Although she is young, Kurihara Tianyin has experienced a lot of things, and she didn't cry and scream like other children.

She looked quite calm and was still analyzing the matter calmly.

Seeing Kurihara Tianyin who didn't cry or make a fuss, Cheng Antan immediately squatted down and threatened.

"This little girl is quite brave. She didn't cry or make a fuss.

Little girl, what do you think would happen if I ate you in one bite?"

Hearing this, Kurihara Tianyin was a little panicked, but still shook her head firmly.

"You won't eat me. If you want to use me to lure out someone, you can't hurt me."

The appearance of pretending to be calm made people feel a little funny, but Cheng Antan admired the courage of this little girl.

At this time, the voice of Shangcheng Mutsuki came.

"Don't scare her. Our target should be coming soon. Be prepared. If you miss this time, there will be no such good opportunity."

Cheng Antan smiled with a slight shrug.

"It's just a joke. It's finally here. Take this opportunity to get rid of Jokr directly, and there will be no worries."

Clenching his fists, Cheng An Tan seemed to be determined to win.

With the strength of the two of them, it is not a big problem to get rid of Jokr without interference from others.

This battle must be fought quickly, otherwise once other Kamen Riders are attracted, this battle may not work.

Not long after, the roar/hum of the motorcycle came, and Aikawa Hajime finally felt it.

When he saw Kurihara Tianyin with his eyes covered and tied, his eyes were full of murderous intent.

This murderous intent was naturally directed at Kamijiro Mutsuki and Cheng An Tan.

"Finally here, Joker, it's not easy to let you come out."

Without giving any answer, Aikawa Hajime said nothing because he was worried that his identity would be exposed as soon as he opened his mouth.

Until now, his identity has never been exposed, and the Kurihara family did not know that he had been fighting undead creatures.

He was worried that after his identity was exposed, it would be difficult for him to continue living in this family.

Uejo Mutsuki pulled Kurihara Amane up from the ground, staring at Aikawa Hajime, and said in a deep voice.

"Jokr, hand over all the cards on you, you don't want to see her get into trouble, do you?"

Aikawa Hajime noticed Uejo Mutsuki's actions, and his eyes suddenly became anxious, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

Aikawa Hajime, who didn't speak, was hesitating and hesitating at this time.

Once he handed over the cards, it meant that all the power he could use at present would be lost, and he might become Jokr.

But if he didn't hand over the cards, Kurihara Amane might be in danger.

As for human nature, the person in front of him was no longer himself, and now he was just controlled by Category Ace.

There was no human nature to talk about with such a guy, in order to achieve his own goals , he can even do whatever it takes.

Thinking of this, Aikawa Hajime took out the cards he currently had.

From the Ace of Hearts to the Jack of Hearts, except for the 2 of Hearts.

This card is the key to his transformation into a human.

Once handed over, he can't even maintain his current human form.

Noticing that Aikawa Hajime took out the card, a hint of joy flashed in Kamijou Mutsuki's eyes.

As long as he has these cards, his strength will definitely become stronger, and he will reach a higher level at that time.

Then he deserves to be the one to play with Q!

"Hand over these cards, I can let this little girl go, but don't play any tricks, otherwise don't blame us for being polite."

Kamijou Mutsuki's plan is that once he gets all the cards, he will directly solve Aikawa Hajime and seal him.

Joker? He is very curious about what kind of power he can bring to himself.

Seeing that Aikawa Hajime has not made any movement, Kamijou Mutsuki is obviously a little impatient.

"Hurry up! Don't waste time, I'll count to three! If you don't hand it over, I won't be polite! ”

“One 1”


Just when he was about to shout out three, Aikawa Hajime finally made a decision and threw the card in his hand to the ground.

No matter what, he couldn't watch Kurihara Tenon get hurt.

Seeing that Aikawa Hajime had thrown the cards to the ground, Kamijou Mutsuki had a satisfied smile on his face.

Turning his head to signal Cheng An Tan beside him to take the cards back, he didn't want anything to happen later.

Cheng An Tan walked over slowly and picked up the cards that fell on the ground one by one.

Without these cards, Jokr would lose the possibility of using the power of other undead creatures:

Since the cards were already in hand, Kamijou Mutsuki directly let go of Kurihara Tenon and quickly took out the knight's buckle.

Such a great opportunity, he would not miss it.


“Open.Up! "

Completing the transformation quickly, Lianger was ready for battle.

