Seeing these two guys coming to the door, the undead creature waved the sword in his hand.

He was in a bad mood now, and these guys were trying to cause trouble for him. It was time to show them some color.


With one against two, the undead creatures of the big pocket worm were not afraid of Kalis and Lengel at all.

In his opinion, it doesn't matter if they are four Kamen Riders, they can't be his opponents at all.

Just when a fierce fight broke out between the three of them, Kenzaki really planned to transform and help.

But Ju Shuo also rushed over and stopped him, yelling loudly.

"Kensaki, do you know that you are in great danger now if you continue to transform?"

Before he could finish speaking, Kenzaki Kazuma looked at Tachibana Sakuya seriously.


"I know! Senior Tachibana, once I transform, I will lure that guy over.

But I had no choice, I couldn't let any undead harm anyone.

That guy is a category Kig. You should know very well what kind of strength he has. If I don't do it, do you really have a chance to win against him? ! "

This is not that Kenzaki Kazuma is bragging, but that he can use a more powerful guard state, and his combat power is obviously more powerful than Tachibana Sakuya and the others.

Holding Kenzaki Kazuma down, Tachibana Shuo also shook his head with a solemn expression.

"No! You don't know your current physical condition at all. The more times you use Jack.Form, the more dangerous your situation will be, because your body has extraordinary


When you use the power of the undead, you will achieve a certain fusion with the undead.

The longer this goes on, the more your body will gradually begin to transform into an undead creature!

This means you might end up Jokr! Do you understand it? ! "

This last sentence was almost yelled by Ju Shuo.

If he had to watch his descendants turn into undead creatures with his own eyes, there was absolutely no way he would allow this to happen.


When Kazuma Kenzaki heard the news, he was stunned on the spot.

He didn't understand what was going on at all. Why did he suddenly say that he would become Jokr? !

I have never heard of such a situation happening before. What is going on?

"Tachibana-senpai, you...what did you mean by what you just said? Why did I become Jokr?"

This matter could not be explained for a while, and Tachibana Shuo also pulled Kenzaki Kazuma aside.

"Kensaki, just stay here and stay with me. You are not allowed to participate in this war!

After we finish here, I will tell you everything then! "

Before he finished speaking, Ju Shuo immediately took out the knight's belt buckle.



Ge Lian, who had just completed his transformation, accelerated towards the undead creature that was in the middle of the melee.

In order to prevent Kazuma Kenzaki from continuing to fight, he must find a way to seal away the undead creature of the Great Kabuto in advance.

Even when facing Kallis and Lenger, the undead creature of the Big Insect was completely at the upper hand, crushing the two of them with its own strength.

The shield with extremely terrifying defensive power cannot be broken by Liang Geer or Kalis.

All the attacks of the two men were either blocked by the sword or blocked by the shield, and did not cause any substantial damage to the undead creature.

Ge Lian joined the battlefield, and with medium and long-range attack methods, he could barely contain the undead creatures.

But his bullets couldn't even penetrate the armor on the undead creature.

Kazuma Kenzaki, who stayed where he was, looked at the three people who were fighting with the undead creatures with a tangled expression.

Now the battle is so fierce, but I can't attack and intervene at will, which is very uncomfortable.

He took out his knight's belt buckle and was about to transform, but suddenly he recalled what Ju Shuo had just said.

If I continue to transform in the past few days, what if I really can't go back?

For a moment, Kenzaki Kazuma fell into hesitation.

He didn't know if he could continue to fight, if he should continue to stand.

In a certain corner of the ruins, there is a gaze quietly watching the battle.

Chapter 471 You are not worthy! I used the Q to fight and was defeated again! The liberated fifth Ace

This gaze naturally came from the invisible Titan.

Possessing the same abilities as chameleons and undead creatures, titans can easily change their appearance, such as turning themselves into another person, or hiding themselves

stand up.

Although the strength of Titans can be compared with advanced undead creatures, there is still a big difference compared with real advanced undead creatures.

For example, the aura is hidden.

Titans are no different from ordinary undead creatures. They are not good at concealing their breath.

The higher undead creatures are different.

As long as they don't deliberately expose themselves and release their breath, it is even difficult for advanced undead creatures to be discovered.

Even the Titan, which was fused with two undead creatures, did not master this ability.

Because of this, Titan could only hide and observe from a distance.

The order Titan received from King Lu Hiroshi was to hide for the time being and not rush to attack.

