The belt buckle at the waist opened automatically, revealing the symbols inside.

King of spades!

Jian took out a blank sealing card and was about to seal the undead creature of the big pocket insect when he suddenly heard the undead creature of the big pocket insect say.

"Be careful, don't be like Leangle, who originally wanted to seal me, but ended up being controlled by me instead.?

Hearing this, Jian didn't say anything more, but silently threw the card in his hand to the undead creature of the big pocket insect.

The power of the seal directly sealed the undead creature on the spot and successfully included it in the card.

The card returned to his hand. Looking at the awakening card represented by the category Kig in his hand, Jian was full of thoughts at the moment.

Finally, the last card has been sealed. With the King category, I should be able to perform the final King.Form!

With this powerful force, he might be able to fight against Lu Li, or even have a chance to seal him.

Lenger, who came to fight as a Sai Q, looked at the undead creature that had been successfully sealed, and the card fell into the sword's hand, feeling very unwilling to do so.

Obviously that card should belong to you.

Now, not only had he failed to seal the undead creatures of the Great Bagworm, all the cards he had previously held had been snatched away.

These cards are currently in Shimasei's hands, and Leng Geer doesn't think he can get them back now.

Even this situation was very unfavorable to him, so Leng Ge could only take advantage of this time to escape immediately.

As for those cards, we will find a way to get them back later. The most important thing is to leave now.


Seeing Lenger leaving quickly, Ge Lian called out loudly, but did not receive any response.

For Mutsuki Kamijo, who became a knight, he has always felt very guilty in his heart, thinking that he was the one who brought him into this whirlpool.

At this time, Shima Noboru gently patted Green on the shoulder.

"Tachibana, there's no need to scream. It's impossible for him to go back with us at the moment. Mutsuki is completely controlled by Category Ac at this moment.

However, I currently have all his cards in hand, and now that he is no longer such a big threat, we can find ways to help Mutsuki later. "

After a moment of silence, Green nodded slightly.

"I see.

How could he not understand that Mutsuki Kamijo is not the real Mutsuki Kamijo at all, but a category Ac...

It's just that he still has a trace of expectation in his heart.

Then, Shimsho looked at Kalis who was aside, walked over directly, and handed over the heart series card in his hand.

"These are yours, take them back.

Looking at the heart card in front of him, Kallis hesitated for a moment, but finally took it.

To him, these cards are very important.

Once he loses these cards for too long, he may be unable to suppress the wildness in his heart and become Jokr again.

Just by holding these cards in his hands, he can continue to live a good life, like a normal person, not like a monster.

He nodded slightly, as if to say thank you.

For him, the word thank you is difficult to say, just because of his personality.

Shimabu didn't even think about asking for his thanks. He just did what he thought he should do:

A Jokr who is willing to get closer to humans and is willing to become a human is naturally willing to help him.

The emotions and bonds between humans deeply affect Ming Sheng.

After getting his card back, Kalis used the 2 of Hearts again to return to his human form and left directly.

Since there is no more fighting here, he will naturally not stay here anymore.

Jian took the King of Spades card and came to Ming Sheng's side.

"Mr. Shima, now that I have the King category, I can use King.Form."

Hearing this, Shimasaki nodded and said with a serious face.

"That's right, now you can use the sword in its strongest form.

But... this power is very powerful, do you think you can master it now? "

Just like what the undead creature said just now, although you can make yourself stronger by borrowing the power of the undead creature, there is a prerequisite.

This prerequisite is that you must be able to withstand the power of undead creatures.

If you are unable to withstand this power, you may end up in the same situation as Mutsuki Kamijo.

Controlled by the will of the undead.

To put it bluntly, it depends on whether the user's will is strong enough.

Users with a strong enough will are naturally qualified to use powerful power without having to worry about being backlashed.

Looking down at the card in his hand, Jian also recalled what the undead creature had just said.

Can you... be able to fight against it?

Such an idea came to mind, but Jian's will soon became firm.


If he wants to protect humans and fight against the undead, he must have more powerful power.

Recalling Lu Li's frightening power, Jian was even more determined that he must use Kig.Form.

."I can! I believe I can master the power of Category King!"

However, when Jian said these words, Ge Lian immediately stopped him.

"Kensaki! That's enough! You can't continue to transform, let alone continue to fight! Have you forgotten your current state?!"

He doesn't want the other party to really turn into a Joker. If that's the case, what should he do then?

Shima Noboru did not know about this matter.

