
The flames of the explosion shot up into the sky.

Having watched this battle, Yoshinaga Miyuki still couldn't figure out how Jian turned from a previous disadvantage to an advantage.

And defeated the elephant undead creature in the basic time and won the battle.

"What the hell is going on?!"

Yoshinaga Miyuki's eyes widened, and she felt very incredible about the scene happening in front of her.

.0Seeking flowers...

Turning her eyes to Lu Li on the side, Yoshinaga Miyuki's big eyes were always full of doubts, as if Lu Li was asking Lu Li what was going on.

Noticing Yoshinaga Miyuki's eyes, Lu Li could naturally see the doubts in her heart and pointed to the position of his heart with his finger.

"This is the belief of people."

The reason why Jian was able to explode was entirely because he understood the meaning of his battle.

Fighting needs meaning, just like all undead creatures, the reason why they participated in the extreme battle is naturally for the prosperity of their own race.

And Jian just successfully found the meaning of his battle and strengthened his inner belief in fighting.

In this case, the degree of fit between the undead creatures is getting higher and higher, and the fusion is getting closer and closer, which is why the current power is released.

"People's faith?

Such an answer obviously did not make Yoshinaga Miyuki understand immediately.

Instead, Chengguang on the side showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

"People's faith... huh?

Recalling the extreme war ten thousand years ago, he fought with all his might for the prosperity of his race.

That was also faith, the purpose that supported him to continue fighting.

But Chengguang felt very surprised that relying on the inner faith, people could actually burst out such a powerful force, which really surprised her.

"Let's go, this battle is over, as for the ending... it's expected.

Although Lu Li had long known that the elephant undead creature would eventually be sealed, he didn't expect that he would still be defeated by Jian Shou.

However, Lu Li felt that this card would not stay in Jian Shou for long, after all, there was Lian Geer next to him.

Although this guy's fighting power may not be comparable to Jian, he has a red heart card in his hand, which makes Jian know that Aikawa Hajime's current cards are in the other party's hands.

In other words, it was Kamijou Mutsuki who took the card from Aikawa Hajime, probably for the purpose of liberating Joker.

After all, Kamijou Mutsuki is no longer the cowardly and simple Kamijou Mutsuki before.

Since Lu Li has left, Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki will naturally not stay here Stay a little longer, the two immediately followed.

After they left, Jian threw out a blank card and directly sealed the elephant undead creature.

Seeing that the category Jack that was about to be obtained fell into Jian's hands, Lian Geer was naturally very unwilling.

The most important thing is that Lian Geer just noticed that there was a plum blossom pattern on the belt buckle of the elephant undead creature when it was opened.

This means that the elephant undead creature should belong to the category Jack of the plum blossom system!

If he also wants to become a similar form like Jian, he must have this elephant undead creature card.

Now that it has fallen into Jian's hands, he must find a way to get it.

Lian Geer stared at Jian dangerously, made a fighting posture, and was ready to attack him at any time.

"Hand over the card just now! "

Tsurugi looked down at the card he had just sealed in his hand, and suddenly thought of the torment that Aikawa Hajime was in.

Since all the cards that Aikawa Hajime had in his early years had been taken away by Lengel, he would exchange those cards back.

Thinking of this, Tsurugi turned the card in his hand over to face Lengel.

"I know you want this card in my hand, I can give it to you, but... give me back Hajime's card. "

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Lian Geer's face suddenly brightened, but the words after the turn made him feel depressed.

If he wanted to get the elephant undead creature card, he had to hand over the card held by Aikawa Hajime, and he naturally didn't want to.

You know, in order to get those cards, he spent a lot of effort.

He even fought against the category King and suffered a loss at the hands of the other party.

But if he didn't exchange this card, he wouldn't be able to get it.

Of course, he thought about snatching it, but considering that Jian is very powerful now, he has no chance of winning if he does it himself.

Didn't you see that the powerful elephant undead creatures were defeated by Jian before?

At this time, if he took the initiative to challenge Jian, it would be completely self-humiliating!

After thinking about it, he decided to exchange cards. If he did it, he would miss the opportunity to get the category Jck.

"Okay! I will exchange this card with you with part of the cards. "

As he spoke, Lian Geer took out several cards from the card box next to him.

These cards all came from Aikawa Hajime, and he originally wanted to keep all these cards for himself.

Now it seems that it is impossible to keep them.

"You only have one card in your hand, and I have ten. How do you want to exchange?

It is impossible to exchange one card for all my cards.

