Needless to say, their fighting power is not comparable to that of ordinary humans.

Just when the three strong men were about to start fighting, Shangcheng Mutsuki knocked them all to the ground in a flash.

The action was very fast, and the whole process only took a few seconds.

Then there was a wailing sound.

"From now on, this place belongs to me. Do you... have any objections?"

Shangcheng Mutsuki stepped on the back of one of the strong men and stared at them coldly.

"No, no!!"

It was already like this, how dare they have any objections.

This young boy actually solved them in a flash, and judging from the other party's eyes, if they didn't agree, they would probably be finished.

With a new base, Shangcheng Mutsuki no longer needs to go home, and at the same time, he doesn't have to go to school.

Walking to the sofa and sitting down, Cheng Antan put his legs on the table and asked curiously.

"What do you want to do next? Any ideas? What about Jokr?"

Walking to the stool in front of the bar and sitting down, Kamijiro Mutsuki poured himself a glass of wine.

"Next, of course, we have to find a way to deal with Jokr. That guy has a lot of cards in his hand, and I want to get them all!"

Clenching his fists tightly, Kamijiro Mutsuki felt that as long as he had enough cards, he would become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, his eyes first locked on Aikawa Hajime.

In addition, he now has the help of Cheng An Tan, and the two together have a chance to kill Aikawa Hajime.

"Since your target is Joker, it's easy to say, tell me your plan first."

The person Cheng An Tan wants to deal with the most is Aikawa Hajime, and he doesn't even have the idea of ​​fighting other undead creatures.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

Some ordinary undead creatures were sealed one after another, and now the number of sealed undead creatures is increasing.

At the same time, during these few days, the second awakening fusion machine was finally delivered to Tachibana Sakuya.

It's a pity that Tachibana Sakuya has not yet obtained the Queen category, so he has not been able to unlock the guard form for the time being.

At the same time, in the past few days, Kenzaki Kazuma used the guard form more and more often.

In the process of using the guard form, Kenzaki Kazuma did not fuse the power of a single category Jck when fusing the power of higher-level undead creatures.

He used the power of the undead creatures he used, not just one, but multiple.

Logically speaking, even if he used the guard form, he should only be able to fuse one category Jack at most, and the category Queen only played a supporting role.

But Kenzaki Kazuma's state was completely different.

This is interesting!

And this problem was naturally discovered by Hirose Yoshito who had been observing in secret.

He thought of a possibility that Kenzaki Kazuma might be a very special type of person.

The reason why the fusion coefficient increased so quickly was probably because of his own specialness.

Therefore, when he discovered this, Hirose Yoshito was filled with ecstasy.

0.Please give flowers 0.

Through his previous experimental research, he found that when the power of undead creatures is fused to a certain extent, people will gradually transform into undead creatures.

And the undead creature that turned into Joker!

If Hirose Yoshito wanted to catch Lu Li, the human undead creature, before, he wanted to catch Kenzaki Ichima even more now.

After all, Lu Li, the human undead creature, has survived for so many years. Although he is the ancestor of humans, he is definitely very different from humans.

But Kenzaki Ichima is different. He is a human, but he is slowly transforming into an undead creature.

If the process of his blood and physical transformation can be recorded, perhaps the secret of immortality can be directly unlocked!

Hirose Yoshito has been obsessed with the secret of immortality for too long. Now that he finally has greater hope, he will certainly not give up.

He set his sights on Kenzaki Ichima and wanted to bring him back to be his own experimental subject.

The reason why Lu Li couldn't be caught was because his strength was too strong and had completely surpassed the test subject.

But Kenzaki Ichima is different. Although he has unlocked the guard form and his strength is not weak, he should not be able to easily deal with the test subject.

Comparing the two, we already know who to deal with first.

Hirose Yoshito was very excited when he thought that he would be able to unlock the secret of immortality in a short time.

For this reason, he specially created a new test subject, which was Test Subject F made from cells of the category Kig.

With the combat power of Test Subject F, there was no problem at all to deal with Kenzaki Kazuma in the form of a guard.

These days, Lu Li didn't have much to do, mainly because no other higher undead creatures appeared.

There are actually only two higher undead creatures that have not appeared yet.

One is the Spade King, and the other is the Diamond King.

But today, Lu Li finally found the information of Spade Kig.

To be precise, it should not be the information of this guy, but the news he released.

