Why can't I find anyone during this period, and there is no news yet.

After coming half an hour early and waiting for a long time, Yamanaka Mochi finally waited for Kamijiro Mutsuki.

However, when she saw Kamijiro Mutsuki again, she was very surprised.

Because the outfit of Kamijiro Mutsuki at this time was completely different from the previous Kamijiro Mutsuki.

Although he was more cowardly before, he was always dressed in sportswear and looked full of youthful vitality.

And the current Kamijiro Mutsuki, a black suit with a black hat, and a chain hanging around his neck.

He looked a bit out of place, not like a student at all, but like a street kid.

"Mutsuki! Where have you been during this period? Why didn't you contact us?

Do you know how anxious I am, do you know how anxious uncle and aunt are?!"

Walking over and hugging Kamijiro Mutsuki, Yamanaka Mochi couldn't help but start to talk about what happened during this period.

The face of Kamijiro Mutsuki who was hugged did not change at all. He was no longer the previous Kamijiro Mutsuki.

Facing the girl he once liked, he didn't feel much now.

Pushing the other party away directly, Shangcheng Mutsuki said with a cold face.

"The reason why I called you out is not to listen to you, but to ask you to help me do something."

Facing the rude Shangcheng Mutsuki, Yamanaka Nozomi was completely confused

Is this still the old Mutsuki? Why does the tone of his speech feel so stiff?

Most importantly, how can he treat me like this? !

Carefully holding Shangcheng Mutsuki's arm, Yamanaka Nozomi pleaded,

"Mutsuki, what's wrong with you? You never acted like this before."

Hearing this, Shangcheng Mutsuki didn't say much, and directly chopped Yamanaka Nozomi's neck with a knife.

Yamanaka Nozomi fainted immediately after being attacked.

Yamanaka Nozomi probably never thought that she would be treated like this by Shangcheng Mutsuki.

Picking her up, Shangcheng Mutsuki found a suitable place to put Yamanaka Nozomi down.

Afterwards, Kamijou Mutsuki took out his cell phone and called Tachibana Sakuya.

Faced with the sudden call from Kamijou Mutsuki, Tachibana Sakuya was confused for a moment about what the other party wanted to do.

"Hello! Mutsuki, where are you now?"

Without answering Tachibana Sakuya's question, Kamijou Mutsuki directly put forward his request.

"Tachibana Senior, I hope you can do me a favor, bring the awakening card that originally belonged to me and return it to me."

Hearing this, Tachibana Sakuya frowned immediately

How could he easily return the card to Kamijou Mutsuki.

The other party is now controlled by the spider undead creature. If he returns the card to Kamijou Mutsuki, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

"No! The card can't be returned to you!"

His tone was very firm, he would never return these cards.

"Haha! Don't talk so early, I have someone here, I guess you should know him.

If I don't get the card, then I can't guarantee her safety."

The sneer coming from the phone made Tachibana Sakuya feel bad.

Could it be that this kid, Kamijou Mutsuki, has kidnapped someone?

Just then, a sound came from the phone, and it was a message.

When he opened the newly obtained message, he found that it was a picture. The person in this picture was also familiar to Tachibana Saku


He never thought that this kid, Kamijou Mutsuki, would be so cruel that he would even use his girlfriend as a trade!

"Did you receive the message? The person is in my hands now. You must take the things out for me, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

The other party's sinister tone made Tachibana Saku suddenly startled.

Tachibana Saku was also a little dumbfounded for a while. He didn't expect that things would evolve to this extent.

After reacting, Tachibana Saku also scolded loudly.

"Mutsuki! Do you know what you are doing?!

Nozomi is your girlfriend, and you actually used your girlfriend as a hostage?!"

He never thought that Kamijou Mutsuki would be so crazy.

In order to get the card back, he even attacked his girlfriend.

Tachibana Saku still had a very deep impression of the girl Yamanaka Nozomi.

No matter what changes happened to Kamijiro Mutsuki, Yamanaka Nozomi seemed to be looking forward to her changing back.

I didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to this extent.

Tachibana Saku also clenched his fists tightly. If he was in front of Kamijiro Mutsuki at this time, he would definitely slap her hard.


"Hmph! I have already told you my conditions. Bring all my cards and I will naturally let her go.

Don't talk to me about conditions. I am no longer the former Kamijiro Mutsuki.

I will give you an hour. You will come to this place in an hour."

Then, Tachibana Saku received a new message with an address written on it.

"I will only give you an hour. After an hour, if I don't see what I want, I can't guarantee the safety of this woman."

After that, Kamijiro Mutsuki hung up the phone directly.

