"Land from?!"

Jian and Gelian were full of surprises.

The two of them are almost at the end of their strength now, and it may be difficult for them to survive the next battle.

For this reason, the two of them already had plans to retreat.

Where there is life, there is hope.

There is no shame in losing. The problem is that if you lose you don’t even have a chance to regain your position. That’s the worst part. 0

The undead creature was full of curiosity about Lu Li's identity.

"Who are you? Unlike any undead creature I've ever seen?

There are only so many undead creatures in total, and even fewer of them are powerful.

Lu Li, who had a strange aura but also gave off a powerful feeling, successfully aroused the curiosity of the undead creature.

When he met Sister Hu before, Lu Li had already determined one thing.

They were re-created without any memory of the first extreme battle.

This is also done deliberately by the seal to prevent some unexpected changes from happening again.

"Although you may not remember, in general, we should be considered old friends. I came here specifically to see you."

In the first extreme battle, as his opponent in the final battle, Lu Li admitted that his opponent was indeed a friend.


The undead creature obviously didn't understand this answer.

He doesn't remember Lu Li at all, how could he be friends with him?

And as the most powerful type Kig, he doesn't need to be friends with anyone.

He sounded vaguely like a giant undead creature, and couldn't figure out who Lu Li was for the moment.

But he was very sure that he had never met Lu Li.

"Sorry, you may have mistaken the person, I don't know you, I have never even met you.

The aura on your body is completely unlike the undead creatures I know. It is impossible for us to know each other.

No matter who you are, I have a strong aura on you. Are you here to fight me?

If so, that's cool. I'm not interested in you, at least not now.


The undead creatures of the big pocket worm naturally have no idea of ​​​​taking action against targets that they are not interested in.

Hearing this, Lu Li shrugged helplessly and walked towards this side step by step.

“My personality is still the same as before, I still go my own way and do whatever I want.

Only taking action on targets that interest me is a bit different from before. "

Seeing that Lu Li had no intention of stopping, the undead creature's eyes suddenly changed.

"Stop him!"

After receiving the order, a burst of golden light bloomed from the scarab undead creature, and the surrounding space was suspended in time.

However, what happened next caught both the undead creature and the sword by surprise.

Logically speaking, within the scope of time suspension, all actions should stop.

But now comes the problem. We conducted the evaluation again this year, and Lu Li didn’t put forward any opinions at all.

Even the surrounding grass did not sway in the wind because time was suspended.

It was obvious that the scope of the time pause enveloped Lu Li, but it did not prevent him from taking action.

It was also the first time for the Scarab Undead creature to encounter this situation, and it suddenly felt like something was not right.

The body once again bloomed with golden light, and once again released the pause of time.

But it's still of no use.

This directly confused the Scarab Undead.

What the hell? !

Isn’t it useless to pause your own time? !

But when he looked around, he found that everything else had been suspended in time, but there was no way to suspend Lu Li.

Seeing Lu Li approaching 2.2 step by step, the Scarab Undead didn't know why, but felt a little scared in his heart.

He took a step back unconsciously. The scarab undead creature is not very powerful in combat. Its greatest ability is to pause time.

Now even time pause has no effect, which shows that the scarab undead creature is now pure waste.

Seeing that Lu Li was not affected by the power of time suspension at all, the undead creature was quite curious.

He was unaffected solely because of the bandage wrapped around his arm, which the Scarab Undead also had on its arm.

But there was no bandage on Lu Li's arm, so the opponent shouldn't be immune to the time-pause power.

This is strange.

A guy who shouldn't be immune to the power of time suspension is immune to time suspension, unless he himself has the power to be immune to time suspension.

Among all the undead creatures, the only undead creatures that can link their power to time are the scarab undead creatures.

Who is this guy in front of me? !

The big beetle undead creature nodded slightly, and he was going to let the scarab undead creature test Lu Li's strength first.

