"This is... come and see!"

Everyone came closer, and when they saw the information on the computer, their expressions became serious.

Because the information above is related to Lu Li.

"According to the data analysis above, Lu Li should be a human undead creature. To be precise, he should be a human undead creature from the first extreme battle..."

As Hirose Shiori's voice fell, the whole room suddenly became silent.

Everyone was very surprised. Except for Shima Noboru, everyone was shocked and speechless by the news.

“Sure enough, just like my previous analysis, there were two extreme battles.

Lu Li was the winner of the first extreme battle. Not only that, he was also a human undead creature. "

Jiu Sheng had only guessed that Lu Li was the winner of the first extreme battle, but he did not know Lu Li's true identity.

But now, Lu Li's identity suddenly became clear.

"Then according to this, Lu Li should be considered the ancestor of us humans?! Ah this!"

Shirai Torataro opened his mouth slightly, and he no longer knew what to say.

At first, I thought the other party was just a bad undead creature, but now I realized that the other party was actually the ancestor of mankind!

This news should not be too surprising.

Leaning on the sofa, Kazaki Kenzaki really wanted to raise his hand to touch his head, but he felt a little pain in his shoulder and couldn't lift it up, so he had to give up.

"That guy Lu Li has such an identity!"

For a moment, Kenzaki Kazuma really didn't know whether what he did before was right or not.

He actually took action against the ancestor of mankind!

Ju Shuo didn't know what to say at this time, the news was really shocking.

I originally thought that the other party was an enemy that had to be defeated, but now I found that Lu Li's true identity was too complicated.

This breaking news immediately stunned everyone.

The room suddenly fell silent, and no one knew what to say at this time.

At this moment, the door of the villa was suddenly pushed open, and Hajime Aikawa walked in from the outside.


When he saw that the person who walked in was Hajime Aikawa, Kenzaki was really ready to say hello, but he forgot that he was still injured.

"Hi~! It hurts!"

Taking a sharp breath, Kenzaki Kazuma lay straight on the sofa.

At this time, Aikawa Hajime had also suppressed the wildness in his heart.

When he saw the scarred Kenzaki Kazuma, he frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Did you use that power?"

The other party asked him questions as soon as he walked in. Kenzaki Kazuma was completely confused.

"What? What is that power? You should explain it more clearly."

Shima Noboru nodded thoughtfully, as if he had thought of something.

"He's talking about King.Form.

"King.Form? What's the problem?"

With doubts in his eyes, Kenzaki Kazuma didn't understand what would happen if he used King.Form.

The only thing he knows now is that if he uses it too many times, it will probably turn him into an undead creature.


Aikawa Hajime's eyes narrowed, and he didn't feel wrong.

"Kensaki, don't use that power anymore. When you use that power, the wild nature in my body is awakening and wants to seize control of my body!

Not long ago, I almost failed to suppress my wildness.

And Kenzaki, I can feel that your physical condition is changing now.

Keep using it, and sooner or later your body will change and become... just like mine! "

The room suddenly became quiet.

Tachibana Saku also knew about the issue Aikawa Hajime mentioned, and reminded Kenzaki Kazuma many times.

But what would happen if I was reminded, it was really impossible for Kenzaki Kazuma to give up his current power.

At least he couldn't give up until he sealed all the undead creatures that threatened people.

This guy is so stubborn that he can't even pull himself back.

The other side.

Lu Li, Cheng Guang and the others were walking on the street.

Recalling what Lu Li did to the human girl before, Miyuki Yoshinaga asked curiously.

"By the way, Lu Li, what did you do to that human girl before? Why did she pass out suddenly? Did you kill her?"

Good guy!

Lu Li looked at Yoshinaga Miyuki with a very speechless look. Lu Li just liked fighting with powerful people.

But it doesn't mean that he likes to kill people casually. He doesn't have this habit.

What's more, Yamanaka Nozomi is indeed a very kind-hearted girl, and Lu Li has no reason to kill her.

At least there is no conflict between the other party and you. In this case, Lu Li, you have absolutely no reason to kill the other party.

"No, it's just that she couldn't accept it when she witnessed her boyfriend being killed, and it was a huge mental shock, so I eliminated all the ties between her and Mutsuki Kamijo.


Without these memories, she would naturally not think of that sad thing, and she could live a good life. "

Miyuki Yoshinaga looked at Lu Li in surprise and teased.

"Ouch! Are you showing pity for her? That little girl looks pretty good. Are you interested in her?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Miyuki Yoshinaga felt her buttocks tingle slightly.


The crisp sound made Miyuki Yoshinaga freeze on the spot.