He is not a fool, and it is impossible to exchange these ten cards for one card.

Although that card is necessary for him, it is not cost-effective for him to trade like this.

Jian also knew that it was unlikely to exchange all the cards with one card, so it would be good to exchange some of them.

He had other ways to get the remaining cards back.

"All the cards before the 6 of Hearts, a total of five, are used to exchange for this card, is that okay?" Li

Chapter 461: Go fast or you will be angry to death! Jian: It's worth the loss! Decision!

He meant the Ace of Hearts to the 6 of Hearts, and the 2 of Hearts was already in the hands of Hajime Aikawa.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lian Geer felt that it was a good deal to exchange five cards for the elephant card he needed.

Although it felt a little uneconomical for him, this was the only way.

The heart card was useful to him, but it was still a little worse than the power of the elephant undead creature.

He had to get the awakening card of the fused elephant.

"Okay! I promise you, I will exchange these five cards with you.


Lenger didn't feel that he was at a disadvantage, at least the cards suitable for his use were in his hands.

Drawing out these five cards, Linger and Jian threw them out together and quickly caught their respective cards.

Seeing those red heart cards, Jian understood that Aikawa Hajime was saved.

As long as he had these cards, he could successfully suppress the wildness of Jokert in his heart.

"Hmph! Jianqi, you are lucky this time, but it won't be so easy next time.

Lenger, who had five cards exchanged, was very unhappy. He left a harsh word and was about to turn around and leave.

But Jian suddenly called him.


Lenger, who had just taken two steps, came back to his senses and looked at Jian in confusion.

"Anything else? If you want to grab the remaining cards in my hand, I advise you not to have such thoughts.

Even if you have a more powerful form now, I may not lose."

Even if Jian has become more powerful now, Linger's combat power is not weak. He doesn't think he will lose to Jian.

Shaking his head slightly, Jian suddenly pulled out another card.

"No, I don't want to fight you, but I want to use this card to exchange for the remaining five cards on you."

"Are you kidding?! What else do you have that I want...

Lian Geer was very impatient and was about to refuse, but when he saw the card in Jian's hand, he was stunned.

He was forced to stop talking halfway.

That card was the 10 of Clubs Remote Tapir that he had taken from him before.

Seeing this card, Lian Geer clenched his fists fiercely.

MMP! It's this card that's the worst!

Category 10 Cards do not represent how powerful the combat power is, but they have very special abilities.

For knights, using them well can become a very critical card!

Before, Lian Geer used the effect of the 10 of clubs to make Jian and his men miserable.

Now that this card is in front of him, how could Lian Geer bear to give it up?

Finally, he had the chance to get this card back, and he didn't want to miss it.

After taking a breath, Lian Geer sneered.

"You used the card you stole from me and then exchanged it with me, Jian Qi, you are really calculating!"

There was anger in his words, but he could do nothing about it.

Who let the card be in the other party's hands?

Hearing this, Jian shrugged slightly and shook his head.

"I don't want to discuss this with you, just tell me whether you want to exchange or not.

It shouldn't be a loss for you to exchange all the remaining cards for this 10 of clubs in my hand. "

He believed in his own judgment. There was absolutely no way for Lengel to refuse the temptation of this card.

Although he was very unhappy in his heart, Lengel really had no way to refuse.

Looking at Jian coldly, Lengel gritted his teeth and said.

"I'll change!"

He threw the remaining five cards to Jian, and Jian kept his promise and threw the 10 of clubs to Lengel.

The two of them took what they needed and exchanged cards again.

Lenggel, who got the 10 of clubs back, left straight away.

He really didn't want to stay any longer, lest he be angry to death.

After Lengel left, Jian looked at the cards in his hand.

All of them were red heart cards from Hajime Aikawa.

With these cards, he should be able to suppress Joker's wildness again.

The cards that Hajime Aikawa had taken away are now in Jian's hands.

Although a card of an elephant undead creature and a card of a 10 of clubs were used as The exchange was acceptable to Kenzaki Kazuma.

The real loser was Kenzaki Kazuma.

But at least, this would help Aikawa Hajime, and in his opinion, it was not a loss.

After collecting the cards, Kenzaki Kazuma drove his motorcycle to the Jacaranda Café.

Inside the Jacaranda Café.

Finally, there was only one crucial 2 of Hearts left, and Aikawa Hajime barely suppressed the riot from Joke in his heart.

But this state could not last too long.

Unless he could get those Hearts cards back as soon as possible, otherwise... sooner or later he would not be able to suppress this state and go into a rampage state.

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