Unconsciously, he clenched his fist slightly. Callis knew very well in his heart that he owed another big favor invisibly.

Even though he is an undead creature, Kazuma Kenzaki is still willing to treat him sincerely.


Kallis didn't know what he could say at this time. Kenzaki Kazuma became the third person who occupied an important position in his heart.

The first and second ones are naturally Kurihara and her daughter.

Looking back, Callis focused on Lu Li again.

Although he already knew the situation, he didn't want to give up fighting Lu Li.

Fighting between undead creatures is inevitable.

Kalis flew up and rushed over, preparing to fight Lu Li.

Even though you know that Lu Li is very powerful, he will not give up.

"You're really persistent."

Lu Li shook his head helplessly, stretched out his right hand and lightly snapped his fingers.


With the sound of snapping fingers, Kallis' movements were abruptly stopped.

Lu Li really has no interest in Kallis who has not transformed into his wild form.

Moreover, there should be no way for Kallis to change into his wild form now. After all, Miyuki Yoshinaga is with him, so Lu Li will naturally not let her be sealed.

Time around him stood still, and Kallis didn't even realize that he was now in a state of time stasis.

After taking a few steps to reach Kallis, Lu Li placed his palm on his chest.

The next second, the time that Kallis had stopped was resumed.



Along with a burst of screams, Kalis was instantly sent flying out by a terrifying impact.

"I've already said that I have no intention of fighting, and it's not my fault.

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Li put his hands in his pockets and turned around to leave.

Kallis flew dozens of meters away and finally hit a big tree before stopping.

His body hit the ground, and Kalis felt paralyzed and couldn't stand up for a long time.

"That guy... can also stop time?!"

He had seen the scarab undead creature's ability to stop time before, but it was too buggy.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the scarab undead, Lu Li also had such power.

And Callis had no idea what exactly happened just now.

He only knew that when he came back to his senses, he had been knocked out.

After a while, Kalis, who had relaxed a little, stood up again, only to find that Lu Li was no longer in the distance.


The pain in his chest and back told him that what had just happened was true.

Taking out the 2 of Hearts and returning to human form, Hajime Aikawa wiped the green blood from his mouth and cleaned himself up.

He was going back to the coffee shop soon, so naturally the mother and daughter noticed something strange.

At this time, his heart was also very complicated.

It's not because of the battle just now, but because of another person, Kazuma Kenzaki.

All of his cards were brought back by Kazuma Kenzaki, which is equivalent to saving him.

after one day!

After some searching, Yoshinaga Miyuki finally found some traces of Hiroshi Tennoro with her outstanding ability.

To be precise, I found a huge research institute.

The research institute is very large, and you can tell at a glance that the other party is very wealthy.

There are many traces of Hiroshi Tennoji here, and Miyuki Yoshinaga spent a lot of effort to find out the existence of this place.

Although she discovered this research institute, Miyuki Yoshinaga was not in a hurry to report it to Lu Li.

She was going to go in first to find out what was going on inside the institute.

By Lu Li's side, she basically didn't have to fight, so she naturally needed to show her worth.

Although her combat effectiveness was a little worse, there were fewer and fewer undead creatures now, so she felt that she was still quite safe.

Through the ventilation duct, she entered the research institute smoothly.

However, what Yoshinaga Miyuki didn't know was that her every move had been discovered by Tenwang Hiroshi.

This is the final base used by Tianwang Lu Boshi to conduct research. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is his hometown.

There are cameras installed everywhere here, and they are so secretly hidden that sometimes they are not noticed at all.

For such an undead creature that broke into his research institute, Tianwang Lu Boshi didn't take it seriously at all.

It just so happened that a new experiment was completed here at the research institute, and this intruder could be used for the experiment.

In the laboratory.

Tianwang Lu Boshi sat on a chair and looked at the busy researchers in front of him with a leisurely expression.

Now, something that even the sealing slate has never done is about to begin.

The sealing stone slab is placed quietly in the laboratory, with various data lines connected to it.

Next, Heavenly King Lu Boshi is going to do something very crazy. He is going to do something that even God cannot create.

The reason why this experiment was able to be completed was mainly due to Yoshito Hirose's research on undead creatures.

Although the secrets of the undead have not yet been completely solved, we have progressed to a very deep level.

The two awakening cards prepared for fusion are the Thieving Chameleon at Diamond 10 and the Poisonous Scorpion at Club 8!

