Chengguang doesn't think she can match the gods, but she thinks she can be the strongest among the gods.

"There's nothing surprising. I can even destroy the sealing stone. Do you think I won't be confident against an imperial sword?"

Lu Li smiled calmly and walked forward.

The two nodded thoughtfully and quickly followed.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with what I just said. Even God is no match, let alone an imperial sword that borrows the power created by God.

Tachibana Saku also carried the scarred Kenzaki Kazuma back to the previous place, and quickly woke up Yamanaka Nozomi who was lying on the ground.

Nozomi Yamanaka woke up after a long sleep, looking dazed.

When she saw Tachibana Sakuya, a flash of surprise suddenly flashed in her eyes.

"Senior Tachibana, why am I here? Where is this place?"

The confusion in her eyes showed that she didn't seem to understand why she was here at all, and she seemed to have lost her memory.

Frowning slightly, Ju Shuo also prompted.

"Nozomi, don't you remember? You were brought here by Mutsuki.

"Musuki? Mutsuki...who is this person? I don't seem to recognize him.

After thinking hard for a while, Nozomi Yamanaka shook her head. She found that there was no memory related to this person in her mind.


This time it was Ju Shuo's turn to be shocked.

He looked at Nozomi Yamanaka with a surprised look on his face.

After asking a few more questions, I found that although this girl didn't know Kamijo Mutsuki, she knew everyone else she should know.

I just forgot about Kamijo Mutsuki

It's not accurate to say that. To be precise, it should be that in her opinion, there has never been anyone named Kamijo Mutsuki in her life.

how so? !

Ju Shuo was also very shocked and couldn't help but recall what Lu Li had done before.

Could it be that Lu Li erased all her memories of Kamijo Mutsuki? !

It's totally possible!

The opponent is a powerful undead creature, so erasing a person's memory may not be a surprise.

Thinking of this situation, Tachibana Sakuya's eyes became quite complicated.

He couldn't figure out what Lu Li meant by doing this.

He was obviously very cruel to Mutsuki Kamijo. When Lu Li attacked Nozomi Yamanaka, Tachibana Shuo thought that this girl would also suffer the same cruelty.

Unexpectedly, Lu Li just deleted the memory of Mutsuki Kamijo in his mind.

This... why?

For a moment, Ju Shuo couldn't figure out the reason why Lu Li did this.

Showing kindness?

Or is it a discovery of conscience?

He didn't feel that it was the case. According to his understanding, Lu Li was not that kind of person at all.

Seeing Nozomi Yamanaka who was quite confused and didn't seem to know what was going on, Jushuo resisted the idea of ​​telling her all this.

Nozomi Yamanaka is a good girl with a kind heart, but she meets an unreliable boyfriend like Mutsuki Kamijo.

Maybe... it would be a good thing for her not to have this memory.

Witnessing the death of Mutsuki Kamijo probably left an indelible mark on his mind.

Now deleting this memory can be regarded as a kind of protection for her.

After reacting, Tachibana Shuo also shook his head slightly and stopped explaining to her what happened to Kamijo Mutsuki:

"It's nothing. If nothing happens, you can go back quickly. It's not very safe outside. My friend is a little injured. I want to take him back."

After hearing the instructions, Nozomi Yamanaka nodded slightly.

"Okay, Senior Tachibana, I'll go back first, and you should be careful."

Afterwards, Nozomi Yamanaka left directly.

She had completely forgotten about Mutsuki Kamijo. To be precise, she had no memory of this person in her mind.

Looking at the retreating figure, Ju Shuo also sighed slightly.

That's fine, otherwise I might have felt sad about the beauty in the mountains.

Not long after, Torataro Shirai and Shiori Hirose arrived in a vehicle.

Considering Kazuma Kenzaki's current condition, he could only be towed back by car. The motorcycle was definitely not very good, and Tachibana Shuo had just notified the two of them to come.

When the two of them saw Kenzaki Kazuma with injuries all over his body, they were shocked.

Quickly running over to hold Kenzaki Kazuma, Shirai Torataro asked in surprise.

"Senior Tachibana, what happened? Why is the sword wound so severe?"

“Let’s talk about it when we get back, Kenzaki should be sent back for treatment as soon as possible.

Obviously this is not a place for chatting, and Ju Shuo is also planning to tell them what happened after he goes back.

Hirose Shiori nodded quickly, supported Kazuma Kenzaki, and helped him get into the car.

Then the group went back towards the farm.

After returning to the farm, after some simple bandaging treatment, Kenzaki Kazuma's condition was almost improved.

It's just that the person hasn't woken up yet, so it's nothing serious.

Tachibana Saku also told everyone what happened, and Shima Noboru also listened quietly.

"Lu Li? What on earth did that guy want to do? He actually killed Mutue! Even if Mutue has been controlled by Category Ac, there is no need to do this!"

Frowning deeply, Shirai Torataro said that he couldn't understand it at all.

In the past, Lu Li had never killed anyone. At most, he only defeated his opponents.