Go find the right opportunity to launch a surprise attack, inject the poison of the undead creatures into their bodies, and activate the undead creatures' power they use.

When that time comes, all the knights will kill each other, and there is no need for it to do anything.

Before waiting for the right opportunity, what Titan has to do is to hide his whereabouts and not be discovered by the knights.

As long as the most appropriate time is waited for, Titan will be quite sure to inject the poison into the knight's body.

Facing the siege of three knights, the giant beetle undead creature did not retreat at all, and even behaved very easily.

"Dang! Clang!!"

Using a shield to block Calis's awakening bow, he immediately turned his sword back and slashed at Lianger.

The collision between the greatsword and the armor splashed sparks, and Lianger kept retreating.

"Damn! How can this guy be so strong?!"

He couldn't understand why the giant beetle undead creature's combat power was so strong.

"Seven Five Seven" The last time he fought, could it be that... this guy was not serious? !

This is the real category Kig, with unparalleled strength like a king.

"With just you, it is impossible to seal me! Too naive."

Using the shield in his hand to block Gren's shooting, the giant beetle undead creature instantly exerted force and swept away Calis in front of him with a sword.


Calis fell to the ground in embarrassment and screamed.

It was obviously three to one, with an advantage in numbers, but in terms of combat power, the three knights could not suppress the giant beetle undead creature at all, but were easily crushed by the opponent.

While he was not the target of the attack, Gren quickly drew out two awakening cards and swiped the awakening gun.

Diamond 2 Bullet Armadillo and Diamond 6 Flame Firefly!


"Fire! "

The two cards merged into the awakening gun, and Gren immediately aimed at the giant beetle undead creature and pulled the trigger.


The flame bullet strengthened by the flame shot out from the muzzle, and the muzzle sprayed flames.

"Bang bang bang! !"

Faced with such a fierce flame-enhanced bullet, the giant beetle undead creature sneered and raised the shield on its left arm.

"Ding ding ding! !"

Even the flame-enhanced bullet strengthened by the power of fire could not break the defense of the shield.

The defense is so strong that it can be said to be a bit outrageous.

"Too weak! Your power does not interest me at all. Find that guy!

Only that guy is worthy of being my opponent, you... are not worthy! "

The words of the giant beetle undead creature were full of contempt, and he looked down on them.

The only Jokr who could make him feel a little interested, now also restrained his wildness, and was not worth mentioning at all.

The only person who could really make him care was Lu Li, and there was no one else.

To be precise, among all the knights, there was not a single one who could fight.

In the eyes of the giant beetle undead creature, these knights were just some small trash, not worth looking at at all.

The battle was almost a one-sided crushing.

Whether it was Gren, Kallis or Lengel, there was no way to be indifferent to the giant beetle. The dead creatures did not cause any substantial damage.

On the contrary, the injuries of the three people seemed to be getting worse and worse. If they continued to fight, it was only a matter of time before the three of them were eliminated.

Seeing that the three were suppressed and could not fight back at all, Kenzaki Kazuma gritted his teeth, made a decision in his heart, and took out the knight's buckle directly.

He couldn't continue to watch it.

If he didn't intervene in this battle, it was likely that the knight would end up losing.

The strength of the giant beetle undead creature was too strong, and Kenzaki Kazuma couldn't continue to watch the battle here.



"Ah! !"

Accompanied by a roar, Kenzaki Kazuma rushed directly through the blue light curtain and transformed into a sword.

He drew out the awakening sword without hesitation, and the sword went directly to the battlefield.

Gren, who was fighting hard, saw that the sword had been transformed and shouted immediately.

"Kenzaki! Didn't I tell you just now? You can't continue to transform! If you continue, your body..."

Before he finished speaking, he was slashed in the chest by the giant beetle undead creature with a sword.



Falling to the ground in a very embarrassing way, Gelen was distracted in the battle, so it was naturally not easy.

Especially now that the opponent he faced was still the terrifying giant beetle undead creature, a little distraction might put himself in danger.

"Senior Tachibana! Even if my body is changing, I can't watch you fight with all your strength and remain indifferent!

I also want to protect the people I want to protect! That's all!"

The sword that had already approached the giant beetle undead creature slashed down fiercely.

Having long noticed the existence of the sword, the giant beetle undead creature used the greatsword to block the sword's attack.


The collision between the awakening sword and the greatsword splashed sparks, and the giant beetle undead creature was actually beaten back a step.

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