Still lying on the bed, Aikawa Hajime's face is not as ferocious as before, and he looks a little better.

But only to a certain extent.

Temporarily settling down does not mean that Jokr's wildness will not want to break free from the shackles.

Perhaps... he is just looking for a more suitable opportunity.

Kurihara Tianyin has been guarding beside him, taking care of Aikawa Hajime carefully.

During this period, Shirai Kotaro even came several times.

Mainly worried that Aikawa Hajime would suddenly burst into wildness, and it would be troublesome if Kurihara Tianyin was hurt.

Kurihara Tianyin has been taking care of Aikawa Hajime, and she has not eaten at all!

As an uncle, he is naturally very worried about Tianyin's health, and hurriedly said

"Tianyin, you go out and eat something first, don't worry, I'll watch him here, nothing will happen."

Turning back, Kurihara Tianyin looked straight at Shirai Kotaro, and there seemed to be a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Seeing her eyes, Shirai Kotaro smiled helplessly.

"Don't worry, I promise you I will take good care of him, go eat."

Seeing that Shirai Kotaro didn't seem to be joking with him, Kurihara Tianyin finally nodded.

Then he went upstairs to eat obediently.

Seeing Aikawa Hajime lying on the bed still in a coma, Shirai Kotaro said enviously.

"I really don't know what kind of magic you used on Tianyin to make her believe you so much.

Knowing that there are many doubts about you, but you never questioned it.

Hey! Obviously I am the uncle, or a relative, but the relationship between this girl and me is not that close."

Walking to the side of the stool and sitting down, Shirai Kotaro didn't like Aikawa Hajime very much, but now he also hoped that he could get better soon.

Only if this guy is alive, sister and Tianyin can live better and live happily.

"If you can hear it, then wake up quickly and don't let sister and Tianyin worry."

On the other side, time went back to a little bit before.

Tachibana Saku also went to a data storage vault where the Board used to have data.

Now that he knew about the existence of Joker, he wanted to know more about the specific situation of JokerE.

So he came here with the key.

When he inserted the key into the door, he turned it gently but found that the door was not locked.

Something is wrong!

Places like this where confidential documents are sealed should be locked. It is impossible that they are not locked unless there is someone inside!

He opened the door and walked in carefully. As soon as Tachibana Saku came in, he saw a familiar back sitting in front of a computer.

He was not unfamiliar with this back. He knew the other party when he was in the research institute.

Hirose Yoshito!

The back of the person sitting on the chair turned around. It was Hirose Yoshito.

He said calmly with a faint smile on his face.

"I know you will come here sooner or later, Tachibana.

"Mr. Hirose? ! "

There was a hint of disbelief in his words. Tachibana Saku had never thought that Hirose Yoshi was still alive.

He was full of doubts. He remembered that when the accident happened, Hirose Yoshito was seriously injured and was said to have disappeared.

"It's really shocking! Mr. Hirose, where have you been all this time?

Hirose... Ling Qianjin thought you were dead.

Hearing this, Hirose Yoshito still looked very calm, looking directly at Tachibana Saku.

"I don't plan to meet Xiao Shiori now."


Tachibana Saku couldn't understand it either. His daughter had been very sad, but as a father, Hirose Yoshito was unwilling to see his daughter.

"Until now, my goal is still to uncover the secret of the immortality of the undead creatures, in order to liberate humans from the fear of death.

Tachibana, Joker is very dangerous, and Kenzaki will face the fate of being devoured by it.

At this time, Hirose Yoshito showed his ability to deceive people.

His identity itself would not make Tachibana Saku suspicious, so it would be easy for the other party to believe what he said.

"Kenzaki will be Joker.

"Blackandwhite, with this password, you should be able to access all relevant records of the Board kept by government agencies, and fight with fate."

After saying that, Hirose Yoshito turned around and left without saying anything more.

Watching the other party leave the room, Tachibana Saku didn't know what to say for a while.

Not only did he look at the computer next to him involuntarily, it was used to record the relevant records of the former research institute.

Sitting in front of the computer and entering the password, Tachibana Saku also successfully unlocked the computer records and was able to view the relevant information in it.

In the past, only Director Karasuma Kei could see these information, and others could not see them.

But when he finished reading the information, he found that the matter was not ordinary serious.

"The Knight System was created by analyzing Jokr and then compiling his data, but why can't this matter be made public?"

Suddenly, Ju Shuo also encountered a special card, and the words written on this card were really Jokr.

"Is this... Jokert's card?"

When he clicked on this card, a very magical scene appeared on the computer screen.

That is, all the cards were actually integrated into the Joker-card.

Wei Wei's eyes widened and he saw some non-public records written next to him.

Just as Jiu Sheng said, once Jokr wins the extreme battle and becomes the last survivor, the entire human race, no, it should be said that all life will be destroyed.

will be destroyed...

The bottom line is, there is no way around it.