I don't know if it was because she had been in the human world for a long time, but there was a blush on her face.

"What are you doing in broad daylight?"

With a coquettish expression, Yoshinaga Miyuki said so verbally, but she was not worried about being discovered at all.

Although he is a young man, he is not essentially a human being, so naturally he does not have so many constraints.

As the two people interacted so intimately, Cheng Guang looked on and suddenly said something.

"What are we going to do next? When are we going to leave this world?"

Now that she was out of the trouble of the extreme battle and no longer had to fight, she naturally looked forward to going to another world.

Cheng Guang has always been very curious about what that world is like.

When Lu Li was suddenly asked this question, he was ready to leave, but not now.

In the previous battle, the Imperial Sword obviously did not exert its true power, but was controlled by wildness, and only relied on fighting instinct to fight.

This is not what he wants.

What he wants is for Kazuma Kenzaki to truly control the Imperial Sword. When the time comes to fight him again, it would be best if he can bring Gelian's Imperial form with him.

"It still takes a little time, but it's coming soon. I'm still a little short of achieving my goal, and it won't be long.

With Kenzaki Kazuma's strong will, I believe that it won't be long before he can completely master the power of the Imperial Sword.

When that time comes, it will be the final battle.

"Great! You can go to another world right away. I'm really curious about what the other world is like."

With eyes full of anticipation, Yoshinaga Miyuki was even a little impatient.

"Don't worry, it won't be long."

In the next few days, Kenzaki Kazuma gradually mastered the power of the Imperial Sword with the help of Ming Sheng.

When he transformed, he would no longer be controlled by the wild nature after assimilation.

Of course, the entire training process was not that simple and took a lot of effort.

Before Aikawa Hajime arrived, he told Kenzaki Kazuma not to continue to transform, otherwise he would transform back into Jokr because he could not control his power.

That day Kenzaki Kazuma handed over the King of Hearts to him.

Since there is no Queen of Hearts, but with Kig of Hearts, Hajime Aikawa has indeed suppressed the wildness in his heart, so that he will not be killed when Kenzaki Kazuma transforms into fighting.

An explosion of wildness.

After solving this problem, Kenzaki Kazuma dared to continue transforming into the Imperial Sword to fight.

At the same time, there were two other people who were not idle either.

These two people are naturally Yoshito Hirose, who escaped before, and Kanei, who became a partner.

In order to be able to deal with Lu Li, Yoshito Hirose directly used all the funds he had to create test subjects.

However, due to the missing card of Kg of Hearts and the absence of other undead cards, the only one who can provide undead cells this time is Jin Ju.

As the King of Diamonds, the power held by Jinju cannot be underestimated. His cells are similar to those of the Heart Kig.

With the help of these non-living cells and the addition of human genes, Yoshito Hirose directly mass-produced them this time and created a lot of test subjects.

As for the purpose, of course it was to encircle and suppress Lu Li.

Since there was no way to beat Lu Li in terms of quality, he had to find a way to suppress Lu Li in terms of quantity.

As the saying goes, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes!

When the number of test subjects you own exceeds a certain number, your combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved.

When the time comes to lay siege to Lu Li, they are quite certain that they can defeat him.

In Tenwang Hiroshi's secret research institute, Hirose Yoshito had a sneer on his face as he watched the test subjects in front of him being completed.

Standing aside, Jin Ju pushed up his glasses slightly, looked at the test subjects one by one, and said in surprise.

"With these test subjects, do you think it's possible to defeat that guy?"

It's not that Jin Ju doesn't want to believe it, but that he wants to be as confident as possible against Lu Li.

The opponent's strong strength made him full of fear.

Jin Ju wants to be as sure as possible in everything he does and doesn't want to take too many risks.

He doesn't want to involve himself when the time comes, because that would really be more of a loss than a gain.

Facing the question raised by Jin Juzhu, Hirose Yoshito nodded without hesitation, and then walked towards a trial field nearby.

"Since you doubt his power, come and try it yourself.

Upon hearing Yoshito Hirose's words, Jin Ju suddenly became interested and wanted to test the strength of the newly created experimental body.

Entering the trial field, Jin Ju directly transformed into the form of an undead creature.

The door to the trial ground slowly opened, and three identical test subjects walked out.

The saw-shovel undead creature directly drew out his swords without any carelessness.

How effective are these three guys in combat? Now it's time to test it out.

If the combat effectiveness is passed, then the next step of the plan can be started, targeting Lu Li!

The guy who ruined the Extreme Battle, the Saw-Shovel Undead hated Lu Li very much.

"The battle begins!

Following Hirose Yoshi's order, the three experimental subjects received the order and rushed forward immediately.

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