He prayed in his heart, hoping that the Emperor Sword would be safe.

Titan's strength was not weak at all, and Gren was unable to take any advantage of him for a while.

Most importantly, he had to guard against this guy's invisibility ability.

Once this guy entered the invisible state, Gren could do nothing except be on guard.

Suddenly, Titan entered the invisible state again, and lost the target's vision all of a sudden. Gren could only be on guard to prevent the opponent from suddenly attacking.



Suddenly, a purple poisonous tail thorn attacked.

Gren, who was always on guard, reacted immediately and rolled to the side to avoid it.

The poisonous thorn pierced the ground and failed to inject the poison into Gren's body.

Titan's sneak attack failed, and then he immediately entered the invisible state.

This is Titan's biggest advantage, and of course he must make good use of it.

At this time, Gren quickly drew a card, which was the 8 of Diamonds that he had hardly used, Thoroughly Investigate the Bat.


In addition to the tracking ability of the bullets fired, the Thorough Bat can also help Green improve its perception.

In this state, Green can more easily perceive the slightest changes and find the target more easily.

A very subtle sound came into his ears, and Green instantly determined where the target was.


"Bang, bang, bang!"

Glen pulled the trigger without hesitation, and he didn't even have to worry about the bullets he shot missing.

In a place where no one could be seen, the bullets hit the target accurately, and bursts of sparks burst out.

"Ugh! !"

The Titan, who was knocked to the ground by the impact of the bullet, was really a little unresponsive for a while.

It didn't understand what was going on for the time being. Why could the other party find it when it was in stealth mode?

Quickly draw out two cards, he must seize this opportunity now and kill Titan directly:

This guy's stealth ability is really annoying, and he may be hit by his stinger if he is not careful.


"Fire! ”

The descending whale of the 5 of diamonds, and the flaming firefly of the 6 of diamonds!

The wings behind him spread out and took Gren to the sky directly, and fell rapidly after reaching a certain height.

The flaming energy bloomed above his feet and gathered madly on his feet.


"Ha! !"

Titan had just stood up from the ground and had no time to avoid this fatal attack. He was hit directly by Gren's ultimate move on the spot.

Under the terrifying explosive power, Titan was blown away on the spot and fell heavily to the ground.

"Boom! ! "

Accompanied by the sound of an explosion, Titan lay powerlessly on the ground, and the two buckles on his waist opened at the same time.

Seeing this, Gren quickly threw out two blank cards, and Titan was sealed by the two cards respectively.

When the two cards returned to his hand, Gren finally saw what the two cards were.

The 10 of Diamonds stole the chameleon and the 8 of Clubs was a poisonous scorpion!

After successfully sealing Titan, Gren immediately flew to the place where the Emperor Sword fell just now.

At this time, he already had a feeling of uneasiness in his heart. Even if it was the Emperor Sword, he might not be able to gain any advantage in this battle.

Back to Lu Li.

Floating in the air, Lu Li looked down at the huge pit and the smoke and dust that appeared below.

He was curious about the current situation of the Emperor Sword.

The body slowly descended and fell into the smoke and dust. Lu Li was not worried at all that he would be suddenly attacked.

"Swish! ! "

A sound of cutting air suddenly came.

Lu Li reacted immediately and grabbed the attacking Reawakening Sword with his backhand.

PS: Thank you for the monthly ticket of 一

17874.! 1

Chapter 486 An unsatisfied battle! Not over yet, erased memories

I didn't expect this guy to be so tenacious.

Just now, if Kenzaki Ichi was controlling his body with his consciousness, he would have been lying down long ago after falling from such a high place.

But now he is controlled by the fighting instinct and does not seem to feel any pain.

He only knows that he can continue to fight now, and his body has not reached the limit of fighting.

Bare-handed into the white blade!

Lu Li used his extremely powerful strength to forcibly grasp the Reawakening Sword, and the powerful blow of the Emperor Sword could not move forward at all.

Being directly used force The Emperor Sword, who was suppressed by all his strength, immediately grasped the Reawakening Sword with both hands and pulled with all his strength, trying to regain control of the Reawakening Sword.

Seeing him like this, Lu Li sneered at this sudden release.

The Emperor Sword, who was already exerting all his strength, suddenly lost his restraints and staggered backwards.

Before he could bring his body to meet the next attack, a huge fist appeared in front of him.

A punch hit his head, and the Emperor Sword could not control his body balance and fell to the ground on the spot.

The body rolled back, and the Emperor Sword was ready to stand up and fight again.

