Of course, Tachibana Saku had considered the situation he mentioned.

But who can guarantee that there will be no unexpected situation?

Once an unexpected situation occurs, there will be no room for regret even if you want to regret it.

Doing so is tantamount to taking risks.

What consequences will the risk bring? No one knows.

If things really get to that point, it will be irreversible.

He doesn't want to wait until things get to that point to make up for it, because it will be too late to say anything by then.

This matter concerns the safety of all mankind, and even the life on the entire earth, and it cannot be sloppy in any way.

"Kenzaki! You are under ideal conditions, how can you guarantee that everything will be as you think?

I can't pin the safety of the entire life on the earth on your hope.

Joker, must be sealed!

This time he was determined to seal Joker.

"Tachibana Senior....'

As a comrade-in-arms fighting side by side, Kenzaki Ichima knew very well that once Tachibana Saku decided on something, he would definitely complete it.

He was not joking about sealing Joker when he just said that. He was very serious.

Recalling his relationship with Hajime Aikawa, from being strangers to being familiar with each other, and now he has recognized each other.

Unconsciously, he has regarded the other party as his friend, Hajime Aikawa, not Jokr.

When he is willing to trust someone, he will trust the other party without hesitation.

Taking a deep breath, Kenzaki Kazuma put the card in his hand back into his pocket.

"Senior Tachibana, I'm sorry I can't agree to this. I believe in Hajime. He will definitely not destroy mankind, let alone all life on earth!"

Facing such a determined Kenzaki Kazuma, Tachibana Saku knew in his heart that he and him could not communicate.

Both of them have determined what they think in their hearts, and verbal communication will not work.

If you want to seal Joker, you must pass Kenzaki Kazuma in advance.

Without saying anything more, Tachibana Saku also transformed directly. Kenzaki Kazuma also knew that the other party was determined to seal Jokr, and he must stop it.



After the two completed their transformation, they rushed towards each other at the same time, and a fierce battle broke out immediately.

Hirose Shiori suddenly said the news and turned on the computer, but found that there was no signal of undead creatures at all, only the signals of Jian and Gren.

"What are they doing?"

If there were no undead creatures, Jian and Gren would not have been able to transform into a battle.

Inside the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

There was a battle outside, and the noise was not small at all.

Shirai Kotaro hurriedly ran out, and saw Jian and Gren fighting not far away.

Immediately, his face was full of confusion, saying that he didn't understand it at all.

"What the hell? ! Why are the two of them fighting? !"

Shirai Kotaro, who didn't understand the situation, quickly picked up the phone and called Hirose Shiori.

"Hirose, there is a situation here, not far outside the Jacaranda Coffee Shop, Kenzaki and Tachibana seniors are fighting!"

"Ah? !

Hirose Shiori was also confused when she heard the news. No wonder there were no undead creatures on the computer except for the signals of the two of them.

After a long time, they were not fighting the undead creatures at all, but fighting each other.

"Wait, I'll be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Hirose Shiori took her helmet and rode on her scooter, and rushed to the destination quickly.

Lu Li didn't know about the battle between Jian and Ge Lian.

When he was having dinner with Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki, he suddenly felt an interesting guy.

The other party was just passing by and might not have noticed their existence.

Even Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki didn't notice the other party's existence.

Lu Li raised his head slightly and looked out the window.

He saw a delicate man wearing a suit, a yellow sweater and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses walking across the street.

When he saw this man, Lu Li already knew who he was.

Jin Ju, to be precise, he should be called the giraffe saw shovel undead creature!

In the first extreme battle, he was also Lu Li's opponent, but unfortunately he was defeated by Lu Li in the end.

Like Spade Kig, this guy naturally couldn't have any memory of Lu Li.

Sensing that someone was watching him, Jin Ju immediately found Lu Li sitting by the window eating.

When he saw Lu Li for the first time, he already understood that this man couldn't be an ordinary person, he should be an undead creature.

Although he didn't emit any breath, the other party was able to notice him, which was enough to show that the other party couldn't be an ordinary person.

Jin Ju was still very confident in his intuition and couldn't be wrong.

At present, this extreme battle is completely meaningless to him.

After being liberated again at the beginning, he also found other undead creatures.

But after defeating the other party, he found that there was no seal stone tablet at all. This was not a regular extreme battle at all.

Fighting is meaningless, at least for him.

Therefore, Jin Ju has always been observing in secret and has not revealed his true identity.

Perfectly integrated into human life, no one found anything unusual.

