Regardless of the pain in his neck, he quickly stood up from the ground and shouted loudly.

"Musuki! Tachibana-senpai! What's going on between you? Why are you fighting? Isn't there something you can't talk about?"

But no matter how she shouted, the struggle between the two did not stop.

Feeling that he was at a disadvantage, Ge Lian did not hesitate at all and directly took out the Awakening Fusion Machine, and at the same time quickly drew out two advanced undead cards.

"Absorb. Queen! Fusion. Jack!"

A golden peacock covered his breastplate, and his whole person suddenly burst into a burst of golden light.

The silver-white armor turned into gold, and several pairs of wings appeared behind him.

Kamen Rider Galen. Bodyguard form!

When he saw Ge Lian transforming into a guard, Lenger's eyes flashed with fire.

He must find a way to obtain this powerful form. The first thing is to awaken the fusion machine.

Only by grabbing that piece of equipment can you have the opportunity to use this form.

After transforming into a guard, Ge Lian's combat power has improved a lot compared to before, and he has been able to suppress Leng Ge.

But it is only limited to suppression, and there is no way to unilaterally crush it.

During the close combat, Ge Lian's gun happened to be pointed at Lenger, and he suddenly pulled the trigger.


Faced with such a close range shot, Lian Geer had no time to dodge and was shot directly in the chest.


Sparks burst out from the armor on his chest, and Lenger took a few steps back.

Feeling the pain coming from his chest, Lian Ge also knew that it would be difficult to suppress Ge Lian in his current state.

Since it cannot be suppressed by this method, there is no other way.

When he was picking up cards just now, he picked up two cards first. These two cards were Club 10 and Club Jack.

I chose these two cards first to be able to encounter uncertain situations in battle, but I didn’t expect that they would actually come in handy now.

Directly brush the Plum Blossom 10 Remote Tapir through the Awakening Staff.


Quickly throw out the Jack of Clubs in your hand, affected by the power of 10 clubs, the seal will be released directly.

A sturdy elephant undead creature appeared on the spot. Its huge and strong body gave people a feeling that it was not easy to mess with.

"Hmph! So what if you become a stronger form? I also have helpers, let's see who is more powerful! Come on!"

Following his order, the controlled elephant undead creature immediately attacked.

Facing the powerful elephant undead creature, even Ge Lian, who has become a guard, needs to be careful.

If that terrifying hammer hits me, I will definitely have a hard time.

When the elephant undead creatures began to attack, Leng Geer of course could not stand aside and watch the battle, but immediately started attacking from both sides from the other direction.

Ge Lian also fell into a hard fight for a while, feeling a little stretched when dealing with Lenger and the elephant undead at the same time.

Noticing that the two of them seemed to have no intention of stopping, Nozomi Yamanaka could only watch anxiously.

The two were fighting so fiercely that she, a girl, could not get involved.

"Musuki, what's wrong with you?"

Recalling that Kamijo Mutsuki suddenly knocked her unconscious before, and now she was fighting Tachibana Sakuya, she really couldn't figure out where the weak Kamijo Mutsuki had gone.


Just as the two sides were engaged in a fierce battle, Lu Li also arrived.

For Lu Li now, it is a very simple matter to find Kazuma Kenzaki or Sakuya Tachibana and others.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they arrived here, they would be able to see the fierce battle between Ge Lian and Leng Geer.

The two sides fought back and forth, and because of the help of the elephant undead creatures, Lenger still had a slight advantage.

While the fight between Ge Lian and the elephant undead creature was fierce, Leng Ge hurriedly picked up a few other cards that fell on the ground.

All the cards were finally back in his hands, and his power was back.

Lu Li probably knew what happened, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, the undead spider creature really did all kinds of bad things.

This guy not only took over Kamijo Mutsuki's body, but now he also used some despicable methods.

It's right to think about it. The spider undead creature has been determined to control Liang Geer from the beginning, and he can use any means.

"That guy? I gave him a harsh lesson during the last battle. Unexpectedly, I met him again.

Cheng Guanghuan crossed his hands with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

She remembered very clearly that she had given this guy a good lesson last time.

Even if the opponent summoned the elephant undead creature, they still would not escape the outcome of defeat.

Regarding this matter, Lu Li also heard Cheng Guang mention that Lenger, who always liked to call himself the strongest knight, was defeated time and time again.

I don't know where the confidence comes from, claiming to be playing Q.

It is obvious that he has been defeated many times, but he has been defeated many times. I can only say that he is very strong!

Shaking his head helplessly, Lu Li could feel that Lenger was completely controlled by the 570 Spider Undead at this time.

In the past, I could vaguely sense the presence of Kamijo Mutsuki's will, but now I can barely sense any presence.

It doesn't matter anyway, he's just an insignificant knight.

But the reason why this guy became like this has something to do with Lu Li.

After becoming a knight, Lenger was hit hard by Lu Li many times.

It is precisely because of this that you will be stimulated many times, and you will find huge changes in the middle.

Although there is no direct correlation between the two, there are also indirect effects.

Shaking his head slightly, Yoshinaga Miyuki sighed.

"Living is nothing but suffering. Now my body is completely controlled by the undead, like a walking corpse.

In this state, it feels like death, at least not like this. "

Lu Li could now feel that Kenzaki Kazuma was speeding towards this side.

But the other party still has a little time to arrive here.

In order to wait for the battle with the Imperial Sword later, what Lu Li had to do now was to eliminate other obstacles.

Liang Ge was an obstacle, and Lu Li didn't want someone else to suddenly intervene while he was fighting.

This guy is a shit stirrer.

"You guys wait here for a moment, I'm going to get rid of that guy first. What he's become like this can be regarded as the result of my experiment.

It's time to give him an ending... It's up to me to end it for him with my own hands. "

As he spoke, Lu Li took the initiative to move forward.

Ge Lian and Leng Ge, who were fighting seriously at this time, did not notice that Lu Li was approaching them.

Seeing that Lu Li actually wanted to take action, Shiromitsu and Yoshinaga Miyuki could already guess the outcome of this battle.

There will be no winner among them, and the one who wins in the end must be Lu Li.

Of this, the two of them had no doubt.

Even the type Kig, or the terrifying-looking Cerberus, are very powerful beings.

But even if such a powerful guy faced Lu Li, he could only be defeated and hated in the end.

Nozomi Yamanaka was extremely anxious at this time. She didn't want either of them to get hurt, especially Lenger.

Suddenly, she noticed Lu Li walking towards the two of them, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Hey! Stop it! Don't go any further, it's very dangerous!"

She thought that some interested person had discovered the Kamen Rider and was preparing to take a photo or something. Such a dangerous behavior would be a complete suicide.

Upon hearing this, Lu Li's eyes flashed with surprise.

This girl has a good heart.

However, Lu Li was not an ordinary person, nor was he a photographer interested in Kamen Rider.

After finishing collecting the remaining dropped cards, Lian Ge immediately noticed Lu Li.

"Land from?!"

He never expected that Lu Li would suddenly appear here.

When he saw Lu Li, a flash of fear unconsciously flashed through his purple eyes.

Lu Li's sudden appearance brought back some bad memories in his mind.

Chapter 483 The strong-mouthed knight! The power of death erodes! Use Q to end the game!

The first time he completed his transformation and appeared on the stage, Lu Li gave him an impressive lesson, and he even did it many times after that.

Unknowingly, Lenger had an inexplicable feeling of fear towards Lu Li.

Normally it might not have any impact, but once Lu Li appeared in front of him, uneasiness and fear would arise spontaneously in his heart.

"Qiang! Chi!!"

Here, Gren also seized the opportunity to immediately repel the elephant undead.

Then he released a one-hit kill instantly, sealing the elephant undead creature again.

When he also noticed Lu Li, his eyes were full of solemnity.

Currently, among the undead creatures that remain unsolved, Lu Li is undoubtedly the most powerful and the most difficult to deal with.

The experience he suffered at the hands of Lu Li is still vivid in his mind, and of course Ge Lian will not forget it.

Even though he was currently in the Jack.Form state, Green had no chance of winning at all.

The opponent is too strong and difficult to deal with!

I'm afraid that currently only Kenzaki Kazuma's King.Form can compete with the opponent.

With eyes full of fear, Ge even tightened the awakening gun in his hand, not daring to act rashly.

Due to the appearance of Lu Li, the battle between Ge Lian and Leng Ge ended early.

Nozomi Yamanaka, who noticed this situation, had a strong look of surprise in his eyes, obviously not understanding what was going on.

Why is this happening? !

Didn’t you fight very hard just now? Why did it stop suddenly now?

Could it be... is it all because of this man who suddenly appeared?

As an ordinary person, she couldn't figure out what this situation was for a while.

Looking at the two people who had stopped, Lu Li smiled.

"Isn't the fight just now very powerful? Why did it stop suddenly? You don't have to worry about me. I can wait for you to finish the fight."

He didn't mind waiting a little longer.

Hearing this, Ge Liandang asked coldly.

"Lu Li, what do you want to do again?!"

He really couldn't understand why Lu Li suddenly appeared here.

Neither he nor Lian Geer can be the opponent of the other party.

At this point, Green knew it well.

They had fought many times, and he knew very well that even if he and Lian Ge combined together, there was no way he could fight against Lu Li.

"I'm not here for you two, I just happened to meet you.

I think you guys should have noticed his current state. The real Kamijou Mutsuki no longer exists.

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