Why is this happening? !

Even Shima Noboru has never encountered such a situation before.

This is almost fundamentally different from the so-called King Form mentioned by Karasuma Kei.

And the current situation is very bad.

A human being actually merged with so many undead creatures, which is a huge problem. This situation should not happen.

Shima Noboru finally understood why Gren had to stop the sword from transforming and fighting just now.

According to this trend, the Emperor Sword will sooner or later be assimilated by the power of these undead creatures.

The final result is that people will be transformed into undead creatures!

Shima Noboru, who only noticed the abnormality at this time, regretted it very much.

If he could know this situation earlier, he would naturally not let the sword transform into the emperor form.

The population paying attention to all this is not only them, but also Hirose Yoshito who has been hiding in the dark.

When he saw the sword transform into the emperor form, a smile bloomed on his face.

That's it"

This is the result he wanted!

The computer next to him shows the current fusion status of Jian. He is assimilating with the thirteen undead creatures.

To be precise, it should be that the thirteen undead creatures are assimilating Jian, and the fusion power is entering his body bit by bit.

When the number of battles reaches a certain number, he will eventually become...Joker!

"That's right, Kenzaki, keep fighting! The more times you fight, the faster your body will change.

I will record how your body changes and study your body structure.

The secret of the undead will eventually be solved by me!

At this moment, he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the secret of the immortality of the undead.

It won't be long before he can completely solve this secret.

Aikawa Hajime, who was driving the motorcycle back to the Jacaranda Coffee Shop, suddenly changed his face, his eyes widened, and he braked hard.

The motorcycle couldn't be controlled and hit the guardrail on the side, and fell to the ground in a very embarrassing way.

Holding his chest tightly, Aikawa Hajime felt a force calling him.

This powerful and familiar force is awakening the wildness in his heart.

"Is this force Kenzaki? ! Can't...can't use this force! Ah!! "

Kneeling on the ground in pain, Hajime Aikawa's body was switching back and forth between human form and Jokr form.

At this moment, he could feel who was using this power.

His current situation was very bad. Even with these Red Heart series cards, he still couldn't stop the Jokr power in his body from running wild.

The human will was suppressing Jokr's wildness, but Hajime Aikawa himself couldn't tell how long this situation could last.

Fortunately, there were more Red Heart series cards, otherwise he would not be able to hold on now.

At the same time, in the research institute of the king Lu Boshi.

Lu Li and the other two According to the power of the seal slab just sensed, they came to this room unimpeded.

The obstacles in the middle were naturally removed.

At this time, there was only one person in the room where the seal slab was placed, Tianwang Lu Boshi.

Except for him, all other researchers were dead.

The three walked into the room, and Tianwang Lu Boshi slowly turned his chair. Although he looked older, he was still energetic.

The first thing that Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki noticed was the seal slab. When they saw the god who created them again, they felt complicated.

"Seal slab!

Standing up slowly, Tianwang Lu Boshi looked confident.

"Yes, it is the Sealing Stone, which is what you call God, the ruler of the Extreme War, the existence that can grant the power to dominate everything.

Are you surprised? Why didn't God come during the battle?

Because this Extreme War is not dominated by God, but by me!

Everything is just because of an unfortunate accident, and there is no intervention of God's will."

When saying this, Tianwang Lu Boshi had a condescending tone.

From what he said, he felt as if he had become the ruler and a god.

For the confident Tianwang Lu Boshi, Lu Li just smiled disdainfully.

"Tianwang Lu, you think everything is under your control, but have you ever thought that all your actions and everything are under its control?"

Shaking his hand and pointing to the Sealing Stone, Lu Li felt that this Extreme War caused by an accident might not be just an accident.

When the Sealing Stone senses that the undead creature has been unsealed, it will naturally start a new Extreme War. This is the rule of the game itself.

As long as there is any extra undead creature, the Extreme War will begin.

However, everything that King Lu Boshi did afterwards made the Sealing Slate see the ambition of mankind.

The emergence of the Knight System allows those released undead creatures to be sealed again, which saves the trouble of sealing the slate.

In this unique Extreme War, who will finally win?

The seal slate didn't know, but it didn't stop it. Otherwise, with the power of the seal slate, it should be easy to stop the extreme war from happening.

Lu Li had every reason to suspect that there was still the shadow of the seal slate behind this extreme war.

It's just that the seal slate did not take the initiative to participate in it.

After hearing this, the face of the king Lu Boshi changed slightly, and he waved his hand and scolded.

"What nonsense are you talking about?! Impossible! God has never intervened in this battle, you must be lying to me!"

No one will admit that he was used and used as a gun by others, and the king Lu Boshi is naturally the same.

He has always believed that he is the master of this extreme war, how could it be that the seal slate controlled him.