And Cheng Antan, who was holding those cards, immediately transformed into a sea snake undead creature.

Facing these two guys, Aikawa Hajime's eyes were full of vigilance, but he didn't know what to do now.

Losing the Ace of Hearts meant that he could no longer transform into Calis.

Now, except for the 2 of Hearts, there was no other card in his hand that could be used.

Of course, he was not without other ways like this.

Transform into Joker again!

As long as he transforms into Joker again, he will be able to gain the power to deal with them.

But this also means that he may lose his rationality again and become a beast that only knows how to kill.

"Joker, today is the end of you!"

Approaching Hajime Aikawa step by step, the undead sea snake believed that the overall situation was certain and there would be no more changes.

At this moment, a burst of light laughter suddenly came from the side.


“Kacha! Kacha!

Then I heard the sound of taking pictures.

I saw a young man in red with yellow hair, pointing his cell phone at Lenger to take pictures.

And when choosing the shooting angle, we also included Kurihara Amane in the back.

"How despicable! Kamen Rider actually took hostages and threatened the undead, which is really unheard of for me.

This news must be very popular if posted!

Before he finished speaking, the yellow-haired young man directly clicked the upload button.

I posted the photos I just took and what I wanted to say online.

Kamen Rider is a guardian-like existence in the eyes of many people.

The power of the Internet cannot be underestimated. Now that something like this has happened, and there are pictures and truth, I am afraid many people will think that Kamen Rider is also a bad guy.

Faced with the yellow-haired young man who suddenly broke into the battlefield, Lian Geer suddenly became very vigilant.

How did this guy show up?

He was very sure that there was no one suitable for that place just now!

The most important thing is that when I saw this guy in front of the monster, he was completely unmoved. On the contrary, he was very interested. It was certain that he was definitely not an ordinary person.

Since it is not a human being, it is most likely an advanced undead creature.

There are only a handful of advanced undead creatures that have not yet appeared.

"Who are you?"

Lian Geer didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

My goal has not been achieved yet, so I must be careful and vigilant, and I must not make any mistakes at this time.

"Me? I'm just an ordinary citizen who filmed Kamen Rider's atrocities, hahahaha!

For Spade Kig, he has no idea but pure hope and makes everything messy.

Just because he thought it was fun.

"Ordinary citizens? Stop joking!"

Leng Ge would not believe such nonsense at all.

With a clear eye, you can tell that the yellow hair in front of you cannot be an ordinary person. It is really funny that the undead creature pretends to be an ordinary person.

"Let's just say, you can call me...King!"

When they heard the word Kig, the expressions of Lenger and the sea snake undead creature changed.

"Category King?!"

Both of them knew what the category Kig meant, which meant the top undead creatures.

Immediately assuming a fighting stance, Lenger and the sea snake undead creature felt quite solemn at this time.

I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to directly deal with Joker, but unexpectedly, the category King was introduced.

Staring at the knight belt card on Lenger's waist, King of Spades smiled.

"Is that thing the knight system? It seems to be pretty good.

This was the first time he saw the knight system with his own eyes. He had only heard about it before.

Then he looked at Hajime Aikawa aside, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"Oh! Isn't this JokerD?!"

With his keen perception, he recognized Hajime Aikawa's identity immediately.

"Category King..!

Aikawa Hajime's face was quite solemn. He originally thought that the presence of Lenger and sea snake undead creatures would be enough of a headache, but he didn't expect that there was also a category called Kig.

Not just any trouble.

"Don't call me that name!"

Aikawa Hajime really hates people calling him this name. He is already tired of the life of a beast who only knows killing.

The sea snake undead creatures simply don't want to take the initiative to provoke the type King at this time. After all, one Jokeri is already troublesome enough.

If another troublesome guy comes along, all the plans we finally made today will come to nothing.

"Category King, we can definitely work together to kill Joker!

We’ll deal with the rest later. Jokr is the common enemy of all our undead creatures. What do you think? "

The most important thing at this time is to stabilize Category Kig first. As long as he is stabilized, everything will be easy.

However, the King of Spades obviously has no interest in her so-called joint deal with Jokeri.

"No, no, no! I don't want to deal with Joker, I just want to make Joker mine.

Therefore....I don't allow you to do anything to him.

The undisciplined look of the King of Spades made Lenger furious.

How could I give up the plan I had finally made just because of his words? It was just a dream.

"Don't even think about it! Joker must be sealed by me! No one can take it away!"

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