this."

Hearing this, Ju Shuo also nodded seriously.

"Yes, Mr. Ming, we met Lu Li, and a very strange thing happened."

Chapter 447 King.Form! Spider: Am I liberated? Persistence!

Until now, Ju Shuo has been very concerned about one thing.

That's why Lu Li was able to transform into Ge Lian's form, and then transform into a new, more powerful form.

Although he had never seen Ge Lian in that form, Ju Shuo also felt that it was more like Ge Lian's evolved form.

Although Shima Noboru did not witness the battle that took place yesterday, Feng told him what the battle was like.

In this battle, the terrifying power Lu Li used was completely beyond Shima Noboru's expectation.

"You want to say that Lu Li transformed into Ge Lian and that new form when he fought with you, right?"

Nodding slightly, Ju Shuo's mind was now filled with questions as to what was going on here.

Regarding this issue, Jiu Sheng currently has no reasonable explanation.

But the only thing he knew was that Lu Li had an independent set of awakening cards.

Lu Li transformed into Ge Lian, not by relying on mimicry or anything like that, but by using the power of the Awakening Card.

It’s scary to think about it!

Jiu Sheng, who discovered this problem, suddenly realized that this matter was very serious.

In other words, in addition to the currently known fifty-three undead creatures, there may be another fifty-three undead creatures!

It's just that all of those undead creatures have been sealed by Lu Li and turned into awakening cards in his hand.

Each card corresponds to two, there are two decks of cards in total!

If this is the case, the question that Shima Noboru needs to consider now is who Lu Li's true identity is.

Just saying it is an anomaly is no longer enough to describe the terrifying existence of Lu Li.

Even in the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, Shima Noboru felt that it was not what he knew.

"Mr. Shima, I don't know why Lu Li was able to transform into Ge Lian, but I always feel that his new form is Ge Lian's evolved form.

I was wondering if it could be...King.Form? "

Although I haven't seen King.Form in a real sense, Kenzaki Kazuma's Jack.Form has appeared before, and it can be seen that the difference between it and the basic form is not special.

Don't be big.

But the King.Form above this may cause huge changes in its own form.

This is why Ju Shuo also came to such a conjecture.

He is not just a guess, but a conclusion reached through analysis.

"I'm afraid it should be. Although he has not awakened the fusion machine, it cannot be ruled out that it is other powers."

Shimsho nodded solemnly.

Naturally, several people nearby heard the conversation between the two.

"Is it true?! Lu Li actually has the power of King.Form!"

Kenzaki Kazuma's eyes widened slightly. He had never considered this aspect before, and had never thought about this issue at all.

But now after being reminded like this, it seems that 923 really does not rule out this possibility.

With strong doubts in his eyes, Hirose Shiori was thinking about another question.

"Mr. Shima, if according to what you said, Lu Li has a second complete set of awakening cards, what role did he play ten thousand years ago?

Is he the winner of the extreme battle? Otherwise, how is it possible to have a complete awakening card?

But that's not right. If he is the winner of Extreme Manufacturing, he should be a human undead creature, but judging from his appearance, he shouldn't be. "

A lot of questions lingered in everyone's minds, and they couldn't analyze clearly what this matter was for a while.

Although Torataro Shirai understood clearly, he was still confused.

"Okay, okay, okay! Don't think about this problem now, just rest in peace and recover.

By the way, what about this guy Mutsuki? Will you let him go when he wakes up? "

After treating Mutsuki Kamijo, who was lying unconscious on the sofa, Shirai Torataro was curious about how Tachibana Sakuya and the others would deal with him.

"No! Although I don't know if the method I mentioned before is feasible, I still have to give it a try.

With Mr. Shima here, I think there should be a high chance of success. "

After finally finding Mutsuki Kamijo, he must not let him leave easily this time. He must try the method he thought of.

Everyone looked at each other. They didn't know how successful this method was, but they should try it no matter what.

What is needed now is Shima Noboru's help. With him, we can control the spider undead.

Everyone turned their attention to Shimasuke, wanting to hear if he had any ideas.

Under everyone's gaze, Shimaki stood up and came to the sofa, looking at Mutsuki Kamijo who was in a coma.

"He has been deeply eroded by that guy now. If he doesn't find a way to deal with it as soon as possible, I'm afraid he will be swallowed up sooner or later.

You can try the method Tachibana mentioned.

I will hold that guy back as long as I can and prevent them from hurting you when he comes out. "

Although he didn't want to fight, Shima Noboru knew very well that the only person who could contribute fighting power at this time was himself.

Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Shuo were also injured to varying degrees. If they were allowed to fight at this time, they would probably get more injured, which would make it even more troublesome.

Now, while Mutsuki Kamijo was in a coma, he had the opportunity to use this method.

If we wait for this guy to wake up, it will be too late to use this method.

Without further ado, everyone started taking action immediately.

Shima Noboru took away the Ace-type card. In his hand, it was impossible to escape on his own with an Ace-type card.

Except for Mutsuki Kamijo, who was still in a coma, everyone came to the farm outside the villa.

Jushuo also endured the pain and took out his knight's belt buckle to transform.



After passing through this blue light curtain, Ge Lian appeared in front of everyone.

Taking out the ten of clubs he stole from Mutsuki Kamijo, Green nodded.

Seeing this, Jiu Sheng immediately raised the category Ace card in his hand.

Swipe the 10 clubs in your hand through the wake-up gun.


A ray of purple light shot out from the muzzle and directly hit the card of the Ace category.

The spider pattern on the card was originally motionless, but after being affected by the power of the remote tapir, it suddenly became active.

Then the card automatically flew into the sky and the seal was lifted.

The ferocious green spider undead creature was directly released from the seal and landed smoothly on the ground.

The card that turned blank fell next to the spider undead creature.

The spider undead creature that had released the seal looked down at its own state, its eyes filled with surprise.

Although his mental power can affect Kamijo Mutsuki and is relatively powerful, he is not awake at any time and at any time.

At least a moment ago, the Spider Undead was mentally drained from the previous battle.

"The lifted?!"

There was a deep sense of disbelief in his words.

The spider undead obviously did not expect that his seal would be lifted.

Looking around, he was no stranger at all.

After all, he had been with Uejo Mutsuki all this time, so he naturally knew the identities of these people.

At the same time, he also noticed the awakening card in Gren's hand.

10 of Clubs!

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