Kamijo Mutsuki already had other thoughts in mind, sealing Cheng An Tan.

However, he was in no hurry to take action now.

If we take action now, we may not be able to seal Cheng Antan and let her escape. We must find a suitable opportunity.

Didn't she want to cause trouble for Jokert?

Then find a suitable opportunity and make a surprise attack to seal her away.

After that, all you need to do is find a way to get the Awakening Fusion Machine.

As long as he can use the guard form by then, even Kallis will not be his opponent.

When the time comes, I can easily seal Joker and get the best of both worlds.

This plan was already in place in Kamijo Mutsuki's mind, and a sneer could not help but appear on his lips.

That cold and sinister smile gave Cheng Antan a creepy feeling.

Is this guy... thinking of something bad again?

This was just a conjecture, and Cheng Antan didn't think about it in other aspects. He thought it was just Kamijo Mutsuki's smile when he thought that he could seal Jokr.

She had no idea that she had become Mutsuki Kamijo's next target for sealing.

The creepiness at that moment was not fake, but she didn't take it too seriously.

I'm afraid she never thought that her partner would suddenly target her.

There are fewer and fewer undead creatures, and the past two days have been very peaceful.

Spade Kig, who had suffered a terrible defeat in the previous battle with Lu Li, also temporarily stopped moving for some reason.

As the battle progresses to the end, these hidden undead creatures become increasingly able to hide.

Almost all the undead creatures that should appear have already appeared. Those that have not appeared are because they are still sealed.

For example, the red heart Kig ghost mantis undead creature, or the poisonous scorpion undead creature and the chameleon undead creature. These three guys are currently on Hirose Yoshito's side.

However, in the past two days, Lu Li always felt like someone was paying attention to him from far away.

Since the target is far away, we can only determine the general direction, but not the specific person.

But judging from the current situation, this guy should be Jin Ju.

Jin Ju must have noticed something unusual about himself since the last time they met through the window.

Not sure of Lu Li's specific situation, Jin Ju didn't dare to act rashly for the time being.

He was very cautious and never showed his face even when observing in secret.

Anyway, according to Jin Ju's observation, Lu Li has always lived a very ordinary life, as if he was living a normal life.

But he knew that Lu Li was no ordinary 077 person at all. He was accompanied by two high-level undead creatures. How could such a person be an ordinary person.

After observing for so long, he decided to make contact first to see if he could seek cooperation.

The man behind this extreme battle, Tianwang Lu Hiroshi, is the one who should be dealt with the most.

However, the opponent's defenses are tight, and they have experimental subjects and even some undead cards in hand, so it is not easy for him to deal with them.

It would be best if we could find a partner who could deal with King Lu Hiroshi with him.

If someone is with you to resist risks, then your probability of encountering risks will be smaller.

If it really doesn't work, he can also choose to sell his partners to protect his own safety.

With this idea in mind, Jin Ju finally did not observe secretly from a distance this time, but chose to get closer to Lu Li.

When they were far away, only Lu Li could feel his presence, while Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki didn't notice it.

However, as Jin Ju approached, Cheng Guang, who became stronger, suddenly became vigilant.

His eyes immediately found Jin Ju, his face full of vigilance.

"Be careful, that guy should be... Category King!"

Category Kig's aura is too prominent, and Cheng Guang is now stronger and more sensitive, so he can naturally detect the opponent immediately.

"Category King?!"

Feeling inexplicably tense in her heart, Yoshinaga Miyuki knew that there was no need to fight by herself, but she did not relax her vigilance at all.

After all, the opponent is a King with the highest combat power.

Seeing Jin Ju walking towards him with a gentle look on his face, Lu Li chuckled.

"You have been observing me for so long, and now you take the initiative to show up. It seems that you must have something in mind."

Hearing this, Jin Ju's expression suddenly changed.

He originally thought that he was hiding deeply, and it would be impossible to observe from a far away place.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li had already discovered his existence long ago, and he had never exposed himself.

What kind of creature is this man? !

Could it be that he is also a category King? !

As soon as the idea came up, Jin Ju immediately denied it.

The Category King and the aura are unique. It's impossible not to feel it if you get close to it. It shouldn't be the Category King.

Jin Ju, who was a certain distance away, stopped, put his right hand in his pocket, and gently pushed his glasses with his left hand.

"I didn't expect that Your Excellency would have discovered me a long time ago. It seems that my hiding ability is still a bit poor.

My purpose is very simple, I want to come to you to seek cooperation. "

Jin Juduzhong's so-called cooperation is just the most beneficial way for him at the moment.

Once a partner is of no use to him, he will abandon it without hesitation.

His goal is also to win this extreme war.

Lu Li sneered at the so-called cooperation in Jin Ju's mouth.

It sounds good to cooperate, but to put it bluntly, it is just exploitation.

Seeing that Lu Li did not speak, Jin Ju continued to strike while the iron is hot.