It's all fake!

Now he looks like he has been exposed in front of others

"Humph! No matter what, the winner of this extreme war must be me in the end"

No one can stop me from winning this extreme war.

Lu Li, I know who you are, a human undead creature, right?

Ten thousand years ago, there should have been two extreme wars, and you were the winner of one of them, but then the second extreme war happened.

What is unexpected is that the winner of the second extreme war is also a human undead creature.

Maybe... humans are really blessed by God. ”

When the Heavenly King Lu Boshi revealed his true identity, Lu Li did not find it strange at all

The other party was not stupid, and he also had Hirose Yoshito to help analyze. He transformed into Wild Kalis, and he could analyze it from the number of fused cards.

For this result, Lu Li did not find it strange at all.

If the other party could not analyze it, Lu Li would really doubt their ability.

Both Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki knew now that Lu Li was actually a human undead creature.

But the breath exuded by Lu Li was very close to that of a high-level undead creature. Although it felt a bit strange, it should not be an ordinary undead creature.

The eyes of both of them were all focused on Lu Li, as if they were waiting for Lu Li to give an answer.

"You are right, I am indeed a human undead creature, and you also guessed very correctly that two extreme battles took place ten thousand years ago.

And I am the real winner of the first extreme battle.

It's just that something unexpected happened after the victory, so there was a second extreme battle later.

When talking about unexpected situations, Lu Li looked at the sealing stone slab behind the king Lu Boshi.

Until now, the sealing stone slab has not moved at all.

Perhaps out of confidence in its own strength. The sealing stone slab is not worried that Lu Li will threaten itself.

However, what the sealing stone slab does not know is that Lu Li is now completely different from him ten thousand years ago.

After getting Lu Li's personal admission, Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki had to believe that Lu Li was a human undead creature even if they found it incredible.

It is hard to imagine that two extreme wars took place ten thousand years ago, but the winners of the two extreme wars were actually human undead creatures.

Whether this is destined or something else, the two have no way of knowing.

But from here, it can also be seen that the prosperity of mankind may be inevitable.

Lu Li didn't come here to talk nonsense with Tianwang Lu Boshi, he had his own purpose,

"Okay, no more nonsense, Tianwang Lu, now I'll give you a chance, hand over the card of the three-headed dog of hell, I can give you a way to live."

Just now, Lu Li had already felt the power of the seal.

If nothing unexpected happened, it should be Tianwang Lu Boshi who asked the seal stone to create Cerberus.

But now, Lu Li didn't feel the power of Cerberus at all, he felt that he should be re-sealed by Tianwang Lu Boshi.

Faced with the threat, Tianwang Lu Boshi suddenly showed an arrogant smile on his face.

"Hahaha! What you said is really interesting. That is the 54th undead creature I created, and it has been recognized by God.

Cerberus will be the strongest undead creature, and no one can fight it.

Lu Li, I know you are very powerful, but as long as you are an undead creature, you can never be a match for Cerberus! Hahaha!"

While laughing loudly, he slowly took out the awakening card of the three-headed dog of hell.

When seeing this card, Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki both widened their eyes at the same time.

For some reason, the two felt a very strong breath from this card, which was completely different from the breath of other undead creatures.


An inexplicable sense of fear spread in the hearts of the two people.

The subconscious told them that the guy opposite was very scary, and it was best not to confront this guy.

At this time, Lu Li suddenly put his hand between the two of them, and a strange power instantly dispelled the fear in their hearts.

The king Lu Boshi watched all this happen and frowned involuntarily.

He thought that he could intimidate Lu Li and the others by taking out the card, but he didn't expect that it was only effective for Cheng Guang and the others, and had no effect on Lu Li at all.

The most important thing is that Lu Li easily dispelled the fear in the hearts of Cheng Guang and the others.

How did this guy do it? !

Even if Tianwang Lu Boshi racked his brains to figure this out, he couldn't figure it out.

With his eyes narrowed, Tianwang Lu Boshi understood in his heart that it seemed impossible to make Lu Li retreat in this way.

He slowly lifted up the sleeve of his left hand, revealing his terrifying left arm.

When he saw the appearance of his arm, Lu Li's eyes flashed with surprise.

Unexpectedly, Tianwang Lu Boshi had already transformed his body so early.

It made sense. In order to gain powerful strength and win this extreme battle, Tianwang Lu Boshi absolutely did not allow any mistakes.

Therefore, before, Tianwang Lu Boshi had transplanted something similar to the Knight System into himself.

But the power he transplanted was different.

The Knight System was mainly a fusion between humans and undead creatures, but the two could not be re-integrated into one, and humans were always humans.

This fusion was not perfect, and there was no way to fully exert the power of undead creatures.

The system transformed on Tianwang Lu Boshi's arm was different.

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