
sai12.’s monthly pass!


Monthly ticket for Wolf King Dream!

The ventilation system is really uncomfortable today! Nine.

Chapter 456 Complete torture! The powerful King! See you again after thousands of years!

He doesn't think that relying on the knight system can hurt him. Kig is lonely, proud, and powerful.

Kenzaki Kazuma and Tachibana Saku also immediately rushed over to pick up the knight's belt buckle that fell on the ground.



After completing the transformation, the sword rushed directly towards the spade Kig, while Gren was eyeing the scarab undead creature.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Pulling the trigger quickly and firing quickly, Gren wanted to defeat the scarab undead as quickly as possible before going to help the sword.

After all, the opponent is a type of Kig, and he is so powerful that it may be difficult for a knight to deal with it.

If the two of them deal with it together, they might even be able to defeat each other.

Trying to suppress or even defeat Category Kig with just one person is tantamount to wishful thinking.

The muzzle of the gun was spitting out flames, and bullets were fired at the undead scarab creature one after another.


A burst of golden light bloomed from the scarab undead creature, and time in the surrounding space paused again.

One bullet after another with a trace of flames was stuck in the air, and Ge Lian still stood motionless in the shooting posture.

This kind of bug's ability cannot be dealt with at all if the weakness is not found.

Jian obviously noticed this, and immediately understood why their knight system was taken away just now.

The opponent was actually able to pause time, and taking away their knight system was just a piece of cake.

But now he had no time to take care of Ge Lian. He raised the awakening sword in his hand and aimed it at the spade Kig and slashed hard.


A shield appeared out of thin air and directly blocked the sword's strike.


The opponent didn't even turn into an undead form.

The powerful reaction force caused the sword to take several steps back.

The numbness in his hand made him stunned. What was this and why was it so hard? !

"913" The unbelieving sword rushed forward again, raising his awakening sword to chop.

“Qiang Qiang Qiang!!”

No matter what angle he slashed from, the shield would always appear accurately at all of his attack positions, perfectly blocking his slashes.

When it was slashed down, the sword did not harm Spades Kig at all. To be precise, it did not even touch the opponent's body.

Seeing the sword that still refused to give up, Spade Kig shook his head helplessly.

"I've already said that no one can hurt me, and the same goes for you."

His shield has the strongest defense.

There was no way to break through his defense with just the attack of the sword.

In the battle between the two, the sword was completely crushed by Spade Kig, and there was no possibility of breaking through the defense.

After repeated attacks, there was still no way to break through the shield defense of the King of Spades. He immediately equipped the Awakening Fusion Machine and said that he would take out the Jack of Spades and Queen of Spades!

"Absorb. Queen! Fusion. Jack!"

The golden vulture bloomed with golden light, blending into the sword's armor, and its form instantly changed.

Kamen Rider Sword. Guard Form!

After being transformed into a guard form, all attributes will be greatly improved.

Jian quickly drew two more awakening cards.

The slashing lizard of the 2 of spades and the thunder deer of the 6 of spades!



After swiping the two cards through the Awakening Sword, the card's false name was instantly integrated into the body.

Holding the Xingjian tightly, the wings behind the sword instantly spread out and flew high into the sky at extremely fast speeds.


Dazzling lightning converged on the top of the awakening sword, bursting out a terrifying energy.

Falling sharply from high altitude, using gravity acceleration to further strengthen the power of his attack.

The sword wanted to directly break through the invincible defense of the King of Spades in this way.

However, the sword still underestimated the defensive power possessed by the King of Spades.

But this time, Spade Kig did not choose to contact this attack in human form, but changed back to his true appearance.

The undead creature of the Caucasus giant beetle in South Asia!

The pale golden body, the sharp-edged armor, and the many persistences on it look quite terrifying.

There is a large pointed horn on the head, and the green eyes are very sharp.

There is a shield on his left arm, and in the center of the shield is the same symbol as the buckle on his waist.

The undead creature that had transformed back into its original form was obviously serious about it.

Facing the sharply falling sword, the undead creature snorted slightly.


His right hand came to the big horn above his head. The next second, a big sword appeared in his hand.

This is a strange-looking double-edged sword, with the top looking like the horns of a giant beetle.