Although the scarab undead creature had some fear in his heart, he had no way to resist the orders of the big beetle undead creature.

He immediately launched an attack on Lu Li, raised his ring-shaped machete, and aimed at Lu Li's head to chop it off.

Raising his head slightly, Lu Li's dark eyes met the gaze of the undead scarab beetle.

When the eyes of the two came into contact, the scarab undead creature paused in its injured movements, and its offensive movements stopped abruptly.

PS: thanks

Monthly pass for little rabbit y!


Monthly pass for Eternal-.Ark!


Tiao Hua’s monthly ticket!

thanks one

Monthly pass for extinction!


A monthly ticket for a certain student union’s ethics!


Monthly ticket for Scarlet Moon Cangxing! .

Chapter 457 Sword: Is that me? ! The second battle after thousands of years!

Seeing this scene, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the undead creature.

What's happening here?

A single look can frighten the scarab undead creatures controlled by him. What is this guy's power...?

I don't understand at all how Lu Li did it.

The undead creature became very curious about Lu Li's true identity.

Who... could he be?

Lu Li calmly stretched out his right hand, and then an invisible force pinched the scarab undead creature's neck and lifted him up from the ground.

"Uh uh uh!!"

The scarab undead kept struggling.

But faced with this invisible and intangible force, he couldn't deal with it at all.


Driven by this invisible force, the scarab undead creature was instantly thrown into the sky.

The next second, another invisible force struck from above, slamming the undead scarab directly to the ground.


Only a loud bang was heard, and the earth trembled:

The scarab undead creature slammed to the ground, splashing countless amounts of mud.

Jian and Ge Lian also saw how Lu Li repaired the scarab undead creature from the side. The two of them were dumbfounded.

They didn't understand at all how Lu Li was immune to the power of time suspension.

At the same time, they did not understand how Lu Li smashed the undead scarab into the ground.

They had all seen the transformed Lu Li before and thought that Lu Li was very powerful after his transformation.

But he never thought that Lu Li could exert such terrifying power without transforming.

The two looked at each other and could see the shock in each other's eyes.

"Gulu~! Senior Ju, why is that guy Lu Li not affected by the time pause?!"

Hearing this, Ge Lian shook his head, his words also full of horror.

"I don't know either, and the power he used just now is completely different from the previous power. He was able to knock that guy to the ground in an instant!"

The two of them couldn't understand how Lu Li did it?

The splashed soil returned to the earth, and the scarab undead creature was embedded in the ground and would not be able to come out for a while.

Turning his attention back to the undead creature, Lu Li smiled.

"It's not my fault, he brought it to my door on his own initiative."

Although the abilities of the Scarab Undead are relatively easy to use, in the case of the Scarab Undead, they are always just slave puppets that can be controlled.

A puppet has also been destroyed. At most, I just feel a little regretful, but I won't be sad because of it.

"It doesn't matter, but you successfully aroused my curiosity. How did you do it?"

The big undead creature had no interest in Lu Li at all before, but now he is interested.

He also possesses the power to blast enemies away with ease.

This kind of power is fine for ordinary people, but it is not a threat to other undead creatures or Kamen Riders.

But the similar power Lu Li had just displayed could pose a powerful threat.

"Are you interested now? It doesn't matter, you will feel it soon.

I have been looking forward to the second battle between us for a long time. "

When Lu Li returned to that world, he was looking forward to seeing the undead creature again.

Now that he finally met him, Lu Li couldn't wait to have a good fight with him.

I don't understand what Lu Li meant by this at all. The undead creature has no memory of the first extreme battle. Naturally, it doesn't understand what Lu Li meant by the second.

What does fighting mean?

It didn't matter anyway, he was looking forward to the battle with Lu Li.

It will soon be known who is stronger between the two.

"In that case, let me see what your strength is."

Before he finished speaking, the undead creature rushed straight towards Lu Li. He wanted to see what kind of tricks the other party had.

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