However, this time, Lu Li seemed to be very decisive. According to what Ju Shuo also described, they all felt a little chilled after listening to it.

He actually turned a person directly into sand and dust. The scene was simply too terrifying.

With strong doubts in his eyes, Hirose Shiori could not guess what Lu Li meant by doing this.

"Mutsuki is dead, so why didn't Lu Li hurt Yamanaka Nozomi?

If he didn't care about a person's life or death, why did he help Nozomi delete the memory of Kamijiro Mutsuki?"

Thinking of this, Shirai Kotaro suddenly remembered something.

"By the way! Did you find something? Lu Li didn't seem to target ordinary people from beginning to end, but powerful undead creatures and knights. It feels like he is

a little different from ordinary undead creatures."

Ju Shuo also recalled what happened before. Just as Shirai Kotaro said, Lu Li never took action against ordinary people.

Is he not interested? Or is it because of some other reason?

I can't figure this out for the time being.

Shima Noboru was silent for a long time, and then suddenly said.

"Mutsuki's situation is very bad. There is no way to awaken his human will. He has been completely swallowed by Category Ac.

Even if he doesn't die, he can't come back. Maybe... this is a good thing.

And Lu Li erased the memory of Yamanaka Mochimi, and all the memories about Kamijou Mutsuki are gone. This may also be a good thing."

Although this sounds a bit strange, everyone present knows exactly what kind of state Kamijou Mutsuki is in.

He has become a slave of Category Ac, leaving only a controlled skin, and has long lost the will of Kamijou Mutsuki.

At this time, Kenzaki Kazuma, who was bandaged like a bandage man, woke up.

When he saw the familiar environment around him, Kenzaki Kazuma was stunned for a while, after all, his consciousness stayed when he was fighting with Lu Li.

And he didn't know what happened to him later, why he suddenly fainted, and in the process of passing away, he felt confused.

It felt a bit like he was fighting, but 0.1 was that he had no perception of this aspect at all.

Noticing Kenzaki Kazuma sitting up from the sofa, Shirai Kotaro's face suddenly lit up and he shouted.

"Kenzaki, you finally woke up! You scared us, you got so many injuries all over your body.

Fortunately, you didn't have serious injuries, otherwise it would be troublesome, I'm afraid we would have to send you to the hospital.

Kenzaki Kazuma could guess that he was not dreaming, but really came back, and the previous battle must have ended with his defeat.

A bitter smile flashed across his face, thinking that he had a stronger form, and he would have a chance to compete with Lu Li.

Unexpectedly, even King.Form couldn't do anything to Lu Li.

The card in the opponent's hand was the fifth category Ac card. The guy after the transformation was really too strong.

Without using any other courts, he defeated himself easily.

Suddenly, Kenzaki Kazuma remembered that he had heard that Kamijou Mutsuki was dead before, and hurriedly looked at Tachibana Sakuya.

"Tachibana Senior! Mutsuki... Mutsuki, is he really already...

This is a heavy topic.

Although he didn't particularly want to open this scar, he had to get this matter clear now.

Nodding, Ju Shuo also knew that Jian Qi Yi Zhen was not mocking him, but trying to understand this matter clearly.

"Yes, Mu Yue is dead now. I saw it with my own eyes. He was turned into a handful of dust by Lu Li. It was a terrifying power."

With such a powerful force, Lu Li should have had the opportunity to get rid of him, but the other party did not do so.

Jian Qi Yi Zhen would not be stupid enough to think that Lu Li was kind enough to let him go. The other party must have a purpose.

As for what the purpose is, it is not clear yet.

PS: Thank you

Fei Yue Cang Xing's monthly ticket!

Chapter 487 Lu Li is our ancestor? ! The upcoming day of departure, conspiracy!

At this time, Guang Se Shiori remembered a disk that Ju Shuo had brought back before. No one knew what the password was.

After some cracking, Guang Se Shiori finally opened it successfully before they came back.

"By the way, Tachibana, I have unlocked the information in the disk you gave me before. Let's take a look together."

After saying that, Hirose Shiori immediately used the computer to read the information in the disk.


Tachibana Saku was also worried that the matter of Hirose Yoshito's test subject would be exposed, and was about to stop Hirose Shiori.

But in the end, he was still a step too late. Hirose Shiori had successfully opened the data.

While reading the data, Hirose Shiori's face changed, because there was no news about Hirose Yoshito on these data.

Hearing Tachibana Sakuya's call, Hirose Shiori raised his head and looked at him with a puzzled face.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that she did not show any abnormality and seemed to have no idea about Hirose Yoshito's situation, Tachibana Sakuya was relieved and secretly relieved.

Shaking his head slightly, Tachibana Sakuya also glanced at Kenzaki Kazuma and Shima Noboru.

They were also insiders.

The three of them had already discussed that no matter what, they should not tell Hirose Shiori about this matter:

Having already experienced a life-and-death separation, it would not be a good thing to let the other party recall the pain of that.

At this time, Hirose Shiori suddenly discovered something important, and his eyes lit up immediately.

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