Wasn't it supposed to be in front of me just now?

After every battle, Sister Hu's control over the power of memory becomes more mature.

So far, most of the power of Sabertooth Tiger's memory has been mastered by Sister Tiger, and the remaining bit still needs some time to settle.

Moving at such a high speed is already a very simple matter for Sister Hu, and there is nothing difficult at all.

The moment Liang Geer attacked, Sister Hu had already moved behind him.

Because the speed was so fast, Lenger didn't even have time to react.

He kicked Lienger on the back, and the powerful force immediately knocked Lienger off his feet.

Getting up from the ground in embarrassment, Lian Ge turned around and looked at Sister Tiger with a wary expression.

He even felt that Sister Hu was not serious at all, it was just as if she was teasing him:

This is indeed the case. If Sister Tiger is serious, this battle will be resolved in just one minute.

It's rare to have someone as a punching partner for her, and Sister Hu naturally doesn't want to miss this rare opportunity.

Leng Ge had no idea that he was just a sandbag and was not regarded as a rival by Sister Hu at all.

He...is not worthy yet!

【What a fast speed! How did this guy move behind me just now? ! 】

He had already guessed that Sister Tiger must have moved behind him with extremely fast speed, but Leng Ge still didn't see her specific movements clearly.

"What? You don't understand why I'm so fast? If you don't understand, I'll let you look at it again.

He was still opposite Lenger when he spoke. When the words fell, Sister Hu had already appeared beside Lenger.

Lian Geer was extremely horrified at the speed that his eyes could not keep up with.

You must know that after transforming into a knight, not only will the combat effectiveness be greatly improved, but the visual and auditory aspects will also be greatly improved.

But even so, his eyes still couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed.

What kind of speed is this and why is it like this?

The moment Liang Geer had an idea in his mind, he wanted to attack immediately.

The moment he raised his awakening staff, his wrist was pinched by a tiger claw.

"I've already told you that your speed is too slow, and all your attacks can't hurt me..."


The terrifying hook scratched directly from the chest, and sparks flew out, leaving an obvious mark on it.

Because Liang Geer was caught by the wrist, he had no way to retreat.

He immediately hit Sister Tiger's head with his head, trying to escape Sister Tiger's control in this way.

But Sister Hu disappeared in front of him in the next second, and Lienger staggered when he hit her with her head.

At this moment, Leng Ge realized that he was in big trouble.

At first, I was thinking of sealing the opponent, but judging from the current situation of both parties, I didn't even have a 1% chance of winning.

How can you seal the other party when you can't even touch him?

Thinking of this, Lian suddenly regretted it. If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have been busy sealing the sea snake undead creature.

Because that guy's gang leader might still have a chance, but now, it's completely impossible to tell.

At this time, Lian Geer had no time to think so much and immediately took out the long-range tapir with 10 clubs, preparing to liberate the elephant undead creatures to fight side by side with him.


Purple light shot out of the card, breaking the elephant's undead seal.

Of course, Sister Tiger also noticed Lenger's movements, but she did not stop him.

No matter which undead creature the other party releases, it cannot change the final outcome of failure.

Sister Tiger was not surprised when she saw the elephant undead creature.

After all, this should be the most powerful undead creature the opponent has at hand. It is reasonable to use it against him.

It's a pity that he is also a surprisingly slow guy. The elephant undead creature can't keep up with Sister Tiger's speed.

Not even the conscious elephant undead creatures, let alone the elephant undead creatures now being controlled.

"Do you think you can stop me by releasing this guy?"

The next second, Sister Tiger appeared behind the undead elephant, and her sharp claws instantly scratched his back.


A sharp sound came.

The elephant undead creature suddenly staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He took out the hammer in his hand and swung it behind him, but unfortunately it missed the target.

Even with the help of the elephant undead, Lian Geer didn't think he could keep up with Sister Tiger.

His idea was to let the elephant undead creature restrain Sister Tiger, so that he could have a chance to block Sister Tiger's movements.

As long as we can block her movements, there is a slight possibility of defeating her.

This is Lenger's plan.

The elephant undead creature noticed Sister Tiger appearing in front and rushed forward waving the hammer in her hand.

Seeing the elephant undead creature rushing forward, Sister Tiger was indeed attracted by it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Leng Ge immediately took out two awakening cards.