He wants to create a new undead creature, an undead creature that is completely obedient to his orders.

This can already be done.

The two are superimposed, each has the advantages of the other, and the combined undead creature will be very powerful.

Neither the chameleon undead nor the scorpion undead are qualified to be classified as advanced undead.

You can bring the two to complete the fusion. The combat effectiveness is not as simple as one plus one equals two, the strength will be stronger!

The instrument scanned the two cards, and Tianwang Lu Boshi had a cold smile on his face.

The reason why such a fused undead creature was created was actually to destroy the knights.

Judging from the current situation, most of the undead creatures have basically been sealed, and the only remaining ones can no longer pose a threat to themselves.

Now that things have reached this point, there is no need to keep the Cavaliers.

Keeping the knights will always be your obstacle in the future. If you eradicate these guys, you will be the ultimate winner.

Since she was not particularly clear about the internal structure of the research institute, Miyuki Yoshinaga could only look for traces of Hiroshi Tennoji wherever possible after leaving the ventilation duct.

She moved very carefully, trying to ensure that she was not discovered as much as possible.

After wandering around the institute for a long time, she went to many rooms, but none of them had anything to do with the Tianwang Lu Boshi she was looking for.

Suddenly, Miyuki Yoshinaga's expression suddenly changed.


She felt the presence of the undead here.

Logically speaking, it should be impossible. This is the headquarters of Tianwang Lu Boshi. How can there be undead creatures?

The most important thing is that she felt the aura of the undead creature was very strange. It was obviously very close to her, but she did not see the other party's figure.


Turning around suddenly, Miyuki Yoshinaga, I felt that the undead creature emitting a strange aura was right in front of me.

Sure enough, the next second, the invisible Titan appeared in front of Miyuki Yoshinaga.

The body looks extremely weird, with two belt buckles belonging to undead creatures on its waist.

It doesn't look like any kind of undead creature at all, but a fusion of two undead creatures.

The aura exuding from this guy was very dangerous, Miyuki Yoshinaga didn't dare to be careless at all.

The opponent's combat power may not be inferior to that of any advanced undead creature. She may not be able to deal with the weakest among her advanced undead creatures.

Slowly taking two steps back, Yoshinaga Miyuki no longer wanted to continue fighting with this guy.

Immediately transforms into the orchid undead form, turns around, and uses the face on the back of its head to emit a large amount of pollen.

These pollen have no special abilities. The only thing they can do is confuse the enemy.

After releasing the pollen, the orchid undead immediately chose to escape.

She had already memorized the way when she came. She might not be good at fighting, but she was first-rate at escaping.

Although Titan has the ability to become invisible and poisonous, there is nothing he can do against Miyuki Yoshinaga who uses confusion to escape without fighting.

This is the first enemy the Titan faces after it appears. Of course it doesn't want to let the opponent escape and is immediately ready to catch up.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind.


When Tai Tan heard the call, he immediately stopped and turned his head slightly to see Tianwang Lu Hiroshi coming from behind.

With his head slightly lowered, the Titan had no dignity at all as an undead creature and felt like a loyal dog.

"Titan, your mission is to help me eliminate those knights. You don't need to worry about other things. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, Tai Tan naturally knew what he should do now.

He nodded slightly and immediately entered the invisible state.

It is now on its way to destroy the knights.

This matter was done privately by Tenwang Lu Hiroshi and was not told to Yoshito Hirose at all.

As for Hirose Yoshito's desire to capture Kenzaki Kazuma, that was not at all considered by Hiroshi Tennoro.

What he wants is to eliminate all those knights to prevent them from becoming an obstacle to him.

Hirose Yoshito's plan seems to have a certain probability of success, but it is impossible to say exactly when it will be realized.

PS: thanks

A monthly ticket for the evil-doing chaos!


Wei’s monthly pass!

thanks one

13080. monthly ticket!

Chapter 470 The three-headed dog of hell! King's plan! What? Will I become a Joker?

However, Hirose Yoshito's experiments simply couldn't give him what Tianwang Hiroshi wanted.

What he wants is to rule the world, become the ultimate winner of the extreme battle, dominate and control everything.

After going around and around, I finally ran out of the research institute.

Yoshinaga Miyuki stopped when she no longer felt the strange undead creature chasing after her.

"That guy! What the hell is that?!"

Seeing such a strange undead creature for the first time, Miyuki Yoshinaga felt that she should tell Lu Li about it as soon as possible to see what he thought.

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