With a slight twist of his wrist, the undead creature aimed at the rapidly falling sword and swung the sword in his hand.


The awakening sword and the big sword collided together, and a burst of brilliant sparks instantly broke out.

But the power of the giant beetle undead creature was obviously much greater than that of the sword. With just one blow, the sword was instantly blasted away.


The powerful force poured from the awakening sword into his arm and then into his body.

If it weren't for the fact that the sword in the guard form had good impact resistance, this blow would have been enough to kill him.

The sword fell to the ground in a mess, and the awakening sword in his hand fell to the side.

"How could it be?!

Seeing the giant beetle undead creature unscathed, Jian was extremely shocked.

You have to know that he is now in the Jack.Form form, and his combat power should be much stronger than the ordinary form.

In theory, releasing the ultimate move should be able to hurt the opponent, but I didn't expect that it couldn't hurt the opponent at all.

For a while, Jian couldn't accept such a result.

"Oh, that's it? You want to seal me with your power, haha! Don't dream.

Forget it, I can't be sealed. "

The undead scarab sneered. He had never taken Jian seriously from the beginning.

The powerful strength of Category King is completely different from the strength of other high-level undead creatures.

Even if Jian had defeated Category Jack before, it does not mean that he can defeat Category King.

Compared with Jian who was beaten very badly, the situation on Gren's side was similar.

Facing the undead scarab with the ability to stop time, Gren was completely helpless and was no match at all.

Every time it attacked, the undead scarab could not only dodge it very easily, but also counterattack.

And these counterattacks happened when Gren was completely unaware.

When time was stopped, Gren knew nothing at all.

Also beaten to the ground, Gren had no way to deal with the undead scarab.

"Damn! There is no way to approach this guy's ability! "

At this time, Gren had already figured out the abilities of the undead scarab creatures.

But facing this unsolvable ability, he didn't know what to do.

Unless he was immune to time suspension, he had no way to get close:

Although the time suspension of the undead scarab creatures had certain flaws, it was perfect before the flaw was discovered.

Gren had not yet discovered any flaws in the abilities of the undead scarab creatures.

Two very tricky undead creatures put Jian and Gren at a complete disadvantage.

If they continued to fight, the two of them would have no chance of winning.

"Although I have no interest in knights, I don't want to stand on the side of humans.

Otherwise, I'll just destroy you. By then, without Kamen Rider, the whole world will definitely be in chaos, which must be very interesting. "

This guy, the giant beetle undead creature, has no interest in fighting, but is interested in messing up the world.

To put it bluntly, it is a bit of a rebellious mentality.

The ruler, that is, the seal slate, created the undead creatures, hoping that the undead creatures would fight each other and decide the final winner.

And the giant beetle undead creature obviously does not want to do things according to the idea of ​​the seal slate. In order to fight against the seal slate, he wants to mess up this extreme war.

He even wants to make a mess of the world and vent his dissatisfaction to the seal slate.

This guy does things completely according to his own interests, and does whatever he thinks of.

Maybe there was no idea of ​​killing Kamen Rider at the beginning, but it is different now.

He suddenly wanted to eliminate Kamen Rider, which may be of great benefit to the chaos of the world.

"Senior Tachibana, this guy is so strong that I can't hurt him even with Jack.Form. "

Jian was quite confident in his own strength, but he was completely defeated in the face of the terrifying giant beetle undead creature.

"The same goes for this guy here. With the power of time suspension, I can't touch him at all.

He was very frustrated in his words. Gren has not yet actively touched the scarab undead creature.

The two of them are now in the same boat, completely crushed.

Just when the giant beetle undead creature and the scarab undead creature were about to annihilate the two knights here, a sudden sound stopped their actions.

"It seems... I came at the right time.

Someone suddenly broke into the battlefield, but the giant beetle undead creature didn't notice it.

Turning around suddenly, the giant beetle undead creature's green eyes stared at the direction where the sound came from.

He saw a person he didn't know walking towards him. The aura he exuded was obviously that of an undead creature.

But the aura on his body was very strange. It didn't look like an ordinary undead creature, but it seemed to be different from a higher-level undead creature.


If it hadn't been confirmed that Lu Li was indeed an undead creature, the giant beetle undead creature would even suspect that Lu Li might be a freak.

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