When he first knew that after Jokr won, all life on earth would be destroyed, Jushuo still had certain expectations in his heart.

The attitude shown by Shima Noboru made it seem as if things were about to turn around, but he didn't say it clearly.

But after seeing this record, he felt that this matter would not change for the better.

I secretly made up my mind that Joker would never be the final winner.

The reason why J0kr is called a ruthless killing machine is not only because he knows how to kill ruthlessly, but also because once he survives, all living things will be destroyed.

Lives will be destroyed.

After just reading these records, Ju Shuo also made a decision silently in his heart.

Seal Joker in advance before this happens.

If you solve this problem directly from the source, you don't have to worry about this kind of trouble.

Thinking of this, the hesitation in Ju Shuo's heart completely disappeared.

He was worried before that Kenzaki Kazuma would fall deeper and deeper into trouble because of this matter.

It now seems that taking care of Jokr in advance before things reach an irreversible point and smothering this unknown threat can also prevent Kenzaki Kazuma from being harmed.

Silently closing the computer, Ju Shuo's eyes gradually became firmer. As a senior, he naturally couldn't just watch and ignore his juniors when they saw them acting emotionally.

After Tachibana Saku also left, Hirose Yoshito returned to the room with a confident smile on his face.

His purpose has been achieved.

Tachibana Saku naturally knew that Aikawa Hajime's current location was at the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

Although he had almost never been to that place, it didn't stop him from looking for it.

He called Hirose Shiori just now and confirmed that Kazuma Kenzaki was still fighting the undead before, and there was Lengel beside him.

The battle shouldn’t end so soon. While we have time now, we can seal Jokr in advance to avoid this threat directly.”

Rushing to the Jacaranda Coffee Shop non-stop, Jushuo originally thought that while Kenzaki Kazuma was not around now, he would not be disturbed from sealing Jokr.

Unexpectedly, Kazuma Kenzaki arrived here with him.

Tachibana Sakuya, who had just stopped the car, happened to meet Kazuma Kenzaki, who had just come here.


I thought I could seal Jokr while Kenzaki Kazuma was away, but I didn't expect that I happened to run into him.

Kazuma Kenzaki took off his helmet, with a joyful smile on his face, and took out all the heart cards he had exchanged.

"Tachibana-senpai, these are Hajime's cards. I helped him get them all back. Now with these cards, he should be able to suppress himself.


Tachibana-senpai, I'm very generous. I exchanged a category Jck and 10 of clubs with Mutsuki for these cards. The 10 of clubs is now back in Mutsuki's hands. "

Hearing this, Ju Shuo suddenly felt very speechless.

The reason why he gave the 10 of Clubs to Kenzaki Kazuma was because he thought he might need it in battle.

Unexpectedly, this silly boy actually used it to exchange cards, and now the 10 of clubs is back in the hands of Kamijo Mutsuki 2...

And he paid the card just to exchange for Hajime Aikawa's card. I really don't know whether to call this guy stupid or good-hearted.

To be able to do this in order to help others really makes him, a senior, very speechless.

He came here this time to seal Jokr. Even if Kenzaki Kazuma came, this matter would not be discussed.

"Kensaki, I will do what I want to do next, so don't interfere.

These words sounded quite serious, and Kenzaki Kazuma didn't understand for a moment what Tachibana Sakuya meant by these words.

"Senior Tachibana, what do you mean by this? What are you going to do that I can't interfere with?"

This time and place gave Kenzaki Kazuma a slightly uncomfortable feeling.

Ju Shuo couldn't help but look at the coffee shop nearby, with a firm look in his eyes.

"I want to seal Joker!"


When Kenzaki Kazuma heard this, he was immediately surprised and looked at Tachibana Sakuya with a puzzled expression.

He couldn't understand why Tachibana-senpai suddenly wanted to seal Joker now.

Obviously Aikawa has never hurt anyone until now, and is even willing to protect people, and is transforming into a human bit by bit.

The opponent is changing for the better. In this case, it is certainly impossible for Kazuma Kenzaki to let Tachibana Saku also seal Aikawa Hajime.

"Tachibana-senpai, don't be joking. Although Hajime looks a little colder, he has never hurt anyone.

There are also good undead creatures. Just like Mr. Shima, Hajime is also a good undead creature. Why do you want to seal him? "

Seeing the stubbornness of his junior, Ju Shuo also sighed slightly.

“Kensaki, you don’t realize the seriousness of the matter at all.

Mr. Shima has said before that once Jokr wins, all life in the entire world will be destroyed.

Don’t you know what this means? ”

Chapter 462: Each one’s persistence! The first meeting with the third type King!

Kenzaki Kazuma naturally did not forget about this matter.

“Of course I remember, but we just need to ensure that Shiji does not become the final winner, isn’t it?

And we still have Mr. Shima, so Shiji will not be the final winner, and naturally will not destroy all the lives in this world. ”

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