The appearance of Titan made Yoshinaga Miyuki feel a little bad.

She learned some things about the King of Heaven, Lu Boshi from Lu Li, but she didn't know the specific details.

Now I understand that this guy is the culprit of everything, and can be said to be the big boss behind the scenes.

He can actually create such a strange undead creature. This guy's ability is too terrifying.

You know, even the Sealing Slate has never done such a thing.

The Sealing Slate is to select the winning race of the Extreme War, and it is naturally impossible to make such a monster.

Night falls.

The whole city is shrouded in darkness.

Yoshinaga Miyuki returned to the place where she lived before and told Lu Li the news.

Because he couldn't use the Earth Library, Lu Li couldn't find the trace of the King of Heaven before, but now he finally found his lair.

The fifth category Ace card finally has a clue.

Now Hirose Yoshito is still alive, and the King of Heaven, Lu Boshi, can't wait to create Titans. It seems that he is worried that the knights will affect his future plans.

It's a good idea to get rid of the knight right now.

Lu Li is not worried about the Titan problem at all. Now he just needs to concentrate on dealing with the matter of King Lu Boshi.

After killing King Lu Boshi, he can not only get the fifth category Ac smoothly, but also find the sealed seal slab.

What Lu Li wants to do can basically be achieved.

Of course, there will inevitably be some obstacles in this process. King Lu Boshi will not easily hand over the fifth category Ace card in his hand.

That is the card he made with great effort to win this extreme battle.

It doesn't matter whether he gives it or not. If he doesn't give it, Lu Li can just force it directly, and it will have no effect at all!

Since King Lu Boshi's research institute has been found, there is no point in continuing to search Chengguang, so Lu Li directly called her back.

Prepare to go directly to King Lu Boshi's research institute early tomorrow morning to get the things.

As for tonight, take a good rest and comfort Yoshinaga Miyuki who was frightened and Cheng Guang who didn't gain much.

No words all night!

The city under the night shrouds a murderous aura.

Since being defeated by Lu Li the novice last time, Spade Kig has not made any movement, but it does not mean that he has disappeared.

Although this guy is not keen on fighting, Lu Li's appearance has successfully aroused his inner competitive spirit.

He couldn't bear the last defeat.

He is a powerful King. When has he ever lost so badly?


Even in the extreme battle ten thousand years ago, he didn't lose so badly as he did now.

No matter what, he must get this place back and prove to Lu Li that his strong strength is definitely not something he can underestimate.

During this period, he has been recovering from his injuries, and at the same time, he is also conserving his energy to ensure that his body is in the best condition.

The purpose is to be able to exert his strongest power, and not to be crushed by Lu Li like last time.

Although Spade Kig is very strong, his personality is more like a child.

He is strong enough, and he doesn't care whether the opponent is strong or not, anyway, no one is stronger than him.

But now there is a person who completely crushes him. The imbalance in his heart makes his childish temper unbearable, and his competitive heart comes up.

As for how to find Lu Li, Spade King has a good idea.

As long as he makes a bigger noise, Lu Li will see it and maybe come to find him.

However, what Spade Kig doesn't know is that Lu Li has lost interest in him now, and is more interested in the Emperor Sword.

The previous battle was just to fight with the giant beetle undead creature again.

The goal has been achieved, so Lu Li naturally has no interest.

Because of this, the target that Spade Kng can attract can only be Kenzaki Kazuma and others, not Lu Li.

In the case of a last resort, Shima Noboru will also join the battle.

The next day, early in the morning

The giant beetle undead creature appeared directly in the downtown area, causing a huge sensation, and immediately began to destroy.

With its extremely powerful force, the people around it fled in panic.

It happened to be the morning rush hour, and people were crowded together, which caused many people to be injured.

Because of what Tachibana Sakuya said before, Kenzaki Kazuma chose to copy the undead creature detector and left the farm alone.

He was worried that he would continue to be pursued by the test subject F, and that would implicate Shirai Kotaro and Hirose Shiori.

Kenzaki Kazuma rushed to the destination at a high speed. Even though he had been warned not to transform, he could not watch people get hurt.

At the same time, Tachibana Sakuya naturally received the signal of the appearance of the undead creature. He knew that Kenzaki Kazuma would definitely go.

He must not be allowed to continue to transform!

If the battle continues, Kenzaki Kazuma will sooner or later be assimilated by the undead creature, and by that time everything will be too late.

He must stop Kenzaki Kazuma before this happens.

Aikawa Hajime and Uejo Mutsuki, who was controlled by the spider undead creature, could naturally feel the breath of Category Kig and rushed to the scene without stopping.