After his secret observation and understanding, he also knew the existence of Kamen Rider.

Humans have developed a knight system that can seal undead creatures, which is also a good thing for him.

Although it is not an orthodox extreme war, it can at least ensure that the number of undead creatures is reduced.

Whether the seal slate will finally come or not is directly related to the number of undead creatures.

He chose to hide and not let anyone find him.

When the undead creatures are almost sealed, this extreme war will soon be over.

What he is thinking about is how to make himself the last survivor, win this extreme war, and get the due reward from the seal slate.

According to his investigation, everything is related to a research institute called Board.

The reason why they were able to be liberated is also because of the existence of this research institute.

Under his investigation, he found that the person behind this research institute is not simple. The king Lu Boshi

has very strong financial resources and has a certain influence on all walks of life. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has a hand and eye.

The name of the Heavenly King Lu Boshi is an existence that many people cannot mention. If you offend this person carelessly, you may even lose your life.

This person hiding behind the scenes must be planning something.

The start of this irregular extreme war is also related to this person.

Jin Ju did not expose himself in advance in order to find the reason.

It’s just that the Heavenly King Lu Boshi is very hidden, and it is almost not an easy task to find this guy.

And this guy has considerable technology in his hands and can create test subjects comparable to undead creatures.

There is no benefit for Jin Ju to confront this guy head-on.

All along, Jin Ju has been keeping a low profile as much as possible and not letting anyone discover him.

And since he lifted the seal, he has been doing very well and has not been discovered by anyone. Until today, he knew that he was discovered.

Stopping in place, Jin Ju and Lu Li looked at each other through the glass window.

Jin Ju discovered that the two women sitting next to Lu Li were also high-level undead creatures.

His pupils suddenly shrank. He had never expected that Lu Li had subdued other high-level undead creatures around him.

It would be very disadvantageous for him to have a conflict with the other party rashly. He might even be killed if he was not careful.

Even without Jokr and the Knight System, if he was injured, it would take a lot of time to recover.

He didn't want to have a conflict with any undead creatures at this time, especially high-level undead creatures. That would be completely unpleasant for himself.

Without staying for long, Jin Ju pushed his glasses and turned away quickly.

The main reason was that he could see that Lu Li had no intention of fighting him for the time being, which was the best.

Cheng Guang, who was eating delicious food with big mouthfuls, noticed that Lu Li seemed to be looking out the window, and was quite curious.

"What are you looking at?"

Cheng Guang looked out the window in confusion, but didn't find any suspicious people.

Jin Ju had just left, so she naturally couldn't find anything.

"An interesting guy, the third category...King.

With a faint smile, Lu Li continued to taste the food in front of him, as if the other party was just an insignificant guy.

If Lu Li really compares it with his current strength, Jin Ju is not even as good as Spade Kig, and it is inevitable that he will not take it seriously.

"The third category King? !"

Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki stopped their actions and looked at Lu Li in disbelief.

Finally, they all looked out the window, but found nothing.

"Don't look for it, that guy has left, you can't find it even if you want to."

Hearing this, Cheng Guang wiped his mouth with the napkin next to him, revealing an eager expression.

"Another category King! I really want to fight with that guy! ”

I have fought with the elephant undead creature before. After digesting that battle, Cheng Guang’s control over the saber-toothed tiger has become stronger and stronger.

Compared with her previous battle with the elephant undead creature, she has become stronger now.

At present, the power of the saber-toothed tiger’s memory has been developed to a very strong level. Although it has not reached the extreme, this power should be comparable to the category Kig.

With such a strong power, Cheng Guang naturally wants to challenge the category Kig that she could not defeat before.

The ruler is biased, and the category Kig created has unparalleled strength, far exceeding other undead creatures.

Few undead creatures can take advantage of the category Kig by fighting with strength alone.

But now Cheng Guang is different. She already has the power to challenge the category Kig.

Seeing her eager to try, Lu Li nodded.

"Don't worry, there will be this opportunity. "

Chengguang had no doubts about the opportunity Lu Li mentioned.

For so long, Lu Li had indeed kept his word and never lied to Chengguang, and this time was no exception.

Yoshinaga Miyuki, the weakest of the three, shrugged helplessly.

"I'll leave the fighting to you. I'll just hang out in the back. Fighting is not for me anyway."

Compared to fighting, isn't it better to just sit back and do some soy sauce?

And she really likes to sit back and do some soy sauce.

Not far from the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

The battle is still going on, and the two sides are almost evenly matched.

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