Lu Li really wants to fight with Kenzaki Ichima, who can fuse thirteen undead creatures, who has transformed into the Emperor Sword.

After waiting for so long, it was not in vain. The Emperor Sword finally appeared.

As for Emperor Geren, it is unknown how long it will take for Jin Ju to be sealed by Ju Shuoya.

But now at least there is an Emperor Sword, which can already relax his muscles in advance, and it is just right to try the power of the fifth category Ac Hellhound:

"I'm going to go out for a trip, do you want to come with me?"

"Of course!"

The two people's voices sounded in unison. Obviously, both of them guessed what Lu Li was going to do.


Just now, they had noticed that Lu Li's eyes released a burst of fighting spirit.

Whenever Lu Li's eyes released fighting spirit, it meant that there would definitely be a battle.

After Ju Shuoya left, Shima Noboru went to 3.8 to find Kenzaki Ichima and told him what happened just now.

After learning about this, Kenzaki Ichima stood up in surprise.

"What?! Mutsuki kidnapped his girlfriend and wanted to exchange his card?!"

He even thought he had heard it wrong. Is Kamijiro Mutsuki so cruel now? He even didn't let his girlfriend go.

It's no wonder he was so surprised. After all, although Kamijiro Mutsuki behaved a little bit hateful before, he didn't do anything too outrageous.

But this time, things are completely different.

Usually using his girlfriend to threaten them to hand over the card, this behavior is simply not manly.

"Kenzaki, Mutsuki has been completely swallowed up by the category Ace and has no self.

Although it is best to let Tachibana do this, I am worried that he can't do it.

So I want you to go with me. If Tachibana can't do it, then everything is up to you.

Mutsuki's existence will only threaten the safety of more people. He has become a complete undead creature."

With a heavy tone, Shima Noboru didn't want the matter to go to this point.

But there is no way, things have come to this point.

If we continue to let it go, the situation will become more and more serious, and it may be out of control at that time.

"Okay! I'll go too."

Kenzaki Kazuma took a deep breath and made a decision in his heart.

It's meaningless to think about other things at this time. We must find a way to solve this matter.

And Kamijou Mutsuki has done a lot of wrong things until now. This time it's even worse. He even threatened them with his beloved woman.

This behavior is unforgivable!

Putting on a helmet, Kenzaki Kazuma rushed to the destination at a high speed.

Although he was also indecisive in his heart, he might be more decisive than Tachibana Sakuya at this time.

Chapter 482 You. Let me solve it! Lu Li: End it for him personally!

In a blink of an eye, Tachibana Sakuya has also arrived at the place that Kamijou Mutsuki said.

Before he came here, Kamijou Mutsuki had been waiting here with Yamanaka Nozomi.

Yamanaka Nozomi, who was in a coma, was put on the ground and lay quietly.

Looking at the unconscious Yamanaka Nozomi, Tachibana Saku also had a flash of self-blame in his eyes.

It was because of his own fault that the couple became like this, and he felt very sorry.

"Tachibana Senior, did you bring the things I wanted?"

Kamijou Mutsuki sneered.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did.

He just wanted to achieve his own goals, and he didn't feel anything wrong with what he did.

What's more, he is no longer a human being now.

Although his body is still the same as before, and the blood flowing out is still red, his will has completely become an undead creature.

Without taking out the awakening card immediately, Tachibana Saku also stared at Kamijou Mutsuki and asked in a deep voice.

"Mutsuki, do you know what you are doing now? Nozomi, she is your girlfriend and has always been very concerned about your safety.

But you are hurting her like this now, do you think your behavior is worthy of her love for you?!"

I thought Tachibana Saku would say something, but I didn't expect it to be just like this.

Uejo Mutsuki curled his lips in disdain.

"Girlfriend? What's the meaning of this thing to me? She is just a tool for me to exchange things now.

Okay! Stop talking nonsense to me. Have you brought what I want?"

He was very eager to get his own card back, but he didn't have time to dawdle with Tachibana Saku.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Tachibana Saku also took out the cards from his pocket.

If possible, he really didn't want to return these cards to Uejo Mutsuki.

But now, he had no choice at all.

He knew in his heart that Uejo Mutsuki at this time, as Shima Noboru said before, was completely controlled by the will of the spider undead creature.

It can be said that he...maybe he is no longer a human being.

Can a person be so ruthless and ungrateful?


At this time, Yamanaka Nozomi, who was lying on the ground in a coma, suddenly opened her eyes in a daze and was shocked when she saw the unfamiliar environment around her.