The rotating mole of Club 3 and the Blizzard Polar of Club 6!



The shadows of the two awakening cards merged into his body, and Lenger clenched his fists tightly.

Holding the wake-up stick tightly, he rushed towards Sister Tiger from another direction.

If you pay attention, you can find that there is a hint of ice in Lian Geer's hand.

Sister Tiger is not afraid of being attacked from both sides. For her, it makes no difference whether it is one or two.

Both of them move very slowly and are not to be feared at all.


He first appeared in front of the elephant undead creature and knocked the elephant undead creature to the ground with a slide.

Seizing the opportunity, the claw quickly attacked the elephant undead creature.

Green blood kept splashing out. The elephant undead creature could not resist the continuous attack and immediately covered his head with both hands.

Seeing this, Lian Geer was immediately delighted.

Excellent opportunity


When approaching Sister Tiger, he released a strong cold air from his hand.

As soon as these cold air came into contact with the water vapor in the air, they instantly condensed into ice.

In just a moment, Lian Geer released a large amount of cold air, and the two undead creatures in front of him seemed to be frozen.

He drew two more awakening cards and quickly swiped them across the awakening stick.

The Stinging Bee of the 2 of Clubs and the Swift Rhino of the 4 of Clubs!



The Stinging Bee merged into the awakening stick, and the Swift Rhino merged into his body.

A surge of power emerged from his body, and he instantly burst out. Lian Geer rushed forward at a high speed, aiming the tip of the awakening stick in his hand at Sister Tiger.


The awakening stick pierced into the ice fiercely, splashing a lot of ice chips.

In an instant, the ice exploded all over the sky.

It worked!

Seeing this scene, Lian Geer was immediately ecstatic, thinking that his plan had succeeded.

But his ecstasy did not last long. When he heard the voice coming from behind him, he was stunned.

"Your speed... is too slow. Take a good look at who you hit.

He suddenly turned around and found that Sister Tiger appeared behind him intact. Could the person he just hit be...?!

Under the ice chips, the elephant undead creature was lying on the ground, and it was obvious that it had no way to continue fighting.


He could say with certainty that he must have frozen Sister Tiger just now, but now, something went wrong.

Sister Tiger folded her hands in front of her chest, still looking leisurely.

"As I said just now, your speed is too slow, and it is not enough to keep up with my pace.

You did freeze me just now, but the moment you broke the ice, I had already left.

Because my speed was too fast, you didn't see it.

This sentence still gave Lian Geer a big blow.

Under his ignorance, the enemy had already left, and the elephant undead creature he summoned became the scapegoat.

"The gap in strength between you and me cannot be made up at all. You want to seal me? Forget it."

It's not that Sister Tiger mocked Lianger, she was just being realistic.

Lianger clenched his fist unwillingly, but still didn't give up.

Why did one guy after another become stronger than him?

It's obvious that he is the strongest one to fight!

I haven't lost yet! As long as I'm still standing, it means I still have a chance to seal you!"

At this time, Lianger was still stubborn and refused to give up.

"Idiot! It seems that you still don't understand the gap between us, so...just experience it deeply. "

Before she finished speaking, Sister Tiger instantly turned into a residual image and disappeared on the spot.

Lian Geer could feel a chill in his heart, an inexplicable chill came over him.

Here it comes!

He could feel that he had been locked in, and next he would inevitably face Sister Tiger's violent and violent attack.

Then, Lian Geer felt a powerful force instantly bombarding him.

Faced with this force, he couldn't even resist and was directly knocked back on the spot.

But it was not too late, and then there was a series of fierce attacks, while he hadn't stood firm, all directions launched fierce attacks at the same time.

Faced with the terrifying attack, Lian Geer had no chance to react at all, and could only hold his head with both hands to resist desperately,

"You don't believe it even if I tell you the truth, so taste it yourself."

A terrifying knee suddenly came into view, and Lian Geer wanted to stretch out his hands to block it, but he was still a step slower.

"Bang! "

His body flew back as if hit by a truck, and he fell to the ground in a mess!

Lying on the ground, Lian Geer coughed a few times.

"Cough cough cough! !"

Obviously, this knee strike was not so easy to withstand.

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