"You should have discovered that this extreme war is different from the orthodox extreme war ten thousand years ago. There is no sealing stone tablet in this extreme war now.

For us, this extreme war is meaningless. Even if we fight each other, there is no way to seal each other.

And I know who is the mastermind behind this irregular extreme war. As long as we can get rid of that guy, maybe we will have a chance to resume the regular extreme war:

But that guy is very powerful and has a strong force. I can't deal with it alone.

So I need a partner. Let's solve this problem together. What do you think?"

In his opinion, he is the only one who knows the truth at present!

Since the other party is also an undead creature, it is natural to hope that this extreme war will return to the orthodox extreme war without any extra humans participating in it.

I think cooperation shouldn't be a big problem.

But what Jin Ju didn't know was that Lu Li knew everything he knew, and even knew more.

Noticing Cheng Guang who was eager to try beside him, Lu Li knew that she wanted to fight with the category Kig.

Since the last time she fought with the wolf spider immortal body, this category King, she hasn't fought with other category Kings.

"Cooperation also depends on whether you have the strength to cooperate.

I'll give you a chance. As long as you can beat her, I can listen to what you said about cooperation."

Pointing at Cheng Guang, Lu Li was also looking forward to the battle between the two. What will it be like.

Compared with the last time he fought with the elephant undead creature, Cheng Guang has obviously become stronger.

It's just right to practice with Jin Ju and test his strength.

The original intention was to cooperate, but he didn't expect to be made difficult by Lu Li. Jin Ju was also a category Kig after all, and he felt a little unhappy.

But the number of undead creatures that exist now is already very small, and it is difficult to find other partners.

The target of cooperation must be at least a high-level undead creature. There are only a few high-level undead creatures left.

For his own plan, Jin Ju could only endure it even though he was very unhappy in his heart.

A little impatience will ruin a big plan!

It's just a battle. He doesn't believe that this woman can defeat him.

A woman should be a Queen. How can she be compared with a King? The two sides are not at the same level at all.

"Okay! I agree to your request.

Jin Ju shifted his gaze to Cheng Guang next to Lu Li, and a hint of disdain flashed in his eyes.

A mere Queen wants to defeat me, it's just a dream.

"Cheng Guang, this opponent should meet your requirements. Let me see how much you have mastered now."

Lu Li was also curious whether Cheng Guang had the strength to match Kig.

He pinched his hands together, and Cheng Guang was full of fighting spirit. He finally waited for this moment.


"Swish! ! "

Cheng Guang rushed directly to Jin Ju, and in the process of sprinting, his body suddenly changed into the form of an undead creature.

Sister Hu's speed was a little faster than the last time, and she arrived in front of Jin Ju almost instantly.

So fast!

Jin Ju, who had just shown disdain, had a flash of shock in his eyes. (bacf)

He had never expected that Sister Hu's movement speed would be so fast.

There was no time to think so much, and he quickly changed into the form of an undead creature.

It was slightly similar to the giant beetle undead creature, and he was also wearing golden armor, but the big horn on his head was not just one horn, but two

shovel horns.

The same ferocious armor looked majestic and exuded a terrifying aura.

Sister Hu, who rushed forward first, directly attacked the head of the saw shovel undead creature with a fierce whip kick.

As a category Kig, the combat effectiveness of the saw shovel undead creature is naturally unquestionable, and this guy also has abilities that the giant beetle undead creature does not have.

For example, the whip kick used to resist Sister Hu's Protective shield.

When the enemy launches an attack, he can release an invisible protective shield in front of him to resist the target's attack.

Feeling that he had mentioned something, but found nothing, Tiger Sister immediately understood that it must be some special method of the Saw Shovel Undead.

After two consecutive backflips, Tiger Sister quickly moved away from the attack range of the Saw Shovel Undead.

Seeing that Tiger Sister was not attacked continuously by him, the Saw Shovel Undead's red eyes flashed with surprise.

He thought that Tiger Sister would choose to use continuous attacks to break through his protective shield, but now it seems that she didn't.

The opponent is very combat-minded and not a reckless man.

However... with this little power, there is no way to defeat me.

The Saw Shovel Undead opened his hands slightly, and two large swords like scissors appeared in his hands.

The Saw Shovel Undead, who took out his weapon, was obviously serious, and his momentum also changed slightly.

Tiger Sister stared at the Saw Shovel Undead with a sharp gaze, and her body sank slightly.

Both sides acted at the same time. Sister Tiger waved her sharp claws and started a further fight with the saw-shovel undead creature holding two swords.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

The collision of the claws and the blades made a series of sharp and piercing collision sounds.

Sparks flew everywhere, and neither of them lost to the other.

At the beginning, the saw-shovel undead creature could keep up with Sister Tiger's attack speed.

But as time went on, Sister Tiger's attack speed became faster and faster, and even afterimages could be seen.

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