Knowing that he is a dangerous Joker, he is still willing to help him.

"Hajime, these are your cards, I got them back for you.

As he spoke, Kenzaki Kazuma put the card he got from Kamijo Mutsuki into his hand.

"This is..?!"

Seeing that the ten cards in his hand were all the ones he had used before, Aikawa Hajime was very surprised.

With these cards and their power, he should be able to suppress Jokr's wildness again and prevent it from becoming the same situation again.


At this time, Aikawa Kazuma didn't know what else he could say. It was not that he couldn't feel that Kenzaki Kazuma was helping him so much.

While gaining hearts, he is also gradually gaining human emotions.

Feeling inexplicably moved in his heart, Hajime Aikawa finally typed out two words.


Apart from these cards, he will never turn back into Jokr again, so he can continue to be what he is now.

When both of them were silent, Hirose Shiori stood up and suddenly asked a question.

"Aikawa Hajime, I want to know one thing. That 2 of Hearts in your hand, what kind of undead creature is sealed in that card."

When hearing the question, Kazuma Kenzaki and Torataro Shirai focused their attention on Hajime Aikawa, wondering how he would answer.

"The one sealed in that card is the winner of the 10,000-year extreme battle."

The answer was ready to come out, Torataro Shirai couldn't wait to say.

"Are they the ancestors of our species, the human undead?"

Hearing this, Aikawa Hajime nodded, and then began to tell what happened.

"More than two years ago, my seal was unlocked, and I was liberated by your human hands.

At that time, I still followed my instinct and sealed the undead creatures one after another, making them my abilities.

Until I met him, the guy who sealed me ten thousand years ago.

"That's the human undead!"

Kazuma Kenzaki was even more curious about what happened next, whether there was another battle between the two.

“The guy didn’t resist at all and just let me seal it.

Ever since that guy from China and India, I don’t know why, but I’ve started to feel repulsed by the idea of ​​turning back into Jokr.

At the same time, I don’t know why I started to treat humans...

Until now, Aikawa Hajime has never understood why these changes occurred in him.

After sealing other undead creatures, I will not change like this at all.

But only after sealing the human undead creature, he had this change:

This made Hajime Aikawa confused as to why. He had been struggling for a long time before, but in the end he still couldn't find any result.

After hearing this, everyone already understood what was going on.

The human undead have survived for ten thousand years, but they did not engage in any battle with Jokr. Instead, they took the initiative to seal it.

Is it just to be able to make Joker? Will it win the hearts of the people?

Jokr, who only knew how to hunt undead creatures, had no emotions at all before.

Perhaps the human undead felt that Jokr was too pitiful, so they wanted to win his heart.

Experience the emotions between humans, give birth to the human heart, and no longer be controlled by Jokerl's wildness.

Shirai Torataro scratched his hair vigorously, with a puzzled look on his face.

"How could things be like this?! Since the human undead were the victors of the Extreme War ten thousand years ago and successfully sealed you, why would they take the initiative to seal you again?

And not resisting? ! "

I can’t understand it, I can’t understand it at all!

Hirose Shiori nodded thoughtfully.

"Perhaps...the human undead creatures just want to win the hearts of Joker, who only knows how to kill."

"What Hirose said makes sense, and I think so too."

Nodding vigorously, Kazuma Kenzaki and Hirose Shiori agreed with the idea.

"Brother Shi! Why did you run outside?! Go back quickly, you need more rest now!

Torataro, didn’t you say you wanted to take care of Brother Hajime? Why did he get out? Sure enough, I knew you were not reliable at all! "

A crisp sound came, and everyone came back to their senses.

Aikawa Hajime turned around, with a gentle smile on his face, and walked towards Kurihara Amane.

"Tianyin, it's okay, I'm much better now."

"Is that so? Great! Brother Shi, let's go eat quickly!"

He quickly pulled Aikawa Hajime back to the coffee shop. As for Shirai Torataro, his uncle, he was completely abandoned by Kurihara Amane.

After being scolded by his niece, Shirai Torataro was immediately speechless.

This guy obviously ran out on his own and had absolutely nothing to do with him.

How can you put the blame on yourself? !

This is too much!

He wanted to explain, but both of them were already far away. Who should he explain to?

Sighing helplessly, Torataro Shirai patted his forehead and couldn't help but sigh!

"Hey! Life! It's so difficult!"