Spade Kig, the undead creature of the Caucasian giant beetle in Nanyang, is a young man in red clothes and a killer hairstyle in human form.

This guy doesn't have much interest in fighting or anything like that, but he has very strong strength.

He just wanted to make everything messy because it seemed like so much fun.

The news this guy posted happened to be noticed by Lu Li.

All I can say is that this guy is pretty good at playing on his mobile phone.

After searching for so long, he finally found this guy. Naturally, Lu Li wanted to meet this old friend.

But this time, Lu Li did not take Miyuki Yoshinaga and Shiromitsu with him, he went alone.

Based on the information, he could roughly determine the location of the target. It would be quite easy for Lu Li to find him.

Regarding what Lu Li said about going to see an old friend, Yoshinaga Miyuki and Shiromitsu were both curious about who it could be.

But Lu Li didn't say he wanted to take them with him, so the two of them naturally didn't go.

"Chengguang, who is the friend Lu Li mentioned?"

Hearing this, Cheng Guang thought for a moment, recalling what he saw and heard with Lu Li.

Finally shaking her head helplessly, she realized that she didn't seem to know this problem either.

"I don't know who the friend he is talking about is, it should be someone I haven't met before.

Maybe...which advanced undead creature is this? "

"Higher Undead...

Yoshinaga Miyuki, who was lost in thought, was currently thinking about which advanced undead creatures had not yet appeared.

According to the currently known information, the only high-level undead creatures that have not shown up at all are Kig.

As soon as she thought about the category King, Yoshinaga Miyuki suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

After all, the category King is powerful. Just like its title, King represents the king and has very strong strength.

It can be said that the strength of category Kg is far greater than that of the other two categories of advanced undead. The gap between the two sides is like that between advanced undead and ordinary undead.

The gap is the same.

If possible, Miyuki Yoshinaga hoped that she would not encounter advanced undead creatures.

Maybe...Lu Li was going to meet the advanced undead creatures.

Kurihara Amane came home from school as usual.

But on the way home, he was suddenly kidnapped.

She goes home at a fixed time every day, but this did not happen today. As a mother, Haruka Kurihara was very worried.

Aikawa Hajime felt something was wrong, and immediately drove his motorcycle to find Kurihara Amane.

Although he didn't feel the presence of the undead creature, he had a feeling that the other party was coming towards him.

The reason why Kurihara Amane didn't come back was probably because the other party wanted to use him to deal with him.


When he thought that Kurihara Amane was in danger again due to his own reasons, Hajime Aikawa felt more nervous than blaming himself.

PS: Thank you one by one

Broly x’s monthly pass!

thanks one

Monthly pass for Holy Angel Kesha!

thanks one

-ilq.’s monthly ticket! five.

Chapter 454 Scored twice! The card was stolen! Good citizen category KING!

He was worried about Kurihara Amane's safety.

If something really happened to Kurihara Amane, he really didn't know what he would become.

I'm afraid... I'm going crazy!

Now he is very disgusted with himself as Jokr, but if something really happened to Kurihara Amane, he should become what he was before.

Crazy hunting!

While searching around along the road, Aikawa Hajime suddenly widened his eyes.

Because he felt it was the breath of the undead!

Not only did he feel the breath of the undead creature, but he also felt that the other party was calling him.

"Jokr! Come on! I'm waiting for you here! Come on! You don't want anything to happen to this little girl."

The voice echoing in his mind made Hajime Aikawa extremely angry.

Sure enough, in order to lure himself out, this guy really did everything he could!

hateful! !

"Buzz buzz!!"

Directly turning the accelerator to the maximum, Aikawa Hajime rushed to the destination quickly.

He must make the other party pay the price!

In an open space.

Kurihara Amane was blindfolded and tied up. The people standing next to him were none other than Kamijo Mutsuki and Cheng Antan.

"It really surprised me that that guy would come here for this little girl."

Shaking his head slightly, Cheng Antan really didn't understand why Joker turned out like this after his resurrection.

It's strange that Jokr, who is clearly a hunter, gets mixed up with humans, and seems to have human emotions.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Cheng Antan would never believe such a thing.

Hearing this, Kamijo Mutsuki sneered.

"Maybe... it's because he stayed in the human world for too long and was assimilated by humans."

The conversation between the two did not avoid Kurihara Amane at all. She did not understand why she was arrested.

But she already knew from the conversation between the two that the reason why she arrested him was to lure out someone.

Who will it lead to?

Could it Shi? !

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