But when she saw that the figure standing in front of her was actually Kamijiro Mutsuki, she immediately recalled the 17 things that happened before.

She... was knocked unconscious by Kamijiro Mutsuki!

"Mutsuki! Why... did you knock me unconscious?"

Holding her slightly painful neck, Yamanaka Mochimi sat on the ground, her eyes full of confusion.

Kamijiro Mutsuki and Tachibana Saku also turned their eyes to her.

Seeing Yamanaka Mochimi suddenly wake up, Kamijiro Mutsuki was a little surprised.

I thought the other party would sleep longer, but I didn't expect that he would wake up so quickly.

But now none of this matters, the important thing is to get his card back first.

Seeing that Tachibana Saku hadn't moved yet, Kamijiro Mutsuki couldn't help but frown and urge him.

"Senior Tachibana! Hurry up and don't test my patience!"

He didn't want anything to happen, and I also wanted to get back the cards I got back as soon as possible.

Seeing that Kamijiro Mutsuki didn't have any emotional changes when facing Yamanaka Mochimi, he knew that Kamijiro Mutsuki had indeed changed.

Having made up his mind, Tachibana Saku threw all the cards in his hand directly.

When these cards were thrown out, all the cards were thrown in a very chaotic manner.

Looking at his cards floating everywhere, Kamijiro Mutsuki's face suddenly changed, and he rushed over to pick up the cards.

This was Tachibana Saku's purpose.

He threw these cards closer to him just to lure Kamijiro Mutsuki away.

Just as Kamijiro Mutsuki left his previous position and rushed towards the cards, Tachibana Saku immediately took out the knight's buckle.



Rushing up quickly, passing through the blue light curtain, Tachibana Saku has also become Gren.

"Damn it! So this is what you are planning! Don't even think about stopping me!

Mutsuki Kamijiro has naturally discovered what Gelen wants to do.

He just wants to lure me away in this way, and at the same time restrain me, or even kill me here.

It's not that easy!

Mutsuki Kamijiro quickly took out the knight's buckle and shouted loudly.


"Open.Up! "

He passed through the purple light curtain, transformed into Lian Geer, and rushed forward immediately.

His goal was still those cards. As long as he could get these cards, he would not necessarily lose.

This time, he even wanted to snatch the awakening fusion machine held by Geeren.

Although he did not have the corresponding category Queen, at least he could get the awakening fusion machine first.

Yamanoko, who had just woken up, was very surprised at what was happening in front of her.

She had no idea what was going on and why there were two Kamen Riders fighting.

The most important thing was that one of the two was Tachibana senior whom she knew, and the other was her boyfriend, Kamijiro Mutsuki.

What on earth was going on?!


Looking at the green figure, Yamanaka Nozomi had no idea what was going on!

Why did the two Kamen Riders fight each other, and why did Kamijiro Mutsuki change so much:

Since Lian Geer took the lead, he naturally arrived at the place where the cards fell faster and quickly started to pick up the cards.

Gren certainly couldn't let him succeed, and immediately used the awakening gun to shoot.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Bullets flew out from the muzzle one after another, hitting the back of Lian Geer's hand accurately.

Lian Geer had only picked up a few cards, and was forced to stop and dodge.

Although the knight armor has good defensive power, it does not mean that all attacks can be resisted:

Tough resistance will also hurt yourself, and avoiding damage as much as possible will be more beneficial for the next battle.

Now I haven't picked up all the cards, but at least it has been reduced to half, which is enough for the time being.

Lian Geer immediately drew out the awakening stick and rushed towards Ge Lian. It was the same to pick up the cards after defeating the opponent.

Afterwards, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

Because Ge Lian was calm and did not have much emotional fluctuations, he did not burst out too strong combat power.

He and Lian Geer could only be evenly matched, without taking the advantage.

In this case, Lian Geer's combat power was stronger, and he even felt like he was suppressing Ge Lian.

"Senior Tachibana, it's wrong for you to deceive the juniors. We agreed to exchange, but you chose to use such despicable means."

Gren kicked Lianger's arm with a sweeping kick, knocking him back two steps.

"Stop talking nonsense! Since I made you like this, I have the responsibility and obligation to change you back!

If you can't change back! Then... I will kill you myself!"

Hearing this, Lianger sneered.

"Haha! Kill me? Then I want to see who will kill whom between us!

I'm... Q-ed!

The fierce battle between the two did not seem to be fake at all.

Yamano Nozomi really couldn't understand why they were fighting so fiercely when they were all Kamen Riders.

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