Spade King's operation directly disrupted everything.

The problem is that Spade Kig, a huge variable, is still very strong, and even with four Kamen Riders, it may not be able to deal with it.

Originally, Titan was arranged to deal with the four Kamen Riders, and King Lu Boshi was still very happy to see this situation.

Since Spade King has taken action, maybe Titan doesn't need to take action at all.

Of course, it is also possible to let Spade Kig consume the strength of the knights first, and then let Titan kill them with one blow.


There is no problem with this plan at all. King Lu Boshi feels that the probability of success of this plan is very high.

Lu Li is naturally very familiar with the breath of Spade King.

This guy has not made any movement since he was injured by him last time.

Now he suddenly ran out in a swagger, probably wanting to lure him out to fight him again.

Unfortunately, Lu Li was not interested and had no intention of going there at all.

He knew very well what his current purpose was. He had finally found the lair of the King Lu Boshi. Lu Li would not wait for the old guy to run away.

This guy was always cautious. If he slipped away this time, it would not be so easy to find him next time.

Lu Li took Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki to the research institute of the King Lu Boshi.

At this time, the King Lu Boshi did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all, and just thought that everything was still going according to his plan.

Of course, the reason why he was not worried about his research institute being discovered was entirely because he had the best trump card.

Cerberus, that is, the undead creature corresponding to the three-headed dog card of hell!

It has the advantages of all undead creatures, and not only is it not a creature, but also has the data of the test subjects created by Hirose Yoshito.

It has the ability to forcibly seal undead creatures and absorb category cards.

It can be said that Cerberus is fully worthy of the title of the strongest undead creature, and its combat power is very strong.

King Lu Boshi believed that as long as he had Cerberus in his hand, he would be able to win the ultimate battle and eventually become the ruler of the earth.

The downtown area in the city.

The streets that should have been crowded in the morning were very quiet at this time, and there were ruins everywhere.

The smoke was filled with smoke, as if it had just been ravaged by some kind of power.

In the center of this street, the giant beetle undead creature was sitting on a car with a big sword and a shield in his hand.

He was waiting!

Waiting for Lu Li to appear, the guy who made him have a strong desire to win, he had to defeat him no matter what.

"Buzz buzz buzz!!"

At this time, bursts of motorcycle roars/hums came from the streets in four directions.

Not long after, Kenzaki Kazuma and four others appeared here driving motorcycles.

The giant beetle undead creature thought he had waited for Lu Li, but unexpectedly, they were all some Kamen Riders.

"These guys... are really lingering!"

He was not very interested in these Kamen Riders at all, and the one he was most interested in was Lu Li.

But now Lu Li has not appeared yet, which makes him very angry.

There is a feeling of being despised!

As a dignified King, he was ignored!

He was looking forward to Lu Li's arrival, but he didn't even see him.

He suddenly felt humiliated in his heart, and he was in a bad mood at this moment.

What should I do when I am in a bad mood?

When I am in a bad mood, I naturally need to vent. The target we found is naturally the Kamen Riders around.

Kenzaki Kazuma saw the other three people, and he didn't expect that everyone had come.

"Hajime, are you okay now?

Since giving the exchanged cards to Aikawa Hajime last time, Kenzaki Kazuma has not looked for him.

Hearing this, Aikawa Hajime nodded.

For Kenzaki Kazuma's trust in him and his willingness to help him, Aikawa Hajime didn't know what to say to express his gratitude.

Even though he was the most dangerous Joker, Kenzaki Kazuma was still willing to trust him so much.

Seeing Kenzaki Kazuma again, Tachibana Saku also shouted hurriedly.

"Kenzaki, don't transform again! If you continue, your body will not be able to bear it sooner or later!

If you continue to transform, that guy will come back to find you again.

No matter what, he doesn't want Kenzaki Kazuma to continue.

The guy here, of course, refers to the test subject F.

Seeking flowers.........

Seeing them dawdling, Kamijou Mutsuki didn't bother to pay attention.

He came here for only one purpose, that is to seal the category King!

The reason why he lost last time was because the scarab undead creature had the effect of stopping time, otherwise he would not have lost.

Shangcheng Xiyue has always been very confident in his own strength.

Even though he lost to the giant beetle undead creature before, he still believes that he can seal the opponent now.



Lenger, who completed the transformation first, rushed towards the giant beetle undead creature on the opposite side at a high speed.

No matter what, he must seal the category King!

Of course, Hajime Aikawa couldn't let him take down the undead creature, so he immediately took out the Ace of Hearts card.



Kallis also rushed towards the undead creature of the big pocket insect, following Lingle.

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