"Beep beep beep!!"

Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone, Tachibana Saku never thought that things would develop to this extent.

Kamijo Mutsuki could be said to have gone crazy, actually wanting to use his girlfriend in exchange.

After scratching his hair vigorously, Ju Shuo also felt a little upset and angry at this moment.

At this time, Shima Noboru suddenly walked in from outside. He also heard the conversation between Tachibana Sakuya and Kamijo Mutsuki just now.

Handing the card that belonged to Kamijo Mutsuki to Tachibana Sakuya, Mingsheng said with a solemn expression.

"Tachibana, Mutsuki Kamijo has fallen deeply into darkness now, and there is no way to bring him back.

Otherwise, the person he cares about the most in his heart has now become his hostage, and there is no possibility of getting him back.

If you can, please...defeat him completely.

When he said this, Shima Noboru also thought carefully.

Kamijo Mutsuki had no choice but to change back. When he saw her before, Ming Sheng was already very sure that the original Kamijo Mutsuki had completely disappeared.

What is left now is Kamijo Mutsuki, who has been completely eroded by the will of the spider undead.

Although it looks the same as before, the essence has undergone earth-shaking changes.

"Mr. Shima

Opening his mouth, Ju Shuo also wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't.

Things had come to this point, and he could no longer defend Mutsuki Kamijo.

"I see.

Holding the card in his hand, Ju Shuo had already made a decision in his heart.

This matter can only be done by him!

It was because of him that Mutsuki Kamijo was involved in this matter. No matter what, he had to give this matter a result.

Even if the outcome of this matter is not good in the end, he can only do it.

Afterwards, Ju Shuo took the card and left.

There is now less than an hour, so we can only advance but not postpone.

Looking at the figure riding the motorcycle away, Shima Noboru sighed slightly.


The spider undead creature is really harmful. Even though it has been sealed, it still hasn't given up and caused this series of things.

Since he had successfully broken the sealing stone, Lu Li was trying to do something.

That is the Communicating Earth Library.

He previously speculated that it might be due to the existence of the sealing stone that he was unable to enter the Earth Library in this world.

So now that the sealing slate is gone, this means that he should be able to enter the Earth Library.

Although it was a different time, Lu Li, who had integrated the power of the earth, was very sensitive to the existence of the Earth Library.

Closing his eyes, Lu Li's consciousness was directly immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he began to use his consciousness to communicate with the Earth Library.

Soon, what was originally pitch black suddenly turned into day.

And in this pure white sea of ​​consciousness, a large number of bookshelves appeared, with various books placed on them.


Lu Li entered the Earth Library again. Although it was a different world, the effect was the same.

Lu Li, who has not integrated the earth's memory in this world, cannot directly mobilize the earth's memory and can only use the earth's library.

Sure enough, just as he had guessed, without the obstruction of the sealing stone slab, Lu Li could now enter and leave the place unimpeded!

Looking at the Earth Library, Lu Li searched carefully and found the book about the sealing slate.

A book that looks very unique, even unique.

From the knowledge in this book, Lu Li learned the specific information about the sealing stone slab.

The sealing slate is indeed a kind of artificial intelligence-like existence, possessing great divine power, but it is not a real god.

That is the power given by the earth to the sealing stone slab in order to find a race suitable to rule the world.

It is precisely because of this that undead creatures were created and extreme battles were carried out.

After learning the news, Lu Li didn't feel anything strange at all. He had already guessed this situation before.

Throwing the book in his hand lightly, the book seemed to be pulled by some force and returned directly to the bookshelf.

Afterwards, Lu Li briefly checked some information.

When Lu Li opened his eyes, he found Cheng Guang and Yoshinaga Miyuki staring at him with curious expressions on their faces.

"What are you looking at?"

Blinking her eyes, Miyuki Yoshinaga said curiously.

"What happened to you just now? Why did you suddenly close your eyes and seem to be very serious?"

Hearing this, Lu Li directly told them about the Earth Library.

The only person who can enter the Earth Library is Lu Li, so even telling them would be useless.

"Earth Library?!"

"The data that records everything on earth?!"

The two of them were very surprised. They didn't expect that such a magical thing existed.

Did Lu Li explain the problem of the Earth Library? After all, he and the others couldn't get in. No matter how much he explained, it would be useless.

When checking the information just now, Lu Li specifically asked about the situation of Spade Kig, and found that this guy had been sealed, and the person who sealed him was still

Kazuma Kenzaki.

Sure enough, Kenzaki Kazuma has successfully sealed the undead creature of the Great Kabuto, which means that this guy can now use the power of Kig.Form.

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