Although this matter has come to an end, Kenzaki Kazuma knows that Tachibana-senpai may have set his sights on Aikawa Hajime.

But fortunately, now that he has got Hajime Aikawa's card back, he is not without the strength to fight.

Once a fight breaks out, he will know it as soon as possible, and then he will have time to rush to the scene and stop the fight.

"Hirose, you should pay more attention to Tachibana-senpai's movements next, I'm worried that he will continue to attack Hajime.

I believe that Hajime, like Mr. Shima, will not destroy the creatures in this world.

Hearing this, Hirose Shiori nodded.

I know, I'll pay more attention. "

Inside the bar.

Cheng Antan was drinking a small drink in boredom, with a bored look on his face.

She doesn't know what to do now. Jokeri is not easy to deal with at the moment.

Mainly because last time she saw that Jokeri had awakened due to the type of King, she didn't dare to deal with Joker rashly again.

After all, J0ker's power after his awakening is completely different from his power before his awakening.

If you attack that guy now, I'm afraid it will cause you some unnecessary trouble.

The most important thing is that Cheng Antan relied on his own strength and couldn't suppress Jokr at all.

At this time, the door of the bar was opened, and Kamijo Mutsuki walked in from the outside.

"Looking at you like this, the battle should go well. Who was sealed again?"

She was more curious about what kind of undead creature Kamijo Mutsuki had sealed when he went out this time.

"No, I didn't seal it, but...the sealing card is in my hand.

Saying that, Mutsuki Kamijo took out the elephant undead card.

When he saw this card, Cheng Antan was stunned for a moment.

"It's him!"

She was quite surprised when she spoke. She remembered that the last time she went to the elephant undead creature to cooperate, the other party directly rejected her.

I didn’t expect it to be sealed now!

Although Cheng Antan has never really seen the strength of the elephant undead creature, he knows a little bit about it.

She can be sure that the opponent must be stronger than herself!

And this guy was actually sealed. Who was the guy who sealed him? Why is the card on Kamijo Mutsuki again?

"I exchanged this card for Jokerl's card.


Cheng Antan never expected that the card they finally got back would be exchanged by Mutsuki Kamijo.

"Joker has ten cards in our hands, how many have you changed?"

The card he worked so hard to get was given to Kamijo Mutsuki, but this guy ended up being a loser.

I directly exchanged the card for other cards and was speechless.

Mutsuki Kamijo didn't feel anything bad and said it very directly.

"(I got all the money), I used all the cards to exchange for these two cards!"

Good guy!

It didn't matter if it was just a few cards. Unexpectedly, this guy just handed over all the cards:

"Mutsuki, what are you thinking?! If you hand over these cards, they will all return to Jokr's hand. What will happen then?"

Hearing this, Shangcheng Muyue's eyes suddenly changed, and she stared at Cheng Antan with an unkind look.

"Of course I have my reasons for doing this. You don't have to worry about it so much. Even if the card is back in the guy's hand, just grab it again.

Moreover, the target is just Joker, and the card does not increase his power much.

The two cards I got are necessary, because with these two cards I can exert greater strength. "

Seeing Mutsuki Kamijo like this, Cheng Antan didn't want to ruin the cooperation between the two for the time being.

Waving his hands casually, Cheng Antan looked indifferent again.

“Forget it, since you’ve already exchanged everything, it’s useless to say anything.

While Jokr's power has not yet fully recovered, how about we seal that guy away?

Don't you think these two cards can make you stronger? This is our best chance! "

She was determined to fight Joker anyway, and sealed Joker no matter what.

While Cheng Antan was thinking about this matter, Kamijo Mutsuki was thinking about another thing.

Awakening Fusion Machine!

Although I haven't been able to get that guy yet, I can still find a way to get the hand drag from Kazuma Kenzaki or Sakuya Tachibana.

But now he is missing the category Queen!

Category Queen, don’t you happen to have one next to you?

After sealing this guy, I also have the opportunity to transform into a guard form:

The reason why he said there was a chance was entirely because he still didn't know what color Cheng Antan represented.

You can also use the type Queen corresponding to your type Ace suit to help you become a guard form.

PS: Thank you

You are very sexy. Monthly ticket! .

Chapter 464 Mutsuki: I am no longer a human being! Tracking Lu Li, Category King Giraffe Saw Spade Undead

As for how to tell whether her suit is what you need, wouldn't you know it after sealing it?

A dangerous thought couldn't help but arise in my heart.

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