Although he could know the information he wanted to know through rumors, Ming Sheng didn't know anything about the relationship between Yoshihiro Hirose and Sakuya Tachibana.

"Tachibana, what did you mean by what you just said? Is there something wrong with Kenzaki's health?"

Because Shima has a strong sense of perception, he cannot clearly feel the changes in Sword's current body.

Just when Glenn was about to explain, a sudden figure appeared in front of him.

"Test subject F!"

I didn't expect that the other party would come so quickly. It didn't take long before he came.

Noticing Gren's gaze, Ken and Shima Noboru looked over at the same time.

Test subject F is coming here quickly.

"It's that guy! He's here again!"

Recalling the last battle with Experimental Subject F, Jian immediately clenched the Awakening Sword in his hand.

Grabbing the sword, Ge Lian hurriedly persuaded him.

"Kensaki! End your transformation and come back with me as soon as possible, otherwise he will keep chasing you!"

Looking down at the pulled arm, Jian shook his head without hesitation.

"Senior Tachibana, I don't know how my health is currently, but I only know that I will never allow these guys to threaten the safety of those around me.

It. I must eradicate it. "

Before he finished speaking, Jian directly unfolded the awakening fusion machine on his left arm, and in addition to a King of Spades, he quickly pulled out a Queen of Spades.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he must try to see if he can control the power of King.Form.

"Absorb.Queen! Evolution.King!"

Different from the previous Awakening Fusion Machine, after using the power of Kig.Form, the appearance of the Awakening Fusion Machine has been greatly changed.

As Spades Kig's card was swiped, waves of powerful power burst out from his body.

One after another blue electric arcs wrapped around the body, and the sword felt as if his body was out of control.

Use your strong will to control your body and prevent it from getting out of control.

Under the blue arc of electricity, bursts of faint golden light bloomed from the sword.

The next second, a total of thirteen spades series cards turned into phantoms surrounding the sword.

"Ah!! 9

The two fists of the sword were clenched tightly, and his body was shaking slightly, but even so, he endured it forcefully.

After the blue arc of electricity dissipated, the sword and the thirteen spades series cards surrounding him seemed to resonate/woo.

The armor on his body glowed with golden light, and these thirteen cards also glowed with golden light.

As the golden light flickered, the cards surrounding him all merged into the sword one by one.

Under the brilliant golden light, Jian's body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The golden armor was slightly different from the Kig.Form that Lu Li transformed into before, but the difference was not huge.

Seeing the Imperial Sword that had completed its transformation, Ge Lian couldn't help but think of the Imperial Sword that Lu Li had transformed into.

Very similar, and very powerful!

Originally, it was a joyful thing for the sword to gain such powerful power, but Gelian couldn't be happy at all.

Only he knew that there seemed to be nothing wrong with Jian's current physical condition, but it was undergoing earth-shaking changes.


He knew that it was useless to say anything at this time. It was difficult to change what Jian had already decided.

Just like him, Kenzaki Kazuma is also very stubborn.

Chapter 474 Special fusion sword! Seeing the Road of Heavenly Kings for the first time, Cerberus!

The golden light completely dissipated, and the Imperial Sword finally appeared in everyone's eyes.

The aura is overwhelming, and the golden body brings a great sense of oppression to people.

If it weren't for the fact that Test Subject F didn't have any fear, I would have stopped right now.

Facing the menacing test object F, the swordsman raised his hand toward the void.

Then, a golden sword appeared in his hand.

The exclusive weapon of the Imperial Sword is the Heavy Awakening Sword!

The Zhongxing Sword looks majestic and majestic, giving people an invisible sense of oppression.


The Imperial Sword punched Test Subject F on the chest, and the terrifying force directly blew Test Subject F away on the spot.

Unparalleled power!

Ge Lian, who had felt nervous just now, opened his mouth when he saw this scene, but he didn't know what to say.


You must know that even if the sword transforms into a guard form, there is no way to take down the test body F.

But after transforming into the emperor form, he was able to crush the test subject F easily. The gap was too big.

"Did he... fuse the category King?! Is this King.Form?!"

There was a hint of shock in his words. Green originally wanted to stop this from happening, but he didn't expect that he couldn't stop it in the end.

Shima Noboru's face changed slightly at this moment.

Because he could feel that something was wrong with the current state of the Imperial Sword.

In theory, King.Form can only fuse with the King category at most, exerting a stronger power than Jack.Form.

But at this time, he could clearly feel that the Emperor Sword was not only suitable for fusion with the Kig category, but also for fusion with all undead creatures.

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