Test subject F did not continue to attack, but turned and left.

Seeing that test subject F was so obedient, Jian was quite surprised, and he now had countless questions in his mind.

After confirming that test subject F had left, Jian immediately lifted the transformation.

"Senior Tachibana, what happened just now? Why do you know this guy? Who is it?"

Hearing this, Tachibana Sakuya turned around and stared at Kenzaki Kazuma with a serious face.

"Kenzaki, you can't fight anymore now. Once you transform, that guy will chase you.

If you run away, you may even implicate innocent people around you.

You can't continue to fight! This is all to save you from danger."

These words were completely confusing, and Kenzaki Kazuma said that he didn't understand them at all.

Kenzaki Kazuma frowned and looked at Tachibana Sakuya in confusion.

"Senior Tachibana, what do you mean by this? Why am I in danger?"

When he thought of the information that Hirose Yoshito had told him before, Tachibana Sakuya's face was very heavy.

"Because you...can't be a knight!"

Kenzaki Kazuma didn't know whether he should believe what Tachibana Sakuya said or not.

He knew that Tachibana senior would not deceive him, but he couldn't let him give up fighting and protecting the people he loved.

"Kenzaki, come on, follow me, I'll make you understand sooner or later."

As he said that, Tachibana Sakuya was ready to reach out and hold Kenzaki Kazuma's arm and take him to Hirose Yoshito's research institute.

There, all the questions can be explained.

After all, some things can't be explained in one or two sentences, it's not that simple.

"No! I can't give up!"

Kenzaki Kazuma quickly rode away on his motorcycle after shaking off Tachibana Sakuya's arm.

Seeing the gradually receding back, Tachibana Sakuya could only shout anxiously.

"Kenzaki! If you continue to fight, you will.!

It's a pity that the figure on the motorcycle is getting farther and farther away, and I can't hear what he said next.

The next day.

During this period, Lu Li has not been harassed by any test subjects:

At the beginning, he was quite active to me, but now he suddenly ignored me. I guess it must be that the guy Lu Boshi is afraid of his power.

In addition, Lu Boshi should have discovered his identity.

When he transformed into Wild Calis and fought with Test Subject F, Lu Li knew that the information of the cards he used would be exposed.

It didn't matter to him whether he was exposed or not. His strong strength was enough to crush all conspiracies and tricks.

It's better not to cause trouble for me. Lu Li has no interest in the power of the test subjects. Interesting.

In the end, it is just an artificial creature made based on immortal things, and it is nothing more than a slave.

Then there is Spade Kig, who was completely defeated by Lu Li last time. Since the last battle, it seems that he has never felt the breath of this guy again.

I don’t know what this guy is doing. It is completely unlike his flamboyant personality.

Although he has not appeared again, Lu Li does not think that Spade Kig will surrender easily.

Those guys are very confident in their own strength. Now that they have lost to Lu Li, they will definitely not give up. There may be another battle between the two.

However, it is still unclear when this battle will take place, but it should be not far away.

Compared with fighting with Spade Kig, Lu Li is more looking forward to fighting with the Emperor Sword. Fight.

The Emperor Sword that merged thirteen undead creatures can make Lu Li a little more serious.

Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki are not with Lu Li, mainly because Lu Li has assigned them some tasks.

It is also troublesome to not find the trace of the guy Lu Boshi, the king of heaven. Lu Li has already set his eyes on the card of the three-headed dog of hell, so it is naturally impossible for him to escape.

For this reason, Lu Li specially sent Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki out to help him find the trace of Lu Boshi, the king of heaven.

Even if the two of them encounter any trouble, it should not be a big problem to escape with their abilities.

Moreover, Lu Li knows the breath of the two clearly. Once any battle occurs, Lu Li will feel it at the first time.

As for Lu Li himself, he is idle and can't find anything to do.

Thinking of Here, Lu Li suddenly remembered the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

It has been so long since he returned to this world, but he has not been to this coffee shop for a cup of coffee.

It is a good opportunity to go for a cup of coffee.

If Aikawa Hajime saw him, he would be shocked.

Thinking of this, Lu Li smiled and walked towards the direction of the Jacaranda Coffee Shop.

Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki did not act together, but chose to act separately.

This way they can walk faster and it is easier to determine where the king Lu Boshi will appear.

I don’t know if it is a coincidence or something, Cheng Guang actually met Kamijiro Mutsuki.

When he saw Kamijiro Mutsuki again, he found that the breath of the undead creature on the other party became stronger, and the breath of the human was almost undetectable.

From this point, it can be seen that Kamijiro Mutsuki has probably been completely controlled by the category Ace and has become the other party’s slave.

The reason why Kamijiro Mutsuki was outside was mainly because he did not find any suitable target.

There are fewer and fewer undead creatures left now, and it is not easy to find the last few.

Moreover, high-level undead creatures are generally not very conspicuous. As long as there is no battle, it is difficult to detect the other party's breath.

Of course, it is another situation if the other party releases the breath actively.

I didn't expect to find undead creatures, but I didn't expect to meet love at the corner and see this hateful woman.

As for Cheng Guang, Shangcheng Muyue was naturally very unhappy, because the other party was in Lu Li's group.

Anyway, as long as it was related to Lu Li, he was very unhappy.

In addition, there was another point, that is, the woman in front of him was also a category Queen.

He successfully sealed the sea snake undead creature, but the other party was different from his own pattern and could not be used.

This woman might be the category Queen he needed, and he must not miss it no matter what.

"Category Queen, surrender, this time... I will definitely seal you!"

While speaking, Shangcheng Muyue immediately took out the knight's belt buckle.



This time, he must seal this category Queen no matter what, and then find a way to get another row of awakening fusion machines, that would be perfect!

Facing the aggressive Uejo Mutsuki, Cheng Guang just smiled coldly.

Now, she can even deal with the powerful category Kig, and the giraffe saw shovel undead creature has already been defeated by her.

It can be said that the current Uejo Mutsuki, who took the initiative to find her, is completely the same as committing suicide.

Since the other party wants to die, she certainly won't be polite to the other party.

Instantly switched to the tiger undead creature form.

Although it seems that there is not much change in appearance, the hair on the body is obviously more beautiful.

Not only that, the claws on the hands have more terrifying destructive power, and ordinary defense may not be able to stop it.

The momentum rose sharply, and the terrifying oppression released by Sister Tiger was not inferior to the category Kig.

Suddenly feeling this oppression, Lian Ge was under great pressure.

This was not the first time he had seen Tiger Sister, and he was extremely shocked.

Why was the aura from the other party so strong?

Full of oppression

When facing the sea snake undead creature before, Lian Geer had no such feeling at all.

Only when facing Spade Kig did he feel such a huge pressure, even the elephant undead creature could not compare.

Is this guy in front of him really the same as the sea snake undead creature, a Queen? !

Countless such thoughts flashed through his mind.

It's not that he has never seen Tiger Sister before. The two sides had met ten thousand years ago.

PS: And the big guys with flowers and tickets, come a little more, hehe (*AV*)! :

Chapter 468: Come and fight with Q~! Tiger Sister is crazy! Lu Li:

Am I a brother too?

The Tiger Sister at that time was completely different from now. He even felt that they were not the same undead creature at all.

How could there be such a big change? !

The figure of Lu Li could not help but emerge in his mind, and Lian Ge's scalp tingled immediately.

He had reason to suspect that the reason why Tiger Sister had such a big change was closely related to Lu Li.

How did that man... do it? !

Except for the special Jokr, the strength of the undead creatures is generally fixed, and the possibility of growth is almost small.

It would be fine if Tiger Sister only became a little stronger, but the aura she exuded now made Lian Geer think of retreating without fighting.

But such an idea was only a flash, and he would not choose to escape directly because of this difficulty.

The Tiger Sister in front of him is likely to be the Queen of the category he needs.

Even though he knew it was very difficult, he must find a way to seal the other party

"Category Ace, let's see how much strength you can exert now, hehe! Se Q come and fight~!"

When Tiger Sister mentioned Se Q come and fight, she was accompanied by a burst of sneer.

It was obvious that she was teasing Lian Geer, thinking that Se Q come and fight was simply a big joke.

Being ridiculed, Lian Geer was immediately furious. He did not expect that he would be mercilessly ridiculed by the other party.

"Hmph! Don't be so self-righteous. I will seal you today!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lian Geer took out the awakening stick and rushed towards Sister Tiger.

Lian Geer, who had been completely controlled by the spider undead creature, naturally could not match the weak chicken of Shangcheng Mutsuki.

Facing Lian Geer's fierce attack, Sister Tiger was very calm and did not take him seriously from the beginning.

Being able to defeat the undead creature of the category Kig, Sister Tiger was indeed qualified to ignore Lian Geer.

Easily avoiding every attack of Lian Geer, making all of Lian Geer's attacks fall into the air.

He was stunned that he did not touch it at all, which made Lian Geer very irritable.

Why were all his attacks seen through by the opponent, and he could still work hard easily, was it really too weak? !


He was using Q to fight!

Even if it was the category King, he could pass it, there was no reason not to hit Sister Tiger.

The category King here is naturally Ming Sheng who had no intention of fighting before.

"Too slow, all your movements are flaws."

Sister Tiger's voice suddenly sounded from behind, making Liang Ge's heart suddenly cold.

When? !

Unconsciously, Sister Tiger's patient suddenly appeared behind him, and he was completely unaware.

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