But before the Emperor Sword launched a new round of offensive, a hand suddenly grabbed his neck directly.

The extremely powerful force lifted his body up.

The Emperor Sword's legs kept shaking, and his body kept struggling, trying to get rid of the restraints:

He didn't even care about his neck being strangled, and immediately raised the Reawakening Sword and chopped it down, as if he was going to kill Lu Li first.

However, he didn't know what kind of terrifying guy he was facing.

He grabbed the wrist of the Emperor Sword and used a little force to force the Reawakening Sword in his hand to fall down.


The heavy Reawakening Sword fell to the ground with a dull sound.

Seeing the Emperor Sword still struggling, Lu Li shook his head slightly.

Although this guy's fighting power was still okay after losing consciousness, he didn't even have a burst at all.

If "Zero Two Zero" was under the control of Kenzaki Ichima, once this guy's emotions exploded, his fighting power would soar straight up, and Lu Li would fight more happily.

This time, it can only be said that he was not satisfied.

With a sudden force on his arm, Lu Li directly dragged the Emperor Sword and smashed it hard to the ground.


There was only a loud bang, and the Emperor Sword, which was still struggling, suddenly became quiet at this time.

Relying on the fighting instinct to fight also requires a certain vague consciousness.

But now the Emperor Sword has obviously lost consciousness completely.

As expected, the Emperor Sword passively canceled its transformation in the next second.

Kenzaki Ichima, who was lying on the ground, looked scarred and was completely in a coma, but there was no danger of life.

Letting go of Kenzaki Ichima, Lu Li also canceled his transformation the moment he stood up.

The Emperor Sword in this state is not what Lu Li wants.

This guy was actually controlled by the fighting instinct when fighting. I thought he could have fun, but it seems that it is still a little short.

Seeing that the smoke and dust in the surrounding confusion had not dissipated, Lu Li waved his hand and a gust of wind suddenly blew.

The smoke and dust in the sky were quickly dissipated under the wind.

Ge Lian, who had just arrived here, felt a tightness in his heart when he saw Kenzaki Ichima lying on the ground and Lu Li standing.

Especially Kenzaki Ichima was covered with scars, and it was obvious that he was not in good condition.

Noticing Ge Lian coming, Lu Li did not attack him again.

"Ju, I am looking forward to your Kig.Form. By the way, tell Kenzaki Ichima that if you want to defeat me, you must first resist the influence of the fighting instinct.

If he loses consciousness again when fighting me next time, don't blame me for being rude.

After saying that, Lu Li disappeared instantly.

Seeing Lu Li disappear without a trace, Ge Lian's nervous mood suddenly relaxed.

He knew very well in his heart that even if he wanted to fight Lu Li, he would not be able to deal with Lu Li with his own strength.

Even the Emperor Sword using Kig.Form could not deal with Lu Li. Taking the initiative to rush up was no different from delivering food.

Because of what Lu Li said just now, Ge Lian was not very worried that Kenzaki Ichima would have any life safety problems.

This guy seemed dissatisfied with this battle, and even I also hope that I can use Kig.Form.

What is his purpose...?

Is it just for fighting?

Up to now, he has never figured out this question.

Puzzled, Geren immediately canceled his transformation and ran to the deep pit that was previously smashed by the Emperor Sword.

Although it seems that the Emperor Sword is not in a very good state at the moment, he can feel the other party's steady breathing, so he knows that it has not been affected too much.

Silently relieved, Geren immediately helped Kenzaki Kazuma up and prepared to take him back to the previous place.

He did not forget the unconscious Yamanaka Nozomi, and wanted to see how she was.

Here, Lu Li suddenly appeared next to Chengguang and Yoshinaga Miyuki.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Lu Li, the two have now become accustomed to it and are not surprised.

"Lu Li, you are too powerful! So strong! ”

In the battle just now, Yoshinaga Miyuki felt that she was a little excited.

Of course, just watching excitedly does not mean that she wants to fight.

Cheng Guang also nodded in agreement.

Her previous goal may be the Category King, and after she has surpassed or even defeated the Category King, she has a new goal.

Keep up with Lu Li's pace and become stronger.

She had thought before whether she could grow to surpass Lu Li in the future.

This idea has been completely rejected by her.

It is true that she is getting stronger little by little, but Lu Li is also getting stronger.

Every time she thinks that she may be close to Lu Li, she will find out how ridiculous her idea is.

Lu Li never used his full strength from beginning to end, and Lu Li was even able to destroy the seal stone slab as a ruler, which is already a power comparable to that